In-Depth Thoughts from The Girl
Hey there, thanks for making your way past all the tech talk, and down here to my part of the world. I first of all want to say thanks to everyone for the emails from last week! WHAT A RESPONSE!
It seems a lot of you enjoy the newsletter simply for the general goings on of the Maker household. It’s just a reminder to you that we really are just human, well the girls and I are… Ray is still questionable. And Lucy is just Lucy.
This past weekend was absolutely beautiful here in Amsterdam. With the exception of naps (adults included), all bodies were outdoors playing, getting fresh air, and absorbing sunshine for the entirety of the weekend. To kick off the weekend, the Maker clan set out for a “fun” adventure Saturday morning. The plan was made on Friday night to load up the kiddos and head out to the Tulip gardens at Keukenhof bright and early the next day. I should back up a little here, just to paint the whole picture. We woke up unreasonably early on Saturday morning, 5:40am early, which was not the plan. The Peanut decided she had enough of this sleeping regime, and that was that.
There was no reasoning with her that sleep is a privilege that she should not waste, so Ray took one for the team. They headed off to the living room where a couch, warm milk bottle, coffee, and the newest fascination of “The Gruffalo” were consumed. P2 wasn’t long to follow and soon enough the whole Fam-Jam was up partying on Saturday morning. It wasn’t hard to tell that The Peanut was in one of her wonderful toddler moods (Guuurl is a tween already), but Ray and I stuck to the plan of going to the gardens for some family “fun”. Surely she’ll come around?
All of you seasoned parents out there are grinning at your screens right now. You know, this is not going down the way we envisioned. I picked out sweet little outfits for the both the girls, made sure Ray was wearing something other than a cycling t-shirt, and I found something that wasn’t leftover maternity related. I packed snacks, and bottles, and water, and diapers, and wipes…you name it. But when you have a non-compliant toddler for the day, you might as well have tried to pack a unicorn… Family photos were not going to happen. The Peanut has a million dollar smile, and nowadays when she sees the camera or phone, it’s 90-10 that she will look away, run away, or purposefully frown? I have to stress that she was in a grumpy mood, just a mood of her own. Doing her own thing, and don’t bug me. Akin to “talk the to hand” from back in the 90’s. I’m just so glad Ray recently surprised me with a new iPhone, specifically so I can use that beautiful portrait camera mode to take pictures of the back of The Peanut’s head.
Have no fear. Ray and I try to take it all in stride. We took a selfie of just the two of us, a rarity these days. Then we took a family photo whether she liked it or not!!
After the camera was put away, we strolled the gardens for a few hours, checked out the petting zoo animals, and hopped the shuttle bus back to Schiphol, and eventually back to our new humble abode. Circling back to that thing I was talking about in the beginning… naps! And sunshine! Life is really good here in Amsterdam, we are looking forward to seeing how the summer shapes up!
~The Girl.