DC Rainmaker

Something look funny? Read this newsletter online!

Howdy, Happy Monday!

Some of you might be asking, what is this email? A newsletter from DC Rainmaker? Yup, well technically, it’s an email from The Girl, aka Ray’s other half, aka… my name is Bobbie. I imagine a lot of you are laughing “well well well, look who’s back”, while some of you might actually be a new subscriber to the newsletter, also a product of being a registered DCR Supporters. So if you’re new to this welcome, and thanks for joining.

For my long-time readers. I missed you! Thanks for sticking with and patiently waiting for the next newsletter. I’ll give you the quick and dirty of what’s been happening down at the end in the In-Depth Thoughts from The Girl.

So, what has been happening at DCR Headquarters as of late? Well, you might have seen the post from Friday that announced our new (USA based) partnership with Backcountry.com and CompetitiveCyclist.com. That was pretty big news we have been sitting on, and are really excited to have announced. That also meant for a LOT of work the past month to get links and such organized across the website and with all the products review.


For the next few weeks/months, if you see any links that aren’t quite right, or simply something on the site that just looks off or broken, go ahead and send us a (friendly) heads up. We are working hard with the dev team on some great updates, making the site more user friendly for our readers. However, sometimes when something new is implemented it’s like playing whack-a-mole finding what might have broken; but hey, I love a good game of whack-a-mole with a side of carnival churros! mmmmm Anyways, good things to come!

As for reviews and new products, it’s as busy as ever. It’s pretty cool to see that in today’s “Corona World” companies have still been pushing forward with new products, updates, and innovation. I imagine after everyone has experienced some sort of lockdown, shelter in place, or quarantine orders from their respective governments worldwide this year, we have all come to appreciate getting outside or having some form of home-fitness option just that little bit extra!

I won’t go back and try to revive all the posts Ray has written since June, today was more of a “Hey there” newsletter. The goal being to get this back up and running on a weekly basis again.  


The YouTube channel is really moving and grooving these days. I’ve linked just one video below for you to check out if you haven’t already. Mostly because it features the new Trainer and Chill T-shirts I helped create with one of my graphic design friends from home. As well, the video demonstrates just how many gummy bears Ray eats in a regular workday. For realz.

Also, a PSA here. If you hit the like button on a YouTube video, or subscribe to a YouTube creator’s channel, that’s a really great way to support people who are putting out content. More importantly, if you subscribe, and I disappear again for another 4 months, you’ll still be kept well informed of new videos being published!

·       Rad Cycling Trainer Desk – Long Term Review

image Week in Review: October 18th, 2020
image New US Partnership + $500 Gadget Giveaway: Backcountry.com & Competitive Cyclist!
image Strava Turns Off Flyby Feature For All Users, Have to Opt Back In
image Garmin Index S2 Smart WiFi Connected Scale In-Depth Review
image Amazon Prime Days Sports Tech Deals Round-Up!

In-Depth Thoughts from The Girl

Well, thanks so much for finding your way down here. So, what happened to the newsletter? Well, yeah, life is hectic. A great kind of hectic, but all the same, very full days. There’s lots to juggle, and at the end of it all, when something comes up or when duty calls, “mom” usually steps up for whatever odd job, doctors appointment, errand, you name it, needs to get done. Time somehow chips away, and the Newsletter kept getting put to the side.

Now, I’m certainly not complaining, it’s just the dynamic of how we have life and work set up over here. It allows Ray the consistency to be the full steam ahead workhorse that he is.

So WHAT has been so busy the last while that the newsletter had vaporized? Well, early in the summer I was honestly having a hard time finding the motivation writing anything that felt worthy. With Black Lives Matters really finding its voice, I wanted to step down for a while, and not add more noise to people’s inboxes. Let their messages be heard.


Once late summer hit we were fortunate to take a long planned beach vacation with our closest friends from Paris. It’s amazing when you have gone almost 5 months without socializing, to having a 2 week break with another family, how badly you miss 2019! We came back to Amsterdam refreshed and ready to go. But there was a catch.

Sort of out of the blue we decided to move houses. While this move was a much easier task than our prior moves from USA – Paris, or Paris- Amsterdam, let me tell you, it was still a task. Like I said earlier, when it comes down to who’s getting volunteered as tribute, it’s usually me. So for 98% of the move, the packing, coordination of moving trucks, the unpacking, and all the things in between, I took the lead. I guess I did twist Ray’s arm into the move, so what’s fair is fair.

And now, we have just announced our new American Partnership with Backcountry.com and CompetitiveCyclist.com. While that might seem like a simple manner, there are hours upon hours, upon way more hours of work to do for a big transition like that. Lots of little things that I never really get to put my stamp on, but none the less, the work has to get done.

As well, over the summer Ray and I had started putting together a weekly or bi-weekly “Quarantine Corner Video”, that was sort of a mix up of the newsletter and the podcast. If you haven’t heard of such a video, it was emailed to DC Rainmaker Supporters, as a sort of behind the scenes, or life and times in the Maker house. Unfortunately, the Netherlands’ Corona numbers have soared again over the past month or so, and we are back in a partial yet restrictive lockdown. So, once I have hit go on this newsletter, I’m off to the lower half of the cave to set up a new setup for those more Quarantine Corners, stay tuned.

So that’s it. Nothing super special. Just life whizzing by, and I’m sorry the newsletter took the backseat. Here’s to getting back on the wagon and I hope to see you in your inbox again next week!

As always, thanks so much for following along!

~The Girl

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by using the links below! And Wiggle too...once Ray figures out how to update the image template with three columns instead of two.

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