DC Rainmaker

Something look funny? Read this newsletter online!

Heyyyyyyy Everybody!

Well, it has been an interesting few weeks no? For me, it’s felt a lot like Groundhog Day, but we are making the best of it. I do want to give a gigantic shout out to the Dutch weatherman. Not sure what strings he had to pull, but we are having unseasonably sunny weather, and it is EVERYTHING right now. We are deep into our third week sans-daycare, and I’m not sure what I would have done if we had had the typical Dutch cold, sideways rain for the last while. Note: It IS still cold, but dry. ANYWAYYYYS, I’ll get you straight to the tech now, and maybe tell you more tales of The Peanuts down below. Not even sure what I’m going to say in the In-Depth Thoughts yet… there hasn’t been a lot of in-depth thinking these days!

So just like last week, there is still a list of all the indoor training goodness currently on sale here on the deals page. It seems over the last few weeks lots of companies are still feeling the pressure, or responsibility of keeping people moving and sane during this prolonged indoor period. And thus the rush to get you on their latest piece of equipment continues! If you’re in need of an upgrade or simply need a new toy to tinker with, check out the best deals! (sorry, to clarify, the sales are USA based… you Europeaners don’t have the whole MAP pricing junk).

Speaking of indoor training goodness, have you seen Ray’s latest Cycling Trainer App Guide In-Depth Review? Now folks, you know what I’m going to say here. There was ZERO chance I was going to read that entire thing. It covers what Ray considers the top 11 apps for 2020, and he does his famous “In-Depth Analysis” of all of them. I supposed I should give the post a whirl and read up on the different apps as we do pay for ALLLLLLL of the apps that Ray tests though out the year(s). Do a little math there for your own entertainment, I was a little taken back when I first started working for the site and collecting invoices each month… ouch.

Okay moving on. There were a few nights there last week whereby Ray headed down to the office late night, or just didn’t come home until late night. Why? Because apparently companies exist on the (mostly/sorta) West Coast of the USA, a mere 9 hour time zone difference. TrainerRoad launched a Live Group Workout Function, and the guys wanted to get together on all the time zones (I see you Australia) to work out the kinks a few times before steaming live for the masses. From the table talk here with the man himself, sounds like this is a super solid function that is going very well. If you’re a TrainerRoad peep, or interested in the app, definitely check it out!

Next up, Ray continues to taunt me with the term Tidbit vs Timbits. This has been on going for years now folks. And maybe only my Canadian readers, or Canadian Expat readers, can appreciate this. But, you have to understand that he specifically continues to use the term TIDBIT to make me giggle and miss my homeland at the same time. There are many synonyms that could be used in place of tidbit. So, with that, here is the Sports Tech Tidbits: Fitbit Charge 4, Strava Adds Weather, Zwift Clubs, Suunto’s Training Peaks Metrics, COROS New Features, and more.

Keeping with the Canadian trend here. 4iiii just dropped the price of their Precision Power Meter to $299, also increased the warranty to 3 years! Tho, one has to ask the question, “Is that $299 Canadian Pesos or American Dollars?" Just sayin’.

Well, here’s a super big cheers to you for finishing this section of the newsletter! I’m mostly giving myself some self-talk here. I started this newsletter at 10am on Wednesday morning. It will be interesting to see when YOU actually received the finished product. With that, we are at the end of tech catch up for this week. Next up we have Podcast updates and YouTube-y goodness.

The FIT File with DC Rainmaker and GPLAMA:

I asked Ray to sum up what the last Podcast in “like 7 words” and he said “errrrr blah, go listen to it yourself”. So, since I’d like this newsletter to go out before midnight, I will not listen to it. So, I’m going to pass on the same company line Ray gave me… Go listen to it for yourself.  ? Episode 103 is up for your consumption now!

Check out the FIT File Page for the latest episodes and to stay classy!

As always, for your streaming convenience, if you’re not at your computer you can pick your fancy of streaming platforms via iTunes, Google Play, or Spotify to tune in.


A lot of people are talking about how to support small businesses these days. How can YOU help support local if you can’t go to small family owned shops right now. Did you know that by simply subscribing to your favorite YouTube channels or by clicking “LIKE” on a video, that that helps that YouTube-er massively? For real. Are you a subscriber for Ray’s YouTube Channel? It’s a big help to the channel if you subscribe. If you’re not interested in that kind of commitment, simply hitting the “like” button on the video while watching goes a long way! Thanks for your support:

·       TrainerRoad Live Group Workouts: Setup/ Tested/ Explained

image 4iiii Lowers Power Meter Prices to $299, Increases Warranty to 3 Years
image Sports Tech Tidbits: Fitbit Charge 4, Strava adds Weather, Zwift Clubs, Suunto’s TrainingPeaks Metrics, COROS New Features and more!
image TrainerRoad Launches Live Group Workouts with Video
image Cycling Trainer App Guide In-Depth: 2020 Edition
image Socially Distant Sports Tech $500 Gadget Giveaway!

In-Depth Thoughts from The Girl

Well well well. You made it all the way down here. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my super random thoughts today.

Let me tell you. I saw a meme yesterday that resonated with me so deeply. It said something along the lines of “You don’t have toddlers? Tell me what you’re doing during this time of Quarantine. Reading. Napping. Learning a new hobby. Go ahead. Talky dirty to me!” I died. Seriously. I have said to Ray on numerous occasions “imagine if this was 5-6 years ago pre-kids”. We would be doing ALL THE THINGS. Taking online courses for Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, cooking classes, strength training, running, and… honestly, I’d also probably be starting a new quilt too (don’t laugh). BUT, wrangling the three peanuts all day everyday for 3 weeks has been something else.


Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not complaining. I am actually taking this rare time in my life and enjoying every last minute. It’s hard. It’s mentally and physically tiring. But, it’s likely not something (universe willing) that we will experience again. I’ve always had massive guilt that the kids are 5 days a week in daycare, so I’m taking this time to “live it up” at home with the kiddos. In the three weeks at home, so far, I have completely potty trained a VERY “feisty” toddler. Organized a daily schedule of naps, bottles, crafts, “alphabet-word wall”, importance of sharing and negotiation skillz, snacks, lunches, physical education, and Dutch language lessons. Plus tried to get at LEAST 3 new dinner meal options per week on the plate by the time Ray gets home. Keeping in mind our oldest is only 3.5 years old, and youngest is 6 months.

My undergrad and master’s degree professors would be proud. I can’t tell you the number of times I have referred back to some teaching skills of having things prepped for the next activity, and editing my language to being super clear communicative. It’s funny, because now, I don’t think of myself as just their “mom”, but also as their teacher. The reality is, this isn’t just getting through the weekend and having some fun family time. The Netherlands just extended their school/daycare closures to May 3rd. If all goes well and we actually go back to “normal” by then, we are looking at 7+ weeks of at home time. That’s an eternity for a tiny hooman. Not just “no school”. But, no museums. No gymnastics. No playdates/ birthday parties. No friends. No playgrounds. No grocery store trips. No pancake restaurants. No petting zoos. So it’s more than just becoming a stay at home mom for 2 months (btw props to all stay at home parents out there). I feel this responsibility of keeping a “routine school” schedule so when they do return to school it’s not total chaos.

In all honestly, I don’t think we will be back at school by early May. I’m mentally planning for June. Maybe late July. Who knows? But, I refuse to complain. At the moment the Maker Family Compound is in lock down; we are safe. Ray goes to our office which does not share any common space with others. Our home entrance is private, we don’t share with the other neighbors which is the common set-up for Dutch houses. We receive and sanitize all groceries/packages down at the office space and transfer home from there (and virtually all our groceries are online now). We aren’t taking chances on getting sick OR accidently infecting others if we are sick and don't know it. It’s the least we can do. And me, being grateful that I can have this time with our kiddos, as wild and hectic as it might seem, is the VERY least that I can say about the situation. For the moment we are ok, and we are applying as much pressure on extended family as possible to do the same, stay home and healthy.

That’s my queue to also insert a little something here for you. Seriously. If you’re reading this newsletter, you’ve likely invested somehow in the Maker Family. You either like Ray and his ramblings or somehow, you’ve taken to my weird humor and writing style. And in return we really like you. So please just hang tight over the next few weeks… months. Stay home. Stay low key. We want to see you back here week to week.

In efforts to keep you home and entertained (probably waaaay too entertained). Stay tuned. We are working on an upcoming video series for our “Supporter” members. Videos might also leak here to newsletter peeps too, we don’t have all the details worked out just yet, but I think you’ll be interested.

I hope that wasn’t too Debbie-Downer for you. Until next week, thanks for reading!

~The Girl

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