Tag Archives: Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra

Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra In-Depth Review: Finally Accurate?

 In the year of our Lord 2024, it appears Samsung has finally delivered a mostly accurate smartwatch. Sure, it took a decade, but the eagle has probably landed. Mostly. The catch on ‘mostly’ is of course where I’ll spend … Read More Here

Testing Out Samsung’s New 4-Minute Cycling FTP Magician

 Last week Samsung touted a pretty bold claim in the middle of their keynote for their newest smartwatch: They could determine your cycling FTP (functional threshold power, the max power you can maintain for roughly an hour). To do … Read More Here

Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra, Galaxy Watch 7, Galaxy Ring: Everything you need to know!

 Samsung has announced the Samsung Galaxy Watch Ultra, Samsung Galaxy Watch 7, and finally – all of the price and specifications of the Galaxy Ring they announced last summer. There are some substantially big ticket items here in terms … Read More Here