- Category: Paris (continued)
- Getting our Christmas tree home by bicycle: 2012 Edition
- Observations from our first indoor pool swim workout in Paris
- Our Parisian Dinner in White with 13,000 people
- Our wanderings through the French countryside
- Paris Blog: A look at the Autolib: It’s like ZipCar for Paris
- Paris Blog: A look at the one and the only Parisian Chipotle
- Paris Blog: A Road Trip to the French Coast
- Paris Blog: A time-lapse video–Moving into the apartment in 40 seconds (and what happens when a box falls from five stories up)
- Paris Blog: A Trip to A French Costco- Wine tasting, caviar, and so much fromage!
- Paris Blog: An evening market cooking class
- Paris Blog: Bertie’s CupCakery - December Update!
- Paris Blog: Bertie’s CupCakery- June Update!
- Paris Blog: Closing Time
- Paris Blog: Free hugs!
- Paris Blog: Friday night date night…at the restaurant supply store
- Paris Blog: Hanging out at the French Open
- Paris Blog: House Hunters International–Part I
- Paris Blog: House Hunters International–Part II
- Paris Blog: How we get shipments & mail from the US to France
- Paris Blog: Let the new bells ring!
- Paris Blog: Putting the house on the market
- Paris Blog: The Beaches (Paris Plages)
- Paris Blog: The Dancing Goose Market
- Riding Velibs on the famed cobbles of the Champs-Élysées
- Running into a Parade, Cycling in Circles, and Crushing Cardboard
- Running past topless demonstrators–and other antics from my weekend
- We’re moving to Paris…tomorrow!
- Category: Bertie's CupCakery
- Category: Day to day
- Category: Food in Paris
- A long ride from Paris
- A look at our neighborhood farmers market
- A Night at Diner en Blanc 2015!
- Paris Blog: A look at the one and the only Parisian Chipotle
- Paris Blog: An evening market cooking class
- Paris Blog: Friday night date night…at the restaurant supply store
- Paris Blog: Going to the farm and picking fresh produce!
- Paris Blog: The Dancing Goose Market
- Category: France Trips
- Category: Moving to Paris