I’m excited to announce a new partnership for US readers, with Backcountry.com & CompetitiveCyclist.com! This new partnership helps support the site here, while also getting you a discount on applicable items as well using the DCR Coupon Code. And, atop that, they’re sponsoring giveaways like this very one right here. Win-win!
Both Backcountry.com & CompetitiveCyclist.com are owned by the same entity, and thus you’ll largely see most of the sports tech items I tend to review on both platforms. Eagle-eyed readers have noticed a slow transition of links over to Backcountry.com & CompetitiveCyclist.com over the last few weeks – and I’ve already seen a number of you taking advantage of that. Using the links here on the site (always on the sidebar), or in the review posts directly, helps support what I do here. It’s much appreciated!
Atop that, I’ve been working with the folks at both companies to increase inventory and stocking in the sports tech product areas you care about most, something you’ll probably start to see the benefits of over the next little while (and in some cases, already).
For those readers that have been around the site a long time, you’ll know previously my main partner in the US was Clever Training, for some 8 years in fact! And they’ve been a great partner over that timeframe not just for the site, but for thousands of you as well. Links to Clever Training will continue to support the site through the end of October, but not beyond that. Your existing Clever Training VIP memberships will remain valid beyond that, as do any points you’ve accrued.
Now to get this party kicked off, I’m doing a $500 gadget giveaway. It’s been a while! The winner gets a $500 gift certificate to Backcountry or Competitive Cyclist for the gear of their choice. It could be a watch, a bike computer, or heck, even just a whole lot of gels. Or a hoodie. Whatever floats your boat. Now, while the Backcountry/Competitive Cyclist site is mostly blocked in Europe and some other places, fear not – you’re still good! You can continue using Wiggle or Amazon to support this site (they are always on the sidebar). And, if you are a non-American winner, you’ll still get up to a $500 gadget of your choice that’s from their inventory. See, I have you covered!
Use Backcountry.com or Competitive Cyclist with either the coupon code DCRAINMAKER for first-time users saving 15% on applicable products. And both Backcountry & Competitive Cyclist offer free 2-day shipping!
How to enter the giveaway:
Simply leave a short description below in the comments with what your weekend workout plans are. Even if that ‘workout’ includes spending time with Netflix. Recovery is important!
Note that simply putting the word ‘Run’ in the box is likely to get caught up in my SPAM filters. And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM. So, adding a few extra explanatory words helps! Got all that?
Good luck!
The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, October 19th, 2020 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time. Winner will be selected randomly. One entry per person. The selected product will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming it’s in stock. If the winner is outside the US, I’ll work with you directly to get you all sorted out. Note that your information above stays entirely within the dcrainmaker.com site and is not given to any entities, except the winner of course, as to be able to place their order.
Hopefully, you found this post useful. The website is really a labor of love, so please consider becoming a DC RAINMAKER Supporter. This gets you an ad-free experience, and access to our (mostly) bi-monthly behind-the-scenes video series of “Shed Talkin’”.
Support DCRainMaker - Shop on Amazon
Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.
Saturday includes a multi-hour hike at a Delaware State park. Sunday includes a 10 mile run.
10k run around our local lakes.
Rollerski until it snows! The buy a ski erg.
Hiking a 40 mile stretch of the CDT in Idaho
Shoveling counts as a workout right?
Planting trees
Goimg to install a bike rack in the van and take the bike for spin
Runs and a family bike ride on tap.
Running a double dip virtual 10k to support All Stars Project.org and the Res Bamdanna Run.
All stars project funds urban after school programs.
The Res Bandanna rum honors the 9/11 hero Welles Crowther, whose selfless acts saved as many as 18 lives that day. Incredible story viewable on YouTube/ ESPN.
Run through the fall leaves
Doing 4-5 hours zone 2 outdoor ride.
I did a solid long run today, but tomorrow I’m probably going to try to get back a segment that I lost in my neighborhood. Should be nice weather for it!
Nice. This would great to buy my wife a bike trainer!
I’m going to run both days of the weekend.
Two runs at a local state park in Wisconsin with all the changing leave colors.
Working this weekend, so bike commuting for me.
Short bike ride for sunday if the weather is good
A bit of Peloton and a bit of beer
A quick 10 miler in the Southeast US now that fall temps have arrived.
I just got back from a 40 mile ride but the temperature and wind is starting to get to me. I think tomorrow I will just set my bike on my trainer and watch netflix inside. It will probably be a little warmer.
Is it still time? How this year it’s my turn!!
Friday my girls HS golf team won their third State Title, and I drove to Northern Michigan to watch the leaves change colors.
Long mountain bike ride in perfect colorful fall weather of Asheville NC
Thank you so much for offering this giveaway! This weekend I’m hoping to get out for a nice relaxing stroll around the neighborhood, despite a heat wave. Not quite a workout, but fits into the recovery rubric you made so permissible! :)
Recovery from early Fall common cold (not COVID, as I had that in March). So this weekend’s workout is hydrating and rest.
A big gravel ride!
EZ run 10km on Friday, EZ run 8km on Saturday, Long run 24km on Sunday :)
A little time on the trainer, but mostly working on homework that is due this weekend.
Weekend plans are 25k trail run on Saturday with a new group. Sunday will be a ride with family. And of course another mile run to keep the streak
Rest on Saturday. A slow 10-mile run on Sunday morning to beat the heat.
Run to hills and bike far away
Weekend workout plans include some biking and running!
Lucky to live is SW Florida where it is perpetual summer. Tomorrow we ride at 7:15 for about 30 miles. The. Coffee together with great folks.
Ironman VR 28
My plans are to hook up the Thule Chariot up to the bike, fill it with kids and their stuff, and ride it as fast as their giggles allow.
Wow, big changes afoot at DCR! I did a 3hr solo endurance ride today and will do a 3.5-ish he climby ride tomorrow.
Go out tu run almost 15k
Running twice with the kiddo in the stroller, 10+12 miles goal!
I am doing 2 trail runs of 6 & 12 miles in the mountains Sat. & Sun.
Zwift Watopia Fuego Flat ride today. I’ll probably do at least one KOM loop tomorrow followed by Titan’s Grove…then onto the dread mill.
Ride London on Zwift while watching Utopia on Netflix!
A difficult workout plan this weekend due to work pressures so having a gentle trail run up Mt Kau Kau in Wellington New Zealand and then a rest until a cold dip into the sea for a short splash.
Saturday is a birhday party for my daughter, Sunday a nice 20-30 mile ride!
Work, errands and a family BBQ. But I am looking forward to winter strength training.
Day off the bike after a hard-ish week. Stay safe all.
Indoor cycling on Zwift for 2hrs.
Ride my bike, kind of a lot.
90 minute indoor ride while watching college football today and a long run tomorrow around DC.
Building IKEA furniture … cross training.
TrainerRoad. I love/hate TrainerRoad.
Hilly 7mi run and hilly 60 mi bike ride.
Thank you, @dcrainmaker!!
TrainerRoad workout and hiking with my family! Then maybe a run to get back into running shape!
Short workout Sat, Hike on Sunday, and a short run Sunday afternoon.
Short run and strength workout.
In the process of moving, so that will be my weekend workout for awhile!
Plan is to take advantage of some decent mid-October weather to get in a couple of rides.
Working up to my indoor season with Zwift.
2 trainerroad workouts are on the schedule for the weekend. Mary Austin (love to hate that one) and Tallac +3
My plans are a 5 mile race over the Mississippi River. Came in 2nd.
I plan to ride the Macomb Orchard Trail with my amigos, then hang blinds during my recovery.
Saturday was a 22km ride to Musselman’s Lake. Sunday will be a long slow run (training plan is calling for 18km).
Run on Saturday and Bike on Sunday.
It’s yard work for me this weekend! Raking and bagging leaves in the US Midwest counts right? I mean Garmin is only a few miles away from here…
Ride some gravel and attack some tail trail!
Recovering from a long work week with some short runs around the neighborhood!
Saturday 11mi+ Trail Run
Sunday 6.5-7 Miles Road and Track
Having a hard time with motivation so probably just a longer walk
go for a long ride on the W&OD trail in northern virginia
9 mile run on Saturday.
Long run on Saturday and moderate road ride on Sunday.
Weekend workout plans: an 8 mile run into the Bronx with my partner this morning, and a simple solo 4 miler tomorrow. Not training for anything particular right now with no races going on, but trying to keep in at least half marathon shape.
I did a short bike ride today to kick off my offseason training plan. I’ll do a short zone 2 run tomorrow before getting into the plan for real.
I’ll be riding 10ish miles on my MTB, and then watching Flanders. Can’t wait!
Running, hiking, maybe just chasing kids
60+ mile ride with the Saturday group.
Trainer ride tonight and a run tomorrow morning
Zwift ride on Saturday, long run Sunday!
My ankle has been hurting for a while, so I’m taking it easy for now
Walked today. Going to jog on the Erie Canal and check out fall colors tomorrow.
Fitting in some tough Zwift workouts before I get away for a few days with the wife and kids.
Woo Hoo!
2-3 hour ride south and east
Trail running !!!
80 mile gravel race in snow… Yeah that was chilly
trail run off the blue ridge parkway
Bike and avoiding smoke from fires
Would love a new PM!
Play some Pickleball while recovering from gravel riding
Hopefully getting out on Sunday for buggy run with Mr mummy and me.
Zwift x2. Unless I can get out IRL x1.
Going to the zoo with my family–getting some walking exercise pushing the kid and stroller around
One wheeling at least 20 miles with my sons! It’s a workout, I promise.
The only workout I’m going to get time for is time in my NormaTec Recovery boots.
Catching up on sleep and getting in a ride outside tomorrow!
Run with my girls and a long ride on Sunday.
Thank you!
Long bike ride in the morning followed by a second ride with kids to the park.
Hiking, Gardening, Cleaning the backyard.
Weekend workout plan is 50 mile ride with a friend on new trails along the Mississippi. Day 2 has Pilates and a hike with the dog.
plan for the weekend, a 90Km bike ride along the Hudson river and 9W and a 20K run on Sunday….stretching those legs…
Break in my new bike with another ride tomorrow. Hopefully, I don’t take another tumble like on today’s ride. Don’t worry, the bike escaped with only a few scratches!
Two 60 minute zwift rides.
My weekend training plans? Answering the call of that bag of Nacho Cheese Doritos in the kitchen.
Woohoo!! Sweaty run today.
Hiking with the family
A little speed with my cross country team. A little more miles with a friend. And some hiking with the family.
Taking Saturday off, long run Sunday
Working out using fun workout videos I found on YouTube
Lot’s of hiking
Yard work and a treadmill run.
Long and easy gravel ride.
5k today and long road ride tomorrow with 3 climbs in preparation for the hincapie gran fondo
Running a half marathon to prepare myself for virtual MCM next weekend! I took 8 weeks off for recovery and it’s been hard coming back.
A hike today and a long drive back to DC tomorrow, 9 hrs or so!
1 burpee
Quick run, and then volunteering for a local cyclocross “time trial” event
Longish ride today, hike and picnic with the family tomorrow, and do some much needed maintenance in the family’s bike fleet tomorrow. Wife can’t currently ride her bike, so would be good to be fixed up for commute on Monday.
Nice long ride today and church tomorrow! Great weekend!
Putting winter tires on the cars and resting my sore Achilles’ tendon.
Today I did a 7mi run and tomorrow I’m planning on an indoor ride and then 10min run. And I’d love to win the $500 giveaway. Hehe one day…
Long bike ride and short 30 min run.
Century ride in Zwift world tomorrow
My workout plans are moving a Data Center.
Saturday : nice SUP trip on the sunrise
Sunday : walk with a lot of climbing.
Hope to manage to get in a zwift session or 2 if lucky
My 11 year old son and i have our version of Fushia Dunlop’s Emergency Noodles for breakfast on Saturday. Then at mod morning, we do a 2 miles loop around the neighborhood. Then we spend the rest of the time doing housework until mid afternoon when we run the 2 mile loop again.
Sunday runs are mostly what we call chat n runs. More like running at conversational pace. Sometimes more conversations than running.
I’ll be playing some golf, riding my bike, and doing some walking.
Switching between heat & ice on my aching body.
Belgian Waffle Ride Cedar City then hiking in Zion. I wish every weekend were this eventful!
A bit of trainer time in the basement
going to take a road trip down to San Luis Obispo! should be great weather!
Working on a new plan to help me lose the 25% weight I’ve gained over the last two years Vs my race weight… good times and about time I get back on that high horse!!
Yesterday, a 50km ride done. Today a whole day of rock climbing!
A trail run down to the beach and a dip!
Nice cool 5am 10km run in the next ten minutes, then work, then whiskey about lunchtime. (Shift worker) tomorrow I’m on nights so time to clear the alcohol
Putting up a new TV antenna!
Long run in the mountains
Cycling outdoor for century rides following exciting news of easing restrictions in Melbourne Victoria Australia … yay
Spent Friday having my wife on her E-bike pacing me. Got a good work out with the head wind.
Weekend plan: map out gym workouts for this week and cardio days.
A walk with the family and a ride on Zwift
Running the virtual JP Morgan….
Off-season has begun… this weekend’s training is some walks and couch time.
5 mile hike at a local ski resort!
Short run with the children in the trailer!
Weekend away of cycling
Cycling around the lake
I’ll be doing squat thrusts with my buddy Gary in the Fortress of Solitude™
Two rounds Zwifting around Watopia will have to do the job on this rainy weekend – but I am looking forward to seeing some friends online!
Running and biking through Northern Utah
Riding the Ibis Ripmo I bought from Competitive Cyclist a couple months ago! Ripping on a full squish really brightens up the week!
First really chilly ride of the fall
Saturday did 2:20 Zwift workout.
Sunday either 2:30 Zwift workout or 1:00 run
Saturday – open water swimming. Sunday – long run in the woods.
First ride after moving back to the States. Thanks, Ray.
Easy 17k, around 1:30
First Rouvy Ride
Already 3100 plus comments. Damn. Nursing an injury so some easy run and bike for me this weekend.
The only workout I am getting is getting my kid to swim practice.
A little ten mile loop around town.
a swim, a bike, a run, a rest
My swimming pool will be closed in Nov, I need to catchup swimming as much as I can.
looking to finally get outside for a run!
Long run on Saturday, sleeping in on Sunday
Indoor cycling and run
Need to do some strength training by renovating my new house and hopefully get a qucik ride in too!
Doing a full lap of my local MTB trails.
Going for 50k mtb trip at sunset here in NL.
Two 10k runs on saturday et sunday and two short bike rides to recover.
About to get up and out for a 50 mile road ride
Big solo gravel ride west of Boulder
Indoor cycling, weight machine and free weights
Lazy Saturday, then a MTB duathlon on Sunday.
Long rollerski session or may be 15km run on hilly terrain.
Road trip for work with visits to see kids at school
Long ride to try out the new tubeless setup!
Short ride and a long run through San Francisco.
Trail riding!
Suffering with cramp and illness and sleeping, rather than getting outside for a nice easy 50
Went on a hike in the mountains yesterday (first in a while!) with a Fenix 2 I’d love to upgrade *wink wink*. Thanks for these giveaways :)
Being outside with nature and hiking is the best.
Golfing :)
Running the Abraham’s Tea Round; a 30mile/12,000ft route over the fells in the Lake District, UK.
I’ll visit an animal park with my children and if some time is left I ‘ll get on my bike and drive around on the trails.
Zwifting with a pace partner
This weekend I’ll be testing out my new running gear. I had tested these Adidas sneakers in a short walk, and it feels like running on Franz Bread. The most comfortable I’ve ever felt running.
Riding a Rouvy drafting series race and going for an outdoor ride
Planning short Mountain biking, thanks DCR
Walking by the sea
A hill climb yesterday, a jog along the South Downs today.
A mellow 120km ride with friends amongst the hills south of Khao Yai (“big mountain”) in Thailand.
A 2,5 hour long run and then all the food and rest i can get!
I plan to go for Run #2 of week 4 of my c25k plan.
TrainerRoad sweet spot Saturday and Sunday for me!
100km ride if the weather gods are kind today ?
Unfortunately this weekend for me is quarantine time ?
Simple local exploring and planning for new longer routes.
Following Big Dog’s Backyard Ultra 2020 World Championship over the weekend!
Planning an afternoon hike after a coffee and mabey a little iced yoga… I do live in Alaska.
Easy ride with a broken tibia and DVt
Brick TR / run workout! First snow expected next week ?