Socially Distant Sports Tech $500 Gadget Giveaway!

If there’s ever a time for a giveaway, this is definitely it. With a boatload of folks stuck inside, any bit of gadgetry cheer I can help usher in your general direction is a good. Plus, this post helps buy me a few more hours time to finish adding a couple of words to my nearly 11,000+ word long 2020 Indoor Trainer App Guide (you can see a sneak peek of it on my Instagram Stories). So whatever the reason – it’s time for a giveaway.

The winner will get a $500 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway effort.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell (or get points instead that are kinda like cash).  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from a new trainer to a new watch. Or perhaps a new GoPro to properly document your backyard adventures, or simply new shoes to keep pacing around your living room.

In fact, with the current 20% off sale on smart trainers and related accessories, it’ll also cover a number of trainers that are now down to even $399 – sweet! Whatever floats your boat and keeps you happy (Note: While they don’t technically sell boats, they do sell stand-up paddleboards…which, are kinda like boats. And that also helps with social distancing. Just sail/paddle away!).

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of the last workout you’ve managed while properly social distancing. It’s as simple as that!

The reason you need a short description of ‘why’ is that if you just put a simple one-word answer (i.e. ‘Walk’), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM, especially if you’re pulling that can out of your hoarded stash.  Got all that? Good.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Sunday, March 29th, 2020 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock. Anyone in the world may enter, there’s no limitations there. However, some products can’t be shipped internationally – though most can.


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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.



  1. Bikeman

    The Edge 1030 would be a nice replacement for my still functioning Edge 1000.

  2. KSBiohazard

    Riding Flanders on Tacx desktop app when it is cruddy outside. Outside on road and trail when possible. The rest of the time working from home.

  3. Ron

    Midweek aerobic development run

  4. Nikola

    Doing Nike Training in my living room. Need more gadgets for home training :)

  5. Ann

    Treadmill run between conference calls. Working & training from home to do my part and plank the curve!!

  6. Tim

    A nice bike ride outside in the rain :-)

  7. Andy H

    Zwift in the basement this AM!

  8. Zachery Castiglione

    I ran while my daughter biked and her friend scootered. It was our schools closed, socially distant, PE time for the day.

  9. Andrew

    A walk in the park but it wasn’t easy avoiding all the dog walkers.

  10. Daniel Lott

    3 mile tempo over the hilly section. im ready for some normality to group runs again!

  11. Steven Arst

    Zwift ride then outside run on street.

  12. Steven Olander

    Ice running on Sønderstrømfjord, Greenland. Beside crew mates i felt socially pretty far away!

  13. Chris

    Short run around the neighborhood

  14. J Well

    Forest and trail closures have kept me on the roads, but I at least I can still get out for runs.

  15. Stephane L.

    Virtual race on Strava

  16. Sam

    Children! I think they should give out medals to people for that.

  17. AIZ

    Walking downstairs to my home office

  18. Jonathan

    Does mixing concrete count as a workout? :)

  19. Ki Tat Chung

    At home, on old faithful LeMond Revolution with TrainerRoad.

  20. seth K

    Managed to get in a run-lots of time on the trainer and treadmill

  21. Nikos Alexiou

    Hmm. Technically, it was a fartlek! A 1 hour walk which included running on small hills. I added these in order to conserve some running form!

  22. Karl W

    Went for a 5 mile run outside on local country roads. Not too many other people out to have to avoid on these roads.

  23. Diogo

    Run around the block, late at night, avoiding a few dog walkers.

  24. Mike D

    Great solo ride on a beautiful New England Spring Day!

  25. Adam Wagner

    Set a 40k cycling personal record.

  26. Chunky

    Quickie around the Block!

  27. Sean M

    “Clark” on TrainerRoad! Gotta love those hard start intervals!

  28. Joe Wilensky

    Running outside and crossing the street every time someone was coming my way! Quite a zig-zag 5k

  29. Road bike alone today. Way more than 6’ spacing

  30. Luc Neree

    73-mile gravel ride through the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge in South Florida.- Apparently, COVID-19 is more dangerous than snakes ? and alligators so…

  31. Nate

    I got a run in this morning. Early enough to not see anyone else out.

  32. Scott Crawford

    Trail run in Morristown NJ PS Signed up for Clever Trainer VIP, and upgrading my Kickr + Climb Thanks Ray!

  33. Paul

    Day 5 of sweet spot base on TrainerRoad

  34. Blair

    Gravel: more Western Meadowlarks than people.

  35. Mike

    A 30 minute strength and mobility routine

  36. Raymond Bailey

    Socially distant workouts are easy on the trainer and aren’t as lonely with Zwift!

  37. Agnès

    A hike in the forest with my dog!

  38. Sylvain Michaud

    Trying to find a ☠️⚡? toilet paper roll.

  39. Adam Myers

    Tandem ride with my 11 year old son on secluded back roads

  40. Troy


    My last workout was a nice ride on mostly empty streets (a few police cars out patrolling), 8×4 min.

  41. Brian M

    5k road run

  42. Mike

    9mi easy ride

  43. Mark Ross

    Outdoor coffee ride with cashless respectful distancing observed throughout

  44. Joseph D'Amato

    Just finished up the last stage of the tour of watopia on Zwift!

  45. Andrea

    Virtual ride through the Tuscan hills (via rgt cycling)

  46. Danny B.

    Trainerroad – trying to keep the kids entertained at the same time is not easy.

  47. Patrick McIntyre

    Run number 1182 in a row with my two dogs!

    TrainerRoad this morning.

  48. Cary Martin

    In my basement on the trainer, far far away from the dangerous hordes!

  49. trent johnson

    four horsemen on zwift. ouch!

  50. Patrick

    Last workout? An easy recovery ride, almost an hour, beating the cold spring Michigan rain.

  51. Michael

    I’ve been doing Zwift and TrainerRoad workouts at home, nothing outside in months. I did both today.

  52. Devin Maguire

    Trainer Road session

  53. Tim

    Took a nice morning run while the world was still asleep.

  54. Denis Schapira Wajman

    Quick workout with some small weights and elastics. No bike trainer in this city for me =(

  55. James G.

    Family walk around the local lake

  56. Omar A

    trainer ride in the garage

  57. Ethan

    A run at 4am!

  58. Solomon B

    I did Antelope for 90-minutes on TrainerRoad. The pup was not pleased

  59. Ryan

    Zwift ride

  60. Ivan Petrovitch

    Extending my indoor season on the trainer just a little longer!

  61. Michael

    Trainer ride while checking out new show

  62. Darren Davis

    The Chores on Sufferfest – heavy price to pay but no chores for me on lock down.

  63. EvilEuro

    Because of work and weather I’ve been stuck doing indoor workouts for almost the past four months. So indoor workout it is.

    Zwift and Trainer Road are much more fun with cats.

  64. Taff Tanner

    23km Tempo Run

  65. Ben

    running in the rain!

  66. Greg

    Went for an easy 5 mile run

  67. Keith

    With my 2 young kids, 3 x 400m bike loops followed by 1 x 400m run on my street.

  68. James Baker

    Three friends and I (each at separate households) got onto Zwift and raced Tour de Zwift Stage 4. We also had out Iphone out and were facetime’ing and texting during the race… Super fun and super hard… It was a blast!!!

  69. Scott

    My last good workout was MidSouth Gravel, and I practiced social distance by being slow and getting lost (followed wrong course markings to an earlier part of the course) after my Wahoo died.

  70. Tak

    Pre-planned heart rate zone training leading to PB for 5k and ended up being a 10k run… All while respecting social distancing while staying in the neighbourhood in Hyde Park, Chicago.

  71. David Watson

    23-mile solo road ride, avoiding busiest streets and bike paths

  72. Jordan Braman

    Went for a 5 mile run on the treadmill. Trying my best to stay sane during all of this. I work in the ICU and it has been crazy.

  73. Jesse

    I made it to the hill and my body said, “not right now. Go home.” So I did.

    Not actually a complete workout. But it was close enough.

  74. Jon

    short solo ride

  75. Sergio Dantas

    Just had a nice easy run this pm. Now the country I live in goes into a 6 days 24hrs curfew… So I’m glad to have a final run just before!!

  76. Alex Donald Jr

    Did hill repeats at a local park. Didn’t anticipate that many other people would be there to enjoy our sunny, 60degree+ day. Most were on the trails and with a 25mph speed limit it still worked out.

  77. Andrew Tortoishell

    Going in solitary circles around discovery bay

  78. Karl Viiol

    My last workout was a 33.4 km bike ride in zone 2.

  79. Victoria

    I did a run using the Peloton app and my treadmill.

  80. Brayden McBride

    Birch on TR. I am in the recovery week.

  81. Chris Clinton

    The weather is finally turning so I grabbed my road bike and headed outside to hit a recently plotted 20 mile loop. So many birds are out. I made it to mile 17 before it started to rain. Now it’s cold and wet so I’ve shifted to indoor workouts again. We gave a stay at home order in place; however, they are currently letting people recreate outside as long as we don’t do it together.

  82. David Barron

    Trainer ride in the basement, followed by physical therapy exercises to strengthen my knee from a ski accident.

  83. Fletcher Chambers

    20 minute rock ride with the Peloton App and a Spinning brand indoor bike. And thanks for the app overview… You confirmed my suspicion that I want the Peloton app *and* Zwift to cover my bases.

  84. Ralph Emerson

    Yoga to stretch some unused muscles after being at home for a while

  85. Kostiantyn Savostin

    Last my training was about 17 miles on zwift, tried to do some intervals. Good luck me :D

  86. Katie B

    Today I ran about 7 miles outside, just me and my audiobook.

  87. Rob Scheifley

    My last successful social/physical distancing workout was a 20-minute fitness test on my indoor trainer.

  88. Jason Nemecek

    The last workout was a mountain bike ride in the bike park in which I crashed hard coming off of a drop and broke my Wahoo Elemnt Bolt mount and maybe my hand.

  89. Benjamin Pettett

    Yesterday I did the Cervelo Jungle Rush Series Rd 1 on Zwift! It was also during my lunch hour while working from home.

  90. Doug Lam

    Riding on the trainer everyday

  91. Jim Toye

    MTB around Japanese Gulch – Mukilteo :)

  92. Jeff

    About time to replace my 2014 kickr
    This would go a long way towards that!

  93. Martin

    19km Trail Run. I run my outdoor workouts during the night or early in the morning and I try to avoid popular places. Time to explore new teritories!

  94. Edward

    7km late-afternoon run through the farmlands of the eastern Netherlands.

  95. hans

    a nice and easy run through the park next door and noticing that there are a lot more people running and walking now then before the social distancing measures.

  96. Ryan H

    My last good workout was lifting weights in my garage, the perfect social distancing!

  97. Tan Yee Hou

    I did a 2.5hour ride on Zwift.

    Never thought I’d survive that kinda workout.

  98. Cobus Potgieter

    Organized a Zwift Meetup with members of my club, naturally it turned into a race

  99. Tito

    Hang boards