Socially Distant Sports Tech $500 Gadget Giveaway!

If there’s ever a time for a giveaway, this is definitely it. With a boatload of folks stuck inside, any bit of gadgetry cheer I can help usher in your general direction is a good. Plus, this post helps buy me a few more hours time to finish adding a couple of words to my nearly 11,000+ word long 2020 Indoor Trainer App Guide (you can see a sneak peek of it on my Instagram Stories). So whatever the reason – it’s time for a giveaway.

The winner will get a $500 credit to, my most excellent partner in this giveaway effort.  By supporting the site through Clever Training you also can save 10% on basically anything they sell (or get points instead that are kinda like cash).  If you win, you can use that credit for anything from a new trainer to a new watch. Or perhaps a new GoPro to properly document your backyard adventures, or simply new shoes to keep pacing around your living room.

In fact, with the current 20% off sale on smart trainers and related accessories, it’ll also cover a number of trainers that are now down to even $399 – sweet! Whatever floats your boat and keeps you happy (Note: While they don’t technically sell boats, they do sell stand-up paddleboards…which, are kinda like boats. And that also helps with social distancing. Just sail/paddle away!).

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of the last workout you’ve managed while properly social distancing. It’s as simple as that!

The reason you need a short description of ‘why’ is that if you just put a simple one-word answer (i.e. ‘Walk’), you’ll likely get caught up in my SPAM filters.  And nobody wants to be sandwiched between two pieces of SPAM, especially if you’re pulling that can out of your hoarded stash.  Got all that? Good.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Sunday, March 29th, 2020 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock. Anyone in the world may enter, there’s no limitations there. However, some products can’t be shipped internationally – though most can.


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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.



  1. Phil

    A Trainer road endurance ride. Why not done crazy interval set you ask? Well that’s because I did the workout my kids’ swim coach have them the day before and now I can barely walk.

  2. Sergi Castillo

    Just a HIIT session at home!

  3. Anton Peterson

    Yet to do any training as I’ve been recovering from symptoms, but this would surely help when I’m fully recovered.

  4. Daniel

    Lunch time biking on TrainerRoad. Still to cold to bike outdoors.

  5. Daniel

    My last workout was a solo 10K run with 6x 2min interval

  6. Maarten

    Indoor training fitting against and old worn down fluid 2

  7. Joe Nartker

    Quick lunch run at work to clear my head!

  8. Stuart Tait

    Last workout was baptism of my new Saris H3 which I bought as my means to survive this social distancing most responsibly.

  9. Per Vesterby

    Most off my rides goes to Cold Hawaii, so I can See and Feel the Sea

  10. Charley M

    Outdoor workout with TRX and kettlebells

  11. Matt Leitch

    Lockdown UK still allows us to go out to exercise once per day. My last workout was a solo bike ride in beautiful Yorkshire scenery. Only a quick 17.27km loop but still had 329m of climbing (over 1000ft in old money).

  12. J A

    An MTB ride in the woods, which isn’t as much fun when you’re trying not to go gently on the trails to not strain the health service, but got some wild garlic at least.

  13. Simon

    I went for a run at 6am in an non essential business zone… didn’t see anyone!

  14. Ivan

    Solo running in the park down here in Sydney. Everyone trying to keep distant but it’s a bit of a mess and nobody is quite sure how to do it.

  15. Petr Kujan

    Very short run avoiding all the other people.

  16. Ken

    Kettlebell workout followed by an indoor row.

  17. Stefan

    Solo Cyclocross bike ride re-/exploring trails from MTB times… I miss the suspension fork :D

  18. Eric

    5 mile run around town avoiding the trails and other popular running routes

  19. Lester Li

    Went for a run in the woods. No one but me and the squirrels!

  20. Claudio Nunes

    My last exercice was walking 8000 steps inside my house, I believe I have started the creation of a trail course inside :)

  21. Stefan

    Zwifting all day :-)
    and sometimes a lonely outside ride

  22. Ed

    Yesterday I did some stairs, HIIT and bike trainer.


  23. Sara

    I was zwifting, but I would love to be swimming

  24. David Primm

    TrainerRoad ride yesterday am and solo run yesterday pm. Now, if only my place was not essential to stay open and producing.

  25. I’ve only left my pain cave for a quick gravel ride. I saw one golf cart, one quad, four tractors, and one other cyclist that was stopped for recovery on the side of the road for recovery. I rode the unpopulated roads in an unpopulated time, now I return to my cave and am still putting in work to be prepared for the day when I can go on a proper group ride again and not get dropped until a little further in than usual!

  26. Brandon O'Rear

    Zwift! So much Zwift…

  27. Ben

    Sticking to plugging away with the TrainerRoad rides. Unfortunately, nothing specific to train for right now.

  28. Augustin Cremer

    The 3rd instalment of the 4-week FTP Booster Program on Zwift, London Course. The program should keep me busy for the entire social distancing period.

  29. Brandon Carmichael

    I got in a solitary 5-miler on some country road yesterday.

  30. Pierre

    My last workout social distancing was a short run around my block. According all the rules here in france (500m max from home…)

  31. Nick

    Walk from my hospital bed to the bathroom! Can’t wait to get out of here to get back on my bike.

  32. Christian K

    6 km easy run after being sick

  33. Mike B.

    Stages 1 to 5, Tour of Watopia with 500+ of my closest digital friends!

  34. Mike (

    The only thing I’ve given up is swimming at the gym, my biking and running is still 5 days a week WITH social distancing. My last workout was a 30 mile ride on a beautiful spring day, I’d loose my mind if I couldn’t get outside!

  35. Andrey Frolov

    I did ran outside in the woods distancing from other people (not too many were there to be fair).

  36. Andrew Norris

    TrainerRoad ride, socially distancing in the garage.

  37. Adam

    learning to zwift, more fun than expected

  38. Hubert

    Lifting weights, abs, squats … and … stretch!!

  39. Marco Decca

    Zwifting erryday.

  40. Anders Ljunggren

    4 x 4/3 using Trainerroad

  41. Luca

    1h jump rope workout in the garage

  42. David

    Zwiftrace on Innsbruck
    the day before: 6x2min @ 150% FTP Intervalls

  43. Benedikt

    Properly social distancing is not that easy as an professional firefighter.
    Last workout I did was yesterday on the treadmill, running intervals in Zwift while the rest of the guys tested the biggest TV in the firestation :-D

  44. Justin Clay

    I got out for an 8 miler near my house yesterday. Earlier in the week the trails were packed but yesterday there was almost no one. Not sure what that means but it was odd. Everything seems odd right now.

  45. Mark Wisch

    A nice recovery spin on a nearby country road.

  46. Jonas Elmered

    Tried the RGT app. Even doubled up on social distancing: only met one other real person and made sure I sprinted past him as fast as possible:)

  47. Sascha Eisele

    Last one, Restday Workout on Zwift, Watopia

  48. Tim Thoreson

    Riding on Zwift in my basement. A lot more time since working from home.

  49. Brian D

    Hitting the trails by my house and trying to not breathe when I pass people.

  50. Aaron Leese

    I ran down some desolate roads that are normally full of fuel sucking pigs

  51. Bryan

    I did a virtual ride on Zwift all alone in my living room.

  52. Matt H.

    Last workout involved a handful of cinder blocks in my garage. Not pretty but works with everyone deciding nows the time to get off the couch.

  53. Barry

    Switched from Trainerroad and tried Zwift, hoping for some improved motivation…

  54. Itamar Kass

    I run 2.5K at our building shared parking and then did some core traning indoor.


  55. Tony V

    5am run to avoid people

  56. Luc

    I did a few ~400m repeats around my block which is just the right size, with my daughter riding along on her bike.

  57. Stephen Bilen

    3 summits bike ride. Its not the Alps to you, but it is to me!

  58. William Darling

    My daughter and I ran in circles together in our tiny backyard… I guess it counts :D

  59. Kari

    Zwift – tour of Watopia group ride.

  60. Shawn

    3 mile outdoor run and then inside for 15 minutes of every minute on the minute: 3 strict pull-ups, 6 pushups, 9 air squats.

  61. Shane Cooney

    Easily done in the Woods.. ..on trails where only the brave venture


    Zwift baby!!!!!

  63. Tyler Loewens

    Ziwft London over lunch while working from home. Man there were TONS of people on Zwift. It was like a conga line up Box Hill.

  64. Matt Nussbaum

    30 minutes of aerobic riding on rollers praying not to crash through a chair again

  65. Jurgen


    Doing a Freeletics workout in my empty basement :-)

  66. Jurgen

    Just did a Freeletics workout in an empty basement

  67. Luke Petrini

    Run out and back around the neighbourhood

  68. Kevin Remhof

    I hit the road for a solo quick 20.

  69. Hans

    Ski tour up a slope in a closed ski area.

  70. Andrei P

    Where I live is too cold, we had a snow storm on Monday. I’ve been running on my treadmill with Zwift and the amazing NPE Runn you recommended!

  71. Rob

    Clipped off a ten miler yesterday!

  72. Ryan Yepsen

    FTP test on my first gen Hammer yesterday!

  73. Jay

    Hoping for good health, good luck and new sports tech!

  74. Mark Crosnicker

    Brick workout while crossing to the other side of the road every time I see anyone else. Took less traveled roads rather than the W&OD trail.

  75. Jay Young

    Just finished a Lucy-in-the-sky-with-diamonds workout on Xert/Zwift while also finally earning the Tron bike! Woot!

  76. hypokris

    not managed to do – but my workout plans are being created continuously and each day again

  77. Marty Basioli

    the last workout I managed while properly social distancing. Jogging outside by myself and creating a whishlist on while riding my old trainer indoors.

  78. Brian

    My area has requirements of no more than 3 together in public, so my last workout was an outdoor run with 2 of my bodies. 6 feet apart of course. Thanks for the giveaway, Ray!

  79. Rohan

    Bodyweight strenght exercise in my room

  80. Joey P

    went out early yesterday morning and did my commute that I used to do when I wasn’t WFH. 2 weeks ago seems like ages

  81. Jean-Claude Besse

    Jogging alone outside in the forest

  82. Martín Villanueva

    Zwift…Zwift and more Zwift….it’s great!

  83. Kevin Tan

    A solo jog in the neighbourhood party in the heat of the afternoon sun. Nobody was crazy enough to join me in the sweltering heat. Definitely social distancing as there was scarely another person around.

  84. Christopher Crandall

    Did a ramp test on the trainer in my home office. Along with my 4yr old on his trainer. Who kept riding on his, long after i finished my test………..

  85. Daniel Besse

    Jog alone in the forest

  86. Bill Davis

    4.5 mile Tempo run – intervals included when running away from others walking or running

  87. Steven Weber

    35 min treadmill run and 1 hour TrainerRoad ride

  88. Juan

    Yesterday, with my Massi trainer while watching The Office!

  89. James Huntsinger

    Tempo run

  90. Paul Modern

    Walked the dog. Dogs were socialising, people smiling and waving at a distance.Strange days.

  91. Matt Sims

    I went for a properly socially distanced ride around New York’s Central Park (on Zwift of course, because the real thing doesn’t seem like a good idea right now.)

  92. Koen

    1 hour run around the neighbourhood

  93. Kevin Greimel

    I was able to sneak out for a quick 10k this morning while the rest of the house was asleep. Zwift is great and all but cycling indoors gets old.

  94. John

    Cadence Builds and Holds by the Sufferfest!

  95. Marcos

    As I can´t do my 10miles on the streets, I´m doing some HIITs on my living room.

  96. Lucas Van Aelst

    11k run on Monday 23-3!

  97. Clas

    Outside alone 2 days ago cold and windy but totally awesome 35 km

  98. don rhummy

    Used a workout from YouTube for how to train for a triathlon indoors. It was pretty good, and had modifications for people who didn’t have equipment.

  99. Scott Michaels

    Exploring the empty city on my bike, nice and chill!

  100. Joel Shoffstall

    Road the Cervelo Jungle Rush ride last night on Zwift.