Giveaway Extravaganza: The Anything Unannounced Soon Giveaway!


Back by popular demand this year: What if I could give you the future?

Or more specifically, the unannounced future?

Yup, I’m going to do just that.

Over the next 3 weeks  there’s going to be a crapton of new products announced.  We’ve got some fruit company’s biggest event of the year coming up Wednesday, followed by almost daily announcements for the next few weeks by all the majors I usually cover – inclusive of Interbike too!

Now since I can’t tell you what’s being announced, I’m just going to have to give you a (mostly) blank check.  This check states that I’ll let you choose whatever product you want that’s announced between today and October 2nd, 2018 – as long as Clever Training carries it.  Be it a new trainer, a power meter, a bike computer, or perhaps even a wearable.  Heck, could even just be a pair of socks that you apparently really…really…like.  Or it could be some totally new category you’ve never heard of.

It’s your cake, and you can eat it too.  So dream big!

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 2:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself
Fine Print: Anything announced that Clever Training carries between now and October 2nd, 2018, up to a value of $500. Also, I’ll throw in anything that Apple announces in the wearables realm within that same price and timeframe

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off most orders (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!  Or, you can simply buy anything on Amazon using the links here – like this crazy car-connected USB hub that fits into your car cupholder (it too can power the future!).

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is, of course, eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


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Otherwise, perhaps consider using the below link if shopping on Amazon. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but your purchases help support this website a lot. It could simply be buying toilet paper, or this pizza oven we use and love.


  1. Steven Fuller

    Does anyone read these?

  2. Alex

    Very very interesting.

  3. Thomas Wylie

    Thanks Ray!

  4. Christopher Andersson

    Sounds fantastic!


  5. Ingleth0rpe


  6. Jerry

    I’m in!

  7. David Clydesdale

    Oh that sounds nice, I’ll have that.

  8. George Songer

    I don’t care what a “crapton” is; I’ll take one! Thank you.

  9. Tom Brabbin


  10. Colin Hayes

    Sounds greaf

  11. Chris

    Mystery prize is mystery!

  12. Florian L

    Yes please!

  13. Kyle Doberer

    Insert Back to the Future comment here.

  14. FJ

    Me want surprise present :-)

  15. Alex Lauderdale

    Surprise me!!

  16. Max Brouwers


  17. Gabriel

    I’ll have that

  18. Arnold


  19. Tim

    Thanks Ray

  20. Gerben

    Woohaaaa!!! Me want

  21. Isha

    Great extravaganza Ray! This has been awesome day.

  22. IvanDobski

    Yes please!

  23. Tony K

    This could be fun to win!

  24. Zoltan Kopcsanyi

    Sounds great

  25. Harris

    The future is so bright I need to wear shades!

  26. steve z

    flash forward into the future!

  27. Daniel

    Endless possibilities!

  28. Jez Bodey

    Great plan!

  29. Galina


  30. Ben Ogle


  31. Craig

    Hello! Thanks for doing this awesome giveaway!

  32. Stefan

    Something from the future, yes please!

  33. bernie

    my buddy zach said I should check this out, hooray

  34. Casey

    Now this is interesting!

  35. Pedro Huguet

    One time!

  36. Mitch R


  37. Bas Jansen

    Exciting, I’m hoping for a new Apple Watch ;-)

  38. AR

    wait, are we supposed to predict the thing we will want or just comment?

  39. Kendal Dodge

    I’ll take it!

  40. Jan Lin

    I like what the future holds!

  41. Adelle

    Yes please.

  42. Charles

    Count me in! Thanks!

  43. GeoffR

    Surprise are the best !

  44. Thomas widrick

    Great idea

  45. Sven

    Sounds interesting

  46. German

    I’m in!

  47. Sylvain Michaud

    I’m all excited by the perspective of exploring the unknown !

  48. Lance Connolly

    In like Flynn…

  49. Graham Maltby

    I love the future.

  50. Carlos Jorge Escorcio

    Bring it on

  51. José Alberto Borregana


  52. Patrick Fahey

    Thanks, Ray!

  53. jeff

    want something new

  54. Matteo

    Me, please! :P

  55. diego ruvituso

    That is the most cool extravaganza ever….

  56. Liz W

    Giving away the future. Mysterious and ambitious. :)

  57. Julien

    I’m back from the future and … I won.

  58. Rikus

    Could do with this for the winter training.

  59. Dave

    I’m in!

  60. Kasrhp

    Keep up the great work DC!

  61. Dan Urban

    Me me me!

  62. Bill Converse

    Thanks for the great reviews…invaluable to techie athletes

  63. Daniel

    I’m ready for the future!

  64. Simon

    I’m in

  65. Eshel ko

    Thanks man!

  66. Alejandro Moreno

    Love it.

  67. Michael Casey


  68. Jerry Chwazik

    Win me some free stuff

  69. Aaron

    Me please

  70. Jon Burton

    Thanks for running this

  71. Amaury Cork

    Yes to the unknown!

  72. Sven

    i want to ride my bicycle

  73. Kasperi


  74. Rob johnson

    Nice. I like cake and eating

  75. Lars

    Vantage I am coming. Thanks Ray

  76. Jay

    Future sounds great!

  77. Trevor Rice

    OMG, blank check! Blank check!

  78. Chris Ehlers

    This is the future me saying thanks.

  79. Zbyszek


  80. J. Pope

    I hope that a super-uber new-fangled thingy will be mine soon… Thanks Ray for making this possible!

  81. Jorisdw

    i’m not picky

  82. I’ve been waiting 4 years for the magic that should be the VANTAGE V!! So excited I can’t help. Ray, help fufill my dream! Many thanks in advance.

  83. Layne Papenfuss

    $500 yipee!

  84. Federico

    Wow! This is awesome!

  85. “We’re looking all the way to the year 2000, Conan!”

  86. Eric

    Back to the Future!

  87. Aidas Gvildys


  88. Patrick

    Fun! Thank you from a daily reader.

  89. Ferran

    That would be nice

  90. Matthias

    Sounds great!

  91. Pavel


  92. Daniel

    love me a surprise!

  93. Kim Teter

    Don’t fear the unknown! Hope you win it!! ?