Giveaway Extravaganza: Quarq DZero Power Meter


It’s time for another meter. With only a handful of giveaways left in this seemingly never-ending parade of free stuff, we need more power.  I suppose I’m probably mostly talking about caffeine and not cycling power…but what’s the difference anyway? I suppose one gives you energy and the other takes it away…but that’s probably overthinking it.

The Quarq DZero is a very solid power meter that broadcasts across ANT+ & Bluetooth Smart. This enables you to properly double-dip on your workouts, uploading them to multiple platforms at once. Transmit it via Bluetooth Smart to Zwift, while concurrently recording it via ANT+ on your bike computer. Upload both to your training log and you’ve instantly doubled your training. Your coach will be proud. Maybe.

Giveaway Opens: 6:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 8:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: Quarq D-Zero Power Meter

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself
Fine Print: Any Quarq DZero aluminum or spider power meter of your choice

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off most orders (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!  Or, you can simply buy anything on Amazon using the links here – like this package of 3,000 live ladybugs. Technically it’s two packs of 1,500 ladybugs, and it does say ‘approximately’. So counts might vary.

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is, of course, eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Doug Pricer

    I have not trained with power before. This might be a reason to start.

  2. George V

    Must have more power!

  3. Bob

    Love Quarq power meters

  4. Alex Graber

    I have the power… meter

  5. Matthew

    Would fit nicely on my gravel bike

  6. Kevin

    This would be a great upgrade!

  7. Francois

    Double the power!

  8. hakkinen

    love this

  9. Alex

    Me please!

  10. Paul Kemp

    Nice Quark

  11. Heather W


  12. nasman


  13. Bernardo Lima

    We need some power :)

  14. Xabier

    I like it

  15. J francis


  16. Matt Q

    Yay power!

  17. Jesper

    I would love to have this

  18. Stefan Piranty

    Wow! That’s for me!

  19. Rolando Felizola

    I need dis!

  20. Jeff Costello

    Oooh power, more power!!!!

  21. Alex Castano

    I’m in. Lock it up – c’mon power meter. Thanks Ray!

  22. Marcin Rodziewicz

    I’ve got the power? ?

  23. Alan

    Ride, Captain, Ride

  24. Sumrit

    Yes, please.

  25. Ovidiu

    Yes, I need a good powermeter

  26. Dana M Clewlow-Bray

    Power please!

  27. Vincent Kendziora

    This would be a nice upgrade

  28. Josh Maisey

    Been after one of these for a while!

  29. Daniel Powell

    Yes please!

  30. Mark Lovseth

    Want a power meter.

  31. Sean

    Would be great on a crossbike

  32. Jacob b


  33. Isaac

    Yay power meters

  34. David Krueger

    Pick me

  35. Paul Voorend

    Neeeed moar powweerrrrrrr

  36. Mike Ong

    I need your power!

  37. Werner Piranty


  38. cj

    Power to… um… me!

  39. Paulo

    Nice kit!

  40. Thounee

    Absolutely in!

  41. Gus

    Yes please!

  42. Chris Nelson

    I would love a power meter

  43. Sherman Olsen

    I’ve bought live ladybugs before, for rose aphids. I don’t think they worked and I felt bad for the ladybugs.

  44. Mark Nijmam

    Would love this one

  45. Kirk Raddatz

    Isn’t Quarq the bartender from one of the Star Trek series?

  46. Kevin Kruse

    I’d love to get into training with power.

  47. Jimmy Sharman

    Yes please!

  48. Nick

    Great choice, now choose wisely ;)

  49. Michelle Kemp

    Yes please

  50. Renate Piranty

    Love it!

  51. David

    Por favor!!! This is dreamland

  52. Jason


  53. Tonny Madsen

    Yep, could really use it

  54. Alfred Jessee

    Me please !

  55. Alison

    Pick me! Pick me! ?

  56. PiotrG

    I need to sleep…

  57. Evren

    hope this could go forever

  58. Ryan M

    I don’t think I have any use for this…but I want it none the less.

  59. Andrew

    This would be so cool

  60. Zach Whittington

    Marty McFly: Whoa. This is heavy.

    Dr. Emmett Brown: There’s that word again. “Heavy.” Why are things so heavy in the future? Is there a problem with the Earth’s gravitational pull?

  61. Jamie

    I need power in the worst way! Thanks for the chance!

  62. Mickey

    Yah buddy

  63. Jennifer Loomis

    This would be ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!

  64. Brian Jacobson

    Would love this.

  65. Rai

    This is my lucky random number

  66. Veronika Fischer

    It’s getting better and better!

  67. Ahbe

    Yes please!

  68. Kerry Scott Sullivan

    It might be embarrassing to know my numbers, but I’d know them!

  69. Dean Hayward

    More power meter please.

  70. Alistair Jordan

    Yes please

  71. Karla Cardoso


  72. Michael K


  73. Cameron McGregor

    Yes please!

  74. VICTOR

    And the last for mi

  75. Thomas

    Is it Christmas time already?

  76. Ken Adams

    In for the power!

  77. José

    This would be nice to get rid of my Vector 3 random number generator.

  78. Jacob

    Thank you!

  79. Łukasz

    Thanks :)

  80. Jof

    I would love one of these :)

  81. Simon Arnot

    Another yes please!

  82. Richard Lane

    Just exactly what I need for my newly built road bike!

  83. Zack Koukios

    I definitely need one of these in my life

  84. Andrew L

    Hoping for better luck this time.

  85. Ian Moir

    I’ll teke-a oune-a fur free-a! Bork Bork Bork!

  86. Chris P

    In for the win?

  87. Dave

    need more power

  88. SCOTT

    I so want a power meter, PLEASE!

  89. Chris D

    Jock Jams!
    I’ve got the POWER!
    I’ve got the POWER!

    Like the crack of the whip, I Snap attack
    Front to back, in this thing called rap
    Dinging like a cymbal, rhyme devil on the heavenly level
    Bang the bass, turn up the treble

  90. Chris

    What! I Won!!!!! Wow!!!!

  91. Sightus

    Its getting better & better

  92. Os

    I might have to take up biking if I win this

  93. Neil Batsford

    I need a new crank

  94. Jake M


  95. Roberto Hernandez

    Time for an upgrade!