Giveaway Extravaganza: Quarq DZero Power Meter


It’s time for another meter. With only a handful of giveaways left in this seemingly never-ending parade of free stuff, we need more power.  I suppose I’m probably mostly talking about caffeine and not cycling power…but what’s the difference anyway? I suppose one gives you energy and the other takes it away…but that’s probably overthinking it.

The Quarq DZero is a very solid power meter that broadcasts across ANT+ & Bluetooth Smart. This enables you to properly double-dip on your workouts, uploading them to multiple platforms at once. Transmit it via Bluetooth Smart to Zwift, while concurrently recording it via ANT+ on your bike computer. Upload both to your training log and you’ve instantly doubled your training. Your coach will be proud. Maybe.

Giveaway Opens: 6:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 8:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: Quarq D-Zero Power Meter

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself
Fine Print: Any Quarq DZero aluminum or spider power meter of your choice

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off most orders (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!  Or, you can simply buy anything on Amazon using the links here – like this package of 3,000 live ladybugs. Technically it’s two packs of 1,500 ladybugs, and it does say ‘approximately’. So counts might vary.

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is, of course, eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Charles

    Will this fit on my kid’s Tricycle?

  2. Nick Perkins

    One of these would look really nice on my new bike!

  3. Heck yeah! One can never have too many power meters (or bikes)! I’ve been a Quarq customer for many years. Whoever gets this will be a happy camper.

  4. Neil r.

    But only one, my other bike will feel left out

  5. Niv

    Me please!

  6. Mikko

    Thanks very much!

  7. Richard

    It’s all about Quarq

  8. Derek Pommerenck

    Yes pls

  9. Dylan

    By the power of Grayskull ! (but Thundercats was much better)

  10. Mike 9

    More power!

  11. Tony West

    Power is what I need (to measure)

  12. Greig Turner


  13. Charles Feeney

    This would be a huge upgrade.

  14. Robbo

    Watts it all about, Alfie?

  15. Patrick

    Very cool

  16. Damien

    Oh yes, please!

  17. Donald

    Just what I need!!

  18. Jeffrey Lammers

    Awesome training tool!

  19. Gethin Musk

    Keeping my finger crossed

  20. David Zuniga


  21. LC

    Power to the max!

  22. James

    Power meter. Good.

  23. Andreas

    That would come really handy!

  24. Håkan

    More power to the people

  25. dan

    count me in!

  26. Acwalter

    Yes please

  27. Robert Schmadeka

    Wow, could really use this.

  28. Nic Decapia

    Now we’re talking! Count me in.

  29. Jeremy Oxborrow

    Would love this one!

  30. Dylan

    YEAH Mate

  31. Adam

    Very power hungry here. Love to win this.
    Thanks Ray and Clever Training

  32. Derek

    Would love some power!

  33. Arash

    I’ve been keeping my eyes open for the power meters!
    Fingers crossed

  34. maqh

    Over here!

  35. Joshua Rudland-Potter

    Another cracking giveaway, thanks Ray!

  36. Justin

    I’m in!

  37. Nick Blades

    Oh the things I would do!

  38. Peter Collingridge

    Yes please

  39. Claude Ratté

    First on my wishlist for Santa Clause ?
    Youpiii it’s Christmas ?

  40. Robert Schwartz

    sweet, time to get the power upgrade!

  41. Jürgen

    Would love this!

  42. Tim Harshman


  43. David Myers Semper Fidelis

    Semper Fi!

  44. Mark Fitzgibbons

    The extravaganza just keeps giving and giving!

  45. Chris

    Power on Wayne!

  46. Lee Weikert


  47. Matthew mallet

    I love quarq!

  48. AK

    Will fit that new road bike I am trying to convince my wife to get

  49. Dan W

    Pick me, random number generator!!

  50. Danko

    Clint me too

  51. Joseph Vasfailo


  52. TimG

    Yes please!

  53. David K

    This would be perfect, I’ve been meaning to switch to crank-based power.

  54. René Åsen

    Need a pm for my girlfriend’s bike!

  55. Brian

    Yeah buddy!

  56. Enda

    Please ?

  57. Matthew Patterson

    Really pick me

  58. Babak

    Who doesn’t love a power meter?

  59. Dom Crook

    Woop woop!

  60. Wendy

    This is what I’ve been waiting for.

  61. Juan Pinedo

    I want to win the Power Meter!!!

  62. Rob Wallace


  63. Marcel B.

    Yes please!

  64. Brent Detta

    This is amazing! Love training with power!

  65. Andrii Kuzminskyi

    Real deal. I’m in

  66. Nazrul Nasir


  67. Cedric Vivanco


  68. Scott Radke


  69. Colin


  70. Crispin E.

    These tlook great; yes please!

  71. Thien Son Mac

    You da man!

  72. Liam Ruddy

    Yes please!

  73. Mike

    Power up

  74. Mathieu Donsimoni

    I wouldn’t mind winning this one :p

  75. Pamela

    Would be great to win! value the reviews and insights of DC Rainmaker.

  76. Brent Lind

    Thanks Ray!

  77. Runnyde

    Hey why not

  78. Anne

    Yes please!

  79. Reginald Smith

    Can I go to bed soon?

  80. Mike

    All I want for Christmas is…

  81. Andrew K

    This is worth more than my entire bike

  82. Robc

    Count me in for this

  83. John Branum

    Yes please! I’ll take one! :)

  84. Thomas Brockmann


  85. BobS

    On top of my spaghetti all covered with cheese,
    I lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.

  86. Yonadav Yuval

    Great blog!

  87. Banu

    Great birthday gift for my son!

  88. Mäg

    More power to the people

  89. Tom Widrick

    This would be awesome.

  90. Keith

    Yet another great give away.

  91. B Rai

    Can I have it?

  92. Josh


  93. Simon S

    Powerful giveway

  94. Alice

    I’m power hungry

  95. D Brock

    Yes please…stuck with indoor ‘power’ on a Tacx flow smart at present.

  96. Simon Freathy

    Power to the people