Giveaway Extravaganza: Favero Assioma Duo Power Meter Pedals


Bring on the power! And in this case, power to the people! There’s no doubt Favero has certainly done that in the power meter pedal world with the solid Assioma pedals, even if their product name can be a bit tricky for non-Italians to pronounce. Unfortunately, I can’t award extra credit in the giveaway section to those that can pronounce it correctly. Sorry Italy, I just don’t have the time to go through 4,000 voice recordings to validate it. Plus, when I’m writing it short-hand (such as naming sensors on my head units), I just write the first three letters of the product name anyways. Has a certain ring to it. And now…you’ll never write it any other way, even if you’re Italian.

Giveaway Opens: 6:00AM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 8:00AM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: Favero Assioma Power Meter Pedals

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself
Fine Print: The specific unit is the Duo power meter pedals (dual-sided variant)

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To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is, of course, eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Paul Booth

    wow I’d love these!!!!

  2. JR

    Me please

  3. Agnès S.

    Nice pedals!

  4. Mark Kelly

    Would LOVE these

  5. Kristof

    Yes to power pedals

  6. Josh

    Absolutely love your reviews!

  7. John

    This would be great to win.

  8. Juliana Granados Mota

    Want one pls

  9. Iker

    These I would like to take care of!

  10. Peter Turner

    Would love a pair of these

  11. Israel Arroyo

    I need these power meter, my training it’s gonna be awesome thanks to Ray!

  12. Matt W

    Me me me me me!

  13. Stephen Ryan

    WIthout a power meter, how can I train?

  14. Emma

    Me please!

  15. Chris

    Fingers crossed

  16. Danko

    Could use this :)

  17. Greg

    ?Comment below

  18. Peter Johnston

    Yes please!

  19. Travis Reep

    Do these come in bacon flavored? On a serious note, are there different colors?

    I would love these as we move into the winter and start using Zwift to prepare for next season.

    Thanks for the great reviews,
    from Dameron, MD

  20. Gary

    Nice pedals!

  21. Nate

    Pick me!

  22. PiotrG


  23. aleksey

    why not?

  24. Cristian Contreras

    I want it! :)

  25. Fiatlux

    Need to cycle more!

  26. Sean Diamond

    Would love these pedals!!

  27. Pawel


  28. Chris Reed

    Yes please

  29. John Boyle

    this would be awesome

  30. Candace Carlisle

    I read your review..
    Those sound good!

  31. Vojko

    hi…these are exactly what I need for the winter time indor training…so please sign me in..:)

  32. Chris D

    Never had a power meter before.

  33. John Harvey

    Been thinking about power meters so these would be great

  34. Nik

    DC Rainmaker, please, pimp my ride (bike)!!

  35. Vincent van Binsbergen

    Yes Please, take these to amsterdam!

  36. MHanreck

    I got the power!
    Dadada dada
    Thank you Ray

  37. Tomas

    Nice pedals !

  38. Anna

    Yay, power!

  39. Theo

    I would love to give these a try now that PowerTap has decided not to update the P1 pedals (with improved firmware for BLE).

  40. AxelK

    Yes please!

  41. Josh

    Need more power!!!

  42. Scott Layer

    The best… ASS pedals, for sure.

  43. Daniel Paris

    Pedals rock!

  44. LittleSaul

    Power to the max ;-)

  45. John branum

    I could use this! Pick me!

  46. Alison

    My husband would love these

  47. Ash

    Heck yeah!

  48. Charlie Parker

    I wonder if anyone is actually reading the comments….

  49. Chris ONeill

    Fav Ass for me yes please :-)

  50. Kim

    I would love to try these out!

  51. André

    Again, it would be a nice birthday present!!

  52. Juan Zorrilla

    Maybe these can double my power

  53. Ben VD

    Looks awesome!

  54. Bill willmore


  55. Andrew

    I’m in

  56. Simon R

    Tower of power!

  57. Bram Van Dael


  58. I would definitely put them to good use!

  59. Craig Manning


  60. Eric

    Uuummmmmm Power!

  61. JW

    Was planning on buying these!

  62. Laurent

    Yes yes yes

  63. formen


  64. Felix

    Need these pedals! My Garmin Vector 3 pedals suck…

  65. Peter Collingridge

    Yes please DCR


  66. Alexander Lingley

    Power meter hurray

  67. Pete G

    Have been wanting a pedal based PM for quite a while. These would be awesome.

  68. Alison

    My husband would love these

  69. John Lazaruk

    Yes please!

  70. Hermann

    I would be delighted!

  71. Richard Nieto

    Wish me luck

  72. Phil P

    give me these random number generator!

  73. Lev Herrnson

    Like the review. Please send em my way!

  74. Natalie Boyle

    please please please

  75. Maarten

    ” I’ve got the power! ”
    If only I could measure it

  76. Kristian K

    Bring on the power

  77. Brett Ronald Ward

    Those would be awesome!!

  78. Ciprian Talaba


  79. Greg Ross

    More power

  80. Henry Levy

    Thanks for all your hard work testing, don’t know how I would make sense of all the gear without it.
    Henry Levy

  81. Jonathan Flod

    Really sweet pedals!

  82. Jason Collins

    I really want my first power meter please.

  83. Vince


  84. Joe

    More power 4 per hour

  85. Wesley Reinhardt

    I want the power

  86. J N

    Really want a dual sided power meter!

  87. Jayson Cisak

    Whether you think you can or you can’t. You’re right.

  88. Rutger

    Can use them!

  89. Tomas Ecalada

    Great pedals!!! The best ones

  90. Graeme

    These would be ace for this winter’s training.

  91. Kjell Ivar Tjetland

    These I really really want.

  92. Mikko Pantsari

    Yes please. I would need these. :)

  93. Eric Möller

    Nice, would like to compare my indoor training with outdoor effort.

  94. Nando

    This would help get me most out of my new TrainerRoad subscription and have a great new triathlon season. So they are very very welcome