Giveaway Extravaganza: Wahoo BOLT Cycling GPS


There’s only one bike computer that includes an aerodynamic mount that will, if nothing else, make you feel faster. And thus, I’ve introduced the next product on today’s lineup – the Wahoo BOLT GPS. It’s arguably the unit that kicked off legitimate cycling GPS competition to the Big G and is an incredibly solid unit – especially given the price.  But again, dat aero. Heck, I even brought it to a wind tunnel to check the claims – and they mostly kinda sorta check out. But the important part there was that I got to play in a wind tunnel. Just like the important part here is that you’ll get a sweet (but free) bike computer. Let’s not get lost in the details.

Giveaway Opens: 2:00AM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 4:00AM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: Wahoo BOLT Cycling GPS

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself
Fine Print: No fine print, it’s just the bike computer.

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off most orders (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!  Or, you can simply buy anything on Amazon using the links here – like this 3D puzzle of a tram that actually moves and is self-propelled.

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is, of course, eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Ryan

    I’ve got an ELEMNT but the bolt looks nice

  2. Johan

    Yes please, I could use one.

  3. John Peterson


  4. Andreas

    Love to win…

  5. Jeremy Malcolm Hopwood

    Ricky Bobby

  6. Eron

    Would love to try something different to Garmin

  7. Thomas Koetter

    Pass on this one…or not

  8. Jaime Colmenares

    Look at that beauty! Yes, please!

  9. Andrew Drinkall

    Thanks Ray.

  10. Mixuli

    This would be sweet.

  11. Rob

    Love it love it love it

  12. Jordi Backx

    I am Wahooligan!!!

  13. Ola Ekstrand


  14. Tim Hill


  15. Jon P.

    Who could sleep through THIS?!?!

  16. Thomas Bogaard


  17. Rolando Felizola

    I’ll be back in the morning.

  18. Roger

    Please replace my buggy Garmin!

  19. Pierre-Luc Denommé

    I need this one

  20. Simon

    Time to go to bed for me!

  21. Ben

    Need a replacement for my Edge 500 – this would be great.

  22. Giles Levy

    Don’t have any bike stuff so this looks cool

  23. Flavio Pires


  24. Marcus Melberg


  25. James Hall

    Clean up the front of my bike!

  26. Shivum Kumar


  27. Rob

    Lets go for a ride

  28. Szatmari Gergely

    Want one

  29. Jonathan Perrino

    Yay bike stuff. Much needed.

  30. Jimmy Strack


  31. Atze

    Would be awesome to get it

  32. Peter

    That would be me!!!

  33. Andrew K

    Nice, thanks Ray!

  34. John

    Yes, please!

  35. natalia

    Please send it to me!

  36. Simon P

    Need to upgrade the old Garmin 510!

  37. Lukasz

    Wow! Bolt would be great!

  38. Bartosz Małkowski

    I’m dreaming about it!

  39. Alejandro Montelongo

    I want

  40. Zena

    Been looking for a cycle GPS!!!

  41. Justin Hildebrandt


  42. Tomer Slaney

    Yes Please!

  43. Sandeep

    I want this!

  44. Lorin Balandreau

    I want to rock the Bolt

  45. Horatiu Costache

    That would look nice on my bike.

  46. Morey

    Winning this will be so worth the lost hours of sleep

  47. Robert

    You rock! Entry submitted.

  48. Dave

    Would fit nicely!

  49. Radu

    Count me in, Ray!

  50. Denis McCarthy

    In to win

  51. Steve

    Hey. Todays hero.

  52. Ian Marchant

    yes please. would save me from strapping my watch to the bike

  53. diego ruvituso

    I want it !

  54. pappcio

    NIce one

  55. Andrew M

    Yes, please!

  56. Dejan M.

    Sure, why not

  57. Johan W

    I bike computer would be nice

  58. Jeremy Smith

    I want to win

  59. Willie

    Aero is everything!

  60. Marten

    Great Entertainment and Infos here. I would like to call me a Winner :) Thanks!

  61. Karl tucker

    Would love to bolt this on the bike

  62. Troy

    Hi Ray! Love the site!

  63. Timothy

    I want one please!

  64. Ross

    Yes please. Again :)


    Thanks for the giveaways

  66. Simon S

    Great product, good reviews

  67. Angus

    A new Wahoo please!!

  68. Nick Turner

    Would love a bolt!

  69. Patrick

    Thats the one thing, I really need!!

  70. Samuel Chin

    Like a bolt from the blue! Would love this!

  71. José

    Sigh, too bad these won’t work with the Garmin Vector.

  72. Patrick Coenen

    Another cool giveaway

  73. Lirri

    Assuming Pluto is still considered a planet. Poor Pluto.

    Good luck everyone!

  74. Twok

    Pick me this time

  75. Craig

    I need a new bike computer!

  76. Daryl

    Planning on purchasing a cycling computer in the next few months, so winning this would be high on the list!

  77. Elias

    Greetings from Sweden!

  78. Patrick McIntyre

    I’m still super impressed you took bike computer’s to a wind tunnel. Well, technically a win tunnel.

  79. mark

    pretty please?

  80. Nate C

    I’ve wanted to try a wahoo head unit!

  81. Neil Moss

    Two down. Back to bed for a bit…!

  82. Borut Dezman


  83. Rafał Sienkiewicz

    I am in ;)

  84. Daniel L

    fingers crossed

  85. Daniel Winstedt

    2 done 10 to go?

  86. Darren Shiels

    Would love this to replace my garmin!

  87. Marcin

    Me me me

  88. Candace A

    Yes, please!

  89. Patrick R

    Don’t have a bike computer – would be sweet!

  90. Jokim

    Even better ;)

  91. Thomas

    Mine? :)

  92. Hany

    I hope I can win something today