The Week in Review is a collection of both all the goodness I’ve written during the past week around the internet, as well as a small pile of links I found interesting – generally endurance sports related. I’ve often wondered what to do with all of the coolness that people write, and while I share a lot of it on Twitter and Facebook, this is a better forum for sending it on to y’all. Most times these different streams don’t overlap, so be on the lookout at all these places for good stuff!
So with that, let’s get into the action! Posts in the Past Week:
Here’s all the goodness that ended up on the main page of this past week:
Sunday: Behind the Scenes: Riding in the FDJ Team Car
Tuesday: Suunto announces new Spartan variant, also firmware update for all Spartan owners
Wednesday: First Look: SOLOS Gen2 Wearable Sports Heads up Display
Thursday: Hands-on with VirtuGO: Is it a viable Zwift competitor?
Friday: The Because It’s Friday $500 Gadget Giveaway!
Sports Tech Deals of Note:
In this case, when I say ‘deals’, I mean, just one deal. And only if you’re in Europe…but it’s an excellent deal!
Garmin FR935 Tri Watch – 21% off! Bringing it down to 427EUR/377GBP (+ free European shipping). Be sure to use DCR coupon code DCR10BTF, runs through Feb 4th, 2018. You can hit up my full in-depth review here.
Note that I don’t see this as a sign of some impending FR935 replacement, but rather, just finally a European deal on the FR935 (since it’s exclusive to Clever Training). Interestingly, it’s the first sale we’ve seen in the US or Europe on it. Also FWIW, it’s the watch I use myself when training.
YouTube Videos I Made This Week:
Here’s what hit the tubes over on the You of Tube, definitely don’t forget to subscribe there to get notified of videos the second they hit!

Stuff that I found interesting around the interwebs:
Here’s a not-so-small smattering of all the random things that I stumbled on while doing my civic duty to find the end of the Internet.
1) I won’t be reviewing this $197,000 GPS smartwatch: Partially because I’d be afraid to break it, and partially because I think it’s the stupidest thing ever.
2) The coolest skiing video you’ll ever see…with no snow: Seriously, just watch the video.

3) Tips from GoPro engineers on how to use GoPro Fusion: Until I wrap up my GoPro Fusion camera review, Abe’s insights on how to use their products are usually well worth reading – and this is no exception.
4) Age Group Triathlete tests positive again, announces ‘retirement’: I wasn’t aware one could even use the term ‘retirement’ from sports as an age grouper, doper or otherwise.
5) Drone rescues swimmer in Australia: I remember linking to this program when it first started, really cool to see it come to fruition in saving someone’s life.
6) Fitbit brings its coach training app to Xbox and Windows PC: This actually makes a crapton of sense, since it’s a million times easier to use a big screen than a tiny screen for in-home workouts.
7) Nokia Removes Pulse Wave Velocity Feature: I can’t decide whether I’m surprised they removed this due to supposed regulatory concerns, or surprised they even bothered to remove it. While I question the feature’s usefulness, I’m worried this might have a larger chilling effect on non-medical innovation in sports.
8) Detailed Strava Data Presented to City Council: This is nothing new for Strava, but it is new for us regular peoples to be able to see the data they’re presenting to cities. Kinda fascinating.
9) RacerMate’s Velotron is up for sale: Nobody will buy it of course. Which is ironic, because the thing that everyone in the industry wanted to buy was CompuTrainer (when they shut that down). According to Dan Empfield in the comments, he says CompuTrainer was actually sold – which is the first I’ve heard of that from anyone. It’d be even more interesting because I know multiple serious and legit parties that wanted to place offers, but couldn’t even get calls returned.
10) Strava expands with new office in Denver: This is logical, and actually makes a ton of sense.
11) Google loses 250 bikes per week on their campus: I meant to link to this a long while ago, but got lost in the CES shuffle. First off, how the @#$# do you lose (or get stolen) 250 bikes per week? That’s 35 bikes per day, or someone stealing 1.4 bikes per hour, 24 hours per day. This baseline stat simply doesn’t pass the sniff test, especially since they apparently only have 1,100 bikes.
12) How to link your smart scale to Zwift: See, now you won’t end up like me and have your Zwift weight incorrect after forgetting about it three years ago. Then again, given I’ve got 15 or so smart scales, you’d think I’d link at least one of the darn things to Zwift.
Sports Technology Software/Firmware Updates This Week:
Each week I quickly highlight some of the new firmware, app, software and website service updates that I see go out. If you’re a sports technology company and release an update – shoot me a quick note (just one-liners are perfect, or Tweet it at me is even better) and I’ll make mention of it here. If I don’t know about it, I won’t be able to post about it. Sound good? Oh – and if you want to get a head start on things, this page is a great resource for watching Garmin firmware updates.
Garmin Edge 1030 BETA firmware update: Mostly bug fixes.
Garmin Fenix 5/5S/5X/Chronos BETA firmware update: About half new features,half bug fixes.
Garmin Forerunner 935 Firmware Update: Huge update, tons of fixes, handful of new features, some ‘improvements’
Lezyne GPS unit firmware update: More on this later this week in a standalone post, been using it since December or so. Interesting update.
Polar H10 firmware update: Bug fixes
Wahoo ELEMNT/BOLT firmware update: Some new features, notably turn by turn notifications for Ride With GPS routes, plus bug fixes.
Thanks for reading, and have a good weekend!
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472€ *1.25=590$ fantastic deal!
Thanks Garmin!!!
Actually, a typo on my part – 427EUR – not 472EUR.
Still frustrated about that Racermate revelation. It’s like Chuck’s final French Salute to the world. Whomever owns Racermate now – call me. I have experience, and ideas. And Opinions.
Dude, you forgot to mention the Suunto update that you wrote an article about.
On the Nokia/Withings smart scale: You think there would be enough longitudinal data on pulse wave velocity to figure out if it mattered or not. Completely agree that this sort of nonsense (not the first time it’s happened: scanadu, cough cough) has caused features to be removed due to regulatory fears.
It seems that BT for vector3 is just a dead end, is that going to be released anytime soon ?
Slated for ‘early Feb’, as of last check a few days ago. It cleared BT certification, but there was an unexpected regression unrelated to that, which came up and delayed it a bit.
Ah fair enough, thanks for the update Ray
There is no such thing as Therapeutic Use Exemption!!!
Any attempt to hide drug usage behind therapeutic exemption is a lie!
Cocaine, testosterone, erythropoetin in a treatment of a healthy human?
Even the Salbutamol is questionable, pointing to something sinister… Asthma bronchiale or bronchospasmus is not something you get overnight and it is more typical at children. Athletes should report their diseases before becoming professionals.
Garmin’s website still shows “5 to 8 weeks” for Vector 3. But it’s been showing that for months. I wonder what is the deal? I’m starting to consider alternatives.
Garmin is fulfilling all retailers first. So the site timing isn’t ‘real’ per se. They’ve been shipping to retailers since mid-October, and more or less in Europe/US all caught up as of late December, though have slid behind slightly in the last few weeks (my understanding is they’re catching back up again within the next 7-10 days).
I don’t entirely understand the shipping situation in Aus/NZ, though it seems a bit dependent on retailer.
If you read the Google bike article, 250 bikes wander off campus, but most of them are recovered from the local area. So the number that truly go missing is a lot smaller, but still not insignificant.
Just checked, its 427.13EUR 377.99GBP after DCR code, so typo in text.
Quite a good price, AFAIK first price reduction on this watch.
Is it somehow correlated with the appearing of 645?
Thanks, fixed!
Not at all related to FR645, just related to Clever Training working an exclusive deal with Garmin for it.
Being in Australia, you’re missing out on the Nutella rioting and the Seine flooding in Paris.
Don’t worry, I can still partake in the flood watch situation via our webcams. :-/
Was going to say, I hope the cave isn’t underwater.. ?
Please please please send me one of those 15 smart scales, fat boy needs to lose some weight!
Do you have any information (or can ask) when majority of fenix 5x apps will be enabled for Descent? (run power including)
I’ll try and circle back with them this week on that.
Hey Ray
Can we expect an in-depth review of the new magic air from you?
Looking forward to.
Should read mavic air
After a rather long flight (or, set of flights), my review unit is slated to arrive in the morning here (less than 12 hours). First up for tomorrow morning is trying out the new and improved Active Track functions. Expect some YouTube goodness within 24 hours or so, and then a full text review a bit later.
I always thought that Fitstar/Fitbit Coach was pretty special when used with AppleTV- watch/listen to your big screen and record feedback to the app on your device. When used with a subscription, the workouts progress over time as your feedback suggests
Great to hear that – will wait to enjoy your really excellent thoughts on that new gadget
highly appreciated
There are some reports of Strava data being used to find military bases. Not sure whether you caught that news.
Google loosing 250 bikes per week is kinda believable number, I live in Bay Area and worked across Google Cumpus – you can find they bikes dropped everywhere, people use them and leave at random places. Sometimes non-google employees use them and which is illegal, Google Security Team will politely ask you to dismount from the bike if they see you riding Google bike and not having a badge. This doesn’t say nice thing about culture of people living/working here :(
Hey Ray, somewhat random, but been meaning to ask you if you think Garmin will get into the smart trainer business? Seems like a natural thing for them to do, especially given that Wahoo is using it to drive head units.
I doubt it to be honest. The logistics (shipping primarily) of the trainer business aren’t nearly as appealing as other markets Garmin could enter.
Whoa! Here’s hoping that the Little Ripper Life Saver won’t hit the rescuee on its way down.
Coupon ‘ DCR DCR10BTF’ does not exists. Please call (01772)331852 if you feel you have reached this message in error.
Hi Luis-
It looks like you’ve got two DCR’s in there. The code is just DCR10BTF
Woot (in DCR speak) I’ve made the “Stuff I found interesting list”
That’s some fast swimming lifeguards:
“The two teenage boys were caught about 700 meters (0.4 miles) offshore at Lennox Head in a swell of around three meters (9.8 feet)”
“A government official confirmed the rescue took only 70 seconds, compared to the average six minutes it would take for a lifeguard to reach the swimmers”
The ski video was kinda cool.
Clever Training saying “Stock in 5-7 days” for the 935, is that a real ETA or just a place holder as they are awaiting stock from Garmin?
Generally speaking if it says 5-7 days, that’s an inbound shipment that they already have appropriated. Whereas if it says something like “Mid February”, then it’s a manual override placeholder based on a company’s current delivery estimates.
So in this case I’m about 95% sure* that it’s just they sold a crapton of them, and slightly more than they expected. Thus, the requirement to get more in stock. It’s really the first time they’ve had any sort of Garmin UK/Europe specific exclusive, so sorting out demand was a bit tricky.
*I sent a quick note over to confirm.
Any thoughts on Amazfit Stratos? Is it for realz?
It’s long been on my list to pickup…one of these days.
Thanks Ray ? for this Clever deal; just ordered the 935 triathlon bundle?