Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx Neo Smart Trainer


Boom – time to kick this up another notch!

You wanna train like me?

No problem.

First, start with cupcakes. Lots of them.  Then, probably some pasta (fresh, preferably).  And finally, add in the Tacx Neo trainer.  Bike also required.

When I’m not testing trainers, you’re likely to find me on the Tacx Neo, if for no other reason than it actually shakes when I cross cobblestones in Zwift.  Same goes for those wooden planks on the bridges in Zwift island.  It can even replicate ice, as odd as that may be (it is odd though).

More importantly – it can throw down with the best of them.  While normally quite pricey, it’s totally yours for free today…if you win.  Good luck!

(And if you lose, there’s still cupcakes and pasta to be had).

Giveaway Opens: 4:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 6:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

Detailed Tacx Neo Post: Tacx Neo Everything You Need To Know

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. GSulko


  2. Micheal stevens

    This is awesome!

  3. Kyle Freeman

    Awesome training tool! Thanks!

  4. Andrea Gatti

    It would be great to do some winter indoor training here down under

  5. SzebN


  6. brad b


  7. Balázs Domonkos

    Yep, I wanna train like you… ;)

  8. Piotr

    train or not

  9. Josu

    i need this for the off-season!

  10. Mészáros Zsolt

    I’d like to get this :D

  11. Bertel

    Heading for my bed, dreaming of winning this one ?

  12. Nipnip

    Nice trainer!

  13. Mike

    Ooooh, I’d love this.

  14. Laura

    for my boyfriend

  15. Craig Beattie

    Me me me

  16. David Chrisman

    For the love Ray–these giveaways are fantastic and tantalizing. Will be going to bed with dreams of trainers, power meters tonight. Cheers

  17. Paulo Monteiro

    This is what i really need now.

  18. Pierre Davidsson

    No one can hear me….

  19. Braden

    Good first trainer?

  20. Nadine

    Great Giveaway!

  21. Turner A

    This will go great with the Powertap pedals that I will also be winning!

  22. Shawn arnett

    your wife does make some Great cupcakes

  23. Tom J

    This is what I need!

  24. Kevin Connelly

    Great looking piece of equipment.

  25. Luca

    The winter is coming! ??

  26. Ben

    This is the one I REALLY, REALLY want. The sweet sound of silence!

  27. Chris Clancy

    best giveaways EVER!

  28. sherman

    I need to train more Smartly.

  29. Todd L

    Would love to upgrade the trainer to something with some brains!

  30. Aditya Naik

    I want to train like you

  31. Jerome


  32. jason

    Oh man do I need this!

  33. Nl

    For winter training!

  34. Caleb M Justis

    Risk it for the biscuit!

  35. Hetal Patel


  36. Tatnai Burnett

    This is going to be the one…

  37. Jason Hancock

    This would be amazing!

  38. Jimbo

    Would be a really nice upgrade.

  39. Sean Watson

    Could certainly use it!

  40. Janne Hamari

    Would be great to update my old tacx satori trainer.

  41. Ruben Kvalsvik

    Just too late to write: Love is a Virb.
    Dang. Will do fine with a Neo thou, my Swifting is improving!

  42. Jenn V

    This would be great!

  43. Laurence Basell

    Yes please

  44. Kth

    This is nice.

  45. Katrina Gray

    Mmmmm Cupcakes!

  46. Andreas S.

    My entry into the smart world……yes!

  47. Lauri

    Yes please!

  48. Vitor Campos

    Wow, this one is for me.

  49. Sebastien Pouliot

    That would be neat. I’ve been thinking of buying one.

  50. MDus24

    The later the better. Fenix5 for me. Tacx for my bike. Lets Go!

  51. Tomas

    This would be a nice upgrade from my non-smart Kurt Kinetic.

  52. Chris

    Yeah baby

  53. Karsten

    Ok then, if it actually rattles….

  54. tirz

    Give it to me please!

  55. Michael

    Oh my yes please

  56. Caius

    Super nice one!

  57. Matt K

    Pulling out the big guns now

  58. Jack Hsueh


  59. Maria Engel

    I started to think about Christmas presents already. And I would be so excited to see my husbands face with this under the Christmas tree :-)

  60. Tim

    I wish I had this trainer!

  61. Urka

    Cool item, I want it!

  62. Mikaela W

    I need a trainer.

  63. Nicolas

    That would be great for next winter!

  64. MisterOppie

    This Will be good for tRAINing

  65. Jon

    Made it to #9

  66. Gail

    I really could use one of these

  67. Phil Duncan

    Oh this is so sweet!

  68. KD

    Greetings to my mom!

  69. Kasper Vainio

    Looks cool!

  70. Todd Thorsgaard

    Oh boy!!! Time to upgrade my trainer situation.

  71. craig mackenzie

    Train. train, train

  72. Brian

    Oh please… I really would love one!

  73. Brent

    Yes please

  74. Drew W

    The outdoors are scary! Help me go fast in my basement!

  75. Don´t tacx me bro!!!!!

  76. Shawn Benbow

    Pick me please!

  77. JSN

    want it!!!!

  78. Ooh, yes! I need to upgrade my dumb trainer :)

  79. Jacob DeWispelaere

    Would definitely want this for Zwift :)

  80. John Marshall

    cupcakes, yes i need cupcakes to power that trainer.

  81. Daniel

    Sooo awesome

  82. Dom

    Another round of giveaway goodness!

  83. Phillip


  84. Guylaine Ricard

    For Zwifting quietly.

  85. timota

    Wow, i really would love this one.

  86. ChrisS

    Cool stuff! Thanks Ray!

  87. Stephen Lindsay


  88. Carl

    Boom! I’ll be so fit and fast!

  89. Ian

    Winters would be better with this.

  90. Barry D

    It seriously does cobblestones?? Let me try!

  91. Eduardo

    Lets go!

  92. Tim

    (no comment, just drooling over the trainer)

  93. Tony

    cupcakes X infinity

  94. Paul Modern

    Ooooh yes.

  95. Chris Portman

    I’m in!

  96. Dan

    Now you’ve got me all hot and bothered.

  97. They call me the tacx-tician.

  98. Sam Standerwick

    Perfect for when we have snow & ice!

  99. aafk

    I want it!