Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx Neo Smart Trainer


Boom – time to kick this up another notch!

You wanna train like me?

No problem.

First, start with cupcakes. Lots of them.  Then, probably some pasta (fresh, preferably).  And finally, add in the Tacx Neo trainer.  Bike also required.

When I’m not testing trainers, you’re likely to find me on the Tacx Neo, if for no other reason than it actually shakes when I cross cobblestones in Zwift.  Same goes for those wooden planks on the bridges in Zwift island.  It can even replicate ice, as odd as that may be (it is odd though).

More importantly – it can throw down with the best of them.  While normally quite pricey, it’s totally yours for free today…if you win.  Good luck!

(And if you lose, there’s still cupcakes and pasta to be had).

Giveaway Opens: 4:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 6:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

Detailed Tacx Neo Post: Tacx Neo Everything You Need To Know

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Vincent Desjardins

    Count me in!

  2. Mathieu cagnard

    Perfect for this coming winter

  3. Alex Palatnik

    I have just finished the cupcakes, am I half way there?

  4. nic

    i need this

  5. Andrew

    Assuming I don’t win, can I have my cupcakes and pasta gluten free?

  6. Will Holland

    This makes the trainer I borrow look like it’s from the Stone Age

  7. nicklesmn

    I’m not ready for Winter, but I could be.

  8. paul ballantine

    Just what i need with winter and cold wet roads around the corner .
    Following and retweeted thanks for the chance to #WIN

  9. Greg J

    Does this trainer go to 11?

  10. Danothy

    Trainer is prob the next thing on my list to buy, so this would go down a treat.

  11. Steve tucci

    This would help me stay in shape all winter!

  12. Kevin Bretney

    Let’s go chance.

  13. Tim Johnson

    Hmm.. on ice would that just mean you would loose all resistance and go nowhere??

  14. Chris Dyroff

    Rest in Peace, Mitch.

    ps. I’d love this trainer.

  15. Brett

    Thanks DC! Now what to do with that old dumb trainer…

  16. RomanS

    I’ll cook you some pasta if you send me this! :)

  17. Scott D

    a comment below

  18. Lynn

    I’ll enter the Matrix upon riding the Neo!

  19. benjolito

    Keep up the awesome work

  20. Alan Duggan

    Count me in please

  21. Ainars

    Yes yes

  22. Brian donoghue

    Yeah baby!

  23. David Hart

    If i win one let it be this.

  24. Pierre

    Oui oui oui.

  25. Haakon S

    Gimme gimme gimme!

  26. Matthew Papapetrou

    Train train train

  27. Paul Jump

    Dream trainer, only the best.

  28. Frank Goehner

    i want to train like ray

  29. Pierre

    This is next level. I would properly enjoy this prize.

  30. Justin Miller

    neo. yes.

  31. Time to up the training game!

  32. Ales Kramarsek

    Uff, nice one :)

  33. Patrick Marble

    This is pretty cool.

  34. Charlie

    This is madness! So much great gear!

  35. Steve Wootton

    Yep, I could use that.

  36. Megan Carlson

    Love it!

  37. Elisha

    Pretty please :)

  38. Nick Stoker

    This would be amazing to get me fit again, please!

  39. Anthony head

    Include me in the draw

  40. Filip


  41. Rebecca

    Please pick me!

  42. Remco Verdoold

    Must be part of the matrix

  43. Jeremy Wassink


  44. Jesus

    I like it

  45. Michael

    could always use a new trainer.

  46. David

    Whoa tacx!

  47. etienne

    Please DC ! I need that !

  48. James Briggs

    nice trainer

  49. Tanel

    Great prize ! That would be really cool.

  50. John O'Neil

    I would cry tears of joy.

  51. Jeff

    Zwift here I come!

  52. Xu Wang

    Yes please!

  53. Zack Desmond

    I like to go nowhere as fast as humanly possible.

  54. Jose B

    nice trainer to upgrade to from my old trainer gathering dust!

  55. Michael

    Pick me!

  56. Simon Smith

    It’ll be a case of Tacx for the memories once I win this

  57. Rvv

    I’m in!

  58. David Stott

    Yes please

  59. Henrik Engert

    This is exactly what I need for my training!

  60. Michal

    Can I have it please?!?

  61. Michał Dawid

    Trainer for me!

  62. Mo Schulz

    I want!
    I want!
    I want!
    I want!
    I want!

  63. Trond

    Oooh, would be nice to have!

  64. Sam

    could really do with a trainer upgrade

  65. Stefan

    Thank you! :)

  66. Alasdair Gardner

    Where do we get the cupcakes from? sign me up!

  67. David Y.

    Would love a real trainer!

  68. Michael Gross

    OK, I totally want to train like you! :)

  69. Josh Schad


  70. Pearse Carberry

    Count me in, then pick me out!!

  71. andrea appendino

    need it!

  72. Jill Marble

    I want it…pick me…

  73. Kris O'Neill

    We would love this!

  74. Jason

    Pick me please.

  75. Jason whelan

    This would be a great early Xmas gift!

  76. Anders


  77. Marlies


  78. Keep on being awesome DCR

  79. Andrew Csencsits

    I could really use a Neo. My Tacx Vortex is getting louder and louder and it’s getting tough to get my Zwift rides in without waking the kids.

  80. Francois

    Sign me up for a shaking turbo!

  81. Erik

    I’d like one!

  82. hannes

    I don’t know if it fits into my place but I would still love it

  83. Miles B.

    Now I can ride the cobbles without needing handling skills!

  84. John Caldwell

    I want to feel those cobblestones.

  85. Kevin

    I’d love this

  86. Regan Booth

    Would be an awesome upgrade to my old Tacx Cycleforce Swing!

  87. Edin Smajlovic

    Yes please

  88. Kevin P

    More trainer time!

  89. Bartek Sz

    Best thing for winter season.

  90. Nina


  91. john white

    Neo vs Kickr

  92. Arne

    Absolute Favorit so far

  93. Tom Pomfrey

    The giveaways are awesome! Thx once more!

  94. chris

    ? could be useful ;)

  95. Gyorgy Santa

    Hello from Canarias

  96. Chris Andrews

    I would love this!

  97. Fimke

    ??‍♀️ I would really love this trainer, so I can train on rainy days inside!

  98. Rootland

    Can’t imagine a better early Christmas gift!