Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx Neo Smart Trainer


Boom – time to kick this up another notch!

You wanna train like me?

No problem.

First, start with cupcakes. Lots of them.  Then, probably some pasta (fresh, preferably).  And finally, add in the Tacx Neo trainer.  Bike also required.

When I’m not testing trainers, you’re likely to find me on the Tacx Neo, if for no other reason than it actually shakes when I cross cobblestones in Zwift.  Same goes for those wooden planks on the bridges in Zwift island.  It can even replicate ice, as odd as that may be (it is odd though).

More importantly – it can throw down with the best of them.  While normally quite pricey, it’s totally yours for free today…if you win.  Good luck!

(And if you lose, there’s still cupcakes and pasta to be had).

Giveaway Opens: 4:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 6:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

Detailed Tacx Neo Post: Tacx Neo Everything You Need To Know

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Neil Donovan

    I never win anything

  2. Ralf

    Nice one.

  3. Vicent


  4. James Spooner

    Yes please

  5. Sebastien belzile


  6. Aaron Duncan

    Love me some Tacx!

  7. Tom Coussement

    Ik could use a new trainer

  8. Peejers

    Mmmmm torture device

  9. Bill Burgermeister

    This would be great.

  10. Lee R.

    My non-smart trainer needs an upgrade

  11. MisoG

    Train like a pro!

  12. Annette Przygoda

    Amazing giveaway!

  13. Rech

    I don’t like my current Tacx but willing to give this one a try

  14. Brad Carroll

    Fingers crossed.

  15. Chris

    I suspect that this is an item that I would have a love-hate relationship, but I’m willing to take that chance!

  16. Chantel

    Awesome prize, love to win this!

  17. Stefan Gründel

    That’ll be great when winter’s coming!

  18. Mateiu

    Will this be my first trainer?

  19. Matthias

    It’s gettin better and better!?

  20. triabel

    pls give me the world

  21. Jmags2020

    Need this

  22. Ian Thompson

    Yes please

  23. Elnur

    Good morning!

  24. Jacek

    Ok. I’ll take one…

  25. Audrey F


  26. Larry

    please, Please, PLEASE!!!

  27. julian Noriega

    Pretty Clever!

  28. Ben

    Wasn’t Neo in the matrix?

  29. Mac Brown


  30. Alexis Borges

    What else would one do in a cold canadian winter?

  31. Josh

    Nice looking trainer

  32. Thomas P Grolemund

    I like cupcakes.

  33. Frederic

    Thanks for winning. Really appreciated ?

  34. Seb

    Would be nice to have a trainer :)

  35. Jesper Andersen


  36. john mccullagh

    That will do me nicely

  37. Paul Donohue

    Keep ’em coming!

  38. Riccardo Canola

    That would be awesome!

  39. Jordi

    Yes pleazzzz!

  40. Mike L

    Hello winter training

  41. Sjoerd


  42. Timothy de Vries

    Winter prep!

  43. Ben

    I would love to have one

  44. Jokim

    Also very nice, indeed.

  45. Jon M King


  46. Tero

    I want it

  47. Andrew Stone

    So many things, but I need this most!!

  48. David Clark

    Yes please!

  49. Jérémy


  50. Evan Gaertner

    I would like a trainer.

  51. Ethan

    I need to train like the Rainman

  52. Steve Wilson

    Yes please!

  53. Lynne Anderson

    Yes please

  54. Karsten

    Would be perfect for training in the upcoming winter

  55. Gustav L

    Oh, Inreally want this one :)

  56. Thor

    I want one

  57. Ron L

    Ooooh – could really (like REALLY) use a good trainer – in big time!

  58. Tim Hust

    Wow, this looks like a fun product. Great Giveaway

  59. Robert Maris

    Yes please

  60. Bryan Vivero

    getting ready for winter

  61. RunDrew

    It better be smarter than I am…??

  62. Jonathan P

    Wheels keep on turning!

  63. cristian Tudorache

    Let me train

  64. Jason

    Thank you

  65. Myk Duncalf

    Is it just me, or are the giveaways even more awesome this time around?

  66. Scotto james

    Yes please

  67. Daniel Ryan

    Yes please! My Vortex is starting to make strange noises.

    Also, any chance it could come with cupcakes?

  68. Brian D

    Sweet trainer

  69. Stefani

    Maybe I would ride more inside…

  70. John Figueroa

    I want this watt machine

  71. JSN

    Add me to the list please.

  72. AM

    Winter is coming!

  73. Matt Kazan

    Pick me

  74. Dave Reifsnyder

    Tacx – cool!

  75. Victor Kropp

    Cool trainer!

  76. Peter Wellsman

    So not looking forward to winter…

  77. Chri

    Nice. Another great item.

  78. Ryan

    I love turtles

  79. Dan Cervone

    Love your reviews DC! And you have my initials, yay!

  80. Scott H

    Want, want…WANT ONE! Great contest DC!

  81. Marc Geraldez

    me want!!!

  82. Patrick S

    I have been waiting for this one!

  83. Richard Albertson

    oh baby

  84. Scott Miller

    More important. Thank you for all your great work and amazing reviews, I never buy anything until I’ve read what you have to say.

  85. Sean Sloan

    Winter is coming

  86. Gloria

    Wow! I’d love it.. to ride my bike at 4.45 in the morning!

  87. Mikko Turtiainen

    Yes, Please!

  88. Adam N

    I’m in

  89. Jeff

    Could put this to good use!

  90. Kevin

    Me please

  91. Álvaro Flores Alarcón

    Un love this!! Go go yo!!

  92. Jennifer Ropka

    Please…can it be me this time?

  93. Wayne Cartlidge

    Another awesome prize

  94. Donny

    Oh how I need this !!!

  95. Donald

    I could really use one of these

  96. Efe Yamac Yarbasi

    Need this one, yep

  97. Matt Parker

    I want cobblestone shake when I train

  98. Karri K.

    The next best thing to a set of training wheels.