Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx Neo Smart Trainer


Boom – time to kick this up another notch!

You wanna train like me?

No problem.

First, start with cupcakes. Lots of them.  Then, probably some pasta (fresh, preferably).  And finally, add in the Tacx Neo trainer.  Bike also required.

When I’m not testing trainers, you’re likely to find me on the Tacx Neo, if for no other reason than it actually shakes when I cross cobblestones in Zwift.  Same goes for those wooden planks on the bridges in Zwift island.  It can even replicate ice, as odd as that may be (it is odd though).

More importantly – it can throw down with the best of them.  While normally quite pricey, it’s totally yours for free today…if you win.  Good luck!

(And if you lose, there’s still cupcakes and pasta to be had).

Giveaway Opens: 4:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 6:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

Detailed Tacx Neo Post: Tacx Neo Everything You Need To Know

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Vincent Needham

    My cheap dumb trainer is cheap and dumb, so this would be greatly appreciated!

  2. Keith C

    A good replacement for my BKool trainer

  3. Andy r

    Yes please:)

  4. Wim Boonstra

    Yes! Trainer please!

  5. Jim

    Yes please

  6. maria

    se la regalaré a mi marido

  7. grammus


  8. Ron

    Smart trainers are the best!

  9. kowi

    vortex replacement- won’t wake the kids. #twindadproblems

  10. Kaan Boyvat

    Direct drive trainer yes please

  11. Ranko

    Amazing. My Tacx Flow is obsolete.

  12. Sara

    I’ve been eyeing this trainer for a while now…

  13. Aaron Erb

    This would be a huge upgrade from my leaking CycleOps Fluid 2!!!

  14. Domen

    So, the winner get cupcakes too?

  15. Marc

    That, I need !

  16. Karen Jasicki

    I would have a reason to ride inside beside teaching spin!

  17. Chris

    Family commitments resulting in a lot of indoor training even in the hot Texas summer. Hence a state-of-the-art trainer would be excellent.

  18. Sean Ostermann

    Great way to get on my bike in the winter.

  19. Aaron J Knox

    Spin it

  20. Robert

    Get me out of this heat. Just kidding. Wouldn’t have it any other way

  21. Didi

    Yes, please!

  22. Thomas Mercier

    I need that.

  23. Luke

    I’d use this.

  24. James deMelo

    Been looking for a smart trainer for a while this would be an amazing get. Thanks!

  25. Georg Langer

    Uhh I could definitely use this in the winter

  26. Fabian

    Yes Please a must have ?

  27. Edward

    Hoping I don’t have to settle for cupcakes and pasta

  28. Zwift has become my life.

  29. James

    Yes please!

  30. Sarvesh Sangarya

    Me, please, please, please!
    If I win, a fresh batch of cupcakes will be on your way :)

  31. André Buseth Wigum

    Yes please :)

  32. John Lyons

    Sign me up!

  33. Ryan Menze

    This would certainly help through the winters!

  34. Theo G

    Maybe this will make me a smarter rider.

  35. James

    don’t really have a proper winter in Cali, but I hate riding in the rain anyway. Which we have sometimes. For a couple of months.

  36. Michelle Draeger

    Okay, that cobblestone thing sounds awesome. And I need a way to work off all of those cupcakes!

  37. chris

    Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah! Boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, boo-boo yah, hah!

  38. Padre


  39. Steve D

    There can be only one!!!

  40. Scott

    Thanks Ray!

  41. LCM


  42. robert.antonetti

    Free stuff now!!!

  43. Aaron


  44. Dennis Mørk Nielsen

    oh yeeeah

  45. G martin

    That’s the one I need!!!

  46. Sean


  47. Peter N


  48. Peter Hirsh

    Yes. Must have!

  49. Suus

    Holy moly

  50. ivan

    es una pasada

  51. Alistair

    Woah! NEO!!

  52. Jyrki Muukkonen

    Need this. Flux broken.

  53. Phil W.

    Just what I need for my training!

  54. I’m in, my zwift rig needs an upgrade

  55. Kim T

    oh man, cupcakes or trainer?? I dunno it’s tough but if you can provide the trainer, I’ll bring the cupcakes!!

  56. rick

    would be a great addition :)

  57. Mark Roberts

    For my own pain cave!

  58. Mel

    Entering competition

  59. steff overmars


  60. DBR

    Yes please!

  61. Picalilly

    I didn’t even know about this! Would really love this one instead of an excuse not to go out.

  62. Dan J

    No wammys, No wammys, No wammys, No wammys

  63. Warren Haas

    I would like to feel more pain from cobbles

  64. Daniel Walters

    Sounds good!

  65. Roger Jansson

    I’m in!

  66. Katarina P.


  67. Ken p

    I’ll give this prize to my brother, who needs to join me on zwift.

  68. Derek Clegg

    Oh yes please, I need to make gains through winter rather than losing fitness like other winters

  69. Robin


  70. Bartek_Zet

    I’m in.

  71. Daniel Catalan

    Yes pleaseeeeee :D

  72. RO

    I could use this for my excuse to buy a new bike!

  73. Matthew

    Here we go! Fingers crossed!

  74. Gerard Bux

    Perfect to train on winter, and give Zwift a try

  75. Austin


  76. Teddy schuhle

    This looks great for riding along while watching the Vuelta soon

  77. Craig L

    No whammy!

  78. Jeff F

    Thats an incredibly cool prize, given the awful weather here in the UK I could really do with it.

  79. Tara

    Yes please :-)

  80. Anders Sivesind

    Oh yes!

  81. Geraint Morris

    Seriously man you need to stop with these giveaways. Are we twins, cake and turbo trainer? Sounds like my life

  82. Andy

    Smart or not, the place to start.

  83. JussiB

    Yes please!

  84. Kilowatt Ken

    Perfect for my garage sale next month. #unleanpavement

  85. Radek


  86. Yura

    I love it!!!

  87. Tom L.


  88. belen

    que bien se entrena

  89. John curtis


  90. Scott Egger


  91. stephen butler

    Wet,. Cold trainer weather is already here in the UK

  92. Sandra M

    Desperately need! :-)

  93. Matthew Cusack

    Yes please

  94. Ann Marie Brock

    This would be great!

  95. Mahesh V

    Perfect for rainy days!

  96. Josh

    Sounds awesome count me in