Giveaway Extravaganza: Tacx Neo Smart Trainer


Boom – time to kick this up another notch!

You wanna train like me?

No problem.

First, start with cupcakes. Lots of them.  Then, probably some pasta (fresh, preferably).  And finally, add in the Tacx Neo trainer.  Bike also required.

When I’m not testing trainers, you’re likely to find me on the Tacx Neo, if for no other reason than it actually shakes when I cross cobblestones in Zwift.  Same goes for those wooden planks on the bridges in Zwift island.  It can even replicate ice, as odd as that may be (it is odd though).

More importantly – it can throw down with the best of them.  While normally quite pricey, it’s totally yours for free today…if you win.  Good luck!

(And if you lose, there’s still cupcakes and pasta to be had).

Giveaway Opens: 4:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 6:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

Detailed Tacx Neo Post: Tacx Neo Everything You Need To Know

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, both of which are listed at the left. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


  1. Jocelyn Salada

    I would love this trainer!

  2. Michelle Mason

    Fancy! Yes please

  3. Jeff Sawdy


  4. William M Quayle

    Pick me please

  5. Kalina Chakalova

    I literally dreamed of neo last night .. if that’s normal idk…

  6. You spin me round like a record…

  7. Jesse Whitehouse

    Wow, a very cool giveaway.

  8. Danny Steffy

    I’d love this!

  9. Elke

    Holy crap that’s awesome

  10. Laszlo

    I will find a place for it.

  11. Norman Isaacs

    Please please please gimme trainer

  12. Matt

    thank you!

  13. Iwona

    me me

  14. Thomas Gwyn Burgin

    Things are good. Please can I have them.

  15. Todd Meerdink

    Definitely need to train smart!

  16. Lauri

    This would fit perfectly to my new mancave.

  17. Tom

    I’d like to train like you!

  18. d walker

    when in Zwift!

  19. Kaelyn

    Perfect for the winter

  20. paul thomas


  21. John B.

    Just what I need to replace my non-smart trainer.

  22. Thijs Beetsma

    Nice! Would be great for the dreadfull Dutch summer.

  23. Uroš Pavše

    This would replace my old Tacx I-Magic. There were years when I did most of my km indoors.

  24. Mads

    Yes please!

  25. Tom

    Impressive once more

  26. Tom Albrecht

    Want to hear a knock knock joke?

    Two guys walk into a bar.

  27. Joel Engström

    This would be nice for the winter

  28. Ramunas

    Nice one!

  29. Ted

    Something to keep my Kickr company

  30. Susan B

    Winter is coming.

  31. Andre

    For those long Winter evenings. Nice.

  32. Lee Thurber

    oh this I could use

  33. Simon juul

    Wow ?

  34. Tiago

    Why not me?

  35. Caroline

    I want to train!!! Like a Tour de France rider!!!

  36. Corresponsal


  37. Khai

    HELLS YES!!!!!

  38. mmb


  39. Nick S.

    I guess I could use another one ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  40. Tom K.

    I would so need a trainer!

  41. Les

    I’m in thanks!

  42. R. Mora

    Training with power. Sweet.

  43. Edwin

    Can I also opt for some of the cupcakes?

  44. sofris

    Thank you very much!

  45. Matthew Hertz

    I like cupcakes and cobbles.

  46. Shane

    This looks like a quality bike trainer.

  47. Axel Haverkamp

    I also go Witch cupcakes?

  48. pavel lanberg

    Yes i do want to train like you.

  49. Ravi Nagaraja

    Me me me

  50. Dave

    I am not a smart trainer… but I know what love is!

  51. Eric

    A trainer to keep at work! Thanks for the opportunity.

  52. Scott Shell

    A nice quiet trainer.. maybe I can move it in the bedroom and do it while my wife sleeps…

  53. Patrick Riddell


  54. Kzw

    Everything’s coming up Milhouse!

  55. Steve

    Cash money neo for me please!!

  56. Esteban

    want it!!!! thank you Ray

  57. Peter

    Hello Ray :-)

  58. Justin N

    Would love this!

  59. Adam Glover

    Stunning prizes!

  60. Payal


  61. G. Renet

    If I get it, I’ll try swift island !

  62. Jes holm


  63. David

    Me like trainer.

  64. Mateusz Miks

    good equipment for training:)

  65. Jeff

    I’m ok with my old (and loud) Lemond Revolution, but I wouldn’t mind a new trainer …

  66. Scott

    Let’s go, bring the neo

  67. Megan Bennett

    YES! Awesome prize!

  68. Andrew

    Something something trainer

  69. Tim D

    Let’s go

  70. TAS

    Yes! Definitely at the top of my list for winter training!
    Now when are you giving away the cupcakes and pasta?

  71. Ronald S.


  72. Patrick Chevallard

    This would be amazing to own!

  73. Raugalas

    Send it my way!

  74. Ivana Jukic Sakota

    This looks great, me like

  75. Jérôme

    Are cupcakes included? And pasta?

  76. Yanick

    sweet, To train like you are you sending a lots of cupcakes with it also.

  77. Piero

    Winter is coming

  78. Jonathan Smith

    Bring on the pain cave

  79. Phil

    This would be awesome!

  80. Tammy Farmer

    Cupcakes and trainers, oh my!

  81. Jens Einar Kielland Vaskinn

    Yes, please!

  82. Andrew

    I could use a new trainer so my wife and i could ride at the same time!

  83. PA Domon

    Good luck everybody.

  84. Richard

    Count me in.

  85. Robert Lejeune

    Nice one !

  86. Jere


  87. Martyn

    This would do nicely

  88. Macia

    perfect for the gym

  89. Bjorn Scholz

    Winter is coming…

  90. Ryan DeBoer

    So fun!

  91. Chris McDaniel

    One of the best trainers on the market!!

  92. Renda

    Wow, best for winter indoor.

  93. Robert

    Nice pick!!!

  94. Best gadget for the people living in places with harsh winter conditions :) Like me!

  95. Steven De Vlieger

    I would like to take that baby for a spin

  96. Jacek

    Neo will be amazing and silent upgrade compare to my wheel on trainer

  97. Holger

    Winter can come