Giveaway Extravaganza: The Anything Unannounced Soon Giveaway!


What if I could give you the future?

Or more specifically, the unannounced future?

Yup, I’m going to do just that.

Over the next 3.5 weeks there’s going to be a crapton of new products announced.  Almost all of these are centered around both Eurobike and an event called IFA, both held in Germany, and both held the last few days of August and into the first weekend of September.

Now since I can’t tell you what’s being announced, I’m just going to have to give you a blank check.  This check states that I’ll let you choose whatever product you want that’s announced between today and September 5th, 2017 – as long as Clever Training carries it.  Be it a new trainer, a power meter, a bike computer, or perhaps even a wearable.  Heck, could even just be a pair of socks that you apparently really…really…like.  Or it could be some totally new category you’ve never heard of.

It’s your cake, and you can eat it too.  So dream big!

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 2:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: The past history of Eurobike

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself, plus Father Future

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, even though neither technically sells the future.  But they will likely sell whatever it is the future brings. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


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  1. Catherine

    Blank check? I’ll take it!

  2. Will S

    I’m interested in the future..

  3. Ryan T

    Best prize so far!!

  4. Mark Maatman

    Love surprises!

  5. Andy Monks

    Is it a crystal ball?

  6. Therese

    Mystery future prize sounds great, imagination running rampant.

  7. Patrick

    Count me in

  8. Zane

    The dreaming of the future entry!

  9. Doran

    I’d love to win the Future

  10. Steve A

    Thanks for all the reviews so far. More baby life posts, please

  11. Rikard Stensson

    Have a nice day. (and here’s to hoping suunto get their act together in the near future)

  12. James Nail

    The future is awesome

  13. Ruben Wattel

    Is response even on time?

  14. K.C. Brown

    would probably lean towards a power meter but who knows since its the future

  15. Hannu

    This could be mine !

  16. Thomas Strande

    Waiting around for announcements will be hard, if I win!

  17. Vasilis

    Awesome idea!!!

  18. Mark

    Dream big!

  19. Drew W

    Will this be the one where I finally win?

  20. Ingolf

    Very dangerous. I would like that Di2, Disk brake, power meter equipped titanium bike please.

  21. Martin Lewis

    Wonder what it’ll be? I’m also getting blocked for ?spam

  22. Zack Desmond

    I love the mystery of this one!

  23. Carl Purczel

    Yes Please!

  24. Paul S.

    Wish I hadn’t missed the Fenix 5 giveaway… Here’s hoping for this one!

  25. Struan Lownie

    Definitely like this give away

  26. David

    This one sounds nice.

  27. Chris Harman

    Run for it Marty!!!

  28. Gregory Uchman

    Anything? Sign me up!

  29. Jerome Angsuco

    Looking forward to seeing what you’re giving away!

  30. Eduardo Arispe

    smart trainer all the way!!

  31. Tim r


  32. Joel

    This could be huge or nothing at all.

  33. Mark Bridges

    This might be the greatest giveaway yet. Must… win… this….

  34. Jarno


  35. Frode Walle


  36. Maurizio

    Best giveaway ever!

  37. Brian Matthews

    I’ve never entered a competition without knowing the prize!

  38. Volker

    Yeah I’m in

  39. Anders Sørensen

    Pick me

  40. Sam Austin

    I’m going to dream sweet dreams of a better me, cooler, with something cool.

  41. Jane A.

    I love it!

  42. Jerome


  43. Lars

    Who doesn’t like a nice surprise…

  44. Dan m

    The future is now!

  45. Bamboo David

    anything free is good for me! Can’t wait to see what new is coming.

  46. Christopher Revell

    Yes please

  47. Patrick


  48. Beth


  49. David Stott

    Wow amazing, thanks

  50. Jason Fears

    Anything?!…The possibilities are endless

  51. Rodrigo Tassinari

    Sign me up for some mistery prize!

  52. Kraljić

    Here we go again!! ?

  53. Vlad Radulescu

    An unannounced cake for me, please !

  54. Rich

    This is my official winning comment

  55. Donald

    I hate surprises but I can change my mind.

  56. Nl

    Mystery gift, how exciting!

  57. Linus De Paoli

    I want this, whatever this is

  58. Andrew D


  59. Michael Ruhl

    hopefully this itme

  60. Alasdair Macmillan

    Wow, imagine winning… fingers crossed :)

  61. Matthew Fafoutis

    Yes please

  62. Joel Ferrand

    Fingers crossed

  63. Aditya Naik

    Future me thanks you!

  64. sherman

    Is that what is called Mystery shopping?

  65. John Figueroa

    Come to me and surpriseme me unrevealed futuro… Lol

  66. Brian DeWitt

    Wonder what the future holds?

  67. Henry


  68. Albert Quisumbing

    Great idea!

  69. Rich Toltzman

    I love surprises!

  70. JSN

    Add me to the list please.

  71. Fiona Wilson

    Awesome ?

  72. I’ll take it!

  73. Matteo


  74. Andrew

    I love mysteries!

  75. Derek Helbert

    Ben Hobbes loves

  76. Willard murray

    Yup, would love this

  77. Tracey

    Cool idea!

  78. Mike

    Fun! I like the future!

  79. yann malinge


  80. Ariel

    “Marty! You’ve got to come back with me!”
    “… where?”
    “Back to the future!”

    Baa ba da pa, baa ba daa, baa ba da pa, baa baa daa paa paa. Baa ba da pa, baa ba daa, ba daa daa, ba daa daa, ba daa daa!!!

    (“Where we’re going, we don’t need roads!”)

  81. Tobias

    I like surprises. :D

  82. Henrik Teinvall

    This could be a true surprise

  83. Richard Shelmerdine

    Fairly confident I’m not a winner.

  84. Zac

    I love this idea!

  85. Catherine Clement

    Who doesnt like new socks!

  86. Daniel grant

    I’m in! Pick me

  87. Ivan

    Back to the future!

  88. Mike B.

    Yes please!

  89. Anders

    Thanks Ray – and sorry if posting twice, can’t see my first post…

  90. Josh Martin

    This could be very interesting

  91. Nick Marsh

    I once ate 12 x Krispy Kremes in a single sitting.

    I was very, very sick afterwards.

  92. Olivier from Paris

    Ready to beta-test any near future product

  93. PeterJ8

    I love surprises!

  94. Josh
