Giveaway Extravaganza: The Anything Unannounced Soon Giveaway!


What if I could give you the future?

Or more specifically, the unannounced future?

Yup, I’m going to do just that.

Over the next 3.5 weeks there’s going to be a crapton of new products announced.  Almost all of these are centered around both Eurobike and an event called IFA, both held in Germany, and both held the last few days of August and into the first weekend of September.

Now since I can’t tell you what’s being announced, I’m just going to have to give you a blank check.  This check states that I’ll let you choose whatever product you want that’s announced between today and September 5th, 2017 – as long as Clever Training carries it.  Be it a new trainer, a power meter, a bike computer, or perhaps even a wearable.  Heck, could even just be a pair of socks that you apparently really…really…like.  Or it could be some totally new category you’ve never heard of.

It’s your cake, and you can eat it too.  So dream big!

Giveaway Opens: 12:00PM US Eastern Time
Giveaway Closes: 2:00PM US Eastern Time (Duration: 2 hours)

In-Depth Review: The past history of Eurobike

Product Source: Clever Training & Myself, plus Father Future

Even if you don’t win, you can still support the site by using either Clever Training or Amazon, even though neither technically sells the future.  But they will likely sell whatever it is the future brings. If you purchase through Clever Training or Clever Training Europe, DCR readers can use coupon code DCR10BTF to save 10% off any order (or get 10% back in points on almost anything else), plus most devices get free shipping too! Support via Clever Training makes giveaways like this possible!

To enter, simply leave a comment below within the 2-hour timespan specified above. All entries must be posted below in the comments section by the time the giveaway officially closes per the posted times above. Winners will be chosen randomly. Products will be shipped to winners within a few days by Clever Training. Everyone worldwide is of course eligible as always.

Comments may take a short while to show-up, simply due to the various spam-filters catching them. I’m going through manually and approving any caught comments. So refrain from re-trying 17 times, fear not, it’ll show up. Note, only one entry per person per giveaway item. If you have questions on giveaways, see my FAQ here!

Click here to see all Giveaway Extravaganza Posts from today! Or, you can follow on Facebook or Twitter to get updates just as the contests start!

Thanks all!


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  1. Miriam Garcia Casado

    Ooohhh cool!! Thanks

  2. Agron


    Yes please!

  3. Marijke

    Back to the future…I love surprises!!!

  4. Tom

    Cool! Can’t wait.

  5. Praveen

    love surprises.

  6. Nipnip

    Yeeeesssss !

  7. Mirek

    This is super?

  8. Anders Just Urban


  9. Aaron J Knox


  10. Steve E

    I’m in for… something!

  11. Bob Kilinski

    Back to the future!

  12. Raghini

    Thank you for the surprise :)

  13. Jon Olsson

    The future is bright…

  14. Ulf

    Give me the future!

  15. Paulo A.

    Always good to look into the future!

  16. Max

    Thats so awesome!

  17. Andy Jelagin

    Wow – thinking outside the box, aren’t we?

  18. Tom Jansen

    That’s exciting.. I’ll gamble :) no risk here

  19. Randy


  20. ReHMn

    The Everly Brothers – All I Have To Do Is Dream…

  21. Stuart Stent


  22. Igor

    I want future :)

  23. Steve

    The future! “Roads? Where we’re going we don’t need… roads.”

  24. Mark Thorburn

    What a prize this would be.

  25. Ray Hilts

    Thanks Ray

  26. Oren Noah

    The future lies ahead!

  27. João Cravo

    I would like to win the future

  28. Jason

    I like surprises

  29. Katre

    That’s amazing

  30. Tim Pietro

    fingers crossed

  31. Lirri

    Sounds fun! Thanks, Ray!

  32. Hannah Stevenson

    This is cool, I’d like to win the future!

  33. Yanick

    Wow, what does the future holds …. Great things. Very cool giveaway

  34. Simon Arnu

    I’m in.

  35. Michael Talentino


  36. Jonny Burrows

    here’s hoping I have some luck oneday….

  37. Lee

    This sounds WAY too good to be true.

  38. Josep

    Will fit it in my MTB, I guess …

  39. Turi Becker

    Blank check!!!

  40. Kari viippola

    I love a mystery…

  41. Andreas

    This sounds really good!

  42. Alex

    Love your blog!

  43. Ben

    Look very interesting

  44. Melinda Caroline

    I’ve always wanted the future! ;-)

  45. Chris Houghton

    I could win anything? Better than nothing.

  46. Jeffrey Hsu

    I don’t know what the future holds but I’ll have some of that!

  47. Rob Furlong


  48. Francis

    Let’s go ! :-)

  49. Ryan Sangill

    very cool indeed!

  50. Kurps

    Sign me up.

  51. Jacob N

    What the hells a gigawat!?

  52. Meg O'Brien

    Pick me pick me !!

  53. Tim

    I’d love a trainer!

  54. Theresa

    Add me please.

  55. Michael Go

    I would love that.

  56. Tobias

    Let’s rock the future!

  57. Christophe


  58. Raphael

    That’s a wonderful gift, Ray !

  59. Alan Dooley

    This is too exciting!

  60. Danny Merymo

    Congrats on all the success!

  61. Patrick

    Here come the future!

  62. Jonathan

    Try something new

  63. Alan

    Wow! Cool innovation! Count me in!

  64. Jon Myrvold

    The future!?

  65. Ned Newlin

    Very cool!

  66. George

    Yes please!

  67. Roelof

    Let me surprise me

  68. Laurent

    Amazing !

  69. Klaas De Schepper

    Whoa cool :o

  70. Wesley Bradshaw


  71. Seamus B.

    Awesome idea. Thanks Ray.

  72. Mattia

    I’m in

  73. Adam Ellis

    Yes please, I’ll take one of those!

  74. Felix

    May the future be with me

  75. Alex Castano

    I’m IN! Thank you Ray.

  76. Virgile


  77. John

    Thanks for this!

  78. Britta

    Cool,I love surprised,so yes please

  79. Jandre de Villiers

    Blank check! Wow!!

  80. we love blank cheques!

  81. Dave


  82. bea salvat

    This is exciting!

  83. BWISE

    Fun. Count me in

  84. Tonya

    Very cool!!

  85. Casey S

    Love the mystery. I’m in for a surprise.

  86. Swimnbike

    A blank eurobike cheque?

    Bring it on!!

  87. Pieter

    Yes! How about some tri-shoes or bike!

  88. Adi

    Lost mojo to write anything interesting.

  89. JB

    Clever idea! I’m in

  90. Suzanne Houghton

    Yay mystery prize!

  91. George Gonzalez

    Yes, I’m finally going to get my rocket jet pack! Thanks Ray

  92. Lucian

    Really interesting idea!

  93. Hans Huisman


  94. Steve

    Pot luck, I love it!!!!!!

  95. Jose B

    Will be waiting for nice future announcements

  96. Eetu Tourunen

    Yes, future please!