March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Erik

    Two big mountain bike rides including some long SS climbing to start spring break.

  2. Mathieu Cagnard

    2 hours spinning class on Saturday morning. A lot of sweat?

  3. Markus

    I did 2h workout on a indoor bike because it was raining outside :-(

  4. Mike McLean

    Rode 110k on zwift preparing for some longer stuff over the year.

  5. Harri James

    A racing double header. On Saturday, a Crit race ruined by an untimely puncture while in the winning breakaway. Then on Sunday a Hilly time trial in brutal winds.

  6. Miquel

    I did an hour ride with the static bicycle at home while watching House of Cards :)

  7. David Dapelo

    riding with the kids…not enough time for anything big until gymnastics competitions are over for my girl.

  8. David Ranson

    Knocked out some zwift miles; not been outside since I found it!

  9. AJ Brandt

    I rode my new wheel and tire setup on my gravel bike. Saturday was cold and windy. Sunday was pleasant and windy.

  10. Nate

    No cycling this weekend, unfortunately due to travel. Hope to get into the saddle again on Wednesday.

  11. Ben

    Skiied in tahoe all weekend, 14″ of snow Sunday and 26″ of snow today :) I don’t have a power meter yet so this would be an awesome win, I currently train with HR.

  12. Alan Harper

    On a mission to make my strava heatmap lines join up. 100km between to country cities on country roads

  13. Kev B

    Scrapped a ride for a long walk to the pub with the girl and the dogs. We we’re all winning that day ?

  14. Stephen

    got injured on Friday and couldn’t bike at all :(

  15. This weekend , i ended up cycling on Friday/Saturday & Sunday in co.Sligo, Ireland. and guess what , i ended up cycling 3 times in the pouring rain.
    i must say through, it doesn’t always rain in Ireland, just about 300 days a year.
    I am training for my 2018 trip Nordkapp to Gibraltar (link to

  16. Tom

    3 repeats of Mt Wellington, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

  17. bruno carballo zama

    I went to Dan Francisco on vacation so I rode there, I climbed twin peaks :)

  18. Tested new tubeless wheel set on my MTB, which does not have a power meter.

  19. Tal Kman

    It’s probably going to be 80 km ride with my mates, and maybe I’ll convince them to have a café stop in the middle :)

  20. James Winchester

    No riding this weekend…recovering from a pelvic fracture. Hope to get back on trainer this week, a PM would help the recovery with Zwift! :)

  21. Graham

    FTP test on trainerroad for me.

    Would love a power meter to take the numbers outside.

  22. Shane Russell

    Been off the bike for a week or two so going to head out with my club mates and get a few decent km’s in.

  23. Rob

    Broken by GCN workouts on Zwift. Roll on spring!

  24. Martin G

    Not far enough. Foiled by the weather

  25. Johnny

    Planned: A LSD session on the trainer before the kids woke up.
    Did: Went sledding with the kids.

  26. Frank Eeckman

    I rode 50 miles on Sunday. Saturday it rained cats and dogs.

  27. François Rommelaere

    I did a group Ride with some friends on sunday :)

  28. Hugo

    A rainy day ruined my idea of a long ride on Saturday. Ended up with a 50 km ride.

  29. Howard Gadsby

    100 mile ride with 2000m of elevation- training ride for the Liege-Bastogne-Leige sportive in April. A power meter would be the ultimate training tool! :)

  30. Robin Boardman (no relation)

    Got a bit bored on a ride with a couple of buddies a bit (a lot) “less trained” this weekend so started climbing hills in 50-11.. my calfs are not my friend anymore..

  31. Ben Towell

    I did what anyone with young kids does.
    Take them to a birthday party, take them to buy new shoes, take them to park run, go food shopping, etc. Then squeeze in as many minutes as possible on the turbo, while the kids nap. Only to be stopped by one of them shouting as they had wet the bed. Textbook stuff. One day I’ll be able to ride again I keep telling myself.

  32. AndreA

    A couple of solid TrainerRoad hours.

  33. Liam Hobbins

    I did my first ever criterium race! 38 km within an hour, average HR of 180 BPM and didn’t even finish in the front group. Hopefully better results to come :) a well earned (IMO) rest on Sunday.

  34. David Boris

    I’m in New York so my riding has been on Zwift!

  35. steve K

    Saturday long walk, stetching legs after turbo session on Friday, supporting the ourNHS March, decided to go for ride with local club on Sunday morning, woke early, cold heavy rain, so went back to bed and did 90min turbo on retro 531pro 1980s Saracen, before having roast beef. Ideal Sunday ;)

  36. Bouker

    Zwift Team ODZ Pretzel ride

  37. Eric Caesar

    Sat 5hr ride : 4 x 20min tempo with 5 min recovery
    Sun 3 hr ride : 5 min tempo , 5min recovery 16x20sec full gas , 40 sec recovery – then do it all again

  38. Ravi Nagaraja

    Raining outside, taking it easy and cleaning and maintaining the bikes today.

  39. Grant

    Rode out side SLC for the first time in a while.

  40. Alison

    Took to zwift this weekend to ride the volcano loop

  41. AA

    2 hours on a muddy singletrack on the MTB :)

    • David Nyskohus

      I actually took the weekend off the bike to look after my wife, who had a bad head cold

    • patrik

      Plan was 150km but ended up sick so all the cycling i did was the 2km ride to the playground with our daughter

  42. Ross Poulton

    Take my kids, aged 2 and 5, for a family bike ride to the locak community farm.

  43. Henri

    I did a race in France and had a puncture. As the service car was too far I had to give up :(

  44. This weekend the triathlete inside me escaped the British winter to run the Malta Half-Marathon, rather than any cycling. A 1:17 PB was a very positive outcome :-)

  45. H Lam

    I did a big ride with friends

  46. Jan

    Only indoor over the weekend in the Kickr.

  47. Friday was a big-gear, low-cadence sweet-spot trainer session, Saturday was my rest day and Sunday I did some Z4 intervals and seated sprints. Not the most exciting weekend on the bike, but when there’s 3 feet of snow on the ground, options are limited!

  48. Jess Joiner

    I haven’t spent a lot of time on my bike lately but managed to spend some time on my trainer.

  49. Sebastian

    Oh year . I was for the “Grunewaldrunde” in Berlin Germany with two friends of mine on Saturday .

  50. James

    Very hot and sweaty Wattbike session in the pain cave….

  51. Jordi

    105 minute trainer road kickr ride

  52. Adrian Crawley

    Rode 50km (49.9km actually!) on some of my favourite local roads on Saturday.
    Then did an extra lap of the roundabout on Sunday to push it over 50 clicks….
    Brought the weeks total to over 160 km

  53. Tom

    Watched the Strada Bianca and wished it wasn’t -20C outside in Montreal.

  54. Andrew

    I looked at my bike and went for a 12km run :)

  55. Brian Darroch

    A 6 mile run after a 5 mile wasted walk (golf). Never managed out my bike this weekend

  56. Corey May

    Going to ride my brand new road bike!

  57. Jim Murff

    12 mile run Sat. 42 Mile ride on beat legs Sunday.

  58. 30 miles on the trainer, dying, in Zwift London!

  59. rclar


  60. Eli Selzer

    I had intended to ride in the 626 Golden Streets open streets event in Pasadena this weekend, but unfortunately, illness kept me at home. On to the next one!

  61. Asaf Cohen

    Too bad I did not have time to cycle – had to do a long run this weekend. Used the bikes only today after two weeks without cycling…

  62. Greg

    Didn’t end up riding this weekend, but doing high cadence intervals on the training this evening.

  63. Sander Brinkhof

    Im doing my first peloton ride (100k)

  64. James Starr

    Dodging showers and puddles with a friend on a Sunday morning ride

  65. Riccardo Canola

    6 hours on the bike to make a good base for the time to come!

  66. Pedro Gonzalez Ares

    Sadly I can not ride a bike for a while because of a fall and make me a kidney injury, although I would like to participate

  67. Grace

    A hideous hour of sweet spot on the turbo as the heavens opened just as i was leaving for my club ride :-(
    I reckon a power meter would put a smile back on my face…

  68. Stuart Murray

    A hectic weekend for me, my daughter’s 5th birthday so cycling was a bit hard. I rode for just over an hour on Zwift, using my soon to be obsolete, but much loved Computrainer. I love it so much that when I saw Ray posting they were stopping that I bought another one (second hand!).

  69. Graeme Webb

    A brief foray to the rock that nearly killed me last November, while mountain biking. Been in the garage on Zwift since then while recovering.

  70. JL

    Intervals on zwift.

  71. Brian Crook

    Quick ride up the new Zwift Volcano route.

  72. Francesc Cruz

    Did 105 Km on Zwift to avoid a rainy morning

  73. bob parisi

    some drills and 2 x 20 min intervals on the trainer

  74. Rui Pedro

    Only 1 hour indoor on my Tacx Smart. Not a great cycling weekend… :(

  75. Jussi Laurila

    Just started a week long training camp in Gran Canaria, so lot of kilometres and uphills so far.

  76. J Roose

    No biking but did run 5 miles today! I have never owned or used a power meter!

  77. Greg Ross

    Breaking in my new Trek Domane …

  78. Scott Trice

    2 hours easy with a run.

  79. Brad Stewart

    A trail race (running)!

  80. kowi

    After a hours and hours on the rollers, I went for my first ride outdoors- probably the first & last 80k before my son arrives :)

  81. Adam

    Trainer Road, recovery week so Table Rock and Slide Mountain!

  82. Jonathan Martel

    Fartlek ride on the kickr. Temperature in Montréal makes it hard to ride outside!

  83. Daniel Y

    Going to climb L’Angliru

  84. Jennifer Yin

    Plan to do some studio cycling.

  85. Arturo Cantú

    On Saturday, went on a 150 km, 1,200 m elevation group ride and ended up having to wait for the slower guys on top of the climbs! My new trainer has helped me so much! :D

  86. Martijn

    Only rides to the shops and park, workouts were a run and a swim!

  87. Greg Cipov

    Date with TrainerRoad. Love me some over/unders!

  88. Tim Bruce

    Stuck indoors on a cold (15F) Saturday that saw me ride 2:05 on a 56 mile course. I made it 39 of the miles with 2500 feet of climb.

  89. Simon Freathy

    Leaking Holy water being broken by Sufferfest TGTTOS

  90. Bill Jessup

    200k – London to Cotswolds. Lovely scenery.

  91. Stephen Caldwell

    Unfortunately nothing outside…Sufferfest session on rollers in the pain cave.

  92. Eric vaughan

    50 miles with the local club. Not in the rain for a change.

  93. Jan Pfitzner

    Finished 1st Race of the season, a crossduathlon – i definitely need a power meter to not blow up at 2nd run again ;-)

  94. Mike Tredgett

    Due to the truly biblically wet and windy weather here all weekend, I was confined to the virtual velodrome. New best FTP though.

  95. Guillaume Hamon

    Two Hours with 3x 12′ @80%ftp !

  96. James Hartwright

    Back to cycling (and running very tentatively) after some plantar faciitis with a bit of an explore on some filthy dirty winter roads. Included a u-turns after a farmer told me it was a dead end then another when the road stopped at a field and turned into a muddy footpath.

  97. Pete

    Zwift pretzel which filled me up

  98. Tim Vanhaeren

    This weekend I did a Crossduathlon in my hometown and next weekend I’ll be doing a cyclosportive of about 100k on the paved roads of Flanders. Looking forward to it!

  99. Jason Holbrook

    Rode the trainer for a good 2.5 hours on Saturday. Wonderful time as always

  100. Daryle Yarab

    2.5 hour sweet spot ride on Sunday followed by a 45 minute run…