March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Mark

    Road Peloton bike at work today!

  2. Steve C

    Malibu Gran Fondo (short route this year).

  3. Kerry Parker

    Sadly, no cycling – had a half marathon race on Sunday (complete with a PR!)

  4. Jason M

    Had blast in Mammoth, had to skip the workouts this weekend.

  5. Tymofii Pavliuk

    I rode 200 km along Black Sea last weekend.

  6. Charles Kwon

    Still snow and salt on the roads in Canada; relegated to doing km’s on the trainer.

  7. Lex

    Short warm up before the season starts, along Paris-Nice Stage 1.

  8. Sandra Contant

    riding with hubby all weekend long.

  9. Michael J Stivala

    Spent some time on Strava Saturday doing the Moxie Ride

  10. El Paso Mark

    Short 17 mile ride on Saturday and a leisurely 7 mile ride with my wife and one of the dogs on Sunday.

  11. Due to an injury not much happened during the weekend. :(

  12. New subscriber here… 93 miles for the week ending Sunday with 5,374ft of climbing.

    Friday and Saturday I did two short climbs up Mt. Hamilton in California then capped the weekend off Sunday with a Zwift ride through downtown London.


  13. Gary S

    A very cold weekend in New England so Zwift time with the Kickr. Legs felt like they were outside!

  14. Marco Marchi

    Only turbo trainer, rain fault!

  15. Francois

    Skied on heavy snow and changing Babies panties full of heavier stuff

  16. Marcus Haines

    My weekend ride was working out how I could around my local hills (which are not that big) and still get about 1000m vertical in a 40km ride. Found some interesting places I never knew existed!

  17. Karl Karlsson

    I did the vasaloppet link to but not on skiis; instead on my trainer in front of the TV following the winner time 3.57.18.

  18. Tom Siegfrids

    Went for a 70 km cx ride along the beautiful seaside trails of Helsinki

  19. Charlie

    Couldn’t fit biking in but I cranked out some stair machine steps in the hotel’s temporary fitness center slash ballroom. Ready for Spring!

  20. Terry Timms

    The last weekend was the finish of my first week back training after struggling to recover from the pneumonia that’s ruined my winter as well as my planned spring training camp in Tenerife! Managed two easy rides on the road without coughing my lungs up in the week and had planned a ride out on the club run Sunday.
    Awoke Sunday to freezing rain and gale force winds, club run definitely a no-no! Got on the turbo and did an hour at L2 (142bpm) for 21.8 miles – 3 months ago I would do the same session and make 26 miles for the same heart rate! Depressing and soul destroying! ( not really – there are worse things I know!) It just means I’ll miss the early season TT’s and spring road races but you never know May I may be up to a couple of the early Club TT events and even a road race.
    How great it would be to be a lucky recipient of one of the Clever Training power meters! My 58yr old legs and lungs need all the help, support and encouragement they can get – please consider me as a recipient!

  21. Saturday had an aerobic ride for 45 minutes. Sunday had a long ride as the front end of a bike-run brick.

  22. Eshed

    I’m currently healing after a broken radius (in my left arm), so I’ll spend the weekend catching up on series’ and eating ice cream… guess I’ll choose the cookie-dough if I’m lucky enough to win ;)

  23. xava

    Going for a second ride of the year, so a short easy ride this time

  24. Ulf Herold-Jensen

    I had to refrain from training as a commisaires’ seminar was scheduled. As chairman of the national technical committee, I am obliged to and responsible for keeping our corps of commissaires up to date on changes to the rules and regulations.

  25. Nadav

    Recovery week.. easy 1 hour spin

  26. David Judah

    My girlfriend and I visited her family west of Washington DC and had a slightly chilly 24°F ride Sunday morning. 32 good miles over rollers.

  27. Andrew Plumb

    No training for me this weekend as my daughter is coming home for her 21st birthday and will be celebrating with her ?

  28. Armando Portillo

    Hopped on the trainer for a few miles

  29. Chris Larson

    Hopefully weather is good for a nice ride and a short run after.

  30. Jan

    We had first warm weekend, so I did first ride of the year – about 40 kilometers to start season.

  31. Ján

    Two hours ride through villages and in the woods.

  32. Alan Carter

    Pain Cave!

  33. Erik

    My cycling buddies asked me to go for a bike ride, but ended up in the pool with my two peanuts…

  34. Wanted to ride 100k in nice and sunny weather on saturday but ended up with 85k in the wind. On sunday i wanted to do an easy ride of 50k but found myself back hone with just 35k.

  35. Matthew

    Couldn’t do any riding.

  36. Chris Huff

    Spent the weekend cycling 60k through the snow and slush of a late winter storm, didn’t even wipe out once.

  37. Steve Cropp

    No ride :(, but a run around the bays at Taupo (in town to watch IMNZ the day before).

  38. Yanick

    Rest weekend. Back on the bike this Monday.

  39. luis

    intervals x2

  40. Susan Woods

    I did an indoor bike workout at The Fix and then on beautiful Sunday in Minnesota, my husband and I rode to meet our daughter and her beau for brunch….and then home again. (Harder coming home on a full stomach!)

  41. Jorge Gonzalez

    This past weekend I rode on the rural area of Katy, TX with the goal of staying withing my heart rate zone 2 for endurance.

  42. Alistair Hattingh

    50 degree day in Ohio in March? An easy 30 mile ride to soak up the sun…

  43. Paul Brown

    I rode over Yabitsu pass … great ride and no snow.

  44. Troy F

    1.5 hours of over/under son Saturday and a 3 hour endurance/base ride on Sunday. Have to do these with HR And RPE so a power meter would make my world a lot easier.

  45. Jay Thomas

    Got in at 38 mi. or so ride on Saturday.

  46. Markus Wråke

    Did some very nice ice skating on a lake outside Stockholm. Bike safely indoors on the trainer for another month…

  47. Sean

    30 min z2
    4 min @ 350 watts
    4 ez
    8 min @ 300+ watts

  48. Dave G

    Did 20 miles via Salcey Forest on Saturday – my first outdoor ride of the year. Then on Sunday used a Stages SC3 training bike for the first time at my gym and did 20 odd miles on that. Would be very nice to have a Stages Power on my road bike!

  49. KeithS

    two and half hilly hours on the bike through the Queensland hinterland

  50. Mark

    Worked Saturday looking out of the window at the sun. On Sunday abandoned a catch-up ride with an old friend due to 40mph winds and hail. I tested my new castelli perfetto convertible and it was fantastic.

  51. Conrado

    GCN workouts in Zwift! It was snowing… as usual… (Canada)

  52. Simon Fallai

    Fat biking in Steamboat Springs, CO on the cross country ski trails with some killer climbs.

    Then the outdoor hot tub.

  53. Kristin Gerndt

    Try to stay warm while riding in Wisconsin winter —dress in layers and hope for sun !

  54. Maximilian

    A short ride to my parents and back. Lucky me i just hit a time window without rain.

  55. Alex Ho

    Dodge the rain and ride to the creek

  56. Kate Pape

    Returned from Belize over the weekend, so I was not able to get any biking in this weekend. I do have a date with the trainer tonight, however!!

  57. Jose Dalisay

    I did a portion of 626 golden streets

  58. Daniel

    Would have been wonderful to capture more data from the Grand Fonds Strafe Bianche

  59. Stefan De Haes

    I planned to go cycling. Emphasize the planned part, because I have 2 boys who rather wanted to do other things. So, it became playing in the garden and building racetracks :-)

  60. Kurt

    1 short and 1 longer ride (60+90km)

  61. Dan Kinsley

    me and the kickr on TrainerRoad

  62. Waiting for a better to ride more 100 km in this week.

  63. Harry

    Indoor training with Zwift both days. 90 min Sat and an hour Sun.

  64. Nathan

    Stupid indoor trainer due to the frigid weather

  65. Vincent Jacques

    1h30 step ups session on my good old Kurt Kinetic Road Machine

  66. Msaun

    Riding got postponed in order to enjoy hiking with the family!

  67. Scott D

    Broke a Strava PR on a climb!


    On saturday, I rode my road bike with an amateur cyclist team. We rode 80km (too hard for me). That was great!! Later I went to swim. On Sunday, I rode my mtb and climbed with it a couple of mountains with a wonderful landscape.

  69. Alex H

    A nice ride round the Surrey Hills

  70. Three hours on the CompuTrainer (RIP) putting in some 1X work for IMLP. Surprisingly, still moving these days!

  71. Pete

    Plan was for 20km running, ended up only doing 10km as the weather turned, then regretted sunday being a rest day with the weather being really nice!

  72. Paul furniss

    You are a legend.

  73. Alain

    was stuck riding on the spinner indoors since the mechanic didn’t finish my bike in time for the weekend.. but got in some good training anyway :)

  74. Bala Rajagopal

    Ride with local town group

  75. Curtis Ferree

    Sadly, it was in the teens with the windchill where I am this weekend, so my cycling was a stationary bike in the gym.

  76. Michael Stern

    I’m going to be riding with the Rivertowns crew.

  77. Lauren L.

    Had a fantastic time running over the weekend as I build mileage from an injury. Looking forward to cycling next weekend!

  78. Eshel Korakh

    Getting the MTB out for a spin, hoping it won’t be too muddy!

  79. Richard Crook

    I rode on the track at Lee Valley Velodrome for the first time.

  80. Tom

    So I am planing to join the father on a cheeky 40km ride in whatever weather.

  81. Put in an easy 30 miles around downtown Memphis this weekend.

  82. Mark Haggart

    Took my wife to do her 1st parkrun.

  83. geoff campbell

    I had loads of great intentions but the rain kept me off the bike this past weekend!

  84. Valere

    I Will ride Paris Nice Challenge on saturday !

  85. Antoni Martínez

    I rode 90 km with my friends on Saturday and I rest on Sunday.

  86. Marc Mitcham

    Installed a new bottom bracket and did a short test ride…mystery clicking persists!

  87. Patrick Callan

    Partied on Saturday, woke up hungover and watched basketball all day. Felt guilty at 6pm so I rode across the Golden Gate bridge and back. Obviously I need more motivation to ride my bike.

  88. Zak Katz

    DId 2 Zwift rides up the Volcano. Fun times!

  89. Pekka R

    Short coffee ride

  90. Lubos

    Still cold in Europe, so I’ll ride Zwift during weekend. :-)

  91. Tristan A

    54miles through Surrey Hills through pretty much all weather conditions

  92. MOV

    Too cold to cycle outside and trainer rear wheel got crooked. Had to make due with mental cycling instead!

  93. Mathieu Norry

    Cycled exactly 100 miles in preparation for my first ever triathlon, the wind blew the rain sideways at me but kept pushing through.

  94. Jorge

    50K in the rain just to post it on Strava.

  95. Jeff Oldakowski

    30 mile easy recovery ride. Headwind was miserable

  96. Lindsey Jerdonek

    A long ride on Saturday and short & sweet crit on Sunday.

  97. Euan

    This weekend was the start of a new training block and the cold hard truth of a 20 minute power test.

  98. Miquel

    I did a 40 km ride around my hometown with some friends

  99. Did 1h rides. Nice sunshine and ice and snow here in Finland.

  100. Gavin H

    This weekend I was on a training course so I knocked out 90 minutes in my basement on the turbo this evening.