March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Alexandre

    Hit the mountains!!!

  2. Chris K

    Did a little road race in Snelling, CA with a bunch of fast old guys on Saturday.
    Rode on Sunday for over 1 1/2 hrs.

  3. CR

    Riding head wind.

  4. alan w yueh

    Sorry, no cycling this weekend–I was pacing a friend through a half-marathon…and functioning like a domestique (he called me his “Sherpa”)–carrying his extra clothing, gels, etc.

  5. Mark Mallalue

    BSCC Hardriders TT – Could have used a power meter to see how much it hurt!

  6. Jakub

    On saturday easy endurance 2h ride, and on sunday I went with my friends for an group trainning – 3h.


  7. Jeff G.

    I didn’t make time to get a ride in … too many other activities to catch up on!

  8. Traci LeBlanc

    My cycling is still confined to indoors! I hit my local gym this morning for a Power and Speed ride! Love to see the data from the power meters on the spin bikes – I would love it even more if my own bike gave me such data :-) Looking forward to the arrival of Spring soon!

  9. AJ

    This past weekend I played maintenance man on my bike/trainer, so my wife could get her after vacation ride in. Good times.

  10. Ryan Fishel

    Some Northern Virginia grabble! Dirt tour de Fairfax

  11. Zoltan

    Ride from Hungary to the neighboring Slovakia and back.

  12. I broke out my bikes for the first time this year. My wife rode my mountain bike and I towed my 2year old and 9 month old in our cruzer trailer with my road bike.

  13. Andrew

    Indoor Roller for 60 mins due to cold weather last weekend ?

  14. Dillon Smith

    I couldn’t cycle over the weekend as I had a 8.4km run race on the Sunday (Auckland Ports “round the bays”). Finished 56th out of 19,000 in 32:05.

  15. phil

    Took the kids on the bike path got them to do a 4 mile out and back!

  16. Barry

    Indoors on a trainer, sadly…

  17. praveen

    Its very chilly out, i will use the trainer.

  18. I’m visiting SF for the weekend. Planning to do a daily ride to the Alpine Dam link to

  19. Marko Hercog

    Extremely bad weather, with heavy snowfall, meant that i was stuck on a trainer, doing speed intervals.

  20. Christoper Daniels

    Active recovery on the trainer…

    Prepping for another week of commuting with snow, ice and -20C temperatures.

  21. Nicholas Browne

    2.5hr spin class!

  22. Rodney Holmes

    I rode a quick 20 miles on Saturday with my good friend MonkeyBoy, then 2 hrs on the Kickr on Sunday.

  23. Marc

    Mountain bike ride cut short due to bad trail conditions, then onto the road for some mud clearing spinning

  24. Irene A

    Endurance ride on the trainer probably. Forecast is for more cold weather this weekend.

  25. Renee Hahn

    Riding in the rain and snow here today!

  26. Tripp

    No trainer time this weekend, battled the cold with a 5K Saturday and again on Sunday.

  27. Mike Eng

    Rode 40 miles in 15F temperature on Saturday. Chickened out on Sunday and ran 7 miles instead.

  28. Tony Kung

    90 minutes steady wattage output on trainer!

  29. matt dokken

    plan to ride to the park with my kids

  30. David

    Trying to get back into the swing after being sick for 2 weeks!

  31. Taylor

    Hello all,
    I was supposed to ride Sunday, but rain again in SoCal. So damn back on trainer, and a power meter would be sweet! Luckily I retired 5 months ago, getting ready to go today. I usually ride or run everyday, but will be a mellow week because I’m doing Solvang Century this Saturday. Cheers ?

  32. Jon S

    Trainer on Saturday. Standard 2 hr mtb loop on Sunday.

  33. Dimitri Kiselkov

    the baby wouldn’t let me train for real. So I trained mentally at the challenges to come, like finding a new job,

  34. Pete Moore

    I took my kids to a bike themed party and I taught my eldest to ride Berns!!!

  35. Roelof

    No training this weekend, maybe a powermeter would be a nice motivation.

  36. Shannon

    I researched bikes over the weekend instead of riding, since I don’t own a bike at the moment.

  37. Steven

    I did a couple of turbo workouts in my shed. Cold and dark, but with a sportive next month I’ll take the miles any way I can get them.

  38. Daryle Mosby

    Bought a Bike -rode it- lost 36 lbs! Long way to go still. Still logging miles. Still pushing myself!

  39. Bartosz Nazar

    Some 100km seaside ride will be great!

  40. Did 70k of hills on Saturday then ran a half marathon (training) on Sunday…

  41. Tuomas Metsälä

    I did a long(ish) two-hour spinning session on saturday while watching the cross-country skiing world championships!

  42. Martin

    workout on rollers

  43. Ryan Marthaller

    Trainer, it’s cold here!

    • Tom Glandfield

      Woke up early on Sunday to ride an early season time trial in the pissing rain and a howling gale. Did not need a power meter to tell me what an abysmal ride I was on. Loved it.

  44. russ

    finally fitted the follow-me-tandem to my pootle-about-bike, this was a good idea because I can now tow my daughter (21kg) and her bike (6kg) and assorted junk on the back of the aforementioned bike which now weighs in at about 15kg with the tandem attached. We then pootled up and down some hills on some forest tracks. I am reconsidering if it was a “good” idea.

  45. Brian

    Too cold outside, trainer ride.

  46. Hannah

    I’ll be looking after the baby whilst I watch my husband ride off to work!

  47. Eduardo Guemez

    80 km of mountains around Mexico City.

  48. Laurynas

    Been sking in Austria, after long ride on Saturday

  49. I spun on Saturday with the finacee. On Sunday I lead the clubs icebike ride thru the polar vortex while riding my fixed gear.

    Bill from Halifax

  50. Takao Mühmel

    I could not ride because I didn’t had enough time. Instead I was running while my son (7 years) was riding along with me in awesome weather and had we had a lot of fun.

  51. Felipe Payet

    Aborted a planned 70 miler in the pouring rain. 40 was enough. :-(

  52. Grzegorz Zawadzki

    It was very bad weather outside so I’ve did power and strength training.

  53. Kurt Brandon

    Flying from Auckland, New Zealand to Melbourne Australia, driving 5hrs into the the Australian Alps to ride the 3 peaks event. 235km + 4500m elevation… and I’m paying for the honour!

  54. T. Bradley

    W/ New England (CT) temps reaching -4 F over the wkend, . . .

    – 3/4/17
    Rd. 55.7 miles; 2,510 ft. of climbing elevation; 2:31:24 in Zwift race on a Wahoo Kickr (1.0).

    link to

    – 3/5/17
    Rd. 51.1miles; 2,864 ft. of climbing elevation; 2:45:03 in Zwift race on a Wahoo Kickr (1.0).

    link to

  55. Chris Terry

    Training for a sprint tri series

  56. Kelvin Ng

    I didn’t cycle so much as I went snowboarding at Sunshine.

  57. Daniel Beaudry

    MTB’ing at San Lee park in Sanford, NC.

  58. Matthew

    Was out of town this weekend so spent it at the hotel gym spinning their spinner. Did get in some. I’ve runs outside though.

  59. Kasey Curtis

    First time outside in 2017 on a local 20-min hill climb. New PR thanks to Trainerroad! Would love a stages PM.

  60. Frank

    I did my first ride as new dad (son born Tuesday 2/28) on the trainer. A nice Wahoo Snap spin up to the Alpine Village and around Watopia. Then since I had a few “rest” days in me from the week in the hospital, I did The Sufferfest -Rubberglove FTP test and upped by FTP 21 points with the new guy chilling beside me and the wife cranking the resistance and yelling at me, full family affair.

  61. Martin Chmiel

    New cyclist with a used Stages power meter that I purchased on kijiji, my weekend involved climbing the mountains of Watopia in Zwift.
    Been obese most of my life, weighing in at 305lbs in June of 2014 I decieded enough is enough. I was never a runner nor a cyclist but i knew something needed to change. I started walking faster, hiking and then eventually running. I ate very well and with exercise lost 125lbs in less than a year; this is now 2015. Ran a 18min 5k in Oct of 2015, then 38min 10k in June 2016 and eventually a 1:29 half marathon in Nov 2016. Injury took its toll but I found my second love. Been cycling since my birthday in Aug of 2016 and haven’t looked back. Purchasing a used carbon Opus Crescendo tomorrow and would love to leave my used Stages power meter on my aluminum Trek that is hooked up to a Kurt Kinetic on Zwift. Absolutely love Stages!

  62. Stevie

    I did 4 hours on my kickr Saturday– 3 hours in Z1 and the last hour in Z2. Sunday was 1 hour of ZR spinning on the kickr!

  63. Mike Bishop

    Fat bike ride

  64. Glen Coutts

    After 2 weeks of blech, I did a little Zwifting and a Suffferfest video to get my legs back. Planing on continuing with a 10week training plan via the Sufferfest App. Keep up the great work Ray.

  65. Eric McMinoway

    I had a wedding to go to and terrible weather. Hoping to get out this weekend on new bike. A power meter would help with the motivation!!!

  66. Tyler C Philp

    I did some hill intervals on the bike and some heavy single leg leg presses in the gym. Gotta get those legs bigger!

  67. Kristýna

    Get some endurance hours to get in shape.

  68. Eric Lachance-Tremblay

    Did my first 2hours + on trainer this weekend, was great!!

  69. Ray

    Over the weekend I rode on some rollers and also did a recovery ride. I’ve been trying to improve my balance since I was concussed a year ago and have lost a lot of time in the saddle as a result

  70. Virgil C

    I had a 60 km ride with some 1000+ ascension and it was also the first ride outside since ever (October 2016 ), ouch.

  71. JT

    It’s great weather so I’m riding outside.

  72. Alberto García

    30km of road bike!!

  73. Karen Quilty

    Shoulder surgery 4 weeks ago so only stationary bike, not even a trainer :( for me.

  74. Vesna

    Downhill panoramic ride with my partner, it was gorgeous

  75. Shawn M

    Rode on Zwift for a bit to test a saddle out since the weather was not the greatest.

  76. Liam Murphy

    I didn’t bike, but went snow-shoeing, so I need a Powder meter, not a power meter!

  77. Christopher Doyle

    2 1/2 hours on my Tacx Genius on Saturday and I had so much fun I did it again on Sunday.

  78. Mike

    Half marathon in Charlotte

  79. Andreas

    Had a long run on Sunday and was jealous on the bikers enjoying the nice weather in South Germany :-)

  80. Richard Howard

    The weather in Hampshire, UK was shocking this weekend so I just had to watch the world go by and dream of hitting the countryside hard on the Aluminium steed

  81. James Fox

    A friend and I went out in the lashing rain to complete in a 2-up TT. Such great fun.

  82. von

    Roughly 200kms around adelaide

  83. Benshead

    No riding last weekend, just a longish spring run in cold weather.

  84. Andres

    100k on sunday

  85. Antoine Nguyen

    More spinning classes. spin spin spin, that’s my winter.

  86. Fabiano

    Did my usual bike rides along a lake near my house. :-)

  87. Andrea Schmidt

    Grüße aus Deutschland. Bei dem Wetter geht’s nur auf die Rolle oder aufs Laufband.

  88. David Hiatt

    I got in a nice hill climbing training ride over the weekend. Thankfully, I found a nice window in the rainy weather to ride outside.

  89. Patrick Hatcher

    Did our first brick session on Sunday (3.2 mile ride followed by a 10-15 min run x 4). Did I forget to mention that it rained, hailed, wind, and sun all in one session? Hail hurts on bare legs!

  90. Ride to babies-r-us for MORE diapers. *sigh*

  91. Kyle

    Riding my trainer in the basement

  92. Michael Reiler

    No outside ride due to bad weather, but 2 sessions in Zwift

  93. Mike L

    2.5hr trainer ride – undercarriage still recovering…

  94. Martijn

    No cycling during the weekend. Just a rest after two weeks a sea. Aftershift indoor training included :p

  95. Steve h

    17miles very, very wet & cold

  96. Kevin Timoney

    Went X/country skiing for the first time as our mountain bike trails are still a mess of mud!

    Thanks Ray and The Girl

  97. jake s.

    60 miles this weekend, with some climbing

  98. andrew kimball

    Rode with my daughter and son to town for lunch and ice cream

  99. D Pindell

    Gonna be on the old spin bike due to weather.

  100. Darren Kilgore

    Cheated on my bike and went Skiing instead.