March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Aaron Burleson

    I did a stage race in GA, US

  2. Nathan G

    Worked on building my new bike!

  3. Alex O'Brien

    Freewheeled down the hill to the bike shop after complete drivetrain failure.

  4. erik

    No cycling due to 10h ride from VA to MI (in a car). =/

  5. Nor cal rideing with my team, hopingto dogde the rain.

  6. Anne Winning

    An hour and half on the trainer, hill climbs in and out of saddle…. riveting, and an 18km run, freezing.

  7. Joe B.

    120′: 3xMountains (10’tempo+5’LT+5’AeC MEs). Mashed all the ME blocks, 65-75rpm.

    First two sets weren’t so bad, but that last AeC block hurt. As did the 20′ brick run afterwards.

  8. Brent Knutson

    I only dreamed of cycling while waiting for my bike to arrive.

  9. Daniel Flannery

    Learning how to bunch ride with the local cycling club

  10. Shane Meade

    Only had time for a short ride this weekend, so I rode 23 miles with lots of hills.

  11. Malik Idbeis

    Spent the weekend on the trainer getting ready for gravel season.

  12. Jean-François Thomas

    I finished the work for the room of my baby. I can’t wait to ride my bike!

  13. Udo Doll

    Samstag mal draußen gefahren. 80 Km bei 10 Grad war Ok hör in Deutschland.

  14. Carsten Tjelder

    I did not do much exercises over this weekend as we just moved to Sweden and the weekend consisted of unpacking & unpacking & unpacking!!. At least the bike is now set up and ready for action .-)

  15. Marius

    Spent the whole weekend feeling guilty of not training, but did not not come to actually do it. Lack of motivation :(

  16. Martin

    On Saturday I did a 5h ride with lots of climbing and on Sunday I did a 4.5h ride with some sprints and tempo efforts. Overall two great trainings so my weekend was pretty well spent. Only thing that ruined the fun was weather – it was raining a bit both of the days.

  17. Andrew Buczkowski

    Almost 200km on Zwift. 75km on Watopia and 109 in London.

  18. Jason

    I tried to talk my wife into throwing the kids on the back of our new Haul-a-Day to ride to church. But she said it was too cold. So no biking for me this weekend :(

  19. Brad Fiorenza

    I am planning on doing my first LT test this weekend on the bike!

  20. Ken

    Trainer ride.

  21. mub92

    40 miles in East Yorkshire sun (Saturday afternoon).

  22. Alex

    just a quick trainer ride ,

  23. Libby

    Around the city for a bit – finally with the fingers not freezing!

  24. Dave G

    Sigh, no riding for me. But, I did pick up a new cyclocross bike. Hoping to ride more gravel in the near future!

  25. JM

    freezing cold in NE so stuck on the trainer letting out some holly water!

  26. Markus Zurberg

    No cycling this weekend as it was snowing:(

  27. I am starting my own cycling camps company! We’ll have our first client ride this season

  28. Lev H

    Hoping to see some hills this weekend on the north shore of LI!

  29. Jet

    Did a duathlon race over the weekend!


    Did some HIIT :-)

  31. Adam K

    Finally I was able to go biking outside on beautiful Sunday afternoon.

  32. Ewout Spit

    Some recreational cycling during the weekend and a couple of runs.

  33. Ryan G

    I got to spend the weekend riding up and down the coast, wind blowing in my hair, sweat dripping down my brow, pumping that blood through my body as I pedaled hard… Wait, no, that was what I WISH I had been doing instead of drywall mudding my living room. Power meter… come to me!

  34. David R

    I just did a recovery trainer ride Friday morning.

  35. Chris

    It was -11 before the windchill so that means it was two days of indoor riding and a couple movies on Netflix.

  36. Ian Hall

    I’m heading to the Margaret River area in Western Australia for a quick family vacation. Of course the bike is coming too so i’ll be able to get in a ride or two.

  37. Ryan Wellbeloved

    Zwift zwift zwift

  38. William De'Ath

    Trained with Traineroad in the pain cave then headed to the mountains by car for some skiing as too much snow on the roads and dodgy drivers taking kids to ski school when I ride in the mornings.

  39. Chris Busick

    Two days of great mountain biking at 20F.

  40. Ben Alexander

    Back on the bike Saturday after weeks of rain! Rained in middle of Sunday’s ride.

  41. David Sherrod

    Two Trainer Road workouts on the KICKR. The weather is finally starting to break, so looking forward to getting some power readings outside!

  42. Taylor

    Easy 50 mile ride.

  43. Stefan

    Ride the first favorit round at nice temperature this year.

  44. David Janas

    Below freezing. Hopped on trainer, got severely ill, almost passed out, kept riding until my vision got fuzzy, then decided this was not a beneficial training session.

  45. László Gergő Auer

    Unfortunatley only carb cycling this weekend…

  46. Christopher

    Inaugural new shoes ride! Unimpressed.

  47. Luis Iturralde

    Bikes some friends around the lake for a total of 60 miles :)

  48. 10 time trial benchmark test on BKOOL turbo while it poured with rain outside!

  49. Paul Driscoll

    Managed to get out on the bike for the first time in weeks! Weather has been crap here in the UK so the motivation to get out there has been lacking. Short one to start off but it did follow a swim in the morning as I start to get ready for the sportives that we’ve entered this summer.
    Plan is to get out again this week and on next weekend working around the international rugby matches that I will be watching too. (Hope the wife understands!)

  50. Patrick Walsh

    Put in a 2 1/2 hour ride on the trainer yesterday. Yay

  51. Ran Doner

    Spent an afternoon dodging rain showers in headwinds mostly.

  52. Bill G.

    I just spent two days shopping for a hot tube and I moved my trainer so that I can get into a closet.

  53. It’s cold and frigid up here in Canada, but we needed to do a big ride before we head to Hurricane, Utah on Friday. So we did the Gatineau 70 series Death March from P17. Everything was frozen solid so we were able to just freestyle everywhere and ride off trail throughout the woods an even back across Carman an Brown lakes!

    Best ride this season….

  54. Angelo Montoya

    Took a well-need break from training over the weekend

  55. Benji

    trainer weather means trainer rides

  56. Tu Nguyen

    Rode up a local hill Old La Honda and then down page Mill 3300 ft elevation. Slow as a tortoise, but still made it up the hill.

  57. miguel

    Wake up.
    Take Kid to training futebol.
    Watch Strade Bianche.
    3h20 Treshold tour.
    Go to a music Celta Consert.

  58. Brande McDonald

    Friday I took my kids for a recreational ride then later they joined me for a run, helping me with my first week of training for Ironman Chattanooga. When we finished the run, my 10 year old daughter said, “well, I might as well hit the pool. There’s no sense in wasting a good bike-run day!”
    Saturday was an hour trainer ride and Sunday had a 45 minute zone 1-2 run. Those things are humbling!

  59. Jordan Braman

    No big individual plans, but taking all the kiddos with their bikes for a ride. Trying to take advantage of the break in cold weather here!

  60. Dave Hutchings

    I cycled to the Cambridge half marathon, ran it and then did the “slightly harder” cycle back home again :)

  61. Joe Campbell

    Daughters birthday party sabotaged my indoor bike plans. Does stages make power meters for roller skates?

  62. Matthew Weinberg

    Long workout on the trainer Saturday, elliptical sunday

  63. Thijs Rieken

    I actually didn’t cycle at all, but some cool equipment might entice me to do so :) Thanks for giving this away, CT and DCR!

  64. Jack Dusthimer

    Monday AM. did shopping, including tubular wheel, tire, saddle. Wanted to ride but projects got in way. Full length in late May, so need to up my dedication.

  65. Arunas

    Rode a loop around town 30k, tested my new camera holder.

  66. Maureen Dunnigan

    No cycling this past weekend. Was enjoying a lovely trip to Tokyo but got in some good runs around the city.

  67. Renee

    1hr 30 min ride on the trainer Saturday

  68. Taylor Shiver

    I cycled inside my garage on the trainer for 2 hours.

  69. Cassie Winter

    Saturday brick: 3.5 hours on the trainer, followed by a 5k run in -1 windchill.

    Sunday reverse brick: 10 mile run at 0 degrees, followed by 1 hour recovery ride on the trainer.

    Show me the Power!

  70. Niels

    Short bike recovery training

  71. bert

    i didn’t get to ride this weekend, hoped into an 8k saturday morning instead and then was too beat up to ride sunday. but i’ll get out the door soon enough!

  72. Jon Post

    In Iraq so no cycling outdoors, two hours on the trainer (Sat.) and run on Sun.

  73. Dan

    Rode an indoor V02 max session, 3min 8 times.

  74. Gordon

    Got a new PR! 164.7 km! Well chuffed! ^_^ Now, if only I’d had a Stages Power Meter to tell me how much effort that took! lol

  75. Daniel Newns

    A very Wet 70mile Sportive :(

  76. Pascal

    Had my ass kicked and dnf’ed after 30km in a 120km race.

  77. Tony Sabo

    Sat ride: 1.5 hrs w/ 8x4min VO2 @125% ftp

    Sun ride: 2hr easy/recovery w/ a nice coffee break.

  78. Ross Malin

    First ride out in quite some time due to the rubbish British. Tough head wind but ended becoming a beautiful morning ride through the countryside.

  79. Scott

    Trainer inside… still snow on ground outside.

  80. Phil Buckley

    Full blast on TrainerRoad Kaweah at 0630 – before collapsing for the rest of the day.

  81. Henrik Johansson

    Still waiting for spring in Sweden. Needed to deliver invitations to my sons birthday party so on with the winter gear (triple layers) and pulled out my old Marin MTB (converted to trekking) with studtires, fenders, and map holder from the garage. Snowflakes falling down, strong winds from east, and some stupid mis-navigations so it all ended up in a great ride! /Henrik

  82. Mark Bernard

    Did a metric century on Zwift… so damn cold here in the northeast!

  83. Russ Starke

    Weather forced me indoors. Zwift to the rescue.

  84. Jon L

    This weekend: Saturday- fought with Zwift for 50+ minutes while it continued to crash. Went to the gym and did leg work. Sunday – full reinstall of Zwift — and subsequent updates — through the morning, in order to get a ride in. Fortunately, reinstall worked. Weather in CT was 20+ mph winds and sub-freezing temps – NOT riding outside.

  85. davis

    Ride the bridge to bridge. Great day

  86. Michael Davis

    As I live in Maine and it was in the teens all weekend, I was firmly ensconced in front of the trainer and zwift for my weekend cycling activities.

  87. Spent the weekend at an epic triathlon training camp at Club Med in Florida cycling every day. Such a treat to ride among palm trees for this northerner! (And so great to have bike lanes everywhere! And well maintained roads!) Was eyeing the power meters of some of the crew–would be great to have one to show off at camp next year (and racing, too!) ?‍♀️

  88. Carlos C

    Unfortunately my weekend ride will be an indoor training ride due to weather.

  89. Chris Handisides

    Spent far more time this weekend working towards putting other people’s posteriors on bicycles than I did my own…

  90. Pedro Batista

    I cycled to the top of a mountain nearby to see the snow.

  91. David Tighe

    Trainerroad FTP test complete!!

  92. Kyle B

    Sweet Spot Training and VO2 Max!

  93. Steve Deckert

    60 mile group ride with some racing points on Saturday morning, then an easy solo 35 mile ride Sunday afternoon. Very windy, but any outdoor cycling in MN in March without snow is great.

  94. Heiko Hamann

    Riding the new volcano climb on Zwift.

  95. Karl Trout

    4 hrs of steady .72 IF Zwift riding! ;-) got in 29 loops of the Volcano circuit… do you know how hard it was not to do the last loop and get an even 30??? not very hard, I was burnt!

  96. Ian Smith

    90 minutes on Sufferfest this weekend

  97. Ray Hilts

    Absolutely nothing, been sick for two weeks now, argh!!!

  98. Christian Manthei

    Rain finally let up a bit here in dreary London, so I got out and did 70k this weekend! Great to get out of London and into the rolling hills… Thanks for your site, really love it!

  99. Denzil De Bie

    I was hitting Trainer Road while the rain tried to get into my garage sideways. I thought it was going to be a chilled ride but with the wind whistling through and 85%-95% of FTP for 90 mins – it hurt.

  100. Jan

    I ended up doing a 90 minute high cadence aerobic workout, then going out for a 2 mile brick run in freezing temps.