March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Eric R

    90 minutes on the bike followed by a 30 min run outside. Can’t beat the great weather in MN this time of year!

  2. Kinkei Phoon

    I cycled 138km in preparation for Ironman Cairns

  3. Daniel

    I went for the first ride of the season (actually first ride since 4 month) it was brutal

  4. kyle kennison

    2.5 hours on the trainer

  5. Andre Babin

    An hour watching TV in the basement on the bike trainer, it is -12C outside.

  6. Dave N

    Brick session based on Trainer Road threshold session + 15 mins run, and 1hr run.

  7. John Nadolski

    Raced on Saturday (invigorating with a dose of humility), Easy recovery spin on Zwift London Classique route for Sunday.

  8. Stephane Lefebvre

    Wow, what a week end…
    I’ve done 2 ride on Zwift with one occur to be a Mountain Cat & Mouse with ODZ guys. And sunday, i’ve gone for the Pretzel with some of same guys from ODZ. That was a hilly stuff. And to be sure to be completly busted, i’ve ran 5k with my wife at -20 celcius!

    Thx Ray!

  9. Pedro Ricardo Cruz Alves Garcia

    I couldn’t cycle this weekend due my skuba dive training. Today on my city speedway maybe!

  10. Francis M

    I did bricks this week-end. 5 times 8 min bike – 1,5 km run.

    I hop to do this training with a power meter next time!

  11. Ted Thibault

    Did the first Time Trial of the year here in Colorado. Its called the Frostbite Time Trial. Cam in third out of three in my age group. We are 75. Good weather. Alittle breezy. Headwind of 13mph. Have a great day.

  12. Steve J

    It was to windy here in Ft. Lauderdale this weekend to ride, so l put on the old running shoes and hit the pavement.

  13. Pierre

    Pet my bike, tell it that it’s only a few weeks away until the weather is warm enough for me to ride outside again.

  14. Dorothee Fuller

    Mt. Tremblant on the computrainer. This was much warmer than my Half Marathon in 10F/-12C in Rhode Island on Sunday morning

  15. Mark

    Three hour spin class with complimentary “recovery beverage” thereafter!

  16. Juan Carlos Hoyos

    I couldn’t ride last weekend. i’m sick so i had to stay in bed while i watch all the photos of the group riding.

  17. Brian

    Just a little ride on Zwift

  18. Eric

    Trying out a new bike!

  19. Oisin Maguire

    A few bicep curls to get the bike onto the bike stand to clean the bike from my weekly commute clocking up 80-100 km a week.

    Normally do 60 km on Sundays with the tri club.

  20. Marson Cunha

    “Blow, blow, thou winter wind…”
    Two long days with 30mph of gusts and constant pain!

  21. Ramses Ayala

    On Saturday I put in a two-hour ride on the trainer, completing three, 20 minute threshold intervals. Painful and mind taxing, but well worth the effort once completed.

  22. James W

    I enjoyed a gravel grinder with friends on Saturday and an easy ride Sunday before longer days and harder training.

  23. Ricky

    Thought about getting on the trainer but lay down until the feeling passed. Rest is important!

  24. Simon Murden

    Out for my first road ride of the year through the Chilterns. Was painful, but you have to start somewhere.

  25. Benjamin Whitaker

    Round and round the Zwift Island I went.

  26. Carl A Porcelli jr

    I did a crit race on Zwift cat (d) and was told to upgrade because I put in to much POWER.

  27. Phil Mills

    I will do nothing training related

  28. Mikko Peltonen

    I got on the bike after a while, a 75 minute Kickr ride was a little tough!

  29. Terrance Ramirez

    On Saturday I spent the day skiing at Winter Park. On Sunday I went for a run with some mountain bike riders.

  30. Brian

    Easy 45 min recovery spin over the weekend. FTP Test Tomorrow.

  31. Jeff

    First ride back after shoulder surgery!

  32. James Brown

    Saturday saw my first ‘Summer Ride’ as I said goodbye to Zwift and hit the beautiful Lincolnshire Wolds here in the UK for 25miles in the hills.

  33. Paul hewitt

    Up early on Saturday to get in a ftp test after Messing with the pedals to get them onto the right bike. Then a park run 5km dragging the brother in law around then 2 days of family engagements … oh the fun. Oh yeah plus no sleep because the baby likes to wake in the night on weekends.

    Please let me win … I have no time so not having to swap the pedal over would be great!!!

  34. lefthandside

    Tried out my new Kickr Snap then succumbed to a hideous cold/flu – don’t think I’ll be doing an FTP test this week!

  35. 120k & 1800+ easy ride… X_X

  36. Mark Reese

    Had a rather spirited 100 miler where a drunk driver that buzzed me claimed to be a cop and that we were “taking up the whole road” and “only going 15 miles an hour”. The cop that was at the gas station we stopped at to confront said driver said “uh… not on those bikes.” Wild morning.

  37. Amy Z

    Thanks, Ray!

    Indoor stationary bike this weekend. Looking forward to getting outside this Spring!

  38. Tristan Ledard

    Well as you may know near paris the weather is not playing nice so this weekend was spent on the trainer..

  39. I’ve ridden for the first time after getting my first ever bike fit and as that’s been basically life changing I am now going to hop back onto the bike and pedal away :)

  40. Kevin Verhaege

    Would be great to win this.. friday evening I had a track training !

  41. Jim Gould

    Road the trainer both days.

  42. Desi

    Practiced swim to bike transitions last weekend for a sprint tri next weekend.

  43. Domingos Baia

    30 km tempo ride.

  44. Daniel Devine

    Road my mtb with the wife and the longest bike ride of the year! Overall successful!

  45. Amedeo

    Recovery run, 90′

  46. Lara

    running around as it was too cold to ride.

  47. Kristen

    I’m stuck doing my long ride this afternoon (Monday) due to poor planning and laziness. I’m going out for a 4 hour spin in the suburbs.

  48. Mike W

    Grinding on the trainer!

  49. Vincent Beggs

    Gave up on riding this weekend since temps were in the 20s and instead took my kids to the gym to work on strength training.

  50. Chris

    I rode 2.5 miles before my derailleur hanger snapped and took my chain with it :(

  51. Deron Lawrence

    I rode 5k elevation in one long hill – ok, with a short breather in between – for the first time – it was an epic climb I’d been eye-ing for some time and I finally made it happen. Then looped down the other side for a 20-miler up and a total ride distance of 67 miles in gorgeous Colorado. I wished I’d had a power meter! Strava estimates power, but I don’t think it’s as accurate as the real deal. I’d love to track power as I’ve been upping my riding to 300 miles/month now, finally getting serious.

  52. David

    Cleaned out my belly button

  53. Peter

    Trail ride

  54. Elaine K

    Military training this weekend – but back on the bike today for a nice ride today!

  55. pete watkins

    30k on indoor bike, too cold to go outside. Lazy I know!

  56. Beegee

    Didn’t get to ride but picked up my bike after having it tuned-up, does that count? :)


  57. Gaspar

    Just 1hour10min in the rollers (insideride – awesome btw). Busy with family committments…

  58. Matous

    No training session over the weekend in the end – got ill so I spent some quality time in bed.

  59. Seth Lewkowitz

    Zwifted on Saturday, then went out to see the stage 1 finish of Paris-Nice. Not a great weekend weather wise.

  60. Jeffrey Baker

    Two short threshold workouts on zwift.

  61. Gary Hill

    First proper ride in 4 weeks – somehow managing to squeeze between freezing rain showers, with a hint of sun. Just a shame about the hideous headwind!

  62. William Cahill

    Would love to add a power meter to my mountain bike.

  63. Lannon Rogers

    Logged Sufferfest workouts on Saturday and Sunday. Still sore today!

  64. Joseph Marino

    My wife and I rode our tandem on the indoor trainer on Sunday. We did an hour together.

  65. Stephen de Souza

    Usual Saturday morning laps of Regents Park. Hockey season (for my kids) means no cycling on Sunday.

  66. Richard

    1 hour trainer ride

  67. Brendan

    I had my first road race of the season on Saturday. It did not go well :(

  68. Vencislav Kostadinov

    This weekend I just ran 7 km. No cycling for me.

  69. Tim

    Love to add a PM to my 2nd bike!

  70. Aurelien

    Riding a Santander bike over the week-end for my London commute as my road bike is in the shop for repairs :P

  71. Jonathan Mather

    103km ride, did plan to rider further but cut ride short due to the heat

  72. Cameron

    None – in between bikes.

  73. Matt

    I admired the many very dedicated cyclists in London while I visited and did no exercise of any kind.

  74. Nicole

    1.5 spin class with my team…still too cold to get outside

  75. Kevin Wilson

    Spent 3 hours on my new Wahoo KICKR – 2 hours messing around with the PC getting firmware upgraded and software working, 45 minutes playing around with settings, and 15 minutes actually riding the bike :-o

  76. Chris

    My plans this weekend were to ride. But ended up playing soccer and did not make the bike ride. But to make up today with a recovery ride.

  77. Matthias van der Hallen

    Friday evening, gala of my girlfriend’s university, so saturday afternoon was spent dragging myself out of bed going for a fast ride towards the more hilly country side. Got over-excited due to strade bianchi en passed road works. Got bitten by karma 3 km later when I broke a spoke in my front wheel.
    Sunday morning, I went on our regular 70km morning ride. In the afternoon, I helped a friend with knee pain by partnering up with him in a duathlon (where he previously had a solo participants registration). Waited for 12 minutes in lots of wind and terrible rain, only to break my mountainbike’s derailleur after 6 km…

  78. Jean-Francois Gagne

    I’ve done a two hour ride over the weekend

  79. My cycling plans are to actually get on one of my bikes – either the one that has evolved into a clothes rack on the indoor trainer in the basement or the lonely, shivering fat bike in the garage. One or hopefully both will get some love and attention.

  80. Jay

    Planned to ride but it was so windy that I ran instead

  81. Nuno Pascoal

    100km with friends!

  82. Matt

    I’m doing a whole lot of nothing.

  83. Scott Ravan

    spent the weekend riding a horse and working on the farm, sadly, not on the bike.

  84. A Lawrence

    Only cycled to the library and back – I have exams starting tomorrow.

  85. 3 hours on the trainer!

  86. Chris Dyroff

    Mountain biking at Wilson Lake KS. Pretty much my first mountain biking in over a decade. Skinny tires will be collecting dust this year.

  87. Heather Chapman

    I rode on the trainer! 1:45 Saturday, :45 Sunday – Single leg drills and endurance work. Upstate NY weather is trouble sometimes!

  88. Erick C

    I ran 5k on Saturday and did a spin class on Sunday.

  89. Ricky Henstock

    Unfortunately no cycling for me as I’m in the military and on deployment! Plenty of running and S+C though.

  90. Thomas Strande

    A few laps on Watopia and test the new Volcano climb.

  91. Greg P

    Ran up a mountain and then back down the other side cleaning up the course. Best game of capture the flag ever.

  92. Scot

    I took a short ride outside in the (almost) spring weather, then a one hour grind on the trainer.

  93. Jeffrey Jamison

    A lovely 90 min ride on my trainer in my basement. At least I caught up on some TV shows

  94. mike cullwick

    Brick session bike was hard in wind and rain. 60 miles varying terrain. Came back wondering why do I do this to myself. Then the thought of challenge roth in the summer makes it all worth while.

  95. kuba

    Friday: approx 1h skill trainng on cx bike, just pure fun
    Saturday: 2-2.5h aerobic endurance road ride
    Sunday: Car drive to closest mountain (150m elevation), and some climbing training, approh 1.5-2h

  96. Brendan Friesen

    Cycling weekend started with a new BB install and headset rebuild, followed by a quick hour of hill climbing to test out the new bits.

  97. Chris

    3:30 on the trainer while watching European soccer.

  98. Dave

    xc mtb racing… in the mud and lack of sun in seattle

  99. Nic Decapia

    40mi @ 90% FTP

  100. Dave C

    Sorry, was lying on a beach, getting away from the snow back home.