March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Hans Ivar Festad

    I rode Zwift London Circut

  2. Izabela B

    A weekend without cycling or running, with my boyfriend :-)

  3. Andrey Balashov

    Finished in XC-ski Worldloppet Demino 50km marathon :))))

  4. Tracy Quintana-Parker

    A muddy 11.9km walk on Saturday and Sunday it was Brasstown–TrainerRoad for 90mins on the Kickr.

  5. slasha

    Some sweet laps of Richmond Park

  6. Gerard

    This weekend is about recovering from a very nice week of skiing in Italy.
    Great snow, very nice views, good friends, delicous food and coffee.
    Training consists of driving 13 hours back home.

    Tuesday will see me on the elliptical again.

    I look forward to continue my training using a power meter!


  7. Simon

    Due to really bad and stormy weather did a 90 mins power interval workout on the roll at home.

  8. Marcin

    30 mins of cycling in total with my 5 year old son.

  9. Jeffrey

    This past weekend was a mix for me. Got a new Elemnt GPS, which I used to control my Kickr and ride a half-Ironman route on Saturday. Sunday, I rode one of my favorite TT courses, which has two nice Strava segments. Got a PR on one of those and died on the other one.

  10. Raphael

    Easy spinning on the home trainer

  11. Thierry Guertin

    2 hr easy spin on the Computrainer for me… to recover from my 20 mile run. 6 weeks to Boston!

  12. MBarn

    A few skids in the woods on the trail bike on Saturday with an appropriate amount of recovery beer, followed by a horrible hour on the trainer on Sunday. #ifitsrainingiainttraining

  13. Jimmy

    Ride to Hallet Cove near Adelaide, South Australia.

  14. Gerome Romey

    Riding with mates in the Ardeche countryside with a few climbs on the programme

  15. Claudio

    Long ride with friends
    Thanks to wind conditions and effort 3 new strava KOMs were established.
    Need another stages for my TT bike.

  16. Greg

    Single speed MTB 36/20t at hartshorne

  17. Christian Bengtsson

    The really bad weather up here in Sweden took my planned distance training indoors instead. Managed to sum up 90 min on my Monark watching the men’s World Championships in 50 km crosscountry skiing.
    Longing more and more to exchange the studded tires cyclocross to the roadbike.

  18. Will Tysterman

    Cloud, Sun, brutal winds and rain, 55 miles and hands too cold to remove my gloves and shoes at the end, gotta love it!!

  19. Rok

    I haven’t ride this year outside at all. Since the temperatures are growing maybe a weekend 50K for start.

  20. Mark

    An hour session on zwift after an obstacle race

  21. Mariusz

    Sadly none. It was raining the whole weekend in Poland.

  22. Markus Wabro

    Just an easy 30km mtb tour with my wife.

  23. jens funderskov

    Run, Swim and Ski won this week-end

  24. Gavin Jackson

    Planned on doing a 150km but stacked at 80km and had to call it a day at 100km

  25. Saturday was a nice 53 miler round the surrey/Kent borders.
    Sunday was a wash out but got on the Computrainer and did a 20 mile easy. (sad to see them go, my Computrainer is still perfect after about 8 years)

  26. Bahadir Serinkaya

    On saturday, as a group of riders, we have done 100 miles ride to feel the Strade Bianche soul. On Sunday there was only 25 miles for recovery.

  27. wagonburger

    A lovely 3 hour ride in heavy rain. Upholding rule 5.

  28. Tue Paltorp

    Rode the cyclocross bike to a trailhead some 18k away from home. Did a 22k trail run and headed back home on the biciclette ;) Nice workout for a lazy sunday.

  29. biroim

    Did 60 km in the wind alone, the sunset was 20km before the end, but luckily it has reached me in the city area.

  30. Lars Viborg

    Have spent the weekend at hometrainer. It has not been weather to be outside in the Denmark.

  31. Andrew McHattie

    Needed to start building mileage, so steeled myself for a 60-miler in the South Gloucestershire countryside.

  32. Oriel Loewenschuss

    grand fundo in the dead sea – with Jens Voigt,,, Israel

  33. Johannes

    Was with the family and without bike, so I ran.

  34. Brent

    Miway Sprint Triathlon yesterday.

  35. Maddy

    Saturday – biking with kids
    Sunday – 30 km MTB (without the kids, yeah!) and biking with kids
    First weekend with nice almost spring weather!

  36. Stephen Tang

    Rode my fatbike on Saturday at the Winterbike Fatbike Festival 2017 at Kingdom Trails!

  37. Markus1133

    I had no time to cycle this weekend :(

  38. Sinusitis coming home from a business trip ruined any chance riding. But I was still able to crunch some calories using my under the desk elliptic trainer at work today.

  39. Alex Spencer

    Quick cycle before advocado and poached eggs on toast…

  40. Matt Leitch

    Planned a 100km ride for Saturday but partied way too hard at my son’s birthday on Friday night so walked off a hangover instead.

  41. Craig Mockler

    I meant to ride over the weekend…time to hit the trainer now

  42. Andreas Burger

    too cold to bike so when cross country skiing and snow shoeing instead!

  43. Dries

    bad weather this weekend, went for a long run instead.

  44. Josu

    Easy round yesterday, weather was fantastic!

  45. Jamie Boyle

    Trainer session Saturday and outside on Sunday

  46. Dan Contant

    2 hour trainer road ride done on Sat.
    Power Meter would be nice;)

  47. John B

    I ran 10 miles Friday, tried to Wahoo Kickr the next and was out of gas. So I sat on the couch while at work.

  48. Rich Hill

    I struggled up Sa Calobra over the weekend, it was epic!

  49. John Alvaro Figueroa

    I was sufferfesting in my trainer. It was raining all weekend an it was impossible to train outside

  50. Pieter Lingier

    This weekend I rode an alternate version of one the Flemish Classics but for non-pro’s: Dwars door Vlaanderen.
    A track over the flemisch ‘hills’ and offcourse lot’s of cobblestones!

  51. Mike Race

    I ran 30 miles in Northumberland because the bike wouldn’t fit in the car

  52. makeen

    Easy morning ride to Hahndorf and back.

  53. dancov

    some km with mtb on hills around home

  54. Richard Pointer

    Saturday – Interval ride
    Sunday – long tempo ride

  55. Steven Dunlop

    Cycled the sunny Ayrshire coast, starting to feel like spring time!

  56. Christian Wolkerstorfer

    On Friday a 3 Hour Ride with the Roadbike about 70km and 1100hm
    and on Sunday 3 Hour Ride about 100km and 400hm

  57. Vadim Ronen

    I will try out my new di2 ultegra setup

  58. Alexis

    Entered a bike race, abandonned after 15k because of pouring rain and wind…

  59. chad williamson

    “ran,” a half marathon! back to cycling next week

  60. Oh, gosh, 14.4% this weekend. Was a little pain in the…knee :)

  61. Bill Kerber

    Got a bum left knee. Couldn’t do anything.

  62. Joseba

    Ride two hour around the coast.

  63. Ivan

    That march winds.. Well we still made 70k

  64. Torgeir Hasås

    Went for at spin on the trainer, been doing much of that lately and looking forward to an outdoor ride soon.

  65. Ken

    A ride out through to the Surrey Hills, and then back towards Hampton Court, and then into Central London via Wandsworth. In total around ~60 miles :-)

  66. Clair Stewart

    Rode hill circuit Saturday getting ready for Fondo

  67. Patrick

    Just of quiet ride around town.

  68. Róbert Olasz

    Recovery cycling workout after long run.

  69. Justin

    I braved the polar vortex chills in NYC and ran (yes ran, riding was out of the question!) along the East River. I did wash my bike after last weekends gravel adventure around Croton Reservoir though…

  70. Tearing my legs off on the Zwift ‘Pretzel’ circuit!!!

  71. paul thomas

    No miles this weekend as on a trip to Paris, will plan 52 miles Belfast to Killyleagh this coming weekend!

    • Keirnan

      But we have some great rides in Paris. Just ask DCR. Not sure where you rent a good road bike though …

  72. San Man

    Spent time on the KICKR and decided to blow the dust of the Rollers and get back on them.

  73. Trey Koeneke

    Battled 20 mph winds, gusting to 40 mph, love living in Kansas

  74. John

    Squeezing an hour’s run in the horizontal rain in in between playing taxi for the kids…..I’m sure I used to have a carefree life.

  75. Sara M

    Way too windy and cold this weekend, so a 90 minute trainer ride sufficed.

  76. Hugo Noronha

    I’m have plans to do a Gandfondo

  77. Steven

    Not cycling… But does running a portion of the Grand Canyon count?

  78. Peter Kanizsa

    I did some Trainer session

  79. Arne Früke

    I went for two short rides of about one hour each with a couple of short sprints at the end.

  80. Shannon

    too cold for cycling…. but 50K of cross country skiing will do!

  81. Mike Gathy

    Rest, no biking

  82. Iain

    Was planning a 40 mileish ride on Sunday but the Retirement party we hosted on Saturday night was… well let’s just say too successful and therefore I slobbed out

  83. Joao Rocha

    Yesterday I rode 110km trough the tough, but stunning olympic circuit here in Rio!

  84. Noah

    Plan to ride 20 miles for a first training ride for next tri.

  85. Lauree Gott

    Unfortunately here in Maine cycling is still on the trainer. Did hour and a half on Saturday, followed by a short hour on Sunday! Wish I was skiing and in a hot tub though. Not at the same time obviously.

  86. Chris Powers

    Due to injuries, only short easy indoor rides.

  87. Matt Fenby Taylor

    Just had our second son join us so sneaky turbo sessions are all I’ll be managing for a while!

  88. Daniel Herrera

    Drive to spring break. Run in the mornings 6, 8 miles at mid-tempo pace 4:40/km.
    Interval run 3x(2x1200m) (2minRI) 4min between sets. Pace= balls out fast

  89. Frank

    Bikepark session at the end of a trainingweek in Spain followed by a 12hr car ride.

  90. Chris Kelly

    Saturday I managed an hour on the trainer, a bit of threshold work using Trainer Road. Then on Sunday I rode through the Surrey Hills to meet my wife and son for the little one’s swimming lesson. Managed to miss the rain, but the roads were very wet! Was organised and got the bike cleaned up straight away (but didn’t take it in the shower with me – it was relegated to an outdoor clean!)

  91. Cheryl Lohman

    None – I was slacking and busy working. I did manage time for a run at least

  92. Simon J

    I cycled to the coffee shop and back. Uphill both ways.

  93. Michal

    Only short ride with Tacx and then looong walks in the countryside :).

  94. luis

    What I have cycled last weekend?

    Unfortunatelly, nothing… :(

  95. Scott

    got 56 miles in this weekend

  96. James

    Came 8th in my age group for Tour de Bintan and qualified for UCI Gran Fondo WC.

  97. Michael Moy

    Rode on the trainer this weekend, watched some movies

  98. Eirik Torneng

    Spent most of last week battling a serious case of the man flu, but managed a short spin on Sunday to test the legs.

    • Jorge Sousa

      On Saturday 1.5 hour in trainerroad “Warlow”, plus 1h15 of run afterward. Sunday was a rest day…

  99. Daniel Nuzzo-Mueller

    Crank out the power to work. Amirite?

  100. Gary M

    I didn’t bike :( Single digit temps (F) in NY, winter is back or still here..