March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Ryan Schaefer

    Took my new road bike out for its maiden (11.5 mile) voyage on Saturday despite cold and wind. Followed up on Sunday with a 17 mile ride despite some wind and rain. Happy to be riding outside at least, regardless of the weather.

  2. Thomas A Figueroa

    Still a little cold in Michigan, long ride indoors at Tri-ing for Life’s cycling studio.

  3. JR Riding

    No cycling this weekend, mostly because it’s my wife’s birthday and it’s pretty cold outside.

  4. Thomas G

    This weekend I cleaned up my bike workout area and set up my new Hammer. Was too tired after that to do any actually workouts.

  5. WillieS

    After all my training buddies cancelled literally last minute I did a 90km solo ride to prep for the upcoming IMSA.

  6. Got up a few hours after going to bed for an 8am road race start on Saturday. One teammate was taken out by a flying road cone, another had a wheel knocked loose, and our closer cramped up. Not the best team result, but finally a race not in the rain.

    Sunday took out the mountain bike because once again it was raining, got in a few hours with leg speed intervals.

    Then I saw Logan.

    What did you all do?

  7. Kyle

    No cycling plans for the weekend because I spent the weekend skiing in Whistler!

  8. Ed Druitt

    Couldn’t get on the road bike so took the three kids on their bikes to the shops, hardly a workout but did my good deed by encouraging cycling in the younger generation and helping my battler mate change his chain.

  9. drewskey

    gravel ride prep for Rouge Roubaix

  10. Conrad

    ~100 miles of windy riding.

  11. Sven

    I tried to get some workouts in, but had to some household renovations. But this weeks going to be better. I promise.

  12. Chris K

    Two days of recovery-level spins… being sick sucks.

  13. James_C

    Rode the NTU Bike Rally around Singapore with cycling kakis (friends, that is!) 170km went from glorious cool morning, to scorching afternoon, to tropical downpours within a few hours. Punctured 4km from the finish cycling over an unseen grating, at the bottom of a puddle. Great fun! Cheers for the competition, DCR!

  14. Ruud Verschaeren

    Unexpectedly had to fly intercontinental for work which killed my plans of riding, then on my way to the airport it got cancelled and it.left me.dome time to do a workout in the rollers.

  15. Scott Turvey

    Three rides testing new routes from new home. Wife along for two of them, great rides, excellent endorphins!

  16. Kerstin

    It was a terriffic weekend on the bike! I made nearly 300 km from friday to sunday and made a roundtrip in the outer region visiting all my girlfriends ;-)

  17. RichieS

    Worked my way towards my metric century ride. Halfway there!

  18. Andy

    No cycling, spent the weekend waiting for people who never show to look at car I’m selling.


    Injured no plan for the weekend.

  20. Cycled this morning; up Coot-tha – $450 fine for a victim-less “crime” (where they have arbitrarily low-balled the speed limit in a deserted area, and have a cop sitting at the bottom of a hill with a radar gun)…

  21. JoJo

    Did a long ride on the Neo/Zwift to ramp up training for the Giro Sardegna in April. 65km on a trainer has never felt so good as with Zwift to keep me interested.

  22. Charles Wilson

    A good run – avoiding heavy rain on Saturday.

  23. A Smith

    A run!!!

  24. Gert-Jan Weiland

    Did 2 great rides. One with my cycling team and one on the beach. Was great!

  25. Kris

    Weather was very wet so got on the turbo a couple of times.


    Long rided over bangkok area

  27. James ayton

    Zwifted my ass off.

  28. ivan

    saturday i was on race on Sljeme called Cener, sunday i was running 10k becouse bad weather all day

  29. Paul

    60k of hilly Irish backroads…..most of it into a headwind!

  30. Michael S.

    There will be no time to ride during this week, but I look forward to the next weekend and hope a easy but long ride in the sunshine will take place there :-)

  31. Victoria

    80 km of MTB with lots of mud.

  32. Claudiu

    Last weekend I ride 150km.

  33. Tom H

    Would have been hitting up hill repeats in RNP Sydney but my wife dragged me to the maldives for our honeymoon. C’est la vie. Focus was on swim drills instead so not the end of the world.

  34. Nicholas

    Cycled alongside some of the top athletes in South Africa for the rebirth of the Durban Ultra this last weekend

  35. Sander Geerlings

    Only a short ride this weekend

  36. Justas Ba.

    Went out for a long ride first time this year.

  37. Gregor

    Went for an 80K ride, still very bad form due to a longer, injury caused break

  38. Rode on Sunday the first real longish tour for 2017 – 65k – the season is open for the open road here!

  39. Erika

    No cycling this weekend, but a gorgeous, long skate tour on a frozen lake in the north of Sweden!

  40. Rode Saturday for 2 & 1/2 hours in the pouring rain. Sunday’s 4hr ride was half and half, just like a pizza! Half sunny and the other Pouring with rain and 3 degrees.

  41. Sander Kommeren

    My weekend plans were doing my first 100 mile ride (164.2km) solo in preparation for Liege-Bastogne-Liege! Which went far better then expected :) It does help that i only had a tailwind though ;)

  42. Bernard

    “Dwars door Vlaanderen” Cyclo on saterday – 110K of Cobbles, Steep Climbes, Wind and Rain – as we like it!

  43. Mark Lever

    No specific training This weekend but i spent a glorious day hiking up a Munro in Scotland, tough going but worth it for the views from the top!

  44. Bachulator

    A long and probably wet ride.

  45. Massimiliano

    Have two gravel ride, both up in the mountains, it’s time to start climbing again.

  46. Matthias

    Two and a half hour on ZWIFT. Real fun, including a KOM Shirt :O)

  47. Steven

    Did a Zwift-ride on Friday evening and a brick session (Zwift+outdoor run) on Sunday.

  48. He Ray,

    I did some indoor cycling!!!

  49. Andreas Trianta

    I intend to go on a 200K brevet (audax) on and around the island of Lefkas, in Greece

  50. Michiel

    Easy ride, 80km on sunday.

  51. Jeremy T

    Local dirt, then road climb on Saturday. Sunday spent cleaning the bike due to Saturday’s dirt and rain!

  52. tamer zeybek

    I am following. Long soft ride

  53. Ketil Aas-Johansen

    Still winter outside, so it’s going to be the trainer. Spent an hour on Sunday evening

  54. X3M

    Skiing and sauna this weekend.

  55. Jerzy

    It was a resting weekend! Only running on Saturday

  56. Henke

    A day on the ski slopes with my kids!

  57. Rodador

    I broke my rear derailleur this weekend. So I train less tHan I expected.

  58. Peto G

    100k to Neusiedler see with Elemnt

  59. Orhan Chakarov

    I was recovering from a sickness, but I’m OK now and looking forward to ride soon!

  60. Chris

    My daughter did her first triathlon this weekend! So no ride for me but exciting to see her have an awesome time!

  61. whichone

    just took part in my first sportive (108km) this past weekend as a 6-month-old cyclist. At the 58km mark, we’re halfway into making a left turn (we’re left-hand drive here in Singapore) at a junction and a car passing through the junction, on the road we’re turning into, decides that yellow-turning-to-red-light means go faster.. prompting the first cyclist to brake hard so that he doesn’t get splattered. I’m second in line and i brake really hard as well, but still end up with my front wheel kissing first guy’s rear wheel. First guy is okay but i end up getting extremely intimate with the road surface.

    3 hours, 4 x-rays and $115 later, i discover that i’ve broken not just my right shifter, but my right arm as well. will be in a cast for the next 2 or 3 months.

    cycling plans for upcoming weekend: since right shifter and right arm are inoperable, i’ll have to cycle with my left arm and left shifter, which means front brake and 2 speeds (big and small chainrings). grinding the big ring will hopefully improve my power output. just kidding. seriously i’ll probably be off the bike for the next 3 months.. which means that i’ll probably spend my weekends at home annoying the cat.

  62. Thomas

    Long ride on the trainer

  63. Jacek

    Brisk 20min to the pool. And less brisk back.

  64. Andreas

    This weekend was all about resting. Musical, museum and restaurants. :)

  65. Eva

    I did some pushbike training with my daughter :)

  66. RainyWeekend

    Didn’t go cycling on the weekend, don’t really need a powermeter but hey, winning things is always nice as are new gadgets.

  67. Casey

    It rained, so trainer it is.

  68. Felix

    bonding ride with my daugther

  69. Nacho

    Easy indoor training this weekend, because I’am travelling with my family.

  70. Francis

    Just a ride in nearest forest
    30 or 40 km …

  71. Borja Irezabal

    I was on trainer the whole weekend due the poor weather conditions. :'(

  72. Julian Yuste Garcia

    5k race on Sunday and a short ride on Saturday enjoying the sunny day

  73. This was a ski trip week-end so… I didn’t cycle at all!

  74. Nick

    It was a ‘recovery’ weekend unfortunately…

  75. Unfortunately I didn’t get a ride in as my new shoes didn’t arrive in time, after ripping the sole of my cycling shoe away from the upper as I powered out of a corner in a tri the week before. Would love to know how much power it took to break my old 12 year old shoes…

  76. Edu Callejo

    Not bike this weekend, but a lot of run…

  77. Martin

    Short ride this weekend, due to laziness.

  78. Raghini

    Lots of resting and eating this weekend ☺

  79. Richard Jansen

    After a lot of Zwift cycling I need a rest in the weekend, so I did some skiing. Downhill and cross-country :)

  80. Toni R.

    MTB preparation for the spring season, 50 km, 1500 m elevation on tough terrains. Needed powermeter for better efficiency :-)

  81. DavidR

    Managed my first halfway decent outdoor ride of the year on Saturday after interminable winter turbo hours. Roll on spring!

  82. GO

    I didn’t :)

  83. Roelof

    I ran! I’m still in winter mode, cycling will start when spring arrives :)

  84. AT

    60 kms of MTB with a climb

  85. mykd83

    I planned to do a nice turbo trainer ride around Watopia on Zwift, but ended up having to do coursework for university instead *sadpanda*

  86. Robert

    Did Zwift and tried out the new part.

  87. Stijn

    had a MTB trip saturday of 85 km in Diest(belgium) and on sunday a “zoorun” – a 15km run at the local zoo to support a local red cross section.
    Now i’m heading for a 45km trip with my MTB on the streets, to gif my legs some rest :-)

  88. Guido

    just in time to participate :-)

    Still cycling inside on the trainer this weekend, but hope make a lot of km outside the next weeks and wouldn’t it be great if I could do this more structured with a powermeter

  89. Vojtěch Čanda

    I went to tutoring.

  90. Mark collard

    This weekend we had BAD weather so it was turbo trainer time for me.
    Did a one hour session using GCN training video.
    High to low cadence intervals lasting 4mins each
    Was tough!

  91. Matthias

    Did a nice 60k loop. First time on my road bike again as the sun was shining and spring is arriving. Great to feel the fresh air again after all the indoor sessions.

  92. Steve C

    I went climbing with some friends I usually ride bikes with. Needless to say, some not-so-frequently-utilized-muscles were a bit sore on Sunday. There was much laughing, a few calories were burned and we have some stories to tell.

  93. Juliien Regnart

    Normal Road workout 50 km !

  94. Kristof

    Beach race of Knokke (Belgium), 48km of wind and rain.

  95. Donce

    1 easy ride of 4+h, truly opening the outdoor cycling season

  96. Only 2 short rides because of less freetime. The weather said take the chance, but there was too much to do. ;)
    Thx for the giveaways!

  97. Guy Cookes

    Wind, Rain, Sun, Cold, Wet – about sums it up. One of my training buddies called it Potholes 4, Cyclists 0 after all the punctures!

  98. Juha J

    Lots of thinking of whether to Zwift or not to Zwift.

  99. Twinaxx

    Had planned to go for a nice long kickbike ride, but changed to running due to the high winds and rain.