March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Todd Thorsgaard

    Snowboarding in powder at Powder Mountain!

  2. Bruno REMOND

    Long ride on Monday!

  3. Rayb

    1:30 loop around town

  4. A

    Just some cycling in the city over the weekend.

  5. crushed some single track in Rotorua NZ!

  6. Nate

    Couple of out-and-backs on the Chehalis-Western Trail.

  7. Eric

    Got in 3.5 hours on the trainer in the crappy midwestern weather.

  8. Taylor

    casual ride around the city visiting a few breweries for some tasting on the way home from work

  9. Derek

    Rode 20miles this Saturday with a new group. Had to turn back early and had the best 10 miles of riding in my life. Started training hills more a few months ago and it has really paid off

  10. TT

    Did a Trainerroad ride at home!

  11. Alex Hemke

    A two hour mountain bike ride on my brand new rig! It was great!

  12. Benoit Page

    It was -25C but still did a 10km run outside on Saturday (I know that has nothing to do with cycling) and a long trainer ride on Sunday, ride would be much better with some power.

    Side note, yes, Forerunner 920xt buttons can freeze and stop working, but no damage to the watch yet.

  13. Mark Sadler

    100k club Ride Saturday, started in the piddly rain, finished in glorious sunshine. 15k run today giving the bike a day off, Started in in the piddly rain and finished in sunshine, sensing a theme here..

  14. John

    Trainerroad and Netflix

  15. Matt

    Steep and Deep!! Skiing in Summit County Colorado

  16. Ryan P. Birnel

    Did a short ride on Saturday called 85 n’ Back. Posted a decent time considering the time of year.

  17. Giles Rowland

    Zwift for me!

  18. Israel Galan

    125km ride followed by a 5km run. The run ended up being a shuffle as I had no hydrated enough on the bike #liveandlearn

  19. VictoriaSP

    Easy sunday ride in cold weather

  20. Maria Gregory

    I will just hit the gym.

  21. Callum

    Raced Saturday and blew up just before the finish then a 78km ride up Donna Buang (a mountain in Melbourne).

  22. Andrew Faughnan

    Rode the trainer and watched Paris-Nice!

  23. Andrew

    Wrapping up a week long training camp in Spain – topped out at 370 miles for the week

  24. Nathan

    Indoor Ride Saturday and then a couple hours outside on Sunday

  25. dombush

    Back to cycling to work after flu :-)

  26. Steve Morey

    It is running season for me so Saturday was a long run. Took the bike out for a short spin Sunday to loosen up the legs and because is was too warm to stay inside.

  27. Ken DeMarco

    20 miles outside today

  28. Luke

    I looked at my bike hanging from the wall in our garage as I worked all weekend

  29. Mike Burns

    90 minute run and weights on Sat. 40 minute recovery run today. No riding this weekend.

  30. Mohsein Mohji

    knee rehab due to meniscus injury

  31. Mike O'Connor

    This weekend was much colder than I wanted it to be. Saturday morning was a frigid 16 degrees, so I did 1hr 30min on the trainer. I needed to go out, so around lunchtime, I braved the low 26 degree temp and rode the MTB. I couldn’t feel my face after the 1hr mark. Sunday’s high reached 34 degrees, so I layered up and headed out for a 2hr 30min road ride. Brrrrrr..

  32. Matt B

    Miles on the trainer!!

  33. Marlo S

    Long slow ride for aerobic fitness

  34. Jakob Berg Jespersen

    Carneval party Saturday
    Wake up on Sunday

  35. Lee Hayward

    Well my weekend (and week for that matter) had been spent on Oahu, Hawaii on my honeymoon. Many hours on the turbo and road required in the coming weeks to get back in shape.

  36. Adam

    Too cold in Vermont. Still spinning in the basement.

  37. Matt Frerichs

    A couple of quick rides.

  38. Jerry Benton

    A lot of leg press workouts this winter. Time to get outside and on the bike, to check up on the power. Gotta fight these spring 15 to 25 mph winds here in northern Illinois. (Corn won’t be up ’til July)

  39. jean

    too much snow here! so no cycling

  40. Adam

    Ride over the weekend gone – 50 minutes on the trainer (still recovering from a 70.3 race two weeks ago :))

  41. Melanie W.

    Just a little trainer time in between a swim challenge I’m doing this month.

  42. Tom Lee

    Will be riding Zwift since it’s raining.

  43. james ritchie

    Hi DC,
    So Friday and Saturday I rode my vintage 80’s road bike hooked up to my Bkool Pro. Sunday I got out my touring bike and rode a nifty little 32 miler. My road bike is still hibernating.


  44. angelo marfa

    50/50 road and gravel ride.

  45. NandD

    Made some plans to make some plans about getting a ride in; set up my indoor trainer instead.

  46. Evelyn

    Snowshoeing adventure in the bush instead of riding.

  47. Shane Reaume

    Awesome, chilly 60km gravel grinder ride through park trails on Saturday with my fave riding partner! Followed by 100km of Zwift on Sunday!! Would love to see how my power numbers would compare :)

  48. Darren

    This weekend was the final FTP test for my off season spin class.

  49. Neil

    fluid trainer workouts because it’s too damn cold/windy out. plus trainer road.

  50. Margaret

    No cycling over the weekend- way too cold and I don’t have a trainer. Maybe tomorrow if it warms up a bit!

  51. Peter Arentz

    The Sufferfest Omnium

  52. James

    Finally a break in the weather, so sneaking out for a cheeky lunchtime ride shortly

  53. Aaron

    Braved the cold here to get in a ride each day, really glad I didnt pack away my winter gear after our 70 Degree days!

  54. Joey

    spend my time logging miles in the pain cave!

  55. Dawn M.

    I rode the St George 70.3 bike course. Fun times.

  56. DavidS

    Road 2 indoor trainerroad sessions for a total of 3 hours of riding. No partying in a hot tub for me.

  57. Tyler Loewens

    I did a 64 mile gravel race and PRed my time by over an hour!

  58. xl-0815

    Today only a short ride to get my kids from kindergarten and hopefully a longer run in the afternoon… .

  59. Andrew Lawrence

    No biking plans… Bike’s in the shop after I was hit by a car. Maybe will start at the gym?

  60. Jamie

    two long runs this weekend.

  61. BenJ

    A Midwest country ride on an unusually warm day.

  62. Robin Satty

    Stuck on the indoor trainer with TrainerRoad and Netflix to keep me company!

  63. Marc Savage

    It’s -25c. I’ll be cycling on Zwift.

  64. Pat Renckens

    Only cycling this weekend is diapers on and off the baby. Soon though!

  65. Martin

    Short but intense!

  66. Dax

    Went to my daughter’s swim meet all weekend so no biking. Did get a run in though.

  67. KenP

    I’ll be a session on the Elliptical trainer following knee surgery…

  68. carlosb

    Rode to Cabrillo National Monument from Liberty Station, and two repeats to the tide pools. One of my favorite rides.

  69. Andrew

    Got my eyes lasered, so… weekend off!

  70. andy

    running to get ready for once the snow clears !

  71. Simon Potter

    Wet weekend, so repair(install new) rear derailleur cable

  72. Chris Harrington Jr.

    Trainer workouts with some running thrown into the mix.

  73. Allan

    a quick trainer spin after getting Spring snow!

  74. Colm f

    Weird time trial on Saturday where the wind reversed and the 4s were faster than the 3s. Sunday was recovery ride to watch a crit

  75. DJH

    Saturday was a cross-country flight home… and Sunday was a much-needed spin-the-legs-out 2.5 hr ride with my honey.

  76. Branden Lyon

    Saturday was all family, all day. Solid indoor trainer ride Sunday.

  77. Ryan J

    Took a long nap on the couch. Recovering from a cold.

  78. Josh W

    I looked longingly at my bike and imagined the wind in my face. Then went back to changing diapers.

  79. Gilles G.

    A full day of sliding with the kids (yay!) on Saturday and stationary bike on Sunday.

  80. Jason

    Joined a zwift race in last weekend, first time to ride on box hill. My comment is “you will never be lonely on the box hill@@”

  81. Mike haig

    Wife’s birthday weekend so no biking. 4.5 hr powder frenzy instead !

  82. Kk

    I biked 70kms through wine lands from Orange, NSW to Canowindra.

  83. gautam chima

    2 long weekend trail rides over 50Km each and climbing over 500m. should be 6 hours or more riding time!

  84. Drew Kellogg

    A few quality hours with the trainer and Netflix. It’s freezing outside in the Mid-Atlantic!

  85. Jac

    Was supposed to be a group ride with new tri team, but got weathered out.

  86. Amie

    This was a rest weekend for me. I’m looking forward to warmer spring weather!

  87. Johnathan Davidson

    Skipped the cycling and went for a weekend of skiing in Alta instead.

  88. Andy

    Just a little mtn bike ride today

  89. Sergey

    It was my working weekend. No time for training(

  90. mike guertin

    training time in Kirkland; to cold outside.

  91. Alex N

    I have a double century coming up so this will be sweet.

  92. Al Hart

    I did a 90 minute zone 3 -4 spin on Saturday and a quadruple bike/run brick workout on Sunday

  93. AM

    TrainerRoad in the basement with some Netflix binging.

  94. zeffa

    Got a big exam next week, so unfortunately no time to cycle… Looking forward to getting back on the bike afterwards though!

  95. rwc926

    36Km on west side of Tokyo in Spring like weather. Bliss.

  96. Dave Nagel

    Just getting in some ez miles after the flu

  97. Matthias

    I did a short 40km round as I was away till 4pm on Sunday.

  98. Cam

    Had a thesis due today so couldn’t ride at all… looking forward to getting out tomorrow for a nice slow 50km to get back on the bike

  99. C

    Quality time on Trainer Road with Netflix!

  100. Scott

    Ended up on antibiotics for a sinus infection thanks to my preschooler. So yeah… I rode around the neighborhood for 2 miles. Yes!