March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Heinz

    Zwifting on Saturday and Sunday! :)

  2. Sebastian Levesque

    I just have a 10K Run indoors due to the weather. Cycling will start in the spring once the snow melts for me.

  3. BikeNerd

    Lots of indoor spin and weights at the gym. Hopefully next weekend will be bright and sunny.

  4. Pavel Nouel

    Just a few indoor miles, very cold in the Northeast

  5. Matthias Aitzetmüller

    Cycled in the snow- who could have expected that it´s still that cold in the alps

  6. Tim r

    Maybe a short ride today

  7. Riding on Zwift, on my mountain bike with my kickr so I can get some power numbers. My road bike just got trashed by a lady in a parking lot of all places, fun stuff! Thankfully I’m okay.

  8. Daniel Schwinghammer

    Because I’m really ill I could not train ?

    Well, but I did train my tactical understanding, watching Javier Gomez rock Abu Dhabi triathlon!

  9. Jim Toye

    Boys long week end skiing the slopes of Big Mountain – Whitefish, Montana :)

  10. Doc Savage

    Hiked to the highest point in South Dakota Saturday to celebrated 38 years of marriage. Rode my fat bike Sunday in the snow, slush, and dirt.

  11. david klotzkin

    None – it is 10 degrees here!

  12. Kristian Juhler

    Was suppose to ride one long and one recovery but where hit with fever, so just did some fever-training instead (yeah that do not count, i know)

  13. K Anderson

    I’m riding 50 miles, training for my first half IronMan. There will be hills, flats and lot’s a water.

  14. Andy Francke

    It’s too rainy here – I didn’t cycle, but I did start changing out the drivetrain on my wife’s mountain bike for her.

  15. NWinter

    Did an short 20min warmup followed by an 1×1 interval for 1 hour on the trainer.

  16. Jeffrey Warshafsky

    Trainer rides as the temps may not get above 20!!!

  17. Dave McKeown

    Ran a local half marathon, first cycling race in 36 days, hope that counts a training!

  18. 45 mile gravel ride yesterday. Raining today so trying to motivate myself to get on Zwift.

  19. Daniel

    50 mile ride

  20. Martin Johansen

    Workouts this weekend: about 25 km backcountry skiing. (And some easy snowsledding:D)
    Still a bit early to bring out the roadbike here at the arctic circle.

  21. Patrick Buren

    Forecast for the weekend is: 21 degrees and Hilly without wattage :(

  22. Keegan S

    Stuck traveling, but should have more time next weekend!

  23. Arif

    Course recon saturday. Hit the podium sunday.

  24. Claus Jacobsen

    So wanted to get outside this weekend to get some k’s on the new steed. Unfortunately i’m recovering from 2 weeks of having the flu. still not quite good, could only cope with 30min on the old bike on the trainer. Fortunately it was windy like hell and with a lot of rain. so a bit lucky.

  25. peroni

    Warming up for a 4-days MTB immersion next weekend. I don’t have a powermeter on the offroad bike and Stages have the exact product I would need

  26. Andrew C

    My cycling plans for the weekend involved riding laps around a park to make sure my thumb wasn’t broken. But if I won, I could ride laps around the park with extra powweeerrrrrrrrr.

  27. Mark tobin

    Good day today. Cross country morning race, then a steady swim in the afternoon before a wet dusk 40 mile ride. Flat but roads all to myself.

  28. Roger Parenteau

    Commuting is the only biking going on up in cold, cold Canada (Snowing right now). Heading out for an XC ski shortly though!

  29. Ricci Antonio

    Workout on xert app

  30. Mike

    Today (Sunday) I kicked off the new Season. Therefore I cycled exactly the same route as I ended last years Season on. I now regret every delecious christmas cookie I ate. But between hills it was’nt that bad :-)

  31. Kenneth DiPalo

    Couple hours on the trainer looking forward to the warm up this week

  32. Csapi007

    Did a local loop, in rain, didn’t bother.

  33. Don

    Another weekend of trainer rides in the basement.

  34. Helder

    A one hour middle intensity bike ride on coutry roads.

  35. Roy Ma

    Rode 1hr 45 min on computrainer doing FTP workout on Saturday. Running 90 minutes Sunday. Then drinking a couple of beer!

  36. Johan

    Around the block with the kids :).

  37. Tony

    60 mile ride

  38. Robert D

    An easy 66k E1 high cadence ride as prep for a 25k running race

  39. Frank B.

    Trainer on Sunday

  40. Ventura

    Rest due to an injury thanks!

  41. Patrick Chang

    Just squeezed in quick 2 hour ride in Beach Dr in Wash, DC including a couple times up the Mormon Temple Hill. I’m slow.

  42. Lukas

    Took part in 25km cross-country ski competitions

  43. Chris D

    First races of the season on Saturday and endurance on Sunday!

  44. Scott

    Nasty cold spell, so more time spinning on the trainer..

  45. Daniel

    Friday: 3h MTB
    Saturday: 4h Endurance ROAD
    Sunday: 3,5h Endurance- high candence ROAD

  46. Trying out a new group ride around Nashville TN

  47. John L

    Climb Mt. Diablo

  48. TimG

    Long ride if the weather holds…which isn’t looking likely!

  49. Hypokris

    amateur MTB 16km race

  50. Ted

    5k race yesterday and shortride this morning.

  51. Mirek

    I am in preparation for the Boston marathon so no cycling for now. Next step is an (half) Ironman and any power meter (and bicycle) will be appreciated ?

  52. Constance

    I did 61km ride, first time cycling in a group. I enjoyed the experience very much so I will join this cycling club from now on.

  53. Romster

    Some Zwift-ing… (at least that was the plan… :-))

  54. Emil

    120k ride on studded tires down to our favorite veggie lunch spot!

  55. Ermanno pantalone

    Ho avuto una splendida giornata in bici in compagnia dei miei amici

  56. Josef B.

    A lot of tempo work!

  57. Ermanno pantalone

    Have a good ride whith my friends

  58. Alex Arnason

    Two hours on the trainer with Netflix! Base miles this pre-season!

  59. Frank Healy

    30 miles to test ride a 10tt course, in the rain on my cross bike with mudguards. I wasn’t very quick…

  60. Fernando S.

    Nice ride on Sunday morning, 75km in the mountains to start getting in shape for the bike season.

  61. Jon

    90 min of trainerroad on sweetspot base program. Crossfit and long trailrun also.

    • Jeff Hencher

      Saturday on the trainer with one of the new Sufferfest videos, then Sunday outside in the cold Canadian wind for 75 kms with 20 other like-minded enthusiasts.

  62. Miriam

    Easy ride on Santurday and Sunday relax.

  63. Mike

    I did some mountain biking in Sedona, AZ.

  64. Alexandre Ebert

    110k bike ? and 15k run ?preparing for IRONMAN South America Championship

  65. Barbora

    I just finished 1h 45min long ride on my indoor trainer.

  66. Alex P

    Still super cold outside, so 3x 2h indoors, working on endurance.

  67. Gwyn Moore

    An early morning climb up Lake Mountain, Victoria, Australia. The sunrise was to die for and whilst I’m not a speed demon downhill by any measure the descent was brilliant!

  68. Brent Gustafson

    3 hrs of riding the Zwift Pretzel course

  69. Rest weekend, off for a funeral in another city so unfortunately no biking at all for me. Next weekend though!

  70. Whitey

    Long ride cruising the beach shores, lovely day for a ride!

  71. Patricia Didone

    just chilled all weekend! :)

  72. Mark Wilkinson

    Monday morning already here in Australia, so – Saturday started as a solo 55km ride, but happened across another chap doing a similar route and we had a great chat while he pulled me up a hilly bit faster than I would normally go. Social riding is better riding. Sunday I went out just at dawn to take some pictures and to try to improve on a favourite climb. Photo part went well. Measuring ride went less well when the Garmin glitched and I ended up with a corrupt .fit file – no data !!!

  73. LauraH

    Biked an hour on the trainer yesterday and another 50 min today. The 60 min run outside was better than the rides!

  74. Fred


    I will do some training on Zwift this weekend.

  75. Cory Kawa

    I did a 1 hour spinning session I found on Global Cycling Network on Friday.

  76. Peter

    Yesterday 118km outdoor on the racer with the club.
    Today 46km Zwift endurance/recovery ride.
    Almost ready for #Dutch Masters of MTB 200km

  77. Ricky roberts

    Trainer time during the kids nap time. Its raining here and mommy is at work!

  78. Luciano Lazuta

    20km ride after 800m swim

  79. Polarbread

    Two solo rides at zero degrees with podcasts as company

  80. Heather Levesque

    Looking to do a short ride on the trainer.

  81. Brick on Saturday (short run), 15-20mi MTB on Sunday if the weather cooperates!


    Great Sunday morning ride with friends up and down Bobbin Head. Not a flat km to be seen!

  83. Arch Fonken

    I am on my boat in the Bahamas. My bike is attached to a Neo and is on the fly bridge (great view). Rode Trainer Roads Goddard and Monitor.

  84. zom

    cycled through a few episodes of paw patrol. newborn + toddler will do that to you!

  85. Jonathan Hughes

    It rained, so the turbo and TrainerRoad for me.

  86. AZ

    Stealthy ride on the trainer, which will last as long as, the kiddo naps!

  87. Jeff

    I have been out riding the local canyons since we finally got a break in the weather!!

  88. Nic Zuraw

    Pokemon hunting with my 4 and 6 years olds on my old 1970s Colnago Fixie

  89. Tom

    None this weekend. Recovering from chest infection and hospital stay!
    Need power meter to see how bad I’ve become when I start training again.

  90. Mike Kohnle

    Getting the bikes ready for warmer weather. Still too cold here.

  91. Murat

    climbed like a goat all day long :)

  92. Jonas Ericsson

    Great 4 hour bike workout i the mountains of Gran Canaria, Spain.

  93. Cesar Hernandez

    46 miles on the Withlacoochee State Trail in Florida Hamdcycling

  94. Jay

    Cycling indoors with current weather forecast but if it’s dry i plan on an easy 60km ride

  95. Michael Jones

    Basement, KICKR, Trainer Road …..

  96. Daniel Powell

    Did a charity 100k and then 50k ride back home

  97. Flemming Lundager

    Will be thinking of the MTB marathon to come up in two month time! I went for the pool and swam. :-)

  98. Larry Grossman

    I rode 20 miles today in -2c weather as a recovery ride from a 20 mile training run yesterday. Why does the weather always feel warmer running and the miles go by faster cycling?

  99. Roman

    110 Kilometres mainly flat with a few hills. Longest I’ve ever cycled, and I was pretty tired afterwards.

  100. STSE

    it was mtb training and running for my weekend … nice weather and spring like temps