March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Steve

    It’s still crazy cold in the US North, so it’s a spin class on Saturday!

  2. Brian

    Fast 65km spin with the club!

  3. Tuomas

    45min basic ride with my new fatbike on fresh snow. Loved it!

  4. ERic

    Just a run this weekend. Long run on Sunday. Waiting for it to warm up to ride

  5. Thor R

    I didn’t get to cycle this weekend as I was helping out building a new bike shed for the local school.

  6. Jons

    2 rides of 3+ h at easy and steady pace.

  7. Steve

    Celebrated the wife making GB age group with some quality red. Then nursed a hangover through a wet and windy 70km.

  8. Clement Lim

    Stuck on the trainer as there is a blizzard outside!

  9. Kim

    Unfortunately I was “call duty” the entire week.
    Not a single cm of riding (sob, sob)

  10. Bert

    Saturday I was out for a 1 hour tempo training followed by some 2 minutes intervals summing up to 2.5 hours.
    Today I was out with the group for a tough ride in the area where the Amstel Gold race is taking place. Some short but steep hills, with a lot of wind. 4 hours and 120k. Cannot feel my legs anymore…

  11. Conner

    I did my first bike race (a 6.7 mile uphill time trial) and then rode another 27 miles afterward on Saturday. Sunday I am going to ride for about an hour on the trainer and then go on a 10 mile run to end the week! Thanks Ray!

  12. wzp

    It’s been running for me, but promise I will use the power meter if I win it :-)

  13. Stefan

    A 2 hour ride on the trails.

  14. Nick Clarke

    Saturday was a restday after a hard week training and failing to hit friday’s targets.

    Sunday 10th Reserve for a road race; didnt get in so rode the course in reverse. Last about 50km before I almost died from the cold! Quietly pleased I wasnt racing for 115km in that today!

  15. Say hello to my little trainer…I’ll be on it both days!

  16. Dixie Newsome

    My weekend plans included my first road race of the season, hello race season! The Women’s Cat 4 was the first round of races to go off Saturday morning with temperatures in the low 30s. We raced for 22 miles, one big hill climbed twice. A few attacks during our race which nothing worked. One girl got away with 3 miles to go. The rest of the peloton was neutralized with 2 miles to go. We had to go back on the course to warm up for the sprint finish. I took the win of the bunch but landed 2nd for the race. Today, Sunday was a good recovery ride with lots of wind!

  17. Christian

    75 min bike ride with threshold intervals, a 50 minute run and a 60 min gym work session.

  18. I tested my max power on 10s, 1min and 5min to update my PDcurve on WKO4 : always hurts !

  19. Eric

    Glorious tempo run along Alki Beach for the first sunny day of the year up here in Seattle!! Only 3 more months until the next one..

  20. Mike Walker

    Skiing with my dad Saturday, big trainer workout Sunday. The roads are too icy for good road rides.

  21. Jason Stotler

    Nothing but trainer road indoors until my event in may

  22. Henry Heisler

    Mountain bike in the SoCal sunshine!

  23. Kurtis Williams

    Out for a ride with a friend yesterday while the weather was clear, back on my Kickr and Zwift today with the return of the rain.

  24. Ron Penton

    It’s 15 degrees out. I’m getting on my fatbike and riding a few local trails, then heading back home when my toes get numb.

  25. Ari F

    Roads are still covered with ice, so my weekend workouts were more on the cross-country skiing side of things.

  26. Pat

    Had a lot of family commitments, so loaded up a pannier on the cross bike and did 100km cycling between those commitments.

  27. Jonathan

    Hammer for 2H, enjoy the spring weather and roll home..

  28. Andreas Maninakis

    4h ride with lots of intervals

  29. Brian Schur

    Trainer ride, maybe I’ll get to MtB today

  30. Ryan

    Zwfit, Zwift, and more Zwift. Spring can’t come soon enough.

  31. Roland Horth

    Head deep in home remodeling but back out on the bike on Monday-Friday as usual.

  32. Javier Colomer

    Sunday short ride to Bunyola after a saturday day fever ;)

  33. Bobby_NL

    Completed my first ride in China this weekend, sure could have used that power meter ;-)

  34. Ian Ballantyne

    Woke up to 14F this morning. Will be riding in trainer in garage later today

  35. Lauris Abrickis

    Just got back from 107km ride. There was snow, mud and wind. Awesome!

  36. Ben Howat

    Indoor Turbo session on TrainerRoad as weather still not good enough for outside :-(

  37. EWhite

    Turbo turbo turbo

  38. Jim Abbott

    CompuTrainer and road hill sessions in prep for Tour of Flanders Sportive April 1, 2017!

  39. Ken

    45 minute active recovery session on my kickr and Zwift after Saturday’s 20 mile Naked Bavarian trail race.

  40. carol clark

    ride on the backroads here in texas is my plans

  41. Noah Gray

    I have to write five papers for work this weekend so I’ll just have to settle for cycle-commuting to work tomorrow.

  42. timota

    Just some casual riding to the bar and back.

  43. Miranda

    On saturday I MTB with the guys for 45 km, because I was a little tired I did a 7 km on the treadmill today. Next week no biking but very busy with skiïng. After this week I’m going to start ‘for real’ with the power meter of course.

  44. Sven Beuke

    I had to prepare my bike this weekend to start cycling again after the winter leaving these days! Only indoor cycling today :-(

  45. Dr. D.

    No Cycling this weekend – running only

  46. Joachim Glink

    Done a 155km ride in windy conditions in Bavaria

  47. N Cornelisse

    Saturday and sunday 2 endurance rides in perfect weather. Saturday felt like spring. Sunday a bit windy. but perfect weather for a good training.

  48. Alex

    Couple of indoor trainer rides whilst visiting family in the UK.

  49. Wouter

    Battling against the Dutch mountains (headwinds), turn around after two hours and race home before the heavy rain clouds drop their cargo.

  50. TomsonV

    I was to catch up on some rides on zwift, but my kickr broke down, so I went out for an easy spin and got caught by a 70 k headwind.

  51. Michael

    An hour or so on the trainer, way too cold

  52. Joost Beenker

    Did some running for a change. 10 km. Tomorrow back on the bike for a commute to work and a zwift session in the evening.

  53. Sebastien

    ITU Abu Dhabi / Olympic Tri

  54. KilkennY

    No plans do to an injured knee :-(

  55. Kevin Beckerdite

    Cold (single digit lows) and windy (30+mph) in these parts this weekend, so it was 1 hour on Zwift Saturday and 2.5 hours on Zwift Sunday. :-/

  56. da_fox

    Only plan for this rainy weekend in Italy was cuddling with my girlfriend. But this power meter would really boost my motivation ;)

  57. BENOIT Corbeil

    Two rides in cold Québec in the basement. Looking forward to spring !!!!

  58. Jens Holmstrup

    Double spinning session saturday – in cover from rain, wind and generally lousy weather :-)

  59. Michael J.

    Did a trainer session on Saturday and today some strength session with high gears outside in this chilly weather :D So a power meter would come in handy for my especially for my Mallorca training camp :D

  60. Geet

    Rode 30km to North Road on Saturday. Watched it snow on Sunday :-(

  61. Tim Smolders

    Cycled two easy hours around Amsterdam. Still early in the season so keeping it in D1

  62. Thomas Laye

    1.5 hours on zwift on Saturday. Short zwift recovery ride after a run on Sunday.

  63. Nico

    Visited my Team-mates on Saturday to do an easy spin with focus on technical Trails.
    On Sunday it was time to ride up Königstuhl (Heidelberg) to shred some trails on my xc-bike

  64. BikeGeek

    The weather forecast sucks, been raining all weekend. Mostly Zwifting and some strength training at the gym. Have a good weekend y’all.


  65. Jago

    Two long rides with 140km each!

  66. Rob

    25 on sat and a hundo for Sunday!

  67. Spencer Morgan

    About to head out on a 20 mile ride with some nice climbing this afternoon.

  68. Ivan Petrovitch

    Skiing in Snowmass; trainer on hold for now.

  69. Anthony

    Riviera bike and evening run

  70. Neville

    A short loop in the sun

  71. Christopher Spogis

    After a bust at marathon Nordic iceskating yesterday( due to warm weather) I’ll be pumping up my tires in anticipation of dry roads here in Montana!

  72. Timofey

    First 30 km ride in year.

  73. Peter

    On saturday morning I did a short trip with my road bike and later another one with my MTB.
    Today I did a quite hard MTB training.

  74. Dav Nadz

    Ran 10mi yesterday, so might just do bike maint today.

  75. Adam W.

    Flew home from Florida on Friday night, drank too much at the airport, missed my flight, had to get rebooked for an early flight the next morning, that flight was canceled due to mechanical problems, finally got rebooked on a flight late Saturday night, drank too much Bourbon when I finally got home, woke up with a miserable hangover, drank a ton of water, ate several eggs and Bacon, hipped on my bike and rode 75 gloriously miserable miles. I love this sport, and I REALLY need this power meter!

  76. Jochen Bollen

    Technical mountainbike tour

  77. Jonny P

    No cycling, smashed a 1/2 marathon PB at 1:22 instead ?

  78. Saturday:
    -) 142km ride with 3 mountain intervals, and finished it with 3 sprints.
    -) stretching and foamrolling in the evening
    -) board games with my girl
    -) walk in the morning while my girl slept
    -) forenoon a 2h indoor ride with 3x10min high cadence (girl spent time in the fitnessstudio)
    -) 90 min walk in the afternoon with my girl
    -) evening 55min indoor recovery ride
    -) stretching, foam rolling and watching tv with my girl

    Looks like any given sunday :-)

  79. Thomas Tollstedt

    Planned to train with power on TR but I had a run with power through Stryd instead :-)

  80. Dieter De Cooman

    Dreaming of my new powermeter while pushing hard on the bike while on holiday at the dutch windy coast.

  81. Quintin Gay

    Just a quick trainer ride after my swim meet!

  82. Brion

    An hour on the trainer… Between the boy’s hockey games…

  83. Thijmen Groenewegen

    Returning from a long week Skiing in Austria. Made enough mileage on two planks instead of two wheels for this week. 5 days 200 km’s of skiing in Fieberbrunn.

  84. Wouter Gardeyn

    This weekend I will just bike to pick up some groceries. Rest is on my side :-)

  85. Maciej

    Just a few short laps on my local trails, waiting for the snow to melt in the Alps :)

  86. Adrian

    None:) but planning to use my home trainer sometime in the middle of the week

  87. Nils Bukowski

    130 k’s through the Wienerwald with 1700 m of vertical on Saturday, 45 k’s of bycicle courier work today.

  88. Mike Watkins

    Think I’ll try for a 30miler on Monday. Been busy moving out this weekend so struggling for time atm.

  89. Steven

    Trying to not find an ice covered hill to do hill repeats

  90. Coussement Tom

    Easy ride, 80km on Sunday morning.

  91. PJT

    It’s still so cold here in northern Finland that I did some warming in my carage with trainer and after that 26km cross country skiing in nice sunny winter weather.

  92. Hector Santaella

    I rode a short and easy 20 mile ride followed by a fast 4 mile run.

    I hope everybody had a great weekend.

  93. Christian Lagerblad

    Saturday-2,5 hours nice trailing in the woods. Sunday-2 hours on Zwift because of bad weather ?

  94. Carsten Andersen

    I did a long 5 hours indoor cycling session saturday, and had a short 1 hour active recoverý ride today.

  95. Scott Harding

    I am planning zero training because I am currently in Hall Beach, Nunavut on an Arctic training exercise. It’s slightly too cold for a bike ride…

  96. Stefan

    sunny weekend with outdoor mtb and indoor trainer

  97. 5hrs rolling hills ride on Sunday

  98. Pearse Carberry

    Hi! 2.5 hours on the turbo instead of outside in gale force winds!

  99. Sebastian

    I took time of training and went to Munich with my familiy. Just one short run along Lake Starnberg this morning plus a hard effort at the hotel’s buffet afterwards if that counts as sporty session…

  100. Ulf

    Did some nice hill climbs