March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Andrew

    My cycling plans this weekend are….postponed for a beer run! Bockfest is once a year, I can always ride next week.

  2. JCG

    30 miles on the trainer while I catch up on American Housewife. Don’t judge, it’s freeszing out in New England.

  3. Mikeg

    Rode the mountain bike yesterday, today the trainer as it is dumping snow again

  4. David Sanchez

    This weekend, no cycling plans… this weekend family weekend… Travlling from Barcelona to Canary Islands with my wife and the twins (who are almost one year and is their first flight trip) … Next week returning to the the training plans (swim, bike and run)

  5. Jochen M.

    A longer tour with the tandem with “my girl” on saturday, drive to the bakery for the breakfast on sunday.

  6. I hope to not freeze my toes or fingers off this weekend while I ride and run! My plans might change to just waiting for warmer and less windy conditions!!

  7. Cinzia

    Today I went out for an easy stroll doing legs exercises while tagging along my fiancée who was doing a long run.

  8. rehmn

    My plan was to beat some Strava segments in a region, but my ankle injury changed it to recovery and I-net browsing…

  9. Joe S

    A little 60 miler yesterday

  10. Nathan Gehring

    Desperately trying to convince myself to get on the bike. Enjoying running too much lately.

  11. Mark

    No actual riding, but I did build a new wheel for my bike.

  12. CSR

    Easy 2hr ride in Charlotte, NC

  13. AndrewB

    Friday was low intensity – high cadence intervals. Saturday was a longer ride with accidental bonk training.

  14. Sandi morley

    I thought about spinning….does that count? ?

  15. davide

    club run on w-e, hope to put some exit on the week too

  16. BPR

    Resting a cold, watching cycling on TV

  17. Andi

    No cycling. Some indoor rowing, some running. Monday, though, …

  18. Phil

    Combination flat and hilly ride in south central Pennsylvania, getting full use out of my cold weather gear.

  19. blaf

    Trip with family. No training.

  20. Mierzwiński Maciej

    Just starting the spring season with two 50 km rides.

  21. Andrew Quick

    A few hours of trainerroad

  22. Olly Kyte

    Rain affected Sunday Reliability Ride (peculiar UK tradition; effectively a weekly pre-season smashfest hosted by local clubs during Jan-March), meant additional turbo time. Although a pleasant 3.5 hrs in dry-ish conditions was welcome respite from the monotony of turbo-land yesterday!

  23. Hugo Trepanier

    Since its still cold outside…gonna go for some zwift training !

  24. Magnus

    Mountainbiking both days.

  25. Sashinho

    MTB Mud Ride

  26. Magjea

    Watced Noric skiing on TV.

  27. Gabriele Ghelfi

    Bad weather this weekend…two indoor training sessions for me.

  28. Dan Thorpe

    An hour turbo session as the rain wouldn’t stop on the Sunday.

  29. Lisa C

    ODZ ODivaZ Ladies Ride on Zwift.

  30. Rob Rish

    It’s -16°C outside, so an hour on the trainer (2x20min at 85%FTP) followed by a 10km run.

  31. Rob

    Sadly, my weekend plans have been thwarted by the flu. Was all set to brave the cold and hit the local trails, but will have to wait…

  32. Matt Charlton

    A long 2 hours on the turbo trainer with trainer road!

  33. Michael Schmidt

    Cycle Ball competition on Saturday and Tacx training on Sunday evening.

  34. Tom Helleman

    Competed in an Enduro MTB race on the Gold Coast in Australia. First MTB race in 18 months and even though I was well prepared, I got a bit excited on stage 1 and washed out the front tyre. Fun day otherwise!

  35. David Tjiptogarsono

    It’s Sunday morning now. Will be churching first then ride later. Weather not looking good however so trainer ride is most likely.

  36. Philipp

    Went to a 10k Run by bike with an extra loop on my way back home.

  37. Christoph

    Windy “sun”day ride after a ski holiday in Italy.

  38. Gerard Bux

    First ride of the season with the road bike. One hour to start not too hard

  39. Petr

    I moved from US back to Europe last fall and my bike is still in storage. Need to buy new helmet and shoes for SPDs first. I guess I should really get to it now…

  40. Adam

    Run with the dog. Will ride again when the rain dries up.

  41. Paul

    A session in the conputrainer to loosen the legs after a long trail walk yesterday.

  42. Edward C

    No cycling this weekend, rather went to visit some friends.

  43. MyriamS

    Easy spinning and sunday off.

  44. Dick van loon

    Hunted some KOMs around the block with my MTB. 650hm 30K.
    Nice warm and sunny

  45. Bob Cooper

    Had hernia surgery on Friday March 3rd so off the bike for a while.

  46. Chris Kuchin

    I had planned on a trainer ride for Saturday, however my home improvement project took to long so I missed out.

  47. Jeremy Tan

    Century Ride!

  48. Jeremy Tan

    Big Bear Ride!

  49. J Higgins

    Did a duathlon yesterday and a 35km run today in preparation for a marathon in four weeks time.

  50. Matthew Siviter

    Going to chill on the turbo watching Gcn for an hour with the missus. Raining outside :(

  51. Lisa Marie Stephenson

    Going to chill on the turbo watching Gcn for an hour with Matty.

  52. Stay home with my bkool and watch Paris Nize on TV

  53. Lukas ranicar

    Short spin around Pondicherry

  54. Steven Mertens

    Was planning a 100k ride but due to the weather changed to a intensive workout on the indoor trainer.

  55. Stuart C

    a 45min turbo session followed by a 30min run…some other stupid ftp builder this evening on the turbo (followed by a trx core workout) – wish i was in a hot tub in the ski resort now though :(

  56. Rodolphe N.

    Short bike ride on Saturday in order to preserve for a half marathon on Sunday :)

  57. Jared F

    Went for a short get away trip so no cycling this weekend. Loaded up workouts before leaving and got to do a 13 mile run while away. Cycling will resume Tuesday with a nice 1.5 hour interval set

  58. Mike Davis

    Spending my time inside on the spinning on the trainer today :( The temperature in Maine has dipped in the single digits with a brisk wind.

  59. Dominik

    driving on my bkool pro, cause its rainy

  60. Ethan

    It very rarely rains where I live, so I’m going to take advantage of it this weekend and ride in the rain.

  61. iomk

    Ride on Zwift! And refreshing F11 dcrainmaker site waiting for Quark power meter review.

  62. JimV

    It’s a running weekend for me. 18 miles Saturday and 15 Sunday. Eager for a summer of riding (with power?!) in Wisconsin after a snowy winter.

  63. Ryan

    Rode a trainer Saturday (90 minutes) and did a 25 min HIIT ride today. Could use the meter to better understand how hard I am actually working.

  64. Dominic Frandrup

    There was still snow on the roads here in WI so I ran a 5 mile race with my girlfriend and her friends. One of whom even PRed!
    We are snowshoeing today and going mtn bike shopping for her new ride for some bike camping this summer.

  65. russ

    We had 10cm of snow here and it’s -10 degrees c so no outside riding. I’ll be hitting up either the Sufferfest or Trainer road for a couple of hours of riding in the pain cave. It’s almost spring and I can normally get out for a few rides on the road this month, fingers crossed.

  66. miltos chidid

    climb at 900m from sea level

  67. Sid

    I just picked up my new road bike this past week! And now, I am looking at getting pedals and bike shoes by next weekend so that I can get my first ride in on Sunday after my marathon on Saturday!

  68. David Mangold

    Trainerroad base training recovery week continues… 90 min on Sat, brick on Sun.

  69. Khai

    It’s snowing in Vancouver. I didn’t ride but I did help clean up the track…

  70. Juan Otavo

    Ride to the south of my home town

  71. Jason

    Needed a little break before the next big base phase so a 90 minute recovery ride in Northern Virginia

  72. Ranjan Raja

    Indoor riding with Trainerroad – it’s snowing here!

  73. steve saltzman

    oil my chain and recover from walking pneumonia

  74. Don Wingler

    I am joining my friends of Chicago Endurance Sports for a computrainer class in a few minutes. We meet every week for a ride followed by lunch.

  75. Ryan Beech

    Trainerroad Trojan!

  76. Patrik

    Some sufferfest workout on the trainer..

  77. JohnH

    Did a 30 miler with my 10 year old as training for our upcoming Ride Across California. Got a bike fitting the day before. I’ve never ached so much after a ride. ?

  78. jes holm

    4 hours in the rain – but with very good friends :)

  79. Ezio

    I am gonna start to extends my ride (~100km) in preparation for Flanders!

  80. RAFrisk2

    Gonna try and thread the needle between rain systems here in drenched NorCal. If we can’t do that ?….. ZWIFT it shall be

  81. Jhonathan Montoya


    This weekend i did swim an hour and walk a bit around the park. no cycling for me.
    Thank you

  82. clifford amos

    rode the wife’s “garage” bike to the local grocer for a six pack of Smithwick Ale to enjoy with pizza — after running an hour.

  83. kim

    I rode on my trainer one hour on Sunday. I am a newby biker and don’t know the first thing about a power meter-or why I need/should get one, so a freebie would be awesome!

  84. Alex

    A short spin on Zwift tonight. Been a busy weekend…

  85. Gyorgy Santa

    60 min. high-cadence training on sat. Sunday off.

  86. Jordi

    Getting my health back and it rains, rains, rains …. did I say that it rains? All weekend!! So, I’m doing D1 on the Tacx.

  87. Cormac Ó Ceallaigh

    Friday evening: I did a gym session focusing on legs.
    Saturday morning: I did an hour and a half on the indoor trainer working on speed skills and building cycle specific strength.
    Saturday evening: a light recovery jog with my dog Loki.
    Sunday morning: a two hour long anaerobic endurance session.
    Sunday evening: another gym session focusing on stretching and flexibility with some work on legs.

  88. Craig Riley

    Stuck on Flux Turbo as weather is filthy. Did a full Pretzel on Saturday on zwift, planning an easier ride for Sunday

  89. Terry Muldoon

    Trainerroad sweet spot base.

  90. theboxers

    Did over 2 1/2 hours of trainer work over 2 days, first time in 6 werk due to illness. It was not good.

    Setting up some sessions on the trainer for a company charity event at the end of the month. 2 teams, of essentially non cyclists, doing approx 100 miles each. Should be fun.

  91. De Weerd Kirsten

    Cycling clubs opening weekend, totaling 116 miles in 2 days

  92. Tom

    Looked like my comment didn’t take, so here goes. Riding indoors on Zwift today!

  93. I ride on my Tacx Neo 2 on Zwift.
    Intervalls on satyrday and a endurance session for 3 hour on sunday.

  94. Brian K

    Riding Zwift – nothing too strenuous as recovering from some lower back issues.

  95. Driving most of the weekend for a family holiday… will making up for it during the week though

  96. Erik Larsson

    Saturday: First outdoor ride on the road bike this season! Sunday, 2.5 h Zwift

  97. Larry Ahearn

    Didn’t get out this weekend. Did a trainer ride and some strength training.

  98. Esteban

    Long ride on Sunday: 120km.
    Mid ride on Saturday: 66km

  99. Steban

    Brick training on Saturday and 70.3 on Sunday.

  100. Villegas

    Recovery ride on Saturday. Long ride on Sunday.