March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. moti mendelson

    Due to bad weather i trained at home with rhe trainer. had a 1.5 hours of intervals training.
    wishing to go wride outside this weekend/

  2. Ole-Johan

    Skiing trip to Kvitfjell, but hope to hit the power trainer after putting the kids to bed tonight.

  3. Henrik

    Putting the Skis back in the basement and getting my TT bike out for the first time this year. ?

  4. Adrien

    Too much rain, I’ll stick to my couch!

  5. Sam Morris

    Jon’s short mix on Zwift :-(

  6. Rudy

    still on the tacx… :)

  7. Victor

    3 x 50km road rides around Sydney

  8. empewu


  9. Oran

    recovery workout on my kurtkinetic trainer

  10. Alessio Amadio

    I’ll be working both saturday & sunday, rode almost 200ks on friday so… just a turbo session tonight!

  11. Guillaume Enault

    La Hague, West Normandy!

  12. Doug

    An easy spin on the bike as still recovering from man flu

  13. Lasse Helstrup

    No training at all, went to watch Liverpool at anfield instead

  14. Mircea G.

    Just about to head out into the mountains. Hope it’s not too cold.

  15. James

    My plan was to do an hour and a half on the trainer followed by a run off the bike :)

  16. Ran out of luck. Planned a 100km trip saturday, two spare inner tubes along. First puncture at 10km, another 10km later…. fml!

  17. Peter M

    Planned to go out for a nice deload week spin but gale force winds have got me stuck indoors thinking about my bike instead. I just hope there isn’t this kind of wind for Paris-Roubaix challenge, it’ll be tough enough as it is!

  18. Jos D

    Watched Strade Bianche

  19. Oliver

    Spring-like weather here in North-Rhine Westphalia. First time this year that I took out my road bike yesterday and made a hilly trip through the Teutonic Forest. Great to be outside again!

  20. Michael Hughes

    The usual Saturday morning ride with a great bunch of blokes on the back roads of Northern NSW in Australia!

  21. Some hard Yassos on the track, and then something easy on Zwift.

  22. Chris Shaw

    It has got to be Zwift, there is so much rain here….

  23. Paul Voorend

    180km race as part of my first Ironman!! Taupo, NZ :)

  24. Paul O'Neill

    Morning Everyone! Went from Barcelona to Calella yesterday morning! 110k roundtrip to shake the cobwebs off from a week sitting behind a desk! Anyone visiting Barcelona with a bike should do this!! It’s a beautiful ride straight along the coast.

  25. Tom S

    Hi Ray,
    2 hr. Ride up to Boulder City

  26. Quinton

    Planned to do a century training ride but the weather in sydney made it easier to use a canoe instead of a bike on the roads… Unfortunately just sat and starred at my bike all weekend wondering if it was as upset as me!

  27. Thobias Bergqvist

    Trainer, trainer, trainer…

  28. Wolfgang

    train for the ronde van vlaaderen

  29. Fabian

    Had my first bigger tour out of Munich this year. Very nice sunny weather and I’ve found a very neat beergarden that has already opened. I had a very good time enjoying my beer in the warm sun with view over the Starnberger See and the silhouette of the snow covered alps. Unfortunately got stuck there for too long, thus the ride bike was quite cold – but hey, totally worth it :)

  30. just the trainer this weekend.

  31. Stefan Selz

    yesterday was a nice 80k bike ride around a local lake … today is bad weather indoor training

  32. Greg Judin

    A ride to and through the royal national park in Sydney!

  33. Jerome

    as it’s raining all week-end in Paris, training will be hanging out in a café or at home with a good book :-)

  34. Niall Magee

    Forgive me DCR for I have sinned, my bike stood in its home unused this weekend as I hosted a dinner party that needed prep. For my penance I should make up the lost time on the turbo trainer during the week. All was not lost however as managed to fit in some time to watch the first few monuments of the year as I was working in the house so which didn’t fail to disappoint

  35. Domen

    It’s quite interesting story about my cycling plans. In reality I had no intention to ride until the end of this month, but on Friday I had some meeting not so far from home. Therefore I hop on a bike, do that short community ride …. and there I found out that I had some other things to do, but few hours later and about 15 kilometers away. As I was already on bike and the weather was nice I ended up leisurely cycle around a bit and at the end it turned out that I rode almost 70 km.

  36. Wayne

    4 hours of pain. From fog to drizzle then over a mountain range into glorious sunshine. My legs hate me right now.

  37. Manu

    My plan?
    Ride more than 100 Km with more than 1000m D+…
    Done :-)

  38. Theo

    Yesterday was the first not raining day this week. 110k. My legs were on fire :).

  39. Jon Escombe

    Trainer time!

  40. teodor cosmin

    Had 4beers and then some 2000hm of backcountry ski.

  41. Michael

    get out. enjoy the beautiful FL weather. and spin/spin/spin/spin/spin.

  42. Sam

    First ride out in 14 months due to injury only 18 miles but good be in saddle again.

  43. Malc

    Couple of hours on the turbo and a 7m run

  44. Melissa

    Power testing on computrainer! It’s -10F ? Outside

  45. Ran Shenhar

    No riding this weekend, but possibly a tour around Lisbon tomorrow!

  46. Thomas

    Riding the g-spot Trail in Stellenbosch

  47. Stephen

    I’ve been inspired by the Cycling Maven and his indipack preparation, so decided upon a ride through the night. Quite an experience, will be doing more of these through the summer months..

  48. Gary A.

    10K race on Saturday and recovery run/ride on Sunday.

  49. Randy Hammons

    Hoping for ~50 miles in near or below freezing temperatures here in Cleveland

  50. Jan Jelle

    Saturday: up at 6:45 AM, breakfast #1, one hour spinning, breakfast#2, 1,5 hours on the roadbike (rain, cold, windy) (Scandinavia).

    Sunday: up at 7:45 AM, breakfast, two hours on the road bike (more rain, icecold, crazy windy).

  51. jonathan

    No plan! too rainy in north of France!

  52. Anders Poulsen

    I was at muddy MTB race yesterday:)

  53. Guido

    Long hilly ride in the North of Okinawa.

  54. Dan

    Been recovering from illness, so just an hour or so in the snow with my cross bike.

  55. Jesse Bennett

    I ate cookies and packed my bike to ride in Charleston next week!

  56. Toby Jutras

    Pain cave for a 2hr aerobic session Saturday, and braving the single degree temps for some fat biking on Sunday.

  57. R Cmaps

    Visited new area with lots of hilly rides!

  58. Diego

    Go to the stadium….

  59. Noam Deul

    sleep sleep sleep

  60. Boomer

    US Air Force Reserve drill this weekend so tempo rides to and from the Base on Sat; Sun, to and from but with a solid team training ride on Base following release from duty with my USMES teammates.

  61. LuckyLindy

    Camelback Climbs, welcome to my nightmare

  62. Mike

    Planning to take a trip on the frozen lake with cx

  63. George

    Bike tour of St. Croix

  64. Uri

    Just a few rides to work and back

  65. USArchos

    Ride with daughter.

  66. Kyle

    Spent all weekend wanting to ride as I was working at the Toronto International Bicycle Show.

  67. David Boisoneau

    I totally was going to cycle this weekend but ended up partying in a hot tub at a ski resort (no lie).

  68. Lynn Larsen

    10 degrees and windy. So, yesterday 1’45’ with 3×20′ of very hard work; data to keep me honest via Stages. Need another Stages for planned TT bike.

  69. Steve

    Trainer rides this weekend, 1.5 hours Saturday and 2.0 hours Sunday. Happy, happy, joy, joy!

  70. Benoit

    No cycling this weekend, but had a nice ski weekend

  71. Marius Jacobsen

    No riding this weekend sore knees and legs intervals during the week

  72. Brady

    Planned 1:00 on the trainer today (Sunday) followed by easy 5 mile run. Love the Brick!

  73. shawn

    3hr free ride on zwift.

  74. Purnomo

    Heading for hilly course next saturday,

  75. Marty

    Rode in single temps with family.

  76. Dan Niederhauser

    Well, my bike was having issues beyond my abilities to fix it, so I turned it in to the bike shop for repairs and spring tune up.

  77. Khim bittle

    Mountain biking Sunday at the shed

  78. Ken Sturm

    Rode 45 miles with 4,000 feet of climbing. First ride in 2 months!

  79. Jose Biton

    Sunday heading to Colorado for mountain play time. Yesterday, Saturday, 100 mile ride followed by a 10 Mike run. #IMtexastraining

  80. Juan Becerra

    Can you believe I had to ride my Kickr (with Zwift) for 4 (Yes, FOUR) effing hours? This is nutz!

  81. Patrick

    Cycle through Greenwich Park

  82. Christian

    I will ride on Zwift since the weather is pretty bad here today

  83. Vincent vaucelle

    2h turbo session with 15s on every 2″

  84. Joe

    Hopping on the trainer for the first half of my its freaking cold out brick…

  85. Randall McQuade

    Cold this weekend in Ontario Canada. Just spending some quality time spinning on the trainer.

  86. Elmar

    Saturday: 3 hrs on rollers , 91’s @ 80% plus 3x 82’s @ 80%. With a power meter it sure would make more sense ;-)
    Sunday: 90 minutes @ lower steady pace

  87. Wadim

    No cycling weekend yet :-) although it’s first spring-alike weekend in Poland. Form me still running weekends and all-weather cycle commute.

  88. Mark

    Rode an 80mile loop to the KW Surrey League race to deliver flapjacks, got some hills in on the way back. Turbo today. PM would be for the missus who I’ve managed to get into cycling at last and she’s loving the zwift workouts, better with a PM

  89. I traded the bike for the XC skis this weekend. Oh and a tub of fondue…… a large tub of fondue.

  90. Kaare

    3 hour mtb ride in the rain is planned this sunday :-) – Following saturdays running intervals

  91. Bram

    A typical Belgian spring ride: rain, and then some more rain…

  92. Jason

    First nice day outside… so why am I in the basement on the trainer? Another hour to go.

  93. Ihsan

    Hosted friends for a wine night on Saturday. Getting off the bed and cleaning up is a training itself!

  94. Stephen

    Joined Costco, walked a lot around that massive store. Need a power meter to help work off the calories from all the samples.

  95. Andrew C

    Riding the XRS Ibex race on Zwift since it’s winter again in NY.

  96. Robert Beech

    Fitted some pedals

    Went for a run because it was too wet to cycle

  97. John Little

    60 minute zwift workout ride.

  98. Daniel Benjamin

    airport route and back

  99. Mike Brown

    Doing a short ride on the trainer – easing back into things here.

  100. Pawel

    Almost ready to get back on the bike after an appendectomy, but this weekend is yet another forced recovery weekend :(