March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Tim Bulger

    Sweet spot base at the hotel while in Calgary for a coaching workshop

  2. Nate

    Zwift today, rain tomorrow and a medium rude Monday! Come on, big winner!?

  3. Cchin

    Quick ride round the lake

  4. Evin

    Rode to the shop and got the bike tuned up.

  5. Zlokroshka

    1-1,5 hours of trainer max :)

  6. AndyK

    Riding the couch until this cold goes away. Swim at the gym and run at the park if the coughing and sneezing are finished. TrainerRoad and Netflix for dessert!

  7. Bart.broux

    Just gonna ride around see where my legs take me.

    And ray you really shouldn’t drink and post things on the internet

  8. Devon Osborne

    Weekend ride was 90km ride as part of the Ironman New Zealand 70.3. Blustery and windy conditions made for a tough day out but made the podium in 30-34 division

  9. Brian hydro

    Going to run, hike , ride and repeat…….at least once this weekend!

  10. Geoffrey Tan Wern-Jyan

    30km chill ride

  11. Khaled

    I did 4h mix of trails & hills on the CX bike in beautiful freezing Vancouver! Probably 1j easy recovery spin for Sunday (if it doesn’t snow)

  12. Einhard Janke

    I cycled around the seven seas of the town schwerin.

  13. Mike Ben-Ari

    I Climbed from the Lowest Place on Earth (The Dead Sea) 1100m up to the closest city Arad!

  14. Graham Fairley

    Sprint Tri this Sunday :)

  15. Philip

    Cycling around the lakes sat and sun. 35-60 degrees. About 30 miles. Maybe some time on the trainer in the basement.

  16. Tom n

    3 hours nice and easy group ride with my club. Everything was green from all the rain

  17. Rob

    Went for a 45 mile ride, training for an upcoming two day double century.

  18. Brad

    Hit up the fast bunch ride and won the kick!!! Would love to know the numbers I put out so I can train to go even faster ?

  19. Kevin

    Did the Coronado loop around San Diego bay today.

  20. Kg

    Over-unders, over and over again until I go under.

  21. Leon

    Climbed Mount Doom from LOTR here in New Zealand. Still recovering.

  22. This weekend is a bit of a challenge, which kids’ activities and breezy weather in Bavaria. Friday was a ski day, so a good little strength day on the mountain. Saturday was 30k of climbing via Zwift with an ascent of the new Volcano island climb (on the new Cycleops Hammer – bought based largely on YOUR review. Love it). Sunday is likely also a CHammer day, although perhaps a 20km MTB ride through the forests of Bavaria with some friends.

    Have fun and be safe out there. Thanks for all the great reviews.

  23. Alan

    I currently have a 10 day old baby sitting on my lap so training is probably a bit ambitious. Hopefully a quick spin on Trainer Road or a fast circuit near my house this afternoon though.

    Failing that it’s nappies and breast milk for me!

  24. Daniel Haavisto

    I’m doing a 3 hours easy distance on my trainer, as a bonus I get to spend some quality time with Netflix.

  25. Kasper Vainio

    It’s fatbiking day. No idea how long or how far…

  26. TorsteinVH

    I’m going to spend Sunday afternoon with Netflix and my Kickr :)

  27. stephen gerber

    planning a session of hill repeats and then a recovery ride along the ocean.

  28. Ladd Williamson

    I rode for an hour in 40° F rain on my fixie. It was great to be out but an hour was plenty!

  29. Anthony Lozano

    Riding on Maui

  30. Danny

    I’ll be cycling in my dreams this weekend, cuz I’m sick as a dog! :'( Wish I could get out on the roads in this beautiful weather, but maybe next weekend.

  31. Fred S

    Rain, rain and rain again in Paris. So go for a Zwift session. Ride on !

  32. Michał

    Two activities actually, one by myself, and the second one teaching my son cycling.

  33. Luke P

    The local river loop!

  34. Allan Wisen

    1. Off to the swim stadium to do 1000m
    2. Take the kids to Taekwondo
    3. Do 60 min over/under intervals on home trainer


  35. Vincent

    Just a short ride through the Dutch mountains… I mean hills ;-)

  36. Kevin Sims

    50 mile along CA coast

  37. Leon

    Testing myself

  38. Megan

    My cycling for the weekend involved an hour on Zwift. Sadly the Sydney weather has not been conducive to riding outdoors lately!

  39. Tomas

    First real spring day of the season@17 degrees. Went for easy mtb spin, however after 1 hour needed to cross a small plush that turned out deeper then expected. The result was both feet truly wet from knees below and riding with it for the next 1.5h. Epic ?

  40. Layrry Dean

    Indoor trainer for 70 minutes.

  41. Cristian Gal

    Went for long ride this weekend, started with 60km to get to 3.4km climb with 9% gradient, then got back home with another 80km. In total 125km in a 4.5hours. Not so bad for the first ride out this year.

  42. Csaba Hrotko

    When the streets will be dry from night rain, I will try a 3hrs. trip to the black forest.

  43. Andy Turnbull

    I’m riding the RCCK reliability ride this morning, early season handicapped ride, not a race. Except everyone treats it like a race..

  44. Going to Cap Formentor and then on to Lluc and Sa Calobra this morning. Really in need of some serious wattage metrics…

  45. Peter K

    At the moment all the riding is in the week for commuting- closest I will get to the bike will be to clean it!

  46. Kek

    Quick spin on Bkool trainer. Frosty and slippery outdoors.

  47. Sarah Pye

    My training today was a 3.5 hour ride, which included 5 x 10 min efforts at race pace and 4 x 10 min hill repeats.

  48. Gabor Szilagyi

    I did 60 kms yesterday and plannning something similar today plus 30 mins running right after that.

  49. Martin Ralph

    N-Duro Summer Cup Mountain Bike Series – Tokoroa mid distance race

  50. Mikael Lundberg

    Out Cycling in Sun and snow in northen Sweden ?

  51. Tim Rochford

    Road season has started here so 130kms with the new team on Sat then 2 hours of sweet spot on the rollers, stretching and napping on sun.

  52. Kopi Zoli

    Not too much bike ride, but 1 hour on trainer and 3 hour running.

  53. Georg Pieber

    Sunday: 3h easy – 2nd time outdoor this season

  54. Alex Grigg

    Having a late summer in NZ so planning a off road ride

  55. Dennis

    Nice ride along the danube.

  56. Brian

    A century or two :)

  57. Tom Bateman

    Still too icy so sticking with running

  58. Mike

    Just some easy running

  59. Sagar Shankar

    No cycling plans this weekend alas!

  60. Pete Gordon

    Drove 950km Saturday with my MTB in the back of the car wishing I could ride it. Spent all day looking at aeroplanes instead of riding! Punishment week coming up!

  61. Simon Masters

    Just a nice easy 90min ride.

  62. Andy Smith

    Cheeky 2 hours through the Hunua hills (NZ).

  63. Otto

    3 hours of D1,D2 and a splash of D3 training…

  64. Ole Seglem

    I am running this weekend.

  65. Joanne Smith

    Just a steady Sunday ride with the club.

  66. Stefan

    Every time I plan for an easy ride, it ends with me being completely exhausted. Why is it so hard riding at an easy pace…. So it’s clear what I’ll be doing this weekend!

  67. Simon Long

    Spin on the new mountain bike when the Foehn wind in Innsbruck stops…

  68. Ana

    Planned ride in Canberra got rained out and replaced by coffee and knitting with my riding buddy. S replaced it with a Saturday night movie and ride on the stationary trainer with my partner.

  69. Two hours worth on the cross bike, and a hour on the narrows as well looking for 800 meter intervals on the track today to test new gear.

  70. Ryan

    A lazy 20k ride

  71. Ales

    First ride after a winter ~40km than training on trainer new vulcano hill :)

  72. Adam D'Arcy

    Spent my Saturday resting/recovering in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland. Back to the bike this week!

  73. sny

    Took a 1.5 hour ride outside yesterday, plan to do the same today.

  74. Hannu

    Indoor session with Tacx Neo

  75. Wayne

    A quick spin on Zwift

  76. Since it just started raining, it is time for Zwift this afternoon!

  77. Tim Whatley

    Just some hill repeats this weekend.

  78. Steve Wan

    Riding in Zwift completing some GCN challenges. First one done tonight and another attempt tomorrow night.

  79. Tim Collins

    This weekend I will be mainly on Zwift. I may poke my nose out the door if the wind ever gets below 40mph.

  80. Thomas Morin

    Business trip in Thailand so just a run in the park… too hot in here !!!!

  81. Andrew Broad

    Sticking with running at the moment in lead up to London Marathon. Early 13 miler on saturday morning.

  82. Alistair Stewart-Jacks

    To the hills for a dose of Vitamin G

  83. Henrik Ahlqvist

    Got a sore throat so a power meter would be nice.

  84. Tomas

    Did season opening ride of 50km outside, felt great!

  85. Ash W

    Got smashed in the fast group on the weekend. HR was too high so got dropped towards the end. Totally worth it though :)

  86. Adam

    Trying not to work, or get out of work so I can ride. It’s looking like a nice day for it.

  87. Matt W

    20 mile ride Saturday, intervals on Sunday.

  88. Carlton

    My weekend cycling plans involve…hanging out with my kids and wishing I had the time and motivation to get on my trainer.

  89. James M

    Easy rides on both Saturday and Sunday

  90. stijn

    Couple hours on the tacx :)

  91. Aleksander Domanski

    Commuting to work in order to train for the Isle Of Wight Randonee.

  92. Petr Hruska

    75 km on the bike in strong wind, Thank you, Ray :-)

  93. Hadwin De Donder

    Did a sweet hilly 100K, the ‘sven nys classic’ tour. Cycling in Belgium never gets boring, you should come and discover ‘Het hageland’, amazing roads and filthy hills here.

  94. Michael Dolbec

    Watching it rain cats and dogs in Paris while here on business. Wishing I had access to indoor trainer and Stages power meter, instead of having to invest in umbrella and trench coat to go find food outside.

  95. Edward Gerrie


  96. Andy AJ

    Running with the dog, then Zwift

  97. John Mouland

    In my preparation for IM Australia a very lovely 5 hour ride in 200mm of rain and strong winds. A power meter would of been nice to validate feeling destroyed after the ride ;)

  98. Jason Blenkarn

    100 mile Time Trial practice. If only I knew the watts I was producing… Currently train on a held heart rate of between 179-181 bpm. Last year I hit the 100 just over 4 hours…Let’s hope it’s a tad under this year…

  99. Barbara

    I’m beginner on bike, visiting spinning classes with my friends. Really enyoj these trainings with good vibe and excellent power music. Looking forward to new adventures on the ‘real’ bike on the roads with my friends :)

  100. Mathieu

    find a dry window for as much miles as possible.