March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Adam Okoye

    Did a workout on Zwift this afternoon and might do another one tomorrow morning.

  2. Luc Simoneau

    Well, being that the temperature dropped to -20C today, I’ll be doing a workout on Zwift with virtual power from my Tacx trainer. Would prefer a real power meter for my outdoor rides!!! Thanks for the DCR giveaway!!!

  3. Sergei

    Round The Island (RTI) ride is in the plans, should be about 115km all in all.

  4. Matt Ingram

    Bike to start of swim-run training. 3 weeks to Breca Wanaka! Epic group session round the harbour in Christchurch, NZ.

  5. Tammy

    Trainer Saturday and Sunday.

  6. spencer


  7. Louis Alexander

    Likely will get some time on the kickr with a nice 90 minute trainer road session!

  8. Kelly Latham

    This weekend, on Saturday i’m planning on taking a group of women on a ride up Mt Macedon, a nearby mountain that is great for beginners. If that falls through then I’ll probably do some gardening. I live in Australia so we have just finished summer and there is a lot to do to get ready for winter.
    On Sunday the plan is to take a full day and drive out to our nearest alpine area, where id like to double up on two mountains, one i’ve done before and one i’ve heard tales about. It should take about 8hrs, its 145km with an elevation of 2831m, so this will be a challenge for me both in time in the saddle combined with overall elevation for a single ride. My husband was going to join me for this ride but he had an accident earlier this week and might not be able to ride by then, but ive got my fingers crossed.
    This weekend is a 3 day weekend for us (Labour Day), so on monday my plan is to have a rest day and thoroughly clean my bike. Because after all that my bike will deserve some attention.

  9. Nick Hutton

    MTB trails on Sat, Zwift on Sun

  10. James schoeck

    Rode fat boy this weekend

  11. Did a fat bike ride on Sat. And then a indoor trainer recovery is planned for Sun.

  12. Jim W

    RIde to the beach and back.

  13. Mario Tello

    80 km group ride for tomorrow morning! Last easy ride before ramping up to Monterrey 70.3!

  14. Robert M

    Rode over 40 on my Speed Concept today and tomorrow riding some singletrack on my mountain bike.

  15. Tim Henery

    rode 25 miles helping to train novice cyclists complete their first century

  16. David

    Doing some indoor trainer work and get a mountain bike in.

  17. Marcos Buosi

    60km on saturday
    Swin on sunday

  18. Toni

    Winter is almost over and weather allowed doing grand opening of road cycling season.

  19. Mark Rinaldi

    Working this weekend, but headed to Solvang for a 4 day mini camp Sunday night.

  20. Juan E Tapiero

    Saturday: bike by my girlfriend while she did a little run.
    Sunday: hopefully 60-70 miles on the “high” temperatures (40-50 F) of Wisconsin

  21. Steve Fitzgerald

    2hours of solid indoor training hiding from the Canadian winter watching ironman!

  22. Gary Patrick

    Familiarization ride on the new triathlon bike, my first. Then spend some time with the Fast Bike Fit App to start dialing in position/fit.

  23. Chris

    It’s all about #buildthebase. Weather is crappy so it’s gonna be in the garage sweating it out.

  24. Lance

    21 miles training some first time triathletes.

  25. Craig

    Rode 14 miles as part of the Desert Triathlon

  26. adam l

    i plan on going on rides to lose weight and get back into shape, hoping to get back to 100 miles a week at least

  27. Paul

    However many episodes of cheers i can handle while on the trainer.

  28. Eric Malinowski

    2 hour endurance ride Sat, followed by bowling… and also a run on Sunday, maybe, also, maybe followed by a recovery ride… all inside since I am a wimp! :-)

  29. Rodolfo Araujo

    After Carnival break, Sunday restarting the engines with a hard 60+Km ride over the highlands of Minas Gerais state, in Brazil!

  30. Ben Wooliscroft

    Ended up being an inside ride on Saturday, too much work and a real road ride on Sunday. just a couple of hours, but we pushed it a bit and ramped up the TSS

  31. RJ Maguire

    Riding gravel in the Ouachita mtns.

  32. Lily K

    3hr trainer ride (yay!)

  33. Frank Corrao

    7F here today. :/ Did 1h45m indoors on the trainer.

  34. Jean-Bernard Pellerin

    There will be no biking for me this weekend. Stupid snow.

  35. Rhonda P

    swimming instead :)

  36. Jessica Voss

    An hour on the trainer today followed by an hour of strength. Wish it wasn’t supposed to be too cold tomorrow or I’d head on the trails.

  37. Daniel

    60 mile “all teams” ride in Memphis on Saturday and a relaxed ride cruising with friends at the park on Sunday.

  38. Gabrielle Whiting

    Rode 50 miles on the trainer today. I’m three weeks in to my recovery after my bike crash where I broke my wrist, so I’m still stuck indoors. Hopefully only one week more in my splint and then I can get back on the road!
    Tomorrow I have my last long run before my half marathon next weekend.

  39. DaveM

    Completed a 2 hour trainer session today (Saturday) and plan on a 1 hour trainer session on Sunday with a 1/2 hour run afterwards.

  40. Peter Vanleeuwen

    I will be doing a LSD run on Saturday (not the drug induced kind) and I’ll be racing on Zwift tomorrow (Sunday)!

  41. Bob kortyna

    Ill be doing little riding. Its cold in Wisconsin! Hoping to get a little time on my new mountain bike thiugh

  42. James

    Zero cycling plans. I’m fishing my face off.

  43. Craig Fisher

    Riding my 33 lb fat tire bike to prepare for my road bike weighing half as much…and hopefully with a power meter to see how much good the fattie did…

  44. Andrew

    50 miles training for Sea Otter Classic with co-workers.

  45. Dan A

    30-40mph winds means it’s trainer time this weekend.

  46. Seth Revelle

    Recovering from a week skiing. ?

  47. Tina

    Ride on the WO&D trail

  48. Michael

    Wish I could ride this weekend. Just getting over a bout of norovirus, so yeah…

  49. Brent

    Did 90 min on the wahoo this am followed by 30min of core….gah, can’t wait to get outdoors!

  50. Bill Fowler

    Preparing for Oceanside half Ironman – 3 and 1/2 hour Computrainer class this morning. Couple hours of cross country ski this afternoon. Long run tomorrow

  51. Reto Freihofer

    Done 26km on Saturday with around 300 m vertical.
    Today I did Mt Donna – 17km up & 1100 vertical (and of course down again)

  52. Pete Lambertz

    Already road the volcano on Zwift. Plan to do some more tomorrow.

  53. Hugh Berkson

    Zwift. Lots and lots of Zwift. A volcano climb per day keeps, um, Spring coming on schedule?

    Did the flat course with the Volcano climb each of the last two days. Tomorrow will bring the Figure 8 with the Volcano climb add-on.

  54. Derrek sanks

    2 hour trainer workout Friday and a 1 hour trainer workout on Saturday.


  55. Yehuda

    Race a 5k, long run and then some zwift in the afternoon to finish my mileage for the week

  56. Chader

    2 hour sweet spot intervals.

  57. Jyrki Pakkala

    Having a serious man flu here and just dreaming new stuff for my bike…good way to spend the time when you can’t train ;)

  58. Deric Bert

    riding the trainer after a week of vacation

  59. juan

    cycling indoors on saturday, zwift it ism and on sunday 50 miles on the road

  60. Ken

    The only thing I’m riding this weekend is an Airbus 720. Visiting the grandkids in Michigan!

  61. Gretel

    This would be for my boyfriend who did 70mile time trial yesturday and the Warwick half marathon (run) tomorrow. I’m now back home in Australia and for me it’ll be the gym spin class tomorrow

  62. Trish Hart

    Fri. 50′ spin
    Sat 90′ spin
    Sun Quad brick with Z4 intervals!

  63. Chris Koch

    Ski trip on Saturday, quick 20 mile road ride on Sunday!

  64. Rob

    Sat = FDR nut punch
    Sun = Mellow velo Lookout

  65. Andy

    Riding my first ever time trial and then into more race day drills/training, since I’ve never raced either! Prey for no rain.

  66. Moritz Haager

    Taking a break to go downhill skiing

  67. Jeroen Post

    Do the local club ride on Saturday and a 100 miler in Zwift on Sunday.

  68. Roy

    Hit the trail today, riding roads tomorrow (if it doesn’t rain, otherwise I’ll work on converting an old road bike).

  69. Frank F

    After being hit by a car on my bike just over two weeks ago and having surgery to put a plate on to my broken left collar bone, my replacement bike arrived yesterday. I am going to do my first session on my Neo & Zwift so I can get back on track training for a fundraising ride (1,070km over 7 days) for Leukaemia I am doing at the end of April. Going to be interesting doing that whilst wearing a sling. Expecting it will heal properly in time. Cannot ride on the road for next 4-6 weeks.

  70. Susan B

    Enjoying Tucson’s favorite routes this weekend.

  71. David Krimstock

    I finished up a hard MTB block of training in Moab, UT. This included a 3hr hard ride, a 8 hr hard epic link up, a 6 hr endurance ride, and finishing with a 3 hr race recon ride on Porcupine Rim trail. One of the best, and hardest blocks of training I have ever done!

  72. Jon Palmer

    tapering due to sinus infection

  73. Eric S

    A round of golf with my daughter instead of a bike ride.

  74. Some recovery miles are in order for this weekend.

  75. Fareast2627

    Riding till my legs go numb.

  76. Vikram Gulati

    Week 3 Day 7 of Strava’s 30-min climb training plan. 3 hrs of endurance miles. Caps a week with TONS of nasty intervals :/

  77. Liam

    Started with a small cycle with 1 min sprint intervals – unfortunately finished my weekend on a rather zealous boat party that ruined the rest of it!

  78. Joshua S

    I got in 110 today in the hills of SE GA, and right now, I’m ok if I don’t see my bike until next week.

  79. Terrence Peeples

    Run on Zwift at home before getting on the road to go see family & then run at Zwift at the hotel in the morning.

  80. Michael Tippen

    About to cycle to work in the pouring rain, can hear it thumping off the road, may need to evolve gills.

  81. Greg

    3 hour ride wih my wife and then a brick run. Final countdown before a 70.3 mid March.

  82. RyanS

    Taking my 2 year old daughter for a sunday cruise around town.

  83. Lauri

    Zwift training

  84. Gloria Feren

    Picked up my 2017 team kit this evening. Don’t know when I can race as I am recovering from foot surgery

  85. S Sowell

    First outdoor ride today in a while – was not warm but got out for some tempo.

  86. Sergio Carneiro

    2h trainer at z2, need to know my power!

  87. Dima wadhai

    My cycling training this weekend will be in a track in the Abu Dhabi desert! Hope to spot some camels

  88. Craig

    A cinchury!

  89. My plan is to attack the km startimg with spring and to reach the target of 7k km in 2017. This weekend I have to do with the guys more than 160km.
    All the best!

  90. Andrew

    Just a couple hour ride in sunny south florida.

  91. Mark

    City ride with plenty of short hills and stop sign accelerations for fun.

  92. Tim

    Full run weekend for me: intervals + long run

  93. Mitchell Mond

    Planning to run instead of biking this weekend

  94. Marek

    Hope for first 100 km this year :)

  95. Matt

    Nice ride with the wife and little guy in the trailer. Good resistance training.

  96. Emil Gercke

    It is very windy in Casper, WY (wind gusts of 55+ forecasted for tomorrow) so I am riding the rollers in 50* weather, really sucks. Today I did some speed ork and tomorrow is threshold testing (oh boy!).

  97. Peter

    4 games of ice hockey and a very steady 5k run

  98. Corey Morreale

    rained all weekend so it was kickr time :)

  99. C

    Zwift it will be

  100. mordechai festinger

    1 hour HR threshold cycling fighting against heavy headwinds dreaming about summer.