March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Yaron Regev

    This weekend is all about running as I am training for a Marathon taking place two weeks from tomorrow.

  2. Lucas

    Just went for a short ride, raining all weekend…

  3. Christian Lim

    Temps in Boston were in the 50s and dropped into the teens this weekend. So 90 minutes of TrainerRoad on Saturday and 2 hours of Zwifting on Sunday.

  4. Doug J

    An hour on the trainer to recover from 20 miles running on the trail.

  5. Shane Porteous

    90min easy ride 42km followed by a Run straight off the bike. Using parkrun for that.

    Sunday 1500m swim TT at race pace in race kit.

    Then web over the local triathlon course with the junior group.

  6. Pete Barton

    Kia ora from New Zealand. This weekend me and my buddies knocked out the 101km Forest Graperide. We even managed a PB. I would love to win a Stages Power Meter!!

  7. Spiro

    Typical Chicago windy weather. Trainer Road, time for FTP again followed by cursing for not having improved

  8. Cameron

    55 miles on the tri bike this morning. Practiced nutrition for Oceanside 70.3 next month. Race pace brick run off the bike. Tomorrow- sleep in and have breakfast with my kiddos.

  9. Carlos Restrepo

    Short climb focusing on heart rate

  10. Jerry Jones

    Group ride Saturday morning but the group cut the route short, so rode a few miles to rendezvous with another group as they came by. Hung on for a while but got dropped on a hill and rode home solo. 65 miles.

  11. Calvin Tan

    a 26km ride followed by a short 10km run.

  12. Mike

    Plan on riding the Centennial Trail tomorrow starting from Snohomish, WA. Should be a nice ride with beer and steak salad at the Trails End Taphouse after. Thank you for the excellent product reviews and giveaways!!

  13. Ricardo Resende

    Pick up bread this morning!

  14. Jay

    Stuck on the trainer this weekend : (

  15. Nate Scott

    I’m doing a couple races on Zwift this weekend!

  16. Gavin McIntyre

    Strava Fondo challenge. It’s only 100km.

  17. Isaiah Reich

    My 40k of hill trading turned into a trip to my LBS for 2 new wheels which had both been cut!

  18. Conor Duffy

    Ice cold wet mountain biking in Wicklow, Ireland, warming up with cross country loop, then getting stuck into Enduro until my pedal bearing broke and my pedal fell off.

  19. Luis Rubi

    Recon ride of my next race, which is a week from tomorrow

  20. Spencer

    On the Trainer tomorrow !

  21. Ben

    I think I’ll be resting! Attempted a huge HC category climb today without a compact chainring— was probably too much for me haha.

  22. Bryan V

    2 hour indoor ride… too cold at this moment

  23. Fred SP

    I’ll just dream about Cycling

  24. LT

    Lots of Midwestern gravel.

  25. Anthony W

    Ride off vacation weight

  26. EricM

    Today was a 40 miles outdoors. Tomorrow will be an hour of intervals on the trainer.

  27. Kevin Vaughn

    Race season starts Saturday! Time trialing in the Pacific Northwest!

  28. Bob

    TrainerRoad session on the Kickr

  29. Stanislav

    82 KM Tour de Bintan, Indonesia, UCI

  30. Matt Petersen

    I coached inside for 2hr working my Ironman type watts

  31. Ryan Forbess

    Plan to do an hour and half on the trainer Sunday.

  32. Mick McCrary

    I did a 50 mile gravel ride on Saturday morning from Smithville, Texas, with a group of 200 others.

  33. Craig Chambers

    Smashed out a 120k Akas loop with
    the Rivet Racing boys.

  34. Joe

    I’ve got another long session on the rollers tomorrow. Not the most fun thing, but I get to watch some Star Trek!

  35. Tom

    Outdoor ride evaporated as the weekend temp fell from 65 -> 29 … 2 hours 45 minutes worth of spin class instead. :-(

  36. Ken MacInnis

    The usual road biking, which in California is mountain biking!

  37. Art

    A short ride prepping for our vacation to Tuscany.

  38. David

    I planed on doing a long ride. My 2 year old had other plans!

  39. Matt Jones

    Saturday short brick and Sunday finally out in the nice weather for about 35.

  40. robert behnke

    Getting out tomorrow for 50 I hope. First decent ride in awhile. I don’t do longer rides than commutes when it is under 50F.

  41. Mark S

    Weather has turned cold again so I’ll probably log a couple miles on the elliptical and possibly slog through some time on Zwift if the home projects get done quickly enough

  42. Richard Lemley

    Ergvideos! 50 miles on the “out of business” computrainer

  43. Steve Kelleher

    Since it’s 3 degrees here in Massachusetts, my plans are to hit the trainer for a long workout this weekend.

  44. Mark

    Still cold here, so did a spinning class Friday and a jog Saturday.

  45. Josh

    I would love to start training with a free power meter!

  46. I rode to the gym this morning and, weather permitting, will be doing fixed-gear crit training in the Port of Oakland tomorrow morning!

  47. Winico Martinez

    This weekend will be pretty low-key…only about 1.5 hrs on the trainer.

  48. Arthur


  49. Did a fun mixed terrain ride today that included dirt roads, 4WD tracks, a stream crossing, some pavement and hike-a-bike up and over a steep day. Best way to use a cyclocross bike this time of the year :)

  50. peta

    Some last minute fine tuning on the velodrome before Masters Track Nationals this week

  51. Paul

    Light ride Saturday- Bribie Tri Sunday (sprint distance)

  52. Rich Baxter

    I’m getting on the trainer for the first time in 6 months. Had a procedure on my leg. Gained some unwanted pounds that NEED to come off. Just 45 minutes each day. Won’t be long I’ll be out in the roads.

  53. Joao Fialho

    A 3hs/100km ride with club mates.

  54. PK

    Ride around town if it’s not raining; otherwise, Zwift for a few hours.

  55. Brian

    Some trainerroad crit workouts each day, bout an hour each, since temps have dipped into the teens (F)

  56. Daniel

    It’s time to get back on the bike and do a few 30 km laps around the Swan River in Perth.

  57. Shaun

    On bike: 1hr light effort spin.
    Off bike: Develop a bike geometry comparison spreadsheet with scatter graph pictorial.

  58. Jamie

    Rode 60 miles today, followed by a short run…then hot tubbing with the wife tonight ;) (if He kids don’t wreck it, which the probably will…but I am really hoping the won’t).

  59. Teresa Barnes

    Riding into a fresh mountain headwind for a few hours.

  60. I was on a work training course all week, away from my bike, so my weekend plans were simply to get out on the bike and enjoy myself!

  61. Scott

    No cycling this weekend; the weather’s too cold and the main focus is tuning up for a half-marathon. After that, cycling will begin in earnest.

  62. Craig Kirkwood

    I’m going to start my return to cycling this weekend with my first real ride in a few months. Can’t wait.

  63. Tim

    After attending funerals on Friday and Saturday, looking forward to getting on the bike on Sunda and just riding, enjoying the outdoors, and processing the last two days.

  64. Henry Holt

    Saturday Trail Run and Sunday bike ride when it’s a little warmer

  65. Daniel Lindgren

    Too much snow for cycling outside, but instead two group cycling sessions indoors.

  66. Frankbriss

    Indoor cycling on my traîner

  67. Nick G

    1 hour outside today in 10 degrees and an hour run tommoro!!

  68. Stephen

    Taking the Yeti over to the Coler Trails Preserve in Bentonville, which is one of my favorite Oz Trails of NW Arkansas.

  69. Jason

    90 minute fatbike snow ride. And maybe little kickr on Sunday.

  70. Joel White

    Morning ride to Boulder, home from Boulder and as many dirt roads and trails as I can find between those two.

  71. Sumrit

    I will ride to Sunday market on Sunday, about 40 km.

  72. Al

    Two rides with my fiancé counting down the days to our wedding next weekend

  73. Julian noriega

    Could Group ride

  74. Ryan Devlin

    I took my TT out for 55km, getting it ready for a race next weekend. Wet and gritty, but she’s all cleaned up now.

  75. Anderson

    My cycling plans included going to the Toronto International Bicycle Show.

  76. Chup

    Take my bike for a test ride after installing new tires.

  77. Meg

    Nice 40km ride, testing out a rode bike

  78. Carl H.

    Spin from the trainer and if the weather holds an outdoor long ride.

  79. Brett Garretson

    A trainer ride on Friday due to the weather and a 50 mile outdoor ride with friends on Saturday. Back to work Sunday

  80. Cornelius Puiulet

    Weekend plan is to ride with my 4 yo daughter in tow, in her weehoo. Training to pull her for two weeks in July in Idaho.

  81. Darrin kinney

    Short 10k ride with my daughter.

  82. Rafal Lacki

    Quite a bit of running over the weekend and a trainer cycling sesh.

  83. Joyce Jones

    20 min Threshold Test. Ouch!

  84. Bart Girdwood

    Swim/Run on Friday, 1hr30min Kickr ride/1hr Treadmill run Saturday, Swim/Run on Sunday

  85. Tina Valle

    Did 83 on the bike today and long run tomorrow.

  86. Joules Per II

    Zwift on Sunday for 3 hours… Come on spring!!!

  87. Joe Powers

    2 days of fat biking!

  88. Francisco Moreira

    4hr training on the mountains!

  89. Paul

    Just got back from 7 month deployment. Looking forward to getting some outdoor riding in! Looking to do a 10 mile run on Sat and a 2 hour hill ride OUTSIDE on Sun!

  90. Barry

    Did a shop ride yesterday and plan to do an indoor trainer session tonight.

  91. Greig Turner

    35km mountain bike ride through the You Yangs (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on Saturday. 45km road bike ride Sunday.

  92. Allan Saito

    Just 1 hour TrainerRoad on saturday and relax on sunday. On monday will begin a hard training week.

  93. Sarah

    Road riding 40 or so miles with a good friend.

  94. Mike Balicki

    Just got the bike back from the shop. Only got a ride in their parking lot. May jump on Zwift Sunday.

  95. Andrew

    Trainerroad- over unders, sweet spot , runs and swims.

  96. Tammy

    I’m stuck working this weekend but walking the dogs is akin to fartleks when they chase squirrels.

  97. Zack D.

    Travelling to no cycling this weekend. Running on the beach instead. Lots of cycling next week to make-up!

  98. Dave S

    Tomorrow’s the last long training run for a half in 3 weeks. Today was a stay inside and avoid the coldest day in NY all year!

  99. Scott Egger

    90 minute ride at the park in Saddle Brook, NJ on a very cold, windy Saturday.

  100. Mark N

    Zero. Zilch. None. Too much hockey to get a ride in.