March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. A.

    Saturday: 4+h cycling + easy squash session
    Sunday: 5+h cycling + wine

  2. Rebecca R.

    Some trainer time while watching soccer this weekend.

  3. Anastasia Harper

    Sunday I’ll be doing a long trainer session (1.5 hours) with a lot of tempo work-then I’m eating pancakes!

  4. Kyle Polansky

    Long ride Sunday with Texas Triathlon (my college triathlon team). Hoping for some good weather as it’s been really rainy today.

  5. Luc Lamarche

    Living in Montreal, today is -20 degrees Celsius, indoor spinning HIIT session (power low cadence)

  6. Jon borscheid

    Just 3-4 trainer rides

  7. Larry Speagle

    Very cold here this weekend -25 C. Looks like it will be indoor spinervals over the weekend

  8. Travis Kirk

    3am ride bike to work.
    6am ride bike home.
    7am get the wife out of the house, preferably on a bike ride.

  9. Steven Wiens

    I’m participating in the Dallas Senior Olympics this week.

  10. Seth Slipp

    I did a 2hr ride on the trainer then had a follow up on my bike fitting

  11. Robert

    No biking yet…
    Still icy roads and XC ski season.
    Did a 3 hour classic ski today and 3 hour skate tomorrow.

  12. Andres

    100k mtb race on Sunday :)

  13. Louise B.

    Pumped up the tires for a trainer ride today. Waiting for spring!

  14. costa

    a recovery ride on the mtb after I do a 35km training run

  15. Craig MacGregor

    Grinding it out on the turbo – snow out the window to my left, Breaking Bad on the TV to my right!!

  16. Arturas Volianskis

    Had to cancel my plans due to a cold!

  17. Mike Chambers

    Finishing up my last recovery ride (Cumberland) of 1/2 Distance Base Program on Trainerroad and getting ready for next 20 min FTP test on Monday. While I would prefer to be riding outside, I do love my Kickr in combo with Trainerroad. We still have a bit of Winter here in Canada.


    P.S. Love your site and is 1st place I go to look for reviews on new gear. :)

  18. Ian Mac

    A hilly 38km in 38degC temperatures cycle as part of a reverse triathlon. Horrocks Beach, Western Australia. ??????

  19. cliff mcconkey

    55 mile sportive riding as fast as possible to avoid the coming rain

  20. Adam Dryden

    Still snowing outside… still on the trainer inside! :(

  21. Jacov

    A pram run and maybe an indoor (Computrainer) ride to make up for missed road time…

  22. Torben Bakgaard

    Planning a 3 hour ride outside ifølge the weather is good, otherwise the trainer in the workshop will be punished ?

  23. Colin Murray

    Not going to lie, this weekend I’m away from home doing a first aid course…but in my mind I’m on my TT blasting along the local flat!

  24. Marta

    Just 65km of pure pleasure today, first ride in shorter bibs. Sun, wind, birds singing… brilliant. Tomorrow some under threshold. Hopefully the weather will be alike :-)

  25. Mark Donnelly

    Got two turbo sessions in already….bright and early tomorrow for an 80km MTB.

  26. Kathy Burt

    Planning to ride the Texas70.3 course in Galveston with the TriDot training camp. Hoping the weather cooperates!!!

  27. Greg P

    Last long run today before half marathon next weekend. Recovery ride tomorrow.

  28. Paul Lavoie

    For the weekend I dis 90km of Bike with m’y partner from Bionick Triathlon elite. And thème we ran 12km on the mountains. And tomorrow we Will Do à 3km sein. By the way last Tuesday with did pour first Century on the trainer!

  29. Clyde Floyd

    Saturday 75 min ride with intervals. Sunday hour on the indoor trainer.

  30. charlie

    Trying to convince my 4 year old daughter that she would like to ride her new bike. Doubt the chance of winning a power meter would swing it for her! ;-)

  31. Stefan Lepinoy

    After a week off skiing training resumes with 3:20 ride on power 1-2
    Building up to the big race in early July.

  32. Max Lagraauw

    Last Zwift ride this winter.

  33. Joe E

    Easy hour on Sunday cycling as recovery from 18 mile run on Saturday. Spring is running season for me.

  34. Joe Seip

    15F with 20mph wind so indoor Smart Trainer with effective workouts designed from PWFit.

  35. Jen

    Still cold here so spin class.

  36. Joshua Golomb

    I’ll be sticking to Zwift this weekend thanks to the weather!

  37. Reinhard

    Had a fantastic ride with my teammates, about 75k with three nice climbs ?

  38. William Fish

    Shiv is still on the trainer. 3.5 hours of work in.

  39. Anatoly

    I’d like to take a spin class in gym

  40. Antonio Alonso

    I’m afraid it is turbo trainer for me this weekend. Sad.

  41. Virginia Riches

    I plan on riding along a river and seeing how my shoulder is recovering!

  42. Hermi

    Group ride on Sunday

  43. Kyle Demerath

    As it’s still winter in Wisconsin, just doing some virtual power on TrainerRoad waiting for the nice weather to come. Real power would definitely be nice.

  44. Chris

    Trainer for 30. And road tomorrow. Haven’t been on the bike in a while and need to work back into it.

  45. Erwin

    It’s – 10c here so did a 10k treadmill RUN and 1.5 h on Zwift

  46. Nick Anderson

    3hour ride Sunday morning followed by a five mile run. Getting tuned up for Ironman Texas 70.3. :-)

  47. Tim

    3.5 hours on the trainer

  48. Andy patterson

    Heading over Dree Hill with the lads in the rain tomorrow, sure what else would you be at.

  49. Simon

    1hr 45min (3×15 minute sweet spots) on the KICKR watching Strade Bianche on Saturday
    2hr easy endurance on the KICKR on Sunday watching stage 1 of Paris-Nice

  50. Maddy Edgar

    Trainer rides, waiting for the weather to get better!

  51. Staffan

    if it ain’t snowing too much, I am planning a 20 km ride!

  52. Ruaridh Weaterton

    Indoor trainer waiting for broken thumb to get better!

  53. Trevor Hilderman

    Cycling vicariously on the internet and you-tube while I recover from a severe head-cold.

  54. Stefano pardi

    Given the rain forecast tomorrow is going to be Zwift day :-)

  55. John Brown

    I just completed a 22 mi bike ride, and Sunday is a swim day!

  56. Chris

    Leading out 5k/10k for runners today. Who knows where for tomorrow.

  57. Rachel Lemay

    I am training indoor on rollers. The streets are still covered with ice.

  58. Scott

    100km around Canberra & then partied on after an amazing French feed at Realm!

  59. JAVIER

    I will take advantage of the extra free hours to put some km on the bike to gain endurance.

  60. Law

    Commuting, yay!

  61. Ericka rios

    10 mile triathlon!!!

  62. biggerrich

    get up at 5am, ride as fast as possible for two and a half hours, get home to make breakfast in bed for everyone.

    I get to see the sun come up over the ocean through the tears and dribble.

  63. Jon C

    hour ride on trainer today…2 hours on my mid fat tomorrow outside

  64. Juan Dela Cruz

    Invited 5 friends to ride with me on Saturday. They’ve completed 30 miles, not bad for their 1st time ride. I just added 5 new members to the brotherhood of roadies.

  65. MrFlux

    Beginning the taper before my race.

  66. jolaca

    Riding with the kids to the beach. ;-))

  67. Darryl Harding

    This weekend is a just a 50km local loop incorporating some short hill repeats.

  68. Sherie McManaman

    Spin class and weight lifting for me this weekend. Too blasted windy to ride outdoors!

  69. John K

    Staying out of the rain with a bit of luck!

  70. Dan

    Down with the flu so no plans this weekend but I’ll be back…

  71. Dave Dammer

    I shall be riding indoors on Zwift tomorrow for about 90 minutes – still cold, salty and gravelly on our Pennsylvania roads!

  72. Ruth

    Trying to teach my granddaughter how to ride a bike. I should be starting with a TT balance bike, right?

  73. Ted D

    65 mile zone 2 ride in the cold

  74. Jonathan LaMaster

    Recovery weekend!

  75. Jimbo

    Riding back and forth a few miles to have the brakes done on my truck.

  76. David Shreiner

    Still inside on rollers

  77. Matt Arthur

    First ride after our newborn has come home from intensive care. Maybe 90min.

  78. SteveT

    Fri:10 mi of Hill work @ LT
    Sat or Sun (WX?): Leisure recovery ride, easy


  79. Lorcan

    Cycling inside while waiting for the snow to melt :(

  80. Balaji Natarajan

    20 mile across the W&OD trail in Northern Virginia. It was Sunny but 25 degree fahrenheit. Trail was empty so I had it all to myself. Duathlon race tomorrow and party afterwards..

  81. Linda

    At a location where I couldn’t take my bike. So…weight training instead to prepare for the bike rides when I get home.

  82. Steven Camilleri

    Trainerroad sweetspot workout. It’s grim outside!

  83. Tony

    First TT race of the season

  84. Jimmy Sosinski

    Planning on about 65 miles of riding with about 12 miles of brick runs.

  85. Christopher Barth

    On the trainer. Too cold.

  86. Matt

    Hour and a half on the trainer in our basement.

  87. Jeff Reim

    My riding plans over the weekend are unfortunately INDOORS :-(

    Being from New England means dealing with the weather. So while last weekend I did a beautiful 45 mile ride through Historic Concord and Lexington MA in nice 70+ degree, this weekend I am delegated to my trainer with temps not going higher that 20 ad windchill below 0!

    Nice thing is 1000 calorie burn this morning on the trainer. A power meter would sure help with training stats!

  88. Luke Dutton

    No cycling for me this weekend, is been spent with the family celebrating my mum’s birthday

  89. Phil Durham

    50 miles with a series of over/unders outside.

  90. Rb

    Bike is currently acting as a laundry rack for sweaty running gear

  91. Aaron Wood

    2hr easy ride in spectacular early autumn weather.

  92. Jennifer

    Step back week so hour on the trainer this morning.

  93. Joon Kim

    10mile indoor triathlon tomorrow!

  94. Giles Levy

    I haven’t biked in a while but this would get me going!

  95. David

    Turbo in my garage Saturday and a 60 mile Reliability ride around the Campsie Fells on Sunday.

  96. Matt G

    No riding this weekend; adopted a dog and went to look at bikes for the wife…this would be mine though if I win!

  97. Vaughn Temple

    Little 2.5 on the old trainerroad Saturday (spruce knob) then a short 1 hour on the trainer sunday!!

  98. Christian Jacobsen

    2 1/2 of suffering in my new pain cave with TrainerRoad, while I try to dial in my new saddle.

  99. Martin Tran


  100. Ben

    Laying in bed recovering from my 2nd cold in 3 weeks. Netrlix and ill