March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. spagbol80

    Dodge the terrible rain!

  2. Stephen

    1st outdoor ride of the year on Saturday, Sufferfest on Sunday

  3. Kim

    Since it’s still winter here – 4 hours on the trainer!

  4. Shinichiro Tajima

    Finally I am going to try these LIMITS power meter that I waited almost for 2 years.

  5. sergio

    riding4 hrs

  6. Chris George

    TrainerRoad, Kickr, Netflix and chill

  7. Mitch Devore

    I recently got a trainer so my game plan is this weekend is to be a part of my first zwift race

  8. KP Tan

    Ride with pals

  9. Ted

    Gravel ride today, Mountain Bike tomorrow (Sunday) morning. All part of the plan for the Leadville 100 MTB race in August

  10. Mark Hadley

    Quick 45 min spin to recover from a long run

  11. Hany

    It’s raining, going to ride the trainer

  12. Andrew

    Getting on the road bike for the first time in 12 months. Wish me luck!

  13. Martin

    Watopia flat route :)

  14. Meagan G

    No biking, but I did a 10k treadmill run, and probably a short run tomorrow.

  15. Trey M

    Way too cold out. Hitting the spin bike.

  16. Hugh

    Ski race.

  17. Edward Gould

    Lots of running this weekend. The Brompton will get a good clean though in preparation for the coming weeks commuting

  18. Jeff Goldman

    Saturday, 1 hour Masters swim class, 35 mile bike, & 3 mile run Practice Tri. & Sunday 35 mile bike/2 mile run brick.

  19. Mike Dambrosio

    Recovering from a torn calf muscle. Re start my. Ike training next week. Need to be able to monitor myself as to not overtrain and re injure

  20. Adrian

    80km in the rain, plenty of time in coffee shop and inspiration watching strada bianche.

  21. Spencer B

    Learned to ride on rollers this week. Capped it off with a 110km ride this morning on the rollers in Zwift. A tough 3 hours! link to

  22. Jim Dwyer

    Pretty simple two hour spin. Nothing tough this weekend.

  23. Mike Boardman

    club ride on Saturday followed by a chilled out coffee shop ride on Sunday

  24. Christopher W Hodges

    My weekend doesn’t start until Monday, but I’ll get at least 50 miles in! Warmer weather would be nice, but the miles will come regardless.

  25. Andreas

    30km run och 2h on bike!

  26. Alan H

    Another session on the turbo with trainerroad!

  27. Charlie Boardman

    On childcare duty so turbo followed by turbo

  28. Peter Nielsen

    30 km road today (sat.) maybe the gym tomorrow

  29. Stian Horne

    30/15 (130%FTP) – 12×3 ERG Workouts on friday
    20km XC Skiing on friday
    Random Zwift race or ride on sunday

  30. Steven Tran

    Ascending Mount Teide for the first tine

  31. Nicholas

    Going out for 30-40 mile on Sunday with the local bike club.

  32. Simon Fearby

    Turbo trainer on Saturday then 50 mile TAN on Sunday (hopefully).

  33. Antonio Bošković

    As I’m writing this on Saturday evening half the weekend has passed and plans went down to drain, today’s plan was 3h with 3 15min efforts but after just 20min riding legs just felt like mushy stuff and pain even at zone 2 was unbelievable so I went back home and just spend the day switching between bed and sofa, so on Sunday I’ll just do 5k run and hope that Monday will be awesome

  34. Jonathan Thompson

    I went cross country skiing this weekend. A good break from cycling on the trainer.

  35. Austin

    Lovely little jaunt around the IMNZ bike course… brutal…

  36. Sofie

    50K mountainbike ride at the sea side

  37. Malte Erikson

    Hopefully I’m manage Zwifting tomorrow…

  38. Bad weather… I will push hard on my trainer on sunday.

  39. Anca

    Ride indoor at our gym on a Stages bike

  40. Alan

    It’s raining so indoor trainer rides!

  41. Keith Bryant

    Stuck inside at work all weekend. Able to get in a quick 30 min Zwift ride. Probably for the best. It’s 20 F outside. Brrr!

  42. Mark Dawson

    Threshold climb to Mt Lofty, recovery, then VO2max intervals

  43. George C

    2hour bike rides enjoying the sunny days :)

  44. Stéphane Renaud

    I’ve done the BASE Endurance 2 hours Swift group ride on my Tacx Neo this morning. Will also ride tomorrow to complete my week,

  45. Brian Fahey

    Can’t wait for better weather to start riding outdoors, 40F and raining in Oregon. Gonna have to settle for a couple of hour long sessions indoors this weekend.

  46. Kieran

    Riding the mountain motatapu mountain bike race in New Zealand!

  47. Nicholas Rayman

    Mendips mega the watching strade bianche & italian night!

  48. Marc Nielsen

    Zwift on Saturday and on Sunday. Watopia 1200m climbing on Saturday and some OUs on Sunday

  49. 2 Trainerroad sessions and helping my sister and husband in their new house.

  50. Viliam

    Hard trainer session on Sunday.

  51. Nicolas

    Well, given the lovely weather in Paris area, it’ll probably be turbo trainer…

  52. Martin Fraske

    I did my first ride of the year with some friends. A nice and easy ride close to 2 hours.

  53. Dan Malloy

    Rode 50 today through some beautiful southern Italian hills. Tomorrow morning will bomb through the streets of downtown Napoli on the MTB.

  54. Pablo

    Nice and steady 100 km!

  55. Radek S.

    I’ll finally ride down that forest trail I’ve always passed.

  56. Anders Larsson

    I will participate in a 4 hour spin marathon on Sunday together with 40 other cyclists. We’ll watch a ski classic (the Vasaloppet – a 90 km cross-country ski race in Sweden) on a big screen and will go on until the winner of that race crosses the finishing line.

  57. Jack

    Too hot for a ride in Australia this weekend, so a long swim was substituted

  58. Bike training, sa 90km, so 120km + 2x 1h Aquafit :-)

  59. Ian Hamilton

    Just some Zwift for me, too cold outside!

  60. Al

    This weekend is mostly about preparing the bikes and making some test drives on saturday and sunday.

  61. Simon Phillips

    Running st davids day 10k in Cardiff and trying to cope with my dad losing his battle with Parkinson’s disease

  62. Paweł Koniarski

    Today was a big 150 people Strade Bianche ride and tomorrow it’s going to be another century. The weather in Poland is so great this weekend.

  63. James Lucas

    Training and upgrading the groupset on my wife’s summer bike.

  64. Alex

    Some endurance / volume on mtb.

  65. Ferenc Kumin

    Waiting for a warmer Sunday, and two circles in Central Park

  66. Terry

    Windy today. Looking forward to arriving Las Vegas tonight and riding Sunday morning in Red Rock for my birthday!

  67. Greg

    No biking, traveling

  68. Tim Crandall

    Living in Ohio, it was over 70 degrees last week, snowed since them, and is currently 30 degrees… so my cycling has been crushing it without my friends at CycleBar.

  69. Greg Stewart

    Moving house this weekend, no cycling for me!

  70. Gary

    Club run on Sunday, hopefully with coffee and cake :)

  71. Jim

    Sadly none this weekend. Hopefully next weekend though. Too many kid activities this weekend.

  72. Mike Cavosie

    I rode my bike (Giant TCR Advanced Pro 1) to work on Saturday. Unfortunately, I had to spend the day working rather than taking advantage of the weather for a long ride. Responsibility sucks.

  73. Ron

    An hour on the trainer on Sunday.

  74. Ray Venables

    I’m ramping up my running mileage for my first ultramarathon this summer. My cycling plans are to supplement my running in order to give my legs a break from the continuous pounding.

  75. Barry Ryan

    Saturday was fun, we did a big lap of the city finding as many hills as possible, took my fixie 48/16 so it was a good workout. Sunday will be a coffee cruise & talk all things bikes

  76. Mark Visser

    First long (2 hour) ride with intervals off the season

  77. Gavin Reeves

    Gday from down under…..just took delivery of a Giant Propel Advanced Pro 0 and just about to buckle up and take this rocket on a flat 100k!!

  78. Andrew Wright

    I rode my mountain bike in the snow this morning. Tomorrow’s probably a Zwift day.

  79. John McAllister

    This morning was threshold intervals thanks to Trainerroad tomorrow is a rest day. The weather here in England isn’t great so hitting the numbers indoors is giving me my cycling buzz.

  80. Adam

    This weekend 3.5 km ergometer +5 km running each day.

    Taking it easy

  81. Johan Erwin Sandslett Ramsdal

    Chillin on my bike for about 2 hours in the cold Norwegian winter, need to get some more hours in my butt before attending to a couple of long races this summer.

  82. Peter

    Will bei heading Out just for a Long run tomorrow bike has been done on trainerroad already ?

  83. Adrian Coman

    Well, I’m gonna take my new carbon cross bike to a tour around Bucharest.

  84. Arist

    Alr easy biked quite often during the week. Now time to run ;) will do orientiring tomorrow.

  85. Bastoone

    Fine tuning my bike fit today and running a half marathon tomorrow . The hot tub +skiing is for next week .

  86. Craig

    40 mile ride on Sunday!

  87. Kerry

    I’ll be going for a Zwift trainer ride on Sunday evening, as its way too cold to be cycling outside this weekend.

  88. Shane Rivers

    Working all weekend…hoping to get some roller time in after work.

  89. Jordan Pearson

    10hour mountain bike race! 200km, 3500m vert. First race back since heart surgery last year so stoked to survive it!!

  90. Julian

    Cleaning the bike for the week ahead with my girls!

  91. garrop

    Run Saturday, run Sunday and ride to work on Monday…

  92. Mat Luebbers

    The usual running, swimming, and getting a nap in sometime

  93. Andrew Peel

    A hilly 50k bike on Sunday to test out my new Wahoo bike sensors.

  94. Kyle

    Some indoor trainer rides since it’s raining. Power meter would be great for moving that outside when it clears up!

  95. Anthony Lathrop

    Beautiful weather for a ride this weekend – but I took my son on a Scout camping adventure in a cave last night and working tomorrow. So it’s early morning TrainerRoad then off to work for me.

  96. Rad

    Riding with my daughter on Sunday.

  97. Will geor

    Due to a wedding I can only sneak in a quick 2.5 hour mtb ride at the crack of dawn.

  98. Jonas

    Did near 60km today hope to repeat the same tomorrow :)

  99. Saras

    Sufferfest vid with trainer road or a zwift session

  100. Richard

    Power Intervals without a power meter!!! Just HR

    Bike 1:30 7×2 min PI