March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Jeff Miesemer

    Today stuck on a plane back to the east coast after a great week of riding in Sonoma CA. Spending a couple hours on the KICKR tomorrow.

  2. Holger Friedrich


    I did some mountainbiking with my mates today…
    Unfortunately, they are 30kg lighter than me… therefore I need to improve my performance to keep up with them next time ;-)

  3. David Post

    Just finished a 2.5 hr session last night where I got my cadence up to 174rpm in one of my high speed cadence drills. About to do a 150-200 TSS session today on the trainer and another one on Sunday.

  4. Josh

    Riding around the neighborhood with the kids, and the hopefully cranking out some intervals on the trainer after bedtime

  5. Chris W

    sprints, sprints, and more sprints
    followed by chocolate


    Stupid cold weather has me on the trainer all weekend. At least I’ve got Zwift!

  7. Ignas

    No plans at all. The temperature still around the zero!

  8. Evan

    Having crashed racing on Wednesday, and needing 7 stitches in my elbow, my weekend consists of wishing I was riding

  9. Chris driver

    Riding around in circles (criterium)

  10. Steven De Vlieger

    Training in rainy flanders with the buddies. There is only one thing I’m craving more than a bit of sun: a power meter :-)



  11. Thomas Andresen

    It`s been crosscontry skiing the whole weekend. Friday it was 30km classic skiing, saturday it was 37km. Sunday the plan is to go 25km It`s beautiful at Sjusjoen, Norway :-)

  12. Will Scott

    Spending the weekend with my grandkids. They provide me with plenty of activity and no time to ride.

  13. Brynjulf Spalder

    Did a 48k cross country ski race on Saturday and plan to test my new 27,5″+ hardtail on snowy conditions on Sunday

  14. Kieran Quinn

    Taking the kids cycling in the forest. Lots of puddles to cycle through

  15. Iain Addinell

    90 minutes on the indoor trainer on the TT bike as racing next weekend and weather atrocious outside. ITU Abu Dhabi for company.

  16. Samuel Medway

    I’m chained to the books studying this weekend – no riding until next week!

  17. Dalibor

    The first bike of 2017 season. Spring!

  18. Amanaduh

    I plan to ride easy for an hour to recover from a cold.

  19. Carl Linderoth

    Shitty weather in Sweden right now – so just indoor Zwift-sessions this weekend!

  20. Marcin

    3,5 hours and more then 100km :)

  21. John Gavin

    In Alabama on vacation enjoying some warm weather road riding!

  22. Ryan Remmers

    First outdoor ride in five months planned for Sunday.

  23. Sandi Gavin

    Doing some road riding here on our vacation in Alabama :)

  24. Scott

    Riding home from a days work preparing all the finishers packs for an off road ultra marathon.

  25. Chris Tasker

    Long endurance ride in prep for Roubaix cobbles in 5 weeks….

  26. Mike

    Squeezing in a quick trainer ride in between builds

  27. Chris

    Sadly indoor training for me all weekend – 2 hours on the rollers on Saturday, with another 90 on Sunday.

  28. Ragnar Toomla

    100k trainer ride in Zwift watopia

  29. Shax

    No cycling, but will try to burn some fat running before season starts

  30. Sebastian

    all about preppin’ for Roth… today Swim-Bike-Run, tomorrow: Pre-Breakfast Session on Zwift.

  31. Richard Chapman

    Sunny ride today on my new Bianchi, a few new Strava PB’s. Life is good.

  32. John M Doody

    3hours with some low cadence intervals then a 30min run off the bike!

  33. David griffin

    Rain is pouring so indoor it is. Power wheel is broken. Hopefully at some “stages” it will be fixed

  34. Troy Rossmann

    My plans are to sit in front of my rollers and watch tv while the blizzard outside pushes spring back two weeks.

  35. Gabe Raff

    I haven’t won anything yet! I’m hoping the rain stops so I can head out on a ride.

  36. Ahbe Coates

    Sadly I have to fix my bike this weekend. It’s been to cold and snowy here until just recently to ride, so it’s mostly been indoor treadmill for me. But with spring fast approaching, it’s time to get the bike back out. Sadly, my rear derailleur on my road bike is broken. So, my weekend cycling plans will be bike maintenance.

  37. Andrew K

    Cold front coming through Maryland so I’ve just been Zwifting this weekend after a 4mi run on Friday night. Weather is supposed to warm up a bit this week so I’ll be back to commuting to work on the 2-wheeler.

  38. Olin Lester

    Zwift zwift zwift!!!!! All weekend!! Thanks for the chance on the power meter!

  39. Daniel

    Chasing Zs to recover from a cold and hopefully be on the road next week.

  40. SuperUser

    3 hour ride on Saturday. 1 hour easy spin before a 2 hour run on Sunday.

  41. Brena Hunter

    I turned off my alarm and didn’t do the hill reps I had planned. Maybe a new power meter would give me the motivation!

  42. Peter Rexer

    Going to ski the whiteout conditions at Squaw this weekend and hopefully the powder that results all next week.

  43. Francesca Benzi

    I’m going to ride on my favorite summer climb for the first time after my winter indoor exile, so it’s gonna be hard, but I’m looking forward to jumping on my bike!

  44. Griffin

    Ride some MTB trails with friends.

  45. Tyler Seppala

    Riding on Zwift as NH is freezing right now!

  46. Charlie R

    Fun mtb ride on sat, followed by another fun mtb ride on sun

  47. Andy H

    Well I’ve got a slipped disk in my neck which is limiting my training. Running is currently banned, so there will be none of that. Swimming is being positively encouraged by my physio, however the permission to swim is one thing – doing it is another (My right arm doesn’t work). I’m also not to ride my bike in the real world, too much vibration apparently plus a crash could be catastrophic. Therefore my weekend plans are:-
    1.5 hours on the turbo (TrainerRoad – Townsend) on Saturday plus an hour swimming in circles in the pool
    4 hours on the turbo on Sunday (TrainerRoad – Vogelsang)
    I’m looking forward to being better. I have another scan on Friday.

  48. Digby Nicklin

    Rode lots of hills today in honour of the Strada Bianca. This was training for when i go with buddies to ride the real thing in June.

  49. Steven W

    Train for the MS150

  50. James McKee

    Fish shop ride, Bridgnorth loop and a criterium all finished off with a zwift race Sunday night. A good weekend of riding.

  51. Claudiu C

    First spring bike ride since it’s going to be above 10 C. Thinking about 40-50 kms around town, nice hilly ride on a road with quite some elevation (500-600 meters). Waiting for it! :)

  52. Andrew Mathieson

    Just finished a 44 mile group ride, plan do a short recovery ride tomorrow and an hour sprint ride on Monday night.

  53. Brian Faulconer

    3 Hours Endurance on Saturday! Follow it up with another 3 Hrs Monday!

  54. Pavel

    Learning kids to ride without those small support rear wheels…

  55. Mark Contreras

    Quick hour on the bike is all I can make this weekend…I’ve got a marathon to train for!

  56. Kano

    Long ride on Zwift.

  57. Jean-Sylvain Gauthier

    Last ride of our winter week in Tucson.

  58. Jon

    Long ride out in the dales

  59. Lisa B

    80 miles tomorrow if the weather holds up. If not then it’s 5 hours of Zwift.

  60. Andreas Eriksson

    Getting some much needed rest after an entire week of cycling in the snow.

  61. Mark Hopkins

    Turbo rides or if weather permits I’ll be out on the road for a couple of hours.

  62. Max h

    Heading off to mountain bike wit me mates!

  63. Max Jaeger

    Test ride my wife’s bike after fixing the front brake.

  64. Sefa Cosgun

    I will do Ftp test and then build phase will be begining

  65. Dome Deli

    Did a 50km looop out to Windsor & Richmond

  66. Richard

    4hours in my shed on the turbo nursing a sprained wrist!

  67. Tim Litchfield

    Last TrainerRoad workout of my base phase, build phase next!

  68. Grant

    Out to play with my new Garmin 820 recieved from clevertraining yesterday. Lets see how good this autoroutes are! So, 40-50km for tomorrow

  69. Nick Marsh

    Cycling plans? Er, no. A 10k race on Saturday morning following by a half marathon on Sunday morning. Perhaps later in the day, I’ll have a think about cycling again!

  70. Simon


    One day in the hills with the boys and one day on the turbo in the gym with the girlfriend!

  71. Dimitris T.

    Just some strolls downtown to get some coffee

  72. Stephen Kaas

    I rode the Mtn Bike this morning and I’ll be on the trainer tomorrow!

  73. Brian Cooper

    I had plans to ride twice this weekend and cover about 200k but instead, I’m helping my wife put everything back into our new kitchen (just like a good husband would). Thankfully the training for the Mallorca 312 is going well, at least up until this weekend!

  74. Joe Cordisco

    Going to hit my local trails tomorrow

  75. Valerie Hopkins

    Riding a few hours with the hubby on Sunday!

  76. Richard ODonnell

    Kicking back on the Kickr avoiding the storms

  77. stephan

    I’m going to run. I’m going to do my damnedest to ignore the bike on the trainer.

  78. Patrick Smith

    Buy new brakes for my mountain bike and do an easy coffee ride on Sunday.

  79. Florian CHARPENTIER

    A short 20km recovery ride at Longchamp.

  80. Edward I

    I will be flying to Kona and riding the Ironman course

  81. Grzegorz Stelmaszek

    90km long ride on Sunday, and 3×20′ intervals for Monday :)

  82. Adam

    test ride my new bike with the Mrs C. still not decided on the name. but this power meter would look fab on it

  83. Kenneth Solstad

    Intervals on the treadmill and strength training on sunday. Watched the Stade Bianche earlier today, so I guess that will have to do when it is 0 degrees C and snowing outside. :P

  84. Mihnea Malanciuc

    The only cycling I’ll be doing tomorrow is with my son, on the way to the swimming pool…and back :)

  85. Michael Curtis

    High cadence session, followed by ride home for the fun of it.

  86. David Downing

    training for my second 70.3, today 2:40 hours of road, tomorrow 2:15, around San Jose and Cupertino.

  87. James

    This weekend is all about nothing. No riding. Just putting my wannabe paparazzi cap on for the Boss Lady’s bike racing.

  88. Joanne Avison

    Entering for my hubby who has been mountain biking today at Llandegla and then will be using Zwift to train tomorrow for a couple of hours as he is training for his triathlons this year.

  89. Carl Mayes

    Wet, cold and windy ride with probably an extra cake stop……

  90. CJ

    Two loops of Tanty. Followed by a cold Porter.

  91. Dirt session Saturday with a loop around the national series XCM course followed by another dirt or maybe a road session on Sunday for another couple of hours.

  92. Rhiannon

    Ride my TT bike prepping for the next tri coming up. Followed by hill climb Time Trial race today. With a wedding in between. Quiet one really!

  93. Søren petersen

    Did base on zwift today. Swim tomorrow morning and 2 hours bike ride later.

  94. Colin Locke

    Roady SAT, Mountain biking Sunday.

  95. Grayson Wright

    Unfortunately no cycling this weekend, but I will be skiing.

  96. jim

    Plan to ride as much as I can despite the mid 20’s windchill!

  97. Bob Canino

    Indoors since the return of winter – 17*F Sat vs 70*F last Wed

  98. Mike

    No cycling plans this weekend, just running.

  99. Kenneth Reyes

    Riding 38 miles from National city to Coronado Ca