March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Wojtek

    Catching up on outdoor rides after frosty winter.

  2. Andrew Jones

    Punch it out to work Saturday and Sunday with enough effort to burn off the beers Saturday and effort and climb to work of the Sunday roast.
    99k weekend

  3. Nico

    One hour of trainer with trainerroad to start things up again.

  4. Robert carter

    Too cold here to start riding but can’t wait to get back out there.

  5. Stefan

    Actually, no cycling this weekend. One good hard long run (1h30, lots of hills), one short run, and a weight workout.

  6. Todd

    Trainer ride

  7. Vadim

    Escaped from Russian winter and done 60k MTB along Tel-Aviv coastline.

  8. Marcelo

    On Saturday I’ll be doing 30min on a trainer, easy spin on zone 2 and on Sunday afternoon, I’ll be racing in Los Angeles, CBR’s Criterium Series – Cat4.

  9. Matt Brauman

    2 hour ride, outside if it warms up.

  10. Eric Tudor

    I layered up and took to the (windy) gravels of Iowa on my cyclocross bike

  11. Alexander Putz

    Did another Zwift Race Prep workout…getting ready for the Amstel Gold and Liege-Bastogne-Liege Challenge.
    Tomorrow hopefully a day outside.

  12. MirkoSurf&Run

    Recovering from an injury (right calf). If it doesn’t rain, in program just few kilometer cycling.

  13. ken eygenraam

    I’m racing a crossduathlon on sunday !!!! Let’s hope on nice weather :-)

  14. 1:15 of indoor cycling. Still cold outside!

  15. Fernando Pinheiro

    Hi there, i’m planning to do my first 100 klm of the year!

  16. Stephen vallance

    50 miles @ 210w!

  17. Nicole

    I am going on a nice long ride tomorrow in the D.C. suburbs…

  18. Derek Atkins

    Zwift race on a -8 deg C day in Canada.

  19. Thomas

    Trying to get finally rid of my sickness, I’ll watch Paris-Nice on sunday. Today, a visit Art my local bikestore forma coffee was all I did in regards to cycling.

  20. Gary L Nolan

    Cycling Plans – Well at 17 degrees, gonna do some Zwift riding inside!

  21. Karl W

    Planning on doing a long ride on Sunday outside if the weather cooperates.

  22. Tony horsley

    Went out for a steady training loop spotting a magnificent stag out in the fields , probably be out early tomorrow to beat the rain .

  23. Lasse Lindgren

    Sunday intervals on the turbotrainer as the weather in Scandinavia is sill not pleasant for biking outside

  24. Michal

    140 km medium mountains trip to welcome the arrival of Spring!

  25. Juan

    My wife and I are planning to do a ride tomorrow Sunday at the beautiful La Antigua Guatemala “Ancient Guatemala” founded on July 25 1524 a Spanish colonial town in Guatemala the land of the eternal spring !

  26. Robert

    Drowning in mud tomorrow on the MTB

  27. Kristian

    Easy ride tomorrow an hour an a half on my kickr.


  28. Brad Hunt

    Unfortunately, no cycling this weekend. I will be playing tennis and spending time at the beach with The Girl and The Dog.

  29. Martin Alsparr

    Last monday I participated in a 90k cross-country skiing event in Sweden called “Öppet Spår” which is part of the “Vasaloppet” week. I’ve done this for the last thirteen years, which I’m quite proud of. It also marks the end of the skiing season and the start of the cycling season, and my preparations for my 14th participation in the 300k event “Vätternrundan” in June. The power meter would really come in handy!!!

  30. Sanrensho

    More time on the new trainer (PBP)!

  31. Phillip Gibb

    Absolutely nothing. I was going to do an easy 50km but my darling wife would not have any of that. It was my mom’s 70th and all. Lol. Next week is the Cape Town Cycle Tour so skipping this weekend was OK ?

  32. Wally

    Faaar too long on the trainer– sweet (sweat?) spot sessions.

  33. Woody

    Saturday morning 50k spin – got lost! Sunday I’ll squeeze in a short turbo session.

  34. Michelle B

    I’m running today and hopefully biking tomorrow. I know, I’m just soooo exciting here…

  35. Andy

    100k today and 70 tomorrow

  36. Jeremy Grand-Scrutton

    Just back from a holiday so no plans. However, new bike and big cycling plans for ’17 deserve a new piece of tech ;)

  37. Matt Parker

    3 hours of MTB on Saturday, with a 4 hour sweet spot ride on Sunday. Should be a great weekend.

  38. Derek Abbotts

    No cycling this weekend just hockey coaching and playoff hockey game! Still -12 in canada! Indoor training only!

  39. Carl Purczel

    17 km Time Trial.

  40. After the open dutch zwift championship a midweek rest, now continuing with my ftp training in zwift due to crappy weather outside

  41. Fred Rockwell

    Have a running race on Sunday. So no bike this weekend. Resting up.

  42. Vincent

    This week end, i tried for the first time to ride on the ‘piste’ !
    Step turns were pretty impressive in the beginning.
    I liked it and will attend it regularly next winter.

  43. Yiannis

    I went out for an ftp test. Not very satisfied!

  44. Johan

    Zwift ride up the mountain planned for tomorrow.

  45. Ted Crilly

    No cycling, it is too cold out there still!

  46. Alvaro Cruz

    Saturday, it’s a 90 minute road bike with steady state Intervals, followed by a 20 minute run
    Sunday will be a 2:30 Hrs MTB Endurance Ride with a group of friends, will be some modium tech Trails!

  47. Erika

    My plan: at least 100 km ride on Zwift. :)

  48. Mary

    Well it snowed here last night so I’ll be heading to a group Computrainer session tomorrow.

  49. James Fletcher

    It’s a 7am Sunday and it looks like it’s going to be wet and cold. Only chance to get some cycling in.

  50. Carl Koenig

    I’m in the US and in central Wisconsin. Our temps are supposed to hit the 50’s (F) on Sunday which is about as good as it gets around here in early March. I’ll be out on the dirty roads tomorrow – they’re full of sand, salt, & snow melt. I have a steel frame road bike from the 1980’s set up to commute and cruise the back roads before the weather gets good. I could use the power meter on my Trek roadie as I train for my first Ironman later this year. Thanks for the great info on your site!

  51. Richie close

    90 minutes on trainerroad and 3 hours steady!

  52. Philipp

    After Training on Tacx neo and Zwift I want to train with power meter on the street.

  53. Andrea

    Hi All, I am leaving now for a 140km bike ride here in Melbourne

  54. Matt

    Following the TrainerRoad Sweet Spot Base Mid Program so 2 x 90min rides this weekend. Probably add in some yoga/stretching after to try and loosen up after.

  55. Deanna D

    Hopefully hitting some gravel but the weather conditions may confine me to the roads.,,,

  56. David Sammut

    Ripping myself out of bed at 6am both mornings to get in 50km each day around sunny Melbourne, Australia, before the girlfriend needs other things done around the house!

  57. Paul Burgess

    This weekend I had to gym it out, cycling is happening on Monday!

  58. Bish

    I’ll be trying to squeeze an hour or twos training ride in between operating as taxi driver my two kids.

  59. Guy

    Hills hills and hills . 120 km ride yesterday with 15% gradient. 30km run today. Swim this arvo. Ride tomorrow.
    Eat train coffee sleep repeat

  60. Wendy

    Training for a 50K ride

  61. The Eric

    First mountain bike ride since our son was born in November. It was hard, I am sore. :(

  62. Paul

    Hey DC! My workout this weekend will be in the form of bike maintenance! Thanks!

  63. Jayon Kim

    Ride to church then a few laps around the park.

  64. George Gonzalez

    An hour session on the train doing over unders. Exciting, I know.

  65. Harm van Baar

    I only cycled to the supermarket

  66. Nina

    Biking to Mt Seymour

  67. Dan Morley

    105 minute trainer road kickr ride

  68. Dan p

    Very cold this weekend 2 hours on the trainer getting ready for my season opener 5/21/17 at Bassman Triathlon

  69. Andrew leith

    well I’m in the middle of the North sea, so i will get up at 4am, spin bike session for an hour, work for 12 hours and then go on the spin bike for another hour, and repeat again the next day, it’s grim, but needs must!

  70. Dan

    Some resistance training, 25mph headwind-both ways!

  71. Si

    Running a HM tomorrow and then back to a zwift session

  72. Peter

    Ride to overcome some back pain

  73. Jeffrey Timleck

    A Saturday of beer and a Sunday of torture on the trainer. 1 hour VO2 max work out

  74. Megan A

    We’re driving home from family vacation so tomorrow I plan to spin out my legs with an easy ride. Back to training on Monday!

  75. Abbas Fazal

    Doing a test run of a Mountain stage race coming up. Will be doing a pre run to see what my team and me can expect. Fingers crossed !!!

  76. Cristiano Forti

    100km on a TTT simulation on Saturday and 2 hours of easy ride at sunday. Next week we have a 100KM TTT Competition here.

  77. Thomas Richardson

    Saturday FTP time to exhaustion session 75 minutes plus 30 minutes in gym as its been pouring rain. Sunday crit racing for the first time since fracturin b a rib last month on the velodrome. Coffee after the race and some gardening later today if the rain stays away!

  78. Cristiano Augusto

    Ride a race simulation on Sat and rest on sunday.

  79. ramon

    no cycling, but running and speedskating (verry Dutch) I did however work on my road bike a bit (wheel revision) so any time soon…

  80. Nicholas Ravanelli

    It is -16C outside so I am going to be challenging myself on Zwift. maybe some more PB’s… :)

  81. John Lamb

    An aerobic season today and a tempo tomorrow, both on the balcony on the trainer.

  82. David

    Wake up.
    Bad weather.
    Watch Strade Bianche.
    Defend myself from accusations from my girlfriend of obsession with gents in Lycra.

  83. Dave B

    Trainer on Sunday

  84. David saybolt

    Three hour bike Saturday and 30 min bike plus run Sunday!

  85. Stewart

    Did a 100km race around the beautiful Marlborough vineyards and coastline. Great weather, company and drinks afterwards!

  86. Henry Wang

    Cold spell here in NYC. Will be on the trainer!

  87. Andrew

    My plans are a little different then the average avid cyclist. I run Ultramarathons and I use cycle as cross-training with the possible goal of training for a triathlon at some point.

    So this weekend includes two long runs and one is me hosting a Club Fat Ass event.

    My final workout of the weekend will be a 1hr Zwift ride or GCN ride. So this power metre would be a great asset to my future goals

  88. Paul McGrath

    Rode the half ironman course in Bendigo, Australia before competing next weekend. It’s hilly :(

  89. Anders

    I wanted to go for a long bike ride today, however bad weather and a noisy 8th month old son changed that. Now i need to train in my paincave, on the turbo trainer.. See you later…

  90. Amit Dutta

    Planning to do an epic long fat bike ride on the afternoon!! But I have to do my interval session before I get to play?!

  91. Rain B

    No plans yet, too snowy.

  92. Hana

    Mallorca for the first time :)

  93. David Stott

    First ever club run. Wish me luck

  94. Mat

    Buke activities this week are shelved due to a requirement to do a training run….

  95. Hagman

    Indoor riding with trainerroad, to cold outside

  96. Martyn Long

    Hour on Zwift volcano this morning
    Ride out to the coast to meet the family tomorrow (about 60 hilly miles) and probably a swim.

  97. Geoff Williams

    I rode the mountain bike yesterday morning towing my little girl in her Chariot for 22km. In the afternoon I raced in a club sprint triathlon where I made a break on the bike and held it on the run for he win. And this morning I just chucked the Lycra on for a 60km ride through the hills on the road bike with the local cycling club.

  98. Ein Radler

    It’s cold and rainy here so a couple of laps on zwift island for me

  99. Stefan K

    Sunday – easy pedalling on the new Volcano-climb on Zwift after Friday to Saturday 90 km night time cross country race of Vasaloppet in Sweden.

  100. Alan Stewart

    Trainerroad workout on Saturday and outdoor group ride with Moments of Glory and regrouping in a non-drop group ride.