March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Bart Cooymans

    Saturday Building a new Bike, Sunday Core workout and foam roller session to prepare the body for the coming week!

  2. Lieven dierckx

    Cycling plans weekend:
    As a warming-up, I did some running, 14k, on Saturday, getting home just before the rain and just in time to see 2 compatriots on the podium in the Strade Bianchi. Vive la Belgique! :-) Saturday evening installing the cleats on my new shoes to be ready for Sunday. Sunday is the first ride of the year with the club. It’s a short local ride with both teams of the club, so it will be ideal as a recovery ride. I’m looking forward to the routine of the Sunday rides with the team.

  3. Kevin Brice

    Recovering from a shin injury, so only biking indoors. 40miles today.

  4. Patrick Utrecht

    Already did my cycle trip for the weekend. Went for a 40k duration ride so I’ll hopefully have that extended to about 75-100 k by mid summer.

  5. Francesco

    Ride my MTB beside the river path on sunday morning :)

  6. Joel

    Need to get in about an hour on Zwift on Saturday.

  7. Spencer Clark

    Nailing some intervals on Trainer Road with Virtual Power on a mass-produced, unsupported trainer!! (all with a faux 4.5 w/kg !!!)

  8. Brad Webb

    Long endurance ride on Sunday morning!

  9. Niklas Lagesson

    Saturday: Hill intervalls @ fuerteventura
    Sunday: Hilly brick training, 3h bike + 1h run @ fuerteventura

  10. Neil Strenge

    long run… marathon training… bike gets a weekend off!

  11. Felix Hagemann

    It’s going to the trainer in the basement. Netflix and sweat!

  12. Maria


    my plan for this weekend is 2 hours on a trainer ;)

    Have a nice day! ??‍♀️

  13. Craig Hoskin

    Race day done and dusted so today is recovery… and household jobs!

  14. I’m gonna ride outdoors with minus degrees. Slippery and stuff!

  15. Wes Thompson

    I’ll be popping the cherry on my new Norco Threshold CX on some grave l roads in some beautiful sub-tropical rainforest!

  16. M C

    I will ride with my friends in the hills surroundig.

  17. Jesus Espinosa

    I will be doing 60 km. easy spin. Just enjoying the view.

  18. Marco

    A relatively short mountain bike session today, for fun and rest.

  19. Henk

    The local Paaschbergtoertocht at 75km seems a good way to start after several months of hibernation

  20. Jean Bourgault

    No cycling this weekend. Too cold… will be skiing instead!

  21. Dave

    Two trainer road rides on my Elite Drivo

  22. john

    100km ride & next day interval training

  23. Wouter Jense

    This weekend is the rounding-up of a 9-days trainings camp ar Mallorca. With one more trainings camp on the ardennes next week it’ll be time to compete in the crits and classics!!

  24. Ian Fox

    Zwift in the basement it’s cold here in philly

  25. Verdun

    Hope to get back on track after a week off with the family. Just a hour a day riding on Zwift.

  26. Colin Smith

    A very pleasant ride along some really quiet Cheshire lanes

  27. Scott B

    Boy Scout ski/snowboard trip this weekend. Back to the bike on Monday.

  28. Alex King

    Unsupported metric century on Saturday. Easy hills on Sunday.

  29. Leon Evans

    racing in my very first Time Trial on Sunday.
    did my first out on the road TT position test after 3 months on the turbo.
    lessons learned from todays trial run:
    1. S bend bars are too short (feel scrunched up)
    2. s-bend bars are sketchy as f**k when they are too short and you’re scrunched up and you hit any rough patches.
    3. your neck hurts like hell when you’re scrunched up.
    4. I need to get some new j-bend bars……
    5. velotoze work great with lots of talc
    6. normal sunglasses don’t work and block your view

  30. David Macmichael

    Performing original songs about biking with my band tonight, taking advantage of the freezing cold to check out the new Zwift climb tomorrow!

  31. Elvi

    Short 40km ride becouse it is cold outside here in Slo

  32. John White

    Urban MTB ride on Saturday follow by Zwift workout on Sunday

  33. Ron hofeldt

    Hate to say it but its trainer city for me. Intervals

  34. Steve C

    A long Sunday morning on the cross bike + cake.

  35. Kieran Stratton

    A weekend of just riding. Had a lot of structure recently, so now time to just enjoy the roads!

    This is all assuming the UK weather is friendly!

  36. Jonny Breen

    Bike plans are ironman new Zealand. 90k of strong head winds and no power meter to pace. This would be invaluable!

  37. Sieuwe Kooistra

    Intervals, intervals, and repeat and repeat .

  38. MattB

    A gentle spin around the nearby lanes dodging the rain showers!

  39. Luke williams

    Lying on the couch watching IRonman New Zealand wishing I had a power meter

  40. Steve Perry

    Put an 8 mile run in this morning, dusting off the mountain bike for some added leg workouts

  41. Brian Hill

    Going to finally give this Zwift thing a try…

  42. Dan Kelly

    Managed a superman style crash this morning in a Crit race at Abingdon UK. Tomorrow is a 3 hour winter training session at the velodrome if me wrist and shoulder hold up!

  43. Mike O'Neil

    Saturday roadie
    Sunday MTB – a pm for the MTB would be nice!

  44. Stefan raab

    I’m taking the boy out for a couple of off road rides.

  45. Jurgen

    Did quit a long tour today (but for a good cause) tomorrow maybe a bit of running (that is if I can get my legs out of the couch ;-) )

  46. Wijnand

    Just back from my honeymoon. Oh well, I actually got married remotely during a vacation, making it a honeymoon. Today first cycling trip since 3/4 weeks. 76km on the MTB! Wind was blowing heavily, took lots of power I guess. If only I had the tools to measure it…

  47. Jeff Johnson

    Sufferfest today. Yoga tomorrow.

  48. chris duc

    Thank you Ray ! But lots of people deserve a PM more than I do.

  49. Simon Saunders

    Working all weekend Ray. No cycling for me I’m afraid

  50. Michael

    3.5 hours on the wahoo kickr given the 23 degrees outside.

  51. Greg James

    Did 2:45 on the trainer this morning followed by a 45 minute run. Half IM here I come…

  52. Kam

    40 miles on SpeedX!

  53. Eric

    Hoping to sneak in a ride outside if the rain holds off..

  54. Frank Ros

    Today I went for a short spin.
    Tomorrow, the first club ride of the new season starts.

  55. We just rode Mt Hotham in Victoria, Australia. A 114km return trip with 1845m of climbing. Brilliant!

  56. Mike wall

    Ironman new zealand.

  57. Cantekin Çimen

    new city,new crew, new route

  58. Andrew MacDonald

    3 hours on TrainerRoad today doing Big Town. Going to be wicked fun!

  59. Muliadi Antaredja

    I will join race in Zwift or ride outside if the weather ok

  60. Michael Witczak

    12 miles by foot, 34 miles by bike – all in the name of finding a cure for blood cancers with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society!

  61. Mark

    Motatapu xterra triathlon in Aarowtown, New Zealand.

  62. Dan

    I’m going for a 20mile ride and will focus on hills. Would be nice to have an accurate power meter.

  63. Greg

    Found out yesterday that I will be heading to Italy in September to cycle the classic climbs…..awesome stuff. Heading out today to begin my preparation, around 2 hours of rolling terrain.

  64. Gert Burger

    Did a 62.88km MTB ride ons local gravel roads in Namibia. Will be doing a nice relaxed Sunday single teack session tomorrow.

  65. Scottp

    Off around Loch Leven and Cleish Hill for 40km getting back on it for a sportive in jan and half ironman in July.

  66. Khalid

    Short gentle 40km.

  67. ciaran rodgers

    I’m back on the bike after knee surgery a week ago we easy mtb spin with my daughter. Back on the turbo next week and hitting the watts the stages would be great to help.

  68. Rob Peters

    Trainer road this morning then watching soccer tournament Sunday.

  69. Craig Mackenzie

    No biking here yet, too much snow. Skate ski weekend to avoid the crowds

  70. Johannes Spruit

    Will do a 3 hour on Zwift tomorrow to much snow for riding outside for me..

  71. Brian Greaney

    After running the time with the bike will be spent cleaning and fixing, rather than riding.

  72. John

    Finally cruising around Hains Point the first time this year!!

  73. Chanon

    Just ride to rokko mountain in Japan. Hope power meter will make me pace better and do strategic planning for hill climb.

  74. David Corsi

    I’m traveling for work all weekend but with a warmup on the way for Chicago first thing Monday morning I plan on a quick 10 mile shakeout ride after finishing my winter cleanup and tune of the bike just last week. Hoping this early spring keeps up! Thanks Ray!

  75. Volker

    50 km Mountainbike in the hills close to Frankfurt today. Nice sunny day today.

  76. Gadi

    Just did the Grand Fondo Dead Sea – 155 of wonderful desert riding

  77. Andrew Teanby

    Did 30 miles today in the Wolds, will probably do 60 miles with my group tomorrow with a cafe stop : )

  78. Ajay Ayyagari

    The weekend is my rest period. So no cycling for me!

  79. Steinn Jonsson

    Chilly 105K ride Saturday. 10K run Sunday.

  80. Max

    Ride first 50k this season

  81. David Grieves

    I just finished the IditaFat 36km bike race at Winona Forest in Lacona, NY. Two balmy degrees and 2 and a half hours of fat bike fun. No power data, though. Need a meter. ;-)

  82. Dan Morgan

    I went out today and did 60km on my new 60mm carbon wheels. 2 and half hour ride as part of my ironman training

  83. Martin Frederiksen

    A rainy windy ride saturday. 200k clubride sunday.

  84. Jacek

    Today little 10km run – tomorrow maybe bike ride.

  85. Edwin

    Did my first outdoor ride of the season, tomorrow back for another 60km.

  86. George Peters

    No plans for this weekend. I’m in a cast.

  87. Chris Conkey

    Cold, cold, cold in New England. 50 minute free ride on Saturday. For Sunday, 75 minute TrainerRoad structured ride, then 40 miles on Zwift.

  88. Darrell

    Cycling plans complete. Slightly cool, but sunny, 2.5 hour ride. Would love the crankset. :-)

  89. Tanner

    Rolling on the basement kickr.

  90. Jamie

    Spent 2 hours on the Computrainer this morn.

  91. Peter Leventis

    It’s far too cold to ride outside, and I’m racing a half marathon on Sunday, March 5.

  92. Jon Tiktin

    100km to go to meet my weekly target, a Melbourne return from Frankston along Beach Road. So getting some Sunday saddle time

  93. Adrian Currie

    Unfortunately I’ll only get to ride a few 100 metres this weekend. Away from home to support my wife doing a triathlon to try to qualify for the age group Olympic distance world’s this year. I do have the job of Chief mechanic, so will use my small ride to give her bike a quick shakedown.

  94. Marc Teichmann

    I just got my Cycleops Hammer on Wednesday. So I will spend my weekend riding on Zwift and seeing what this trainer can do!

  95. MatevzH

    Currently in China. No cyclimg foreseen this weekend due to the pollution in Beijing :-( just swimming and running in the gym.

  96. Joshua Rutland-Potter

    A few hill sprints on Saturday, then a nice gentle 80k on Sunday.

  97. Jeff Powell

    I’ll be finishing up week 11 of the 10-12wk FTP Builder on Zwift and dreaming about riding outside!

  98. Andrew

    Instead of riding or skiing, I’m subjecting myself to some kind of boring indoor session

  99. Mathieu Locas


  100. Mike

    Hoping to get out for an easy spin on Sunday.