March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. David Molony

    Run round driving kids to Cricket and field hockey trials for forthcoming season. Trainer road 2 hour sessions and Sunday summer mountain bike in Port Hills with friends.

  2. Damon Hansen

    Nothing, zero, absolutely zilch …. its been off to the mountains for me to get in as much skiing as possible.

  3. Brick – 2.5 hour trainer session Sunday using TrainerRoad followed by 30 minute easy jog

  4. Markus

    storm warning this weekend. Short spin before the storm hit today.

  5. Billy Riggs

    Just completed 1 hr on the turbo and then tomorrow 3.5 he group ride with the local bike club in Dublin Ireland.

  6. Akshay Samel

    3hrs on the indoor trainer because I can’t wake up early to beat Mumbai traffic, again.

  7. Martin

    Me and some friends went for a 100km ride on slushy roads outside of Stockholm. Snow, burning legs and bonking wasn’t really part of the weekend plan, but man was it great!

  8. Ronald

    Saturday checking if I recovered from the cold, if so, race the The Hague Championship on sunday and try to prolongate my last years title.

  9. Lawrence

    Long ride on Sunday!

  10. Chris Bates

    Bike Until my wheels falls off

  11. Stephen Celuzza

    Staying indoors!

  12. Nathaniel Dirks

    Rode Zwift mountain route Friday night. Probably do a nice easy 1 hr aerobic ride around Pittsburghs river trails on Sunday!!

  13. Kyle

    40 planned tomorrow, probably in the rain knowing what the weather is like on Wales, before being dragged to, and around, a wedding fair and therefore having no more money for gear.

  14. Mark

    Trainer time

  15. Elad Berkman


  16. Daniel

    42 miles this morning in group ride. C’mon power meter!!!

  17. Jonathan

    3×20 SST on the rollers. Then maybe a long slow ride outside on Sunday if it’s not too cold and windy.

  18. Jens Rasmussen

    Easy recovery ride saturday after rowing training.

  19. Istvan Nagy

    I’ll be hitting my first ride in 2017. I plan an easy 30k.

  20. Brad Hauser

    Nordic Skiing with baby in tow today. Tomorrow FTP test using Tacx trainer/Zwift and a borrowed Power Tap wheel. Need that power meter when its time to get out on the roads.

  21. Sylvain

    Winter was not really studious for me, and I’m starting to ride back very lately this year… So this weekend, I’ll just ride for pleasure around home to discover some new roads on Saturday.
    And I’ll have fun on Zwift on Sunday (that’s why I need a power meter, so as to have more fun on Zwift!!! ;-) )

  22. Stefan

    Half TrainerRoad, half outside trying to simulate a TrainerRoad workout.

  23. Want to beat my pr on Strava! I have got a new bike and have just destroy my pr! Fuck yeah ??

  24. Chris Elfving

    Today Saturday 3 h MTB with studs in icy conditions. Watts don’t count with studs, hours do.
    Tomorrow more of the same ;)

  25. Giannis

    Swimming pool on Saturday and basketball on Sunday!

  26. Sak

    Will go on 23.5 kilometer on airport blue lane here in bkk international airport

  27. ShawnT

    Putting in some road bike miles today. I’m pretty sure there’s a 20mph wind blowing.

  28. Will Rostron

    I had to leave the bike at work on Friday, so went to the gym for a double spin class – they have new stages fixed bikes – really nice. Sunday – pick up the bike from work and out to the Surrey Hills :-)

  29. Neil Roberts

    Ftp test today. Easy spin tomorrow on zwift. Still lots of snow up here.

  30. Long Z2 Zwift session today due to rain and cold outside. Rest day tomorrow. Ride on!

  31. Tim Lin

    Two Zwift sessions. :)

  32. Seyed Hajimirza

    I ran 22 miles this morning and will bike 2 hours tomorrow for recovery. Awesome!

  33. Alistair Jordan

    Weekend off visiting my ageing parents

  34. Ari Margolis

    Team training sessions on Monday and Wednesday, MTB’ing with friends in Friday and a looooong ride on Saturday:)

  35. Ted

    2hr trainer road ride after 2.5 miles in the pool

  36. Jimmer

    Immna ride the Zwift for a few miles. Last year I did 195 “miles” this week so I am gonna try to best that despite how boring it’ll be. Gotta pedal about 125 between today and tomorrow. Bleh. I’ll put my odds at 30% and I think that’s being pretty generous.

  37. Jamie Baker

    No cycling…. moving parts over to a new road frame this weekend.

  38. Kevin Smith

    late night Sunday Zwift mountain session.

  39. Andreas Lehrmann

    Moved to Pittsburgh a couple of weeks ago and want to explore the surroundings over the weekend.

  40. Moose

    Competed in my 1st Tri yesterday! Placed 16/130. Thank God for my cycle leg as my run was woeful!

  41. Young

    Teach my daughter how to ride this weekend.

  42. Roger

    No cycling this weekend. 20F with 15MPH winds.

  43. Salva

    Racing on Sunday the gf di andora, italy

  44. Robert

    Rollers today…. cx ride tomorrow!

  45. Goran

    Its still cold outside so two hours indoor with short easy brick run following ?

  46. Olivier Champoux

    Trainer Road Phoenix Workout 1h30 at 80-85% FTP

  47. Amanda Beaudin

    With 20 cm of snow falling today I will be riding on my trainer for 3 hours :)

  48. Paul Evans

    too cold, indoor training

  49. Charalampos Kantas

    Spring season …..getting slowly ready for a sprint triathlon…..weekend with one hour power cycling and enjoying the strong sun….vitamin D production!

  50. Alex

    Short session on Tacx genius smart.+ Zwift – as I finally managed to sync them!

  51. Pablo Dávila

    I will be running the Chepe Corre half marathon this Sunday in CR. Hoping for a sunny morning

  52. Julien

    Rainy and stormy today, so I stayed home with my beautiful 6 months old daughter! I hope that I’ll have a chance to go for a nice gravel ride tomorrow.

  53. Brian

    Long session on the trainer while binge watching some Netflix

  54. Padre

    Original plan was 3+ hours on the road. Due to rain, it is now 3+ hours on the trainer.

  55. Marci Larson

    Too damn cold again to bike outside so on the trainer again. Will try out Zwift and make a comparison with Trainer Roads

  56. Steve J

    Kinetic trainer while watching Seinfeld reruns. Exviting, I know.

  57. Sean Lang

    A 115km magical mystery tour of the local (ish) area, exploring new roads and climbs.

  58. Daniel D

    Hard and long :)

  59. Eric

    90 min on the trainer on Saturday in prep for long run Sunday

  60. Rob

    CRIT outdoor training on saturday and 40km Natuonal ITT race on Sunday here in New Zealand

  61. Chris

    Wife and I played hookie and went to Bartlett Lake (near Phoenix. 26 miles 3100′ incline) on Thursday. So that was our “Saturday”. Tomorrow we are going to ride some hills over in Usery and Fountain Hills (again near Phoenix, AZ) with a group. I don’t know why my wife thinks I’m a mountain goat. I’ve still got about 100 lbs to lose :p I wish she’d find a nice flat ride for us!

  62. Jason

    Long MTB ride along the river

  63. Mathieu Marilly

    Too cold here in Canada to ride outside, so easy 2 hour spinning in front of Netflix!
    Looking forward to add power reading on my Garmin :) Cheers!

  64. Chris k

    Beautiful trek along the beach in perfect weather

  65. Justin Myers

    It’s half marathon weekend so no cycling for me. However, I’m using the training from this half to help me complete my first Olympic tri this summer.

  66. Mike Verbunt

    I am training to do a 8 day benefit ride from italy to Rotterdam for canser reasurch . This weekend i am doing a 125km in wind and rain ( Holland ) and a recovvery indore !! A powermeter would make my bike complete and my training much more afisiant !!! Good luck to All in contest and have fun if you win !! :)

  67. Edward Ward

    Indoor sweet spot workouts to be efficient whilst time is limited and the weather is questionable.

  68. Tobias

    My cycling plan for the weekend: Clean the bike :)

  69. Chris

    Got sinusitis ☹️ So put a massive stop on all plans. Had a 115km ride in the pi$$ing rain in Aberdeenshire planned as well, gutted

  70. Matthew Walter

    Went for a 100km ride to visit Cafe Ventoux for the first time, well worth a visit.

  71. Christoffer julian

    4hrs continous ride @zone 2

  72. JanneV

    3 hours just enjoying outdoors

  73. Mario

    At least 1 hour on Zwift tonight.

  74. Jeroen Van Beirendonck

    With this kind of rainy weather, running and swimming are my best option. Because I hate cleaning my bike for the umpteenth consecutive time.

  75. Martin

    Sadly no cycling due to work! but I will squeeze a run in! Hopefully..

  76. Alex

    Tiburon loop ride!

  77. Jason

    It’s -13 outside as I type this, so I’ll be on Zwift climbing the volcano.

  78. Bryan Alsdorf

    I biked around following friends running a marathon today.

  79. David Gray

    Still on the turbo trainer doing TrainerRoad, as I have vertigo so can’t be trusted on a group spin!

  80. Ron

    link to

    Catching some sun rays

  81. Nils

    Staying in bed, in my mind following friends on the double-century I had planned to participate in. Overdid some core exercise, developed a sore knee, and on top of that caught a flu … that AFTER cycling heavily through the winter months. Could need a little support for a more balanced and “round” pedal stroke.

  82. Scott

    Ride down to the City of Refuge

  83. John Frey

    Just finished a half marathon this morning, so a recovery ride tomorrow is on the calendar!

  84. Tyler McGuirt

    I have a 2 hour and 10 minute endurance ride on my wahoo kickr snap.

  85. Jared T Tubb

    I’ll be riding around a 45 miler endurance ride with a short brick run after

  86. Matthew Blackburn

    No riding, driving freight trains.

  87. Sarah van Vliet

    Wanted to go for a ~40 miler up by mt. tam, but the rain foiled the plans. Going on the trainer instead.

  88. Matt Reynolds

    Just got back from a 120km ride with my new fiance and friends, and now we’re all going out to celebrate our engagement

  89. Crispin E.

    I remembered earlier today that I actually do own a normal bike and that life isn’t just riding a Wattbike in the gym through the winter; so I’ve just been outside for a spin in the fresh air!

  90. Robert

    Taking out my mtb again for a 2 hour ride

  91. Neil Tungate

    Was going to check out my hybrid in preparation for a short tour, but got sidetracked by the town’s civic ball!

  92. Danny Painter

    Crushing group ride today – now hypoglycaemic. Intervals tomorrow.

  93. antonio ricci

    Xert workout mode.

  94. Lee R.

    No cycling this weekend – beginning my marathon taper…

  95. Simon Cottrill

    30 miles around Zwift island with a cheeky effort up the new volcano climb! Now for my bodyweight in beer.

  96. My plans are a short ride on saturday after watching on TV the first round of World Triathlon Series (Abu Dhabi) and for tomorrow I will do a longer ride, around 3h30m depending on my feeling…

  97. Victor Meinhardt

    Training for a marathon, so since today a long run is on tap, tomorrow shall be an easy recovery ride on the trainer (it’s gonna be cold in the NE tomorrow).

  98. Kevin Dawson

    This weekend – just cleaning and tweaking ?

  99. Harry Roberts


  100. Charlie sojka

    Stayed out too late after a strength training day to do much today but there’s always tomorrow! If I can reset the sleep clock tomorrow is set to be a 50+ mile day.