March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. chris

    Wife has a new mtb so we are headed out to the trails.

  2. Peter Van Bogaert

    Ran 10k this morning??. Planned to ride an organized tour this morning but appears the weather there was more wet than here ?. This week normal sweet spot training planned on zwift. Next weekend “omloop van vlaanderen” another organized tour ??

  3. Katalina Aguilar

    2hr ride

  4. Chris

    Some zwift racing followed by a long ride on Sunday around Essex!

  5. Matt Terracin

    Cycled at the Cradel of Humanity just outside of Johannesburg South Africa. Great ride 56 km. Perfect day for a ride.

  6. Peter Chambers

    16.1km hilly run on Saturday, setting up the turbo dungeon tomorrow for some Zwift action!

  7. Olga

    We rode with a bunch of 20 kids a short part of the first ride of the season in the topcompetitie (semi-prof). Love to see all those kids enjoy and suffer and enjoy again. The kids are ready for their next race! At the last stop we ate pancakes with hot chocolate. All together a top day om the bike (without power meter yet).

  8. No cycling this weekend, no swimming and a drop out at a nocturne trail run event since I’m dealing with a back injury . :( maybe I’ll be rather more lucky in this game. :/

  9. Don

    Freezing temps means indoor training, specifically an FTP test! Not looking forward to that.

  10. Steven VW

    Some hours on the trainer, it’s 16 outside. Need to look into a crank power meter and get race wheels.

  11. Kevin McCormick

    Swimming this morning, couple/few hour ride after (alas, likely on the trainer due to rain). Run after that

  12. Mike Tamayo

    Hammering on the trainer in between applying coats of paint in the new addition at the house.

  13. Robert Sims

    50 miles over the Severn Bridge from England into Wales and around the hills. Getting training in for this seasons time trial races!

  14. Marc V

    I rode 40 miles early Saturday.

  15. John McD

    Sleeping on the couch in recovery mode after a week of no sleep.

  16. Brett

    2 hour ride on the trainer and weather permitting, outdoor ride Sunday if the snow melts

  17. Alec

    Trainer ride whilst watching the Strade Bianche on tv.

  18. Chris Zarlengo

    Rainy weekend, so 2.5hr and 2 hr indoor training this weekend.

  19. Spence

    Mtb hopefully before the rain hits.

  20. Nikolas

    No cycling planned this weekend; some sprint intervals on the track.
    <3 ray

  21. I did 75 minutes on the trainer last night. Still trying to decide if I want to go bike with my local Tri club Sunday morning before our annual kickoff party but I’m leaning against it because it’s forecast to be around 30 degrees then!

  22. Avishai Moscovich

    interval training – 7×2 min zone 5.

  23. John L

    Spinning and core work out this weekend. It’s 10 deg. F outside.

  24. Brian B

    I plan to get in 50 miles (rain, sun, or snow) here in the Puget Sound.

  25. Ofp

    Just taking it easy with the road bike

  26. Jeremy Brown

    So far, I have ridden 88 miles along the New Orleans lakefront this weekend. Hopefully another 30-40 more tomorrow. I love living in the south this time of year!

  27. Mike

    Two hours through the gorgeous forests in the Dandenong Ranges. On the MTB so can use the trails and avoid all the weekend tourists on the roads.

  28. LMS

    Long weekend ride if it does not rain.


    sunday ride in the rain!

  30. Michael Herald

    I plan to get 10-15 miles in tomorrow on the mountain bike.

  31. Mark

    2 hrs of interval with 3x 20 min power blocks today and 90 steady easy ride on Sunday.

  32. Luke Driscoll

    On Saturday I plan to do a 2 hour Tempo/SST session on Zwift or along the Tyne Valley. On Sunday I’ll be doing a 55 mile club ride with 2800 foot of climbing in Northumberland.

  33. Bill Vest

    Had a nice run this morning, planning a 3 hour Zwift ride in the morning. Zwift allows my wife and I to ride together.

  34. Matthias

    No biking this weekend. Servicing my bikes…

  35. Christos

    Full output power, preparing for National Track Cup in April.

  36. paul bayne

    Full rest day on Saturday followed by 2.5 hours of cold dawn patrol mtb on Sunday. This will be a hilly ride with team-mates and probably close to race pace.

  37. Gene S

    Currently doing my weekend ride now… on the trainer

  38. Dom152

    Hello, 2x1h plannified this weekend for the come back

  39. Dan360

    Loop around Lux today – rain dependent another 20-30 miles tomorrow, or a ride in the basement.

  40. Bharath

    Just the usual LSD this weekend

  41. Felton

    40 miler in 70 degree weather in Tucson.

  42. David Murphy

    A couple of gentle spins, studiously avoid Strade Bianchi results until I can catch up.

  43. Carlos C.

    I will be doing a 1.5 hour Trainerroad ride. Sweet Spot intervals at their best!

  44. Bryan Blake

    Hibernate on the trainer for another weekend because upstate New York weather sucks badly!

  45. Torin La Liberte

    Chilly weekend in Vermont, gonna be spending a lot of time on the rollers the next couple of days.

  46. Navin

    10 miles tempo

  47. Cody Jensen

    Still hammering the trainer here! Excited to get outside soon! long run tomorrow!

  48. MTBjer

    Short road ride today to wake up the systems. Than hitting the real mountain tomorrow for early season mountain bike race. Gonna be cold below freezing but got to love the variables on the east coast of the US this time of year.

  49. Edin Smajlovic

    Finally starting to ride again will ride an hour Sunday to get back into it

  50. Mike T

    Just finished a session on the trainer while watching the men’s ITU Abu Dhabi race – good stuff!

  51. Rickey

    Maybe a touch of fat biking and some other winter farewell activities.

  52. Lane

    Clark and Hunter workouts on TrainerRoad’s Sweet Spot Base Mid Volume II

  53. Dustin

    Just a short run this weekend.

  54. Gene W

    CompuTrainer on Saturday.
    Rest day on Sunday.
    7° F this morning.

  55. Walter

    After setting record highs (71 degrees Fahrenheit) a week ago here in Boston, today’s daytime high is forecast to be 17 degrees — brrr. Sadly, my training plan calls for 200 TSS this weekend, so at least half of those are going to be on a trainer indoors. Tomorrow, I’m hoping to get out on my fatbike. (Speaking of which, it appears that nobody makes a powermeter compatible with 197mm rear hub spacing bikes — neither MTB pedals, cranks, crankarms — is it really that small a niche??)

    Thanks so much for everything you do!!

  56. Fabio Campos

    Just a 18km run.

  57. Elar

    As it’s still minus degrees here then two sessions in zwift. 1,5-2h 70-75% ftp session and 1h interval training.

  58. Gary

    Snowing so an hour on the trainer

  59. Tony

    No biking for me until it warms up. I’ll be out running instead.

  60. Benjamin

    Cycling: 108km yesterday, 100km today
    Runnung: tomorrow 15km

  61. Calle

    No biking the past week – but loads of skiing instead!

  62. Kevin Heberlein

    No rides yet, house maintenance this weekend

  63. Sznerchu

    Turbo Watching Strade Bianche

  64. George

    AM: hour on the rollers
    PM: Workout at the Velodromr

  65. vinny

    Indoor ride on the Cyclops 300 Pro while watching the Tour of Dubai on YouTube then do a hour swimming at the local pool for aerobic work.


    Short home training for 1.5h on Sat + long distance ride with friends on Sun. I love Monday heavy-legs feeling. They keep me thinking it’s still Weekend

  67. Paul A

    Mountain bike in North Wales today. Turbo training with Zwift tomorrow

  68. It’s raining and cold. So two sessions of trainer road. mount field and table rock.

  69. Carl

    Trainer…bullshit, but trying to do 3 hours.

  70. Dan Reese

    2 rides on the dreaded trainer!

  71. Steven Harben

    15 miles pulling my 2 kids in a bike trailer.

  72. Andrew

    Turbo session – following (roughly) outside magazine’s shape of your life plan so about an hour at very low intensity!

  73. Will Rouse

    Being Autumn now in NZ, off to compete in our local club tri (super-sprint dist) today (Sunday), after a two-hour trainer session yesterday to ‘warm up’.

  74. Achim Später

    Was out with my brother on the gravel bike today. Weather was fine, but at the end we suffered from heavy wind that announced a heavy rainshower.

  75. Brandon

    50mile Lake Washington Loop in Seattle!

  76. per

    2h mountainbike tour in the forrest:-)

  77. Karl B

    No riding this weekend. Long run. Several Cycleops Magnus (from clever training) trainer rides next week.

  78. Steve E.

    It’s a running weekend. Looking forward to the weather turning so I can think more about getting on the bike.

  79. Jay Lowell

    Red eye flight recovery ride in freezing temps, followed Sunday by a MTB ride at Fountainhead.

  80. I shall have a wet ride out pick up car. Then a 60min session on turbo.

  81. Jack McIntosh

    Light spin Saturday and then Epic Events Eden valley sportive Sunday!

  82. Ed B

    Trainer rides for me as well. Getting workouts in around family time

  83. Andy

    Training indoors because it’s barely above freezing outside.

  84. Quirien waaijer

    Short treshhold ride on Saturday. Relaxing spin on Sunday

  85. Shane

    Recovery Ride on Saturday. On Sunday, a long ride of 50 miles.

  86. I’m going on the road this weekend, the goal is 100 k!

  87. James Bate

    Gonna hit the hills over on the North Yorkshire moors can’t beat it.

  88. David Chaves

    Well, I’m going to do a hell of base miles (I’m just starting the preparation period of Joel’s Friel Cyclist Training Bible), about 3 hours.

  89. Lecia

    Greenway ride with hubby and ??.

  90. Pawel

    Nice stuff :)

  91. David Lowe

    20 degrees in NJ, so 2 1/2hrs on the trainer. Looking forward to South Florida next week and riding outside.

  92. Rene moenster

    Oh how much I would love to have this give away

  93. my week cycling plan is done :)

  94. Chris

    Road ride Saturday morning, MTB Saturday afternoon, hoping rain holds off for riding on Sunday

  95. Peter Hair

    Rode the track bike to the shops to test out the new Stages I’ve put on there. Sure I’ll find a use for another though.

  96. JH

    Went out for a 155 km ride with 2200 m of climbing on saturday. Let’s see what the sunday social ride will be like.

  97. Adam Abrams

    Snow outside = Zwift inside

  98. Sebastian

    Did 68 km today with some elevation.

  99. Rene mønster

    I am on a train g weekend in Ebeltoft Denmark. We will hit the 400k mark tomorrow Sunday. Great training in rainy Denmark

  100. Scott

    Trainer ride today. Mountain bike ride tomorrow.