March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Matej

    Zwift time as usually in winter

  2. Jonathan Hair

    Trainer duty … So boring :(

    Spring needs to come soon.

  3. Gert

    Cycle training on sunday for IM Frankfurt

  4. Paw Stegmann

    Most likely a Zwift ride on my new Kickr.

  5. Jon olson

    As always. Climbing. Lots of climbing. See how close I can get to my Evans without slipping on ice. PM would be nice!!!!

  6. I will go for a good run and maybe hit the gym.

  7. Bruno

    An easy 2 hour ride after a intensive morning swim. Barbecue is on now!!:)

  8. David VanNewkirk

    5k run in the rain, followed by CX starts and barriers practice. Have to get used to the new bike!

  9. Shawn Oliver

    Have a sore throat and it’s almost minus 30 here so just going to cruise around Watopia :)

  10. Kim Mac Donald

    Plan on getting some kilometers in this weekend on my bike trainer. Waiting for warmer temps to get outside.

  11. Kelly Puzio

    The roads are still icy and snowy where I live, so I will be hitting the rollers this weekend. When I roll, I always watch movies or shows. Right now, I am watching this great series about gangs and drugs in East London called Top Boy. First rate show.

  12. Jens Einar Vaskinn

    Zwift session on friday, hopefully a 10-15k run this evening and a Swim session on Sunray.

  13. Suzie

    1.5 Trainer ride for me. Building bike strength and form.

  14. marc vermill

    50 miles on saturday

  15. maarten

    Dit 90k today, hoping for an extra 90 Tomorrow. Enjoy…

  16. Russ Bickle

    112k today, nice and steady then an 8k run off it at marathon pace. Tomorrow is a ride that looks like it will be biblical in a noah building an arc kinda way so only a few hours.

  17. John W.

    My plans have gone to hell. My dad was admitted to the ER and still sitting here after 14+ hours so I’m pooped after he finally got admitted and stabilized.

  18. Vince


  19. Florin

    1 hour easy run, marathon training

  20. Pål K Sørvoll

    Snow in Norway, have to ride 3 hours on Zwift on Saturday and 4 hours on Zwift on Sunday.

  21. Claude Ratté

    I’m injured now since 1 month, I just spin easy, so I’m still swimming and some strength training and ez run. I’m going in need for some good training on spring season. Thank’s, I’m feeling that I’m gone be the winner ?
    The Frenchman who try to write in English,,,

  22. Phranck

    Just did a 85km ride, was only my 2nd ride this year so now lying dead in bath

  23. Ian Grant

    Cleaning and fixing!

  24. John Madger

    15 degrees this weekend…sounds like a trainer day.

  25. James Malone

    I just finished up a run/bike ride this morning and tomorrow I’ll be hitting the gravel with a neighbor. Good times!

  26. Zach

    Lots of trainer time. Kickr for the win.

  27. Nick

    Spray painted some stripes on my cheap little fixie so taking her up a big hill and back to show her off. It looks terrible btw haha.

    Otherwise I’ll be getting an early start on carb loading on beer in preparation for my triathlon at the end of the year.

  28. Tim Davies

    Cycling for pleasure, 2 hours, little wind and no rain…. success

  29. Kristen

    I was able to finally able to take a break from the trainer and head outside! 40 miles on a hilly route…those hills felt rough after a winter of trainer rides.

  30. Robert C

    No plans to cycle this weekend. I have to work unfortunately and there is rain on the schedule allows weekend anyhow :(

  31. gijom

    First triathlon of the season on Sunday. A small sprint…

  32. Ramon

    I just did the first ride on my TT this year.

  33. Leon

    Recovery training on my elite rampa trainer from my heart injury. Hopefully i can start training outside within one month.

  34. Robert J Moore

    I’m working on evacuating this frozen god-forsaken land where garaged bikes hang like slaughtered beef in a freezer. Surely a happy place exists somewhere; a place where sunshine and tailwinds are in abundance and chainrings and derailleurs bathe weekly. As for this weekend, I’ll be at the midwestern winter destination where cyclists who can’t afford fat bikes go to keep their sanity: the gym.
    Brighten my spring with a new Stages and I’ll be so greatful I won’t tell Clever Training what you said about the crankset.

    Until next time,

  35. Damom

    Mountain biking somewhere in KS

  36. Enrique

    My plans:

    10 minutes warm up
    1 minute all out
    2 min recover
    2 min 95%
    3 min recover
    3 min all out
    5 min recover
    30 min 75-85%
    2 hours 65-7’%
    10 min coolid down.


  37. John

    Planning a Sun morning spin in beautiful Wicklow (Ireland). Then back to the weekly commute, by bike of course!!

  38. Cycling on snow and Zwifting during the evenings


    Two trainer workouts! #TrainerRoad

  40. Pete

    Short, easy ride as baby steps on my way back from injury.

  41. AJ Pitkälä

    No cycling for next week. Just xc skiing @Ruka Finland. There is lot of snow and sunshine. ❄☀️

  42. Chris Goslar

    Hockey match today then 3 hour ride tomorrow either GS Henley CC reliability ride or Reading CC Sunday morning club run

  43. Ilja Kosterov

    35km MTB on sunday…its litle chill in Estonia -2.

  44. Michael Dismuke

    Lots of kid shuttling this weekend, hopefully I can squeeze in 10 miles around the neighborhood

  45. Tomaz Maver

    Relaxing in sauna wathing the bike through glass.

  46. David W

    Local half marathon on Saturday. Easy recovery spin on Sunday.

  47. Kristian Edlund

    No plans for the weekend, since the snot is running out my nose!

  48. Jostein Thoresen

    On saturday: recovery-run after one week with illness. Sunday maybe a short ride on the xc-bike:)

  49. Shane

    Completed the GCN challenge on zwift this morning. Maybe a run this evening!!

  50. Federico Regazzo

    Saturday brick 90km bike + 5 run and Sunday 70 km bike

  51. Robert Cummins

    Warm weekend in Denver expected. Will swap the trainer tire and hit the road today. Skiing tomorrow.

  52. Sean Dooley

    1.5 hours tempo on Saturday and 1.5 hours endurance on Sunday

  53. Andrew Lagodzinski

    I plan to have a nice ride on Sunday to get back into riding after a week a business travel.

  54. Scott

    Spent 3 hours indoors on the trainer….looking forward to better warmer weather.

  55. Gabe Peer

    I’m doing a group ride Sunday for about 35 miles. I’m riding with a guy that has power setup. It would be great to have this on my bike!

  56. Drew

    I’ll be on the turbo this weekend on some sweet spot training, trying to build a good base for the season.

  57. jodi

    Spinning in my kitchen while watching some tv.

  58. Ben Achtabowski

    Trainer work today and tomorrow.

  59. Robert Sierhuis

    Preparing long distance triathlon in the Netherlands. Did a 13K run today , tomorrow 4 hour bike ride Z1-Z2 HRM would be nice to train also powerzones. Thnk you grtz Robert

  60. Joel S

    Indoor trainer with efforts f/b brick run. Is it spring yet?

  61. Melisa

    10X 10 kettlebell swings/2′ hard, 1′ recover.

    Sunday, swim 2300yds followed by 40 minute recovery ride.

  62. Goedhart

    Only indoorcycling this weekend, yesterday mountain8 on Zwift, tommorow another, yet to be dicided course on Zwift. It’s fun anyways!

  63. Tom

    4h ride with friends!

  64. Cian

    I signed up to a duathlon in January. It’s on next Sunday. I will be taking my bike out tomorrow morning for the first time this year. Preparation is key!

  65. Paul Wessel

    Spent the morning signing up for my 2017 race season of tris, crits and road races (cycling)…
    Later Saturday will be a full on 4-5 hour endurance session on the Kickr watching various highlights of 2016 world classics and IM Kona.
    Sunday will be 2-3 hours of of Kickr training again — an hour of endurance sandwiched between TrainerRoad and SufferFest app sessions.
    So happy for the weekend! Enjoy it, everyone!

  66. Justin Stevenson

    No cycling this weekend, kids birthday sleepovers and build a bear workshop. I’m soooo lucky

  67. Philipp

    Test of Form in my Standard lap

  68. DMAN

    One hour CompuTrainer workout with 3x1m@Z4 1m recovery, the 12x1m@Z5 1m recovery the remainder at Z3.

  69. wilkor

    67 minutes MTB

  70. David

    No riding this weekend just a 10 mile run in 5°F and sunshine.

  71. Ingo

    Giron de la cote…. 86km in Racemode

  72. David Patzer

    Its 20 degrees outside, its going to be one long turbo session on saturday. Then an easy set on sunday.

  73. Carla

    No biking for me this weekend, not even the trainer. But I’d love a power meter, pick me anyway!

  74. Niv

    Some hard trainer sessions on Friday.
    Easy 60km on Saturday

  75. Keaton S

    A spin class last night (Friday) and an hour and a half ride on the trainer this morning…can’t wait until it warms up and I can ride outside again!

  76. Given the rain, looks to be a trainer weekend…

  77. Jason

    I’ll be working, but would rather be riding.

  78. Bjorn

    Going out for 100min ride and check if course is perfect for TT bike. Start for training full triathlon…

  79. Omar100

    Not much outside with this windy and rainy weather here in Rome, but at least I made up for it with some some in-house sessions while watching the Strade Bianche!

  80. Nic

    Zwift FTP builder workouts on the Kickr!

  81. Kyle F

    Around 30 on Sat and rest on Sunday

  82. Charles Allran

    Doing 90 minutes of VO2Max repeats on the trainer today (Saturday). Hopefully long(ish) outdoor endurance road ride Sunday.

  83. Oystein

    Having done Zwift only this week,I am so ready for getting out and about this weekend. Short MTB on Saturday, longer (if the family schedule allows it) road bike ride on Sunday. Sunny day, I need to get out! :-)

  84. Ralph

    Last weekend training for my fifth Ironman 70.3

  85. Kevin Smith

    2 hr’s on the trainer.

  86. Paul Ballantine

    Stuck at work on 12hr dayshifts this weekend but will make up for it with a couple of days in the hills of gran canaria next week ?

  87. 3 hours of mostly endurance riding, hiding from the Iowa winds as much as possible… ;)

  88. Alan Duggan

    90 turbo session planned for Sunday

  89. Roman Lebedev

    Long run on Saturday, bikefit and sweetspot intervals on tubo on Sunday

  90. Jim H.

    bumbling about Beverley on board my Brompton

  91. Tim

    Spending time with The Sufferfest, doing as I’m told

  92. Zac

    3×20 sweet spot. Twice.

  93. Andreas

    A few kilometers cross country skiing..

  94. Patrick

    Cold Michigan base miles! 40+ miles today, 60+ Sunday.

  95. -20 and icy outside. Hitting the rollers for an hour and listening to Lou Reed. Life is good!

  96. Ruben kuperus

    I did a 65km ride, my first outdoor ride after a winter of zwifting! It was a 60min race and I became 14th! enjoyed it very much, let the summer begin!

  97. Oskar von Essen

    I will be going out for 2×2,5 hour road rides this weekend!

  98. Spencer

    2hr daddy day care on the turbo trying to sweat out predicted hangover whilst kids play in the room and wife contemplates the wisdom of moving onto shots this evening (probably).

  99. Enrique Ortiz

    Sin: 3.5hr intervals

  100. Vincent

    Margaritas and pulled pork tacos.

    Oh, you meant workout plans! Going out for an easy hour to get the cobwebs off.