March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. David Rhoades

    Nothing, I’m at a wedding out of town and will run instead.

  2. Dave Clements

    Today I checked out the Hardriders TT course I’ll be racing in a couple of weeks and Sunday will be a recovery ride because the course is so brutal :-/

  3. Matt Korsmo

    I believe the schedule has a 2 hour endurance ride on Saturday and a 2 hour “strength” (low cadence, heavy gear (high watts)) ride on Sunday. This strange Minnesota March seems to be cooperating so it will be outside!

  4. Just get out and soak up the sun. It’s been long overdue :)

  5. Finishing up TrainerRoad’s Sustained Power Build. Saturday kicks off with 2,5h of over-unders, plus a 3h aerobic ride on Sunday!

  6. Stan Lipnowski

    Down to The Dungeon of Doom, The Basement of Boredom. Too cold and slippery for the road bike. Hopefully in 6 weeks we can cycle outdoors

  7. Thomas

    It’s my birthday and the weather is quite fine….so i lay with a testicular inflammation on my couch :-(

  8. Piet Barendse

    None this weekend… Free on monday so I’ll see if I can put in a few miles!

  9. Jorge Orrego

    Just did the road cycling season opener with Century Road Cycling Association (CRCA) in Central Park, NY. The club is the oldest in the U.S. and is made up of racing sub teams. Did I mention that the temperature was feeling like minus 10 degrees Celsius and I woke up at 4:45am.

  10. Jordan

    It’ll be TrainerRoad in this weather.

  11. Jim Bixby

    Spin class this weekend and waiting for the rain to go away. We set a record for rain in Feb here in Portland Oregon

  12. Tom

    hour on the trainer

  13. An easy jaunt, no power meter, no energy bars or juice, no training plan specific sessions. Just an easy ride on tired legs in the Hampshire hills. Awesome.

  14. Guy BELLOT

    Rain and wind. Let’s spin on the home trainer !

  15. Tim de bie

    Today; some hills of the ronde van Vlaanderen. On a 80k ride..
    Tomorrow just a small easy ride of 2hour

  16. John Norris

    Riding the Red Mountain trails.

  17. Bjorn van der Neut

    Cycle to the centre and get an nice ice cream with the familie. To cold to do racing cycling in The Netherlands.

  18. Patrick Young

    Krispy Kreme Donut Run…That hurt

  19. Brandon V

    Upstate NY is frigid. No trainer this weekend but running long run.

  20. Just a short 30 miles today along the coast of Northwest Florida and some trainer speed work tomorrow! Getting back in tri shape!

  21. Jaco Botes

    Zwifting all the way

  22. Robin

    I’ll be spending time this weekend on the indoor trainer.

  23. Mattia

    Finishing TR rest week and take the bike to some trails on sunday

  24. Richard strange

    I did a partial Audax ride today in the UK. Had to cut it short as I’m visiting my Parents from California and figured they wouldnt appreciate me being out for any more than the 80 Miles I did.

  25. Alberto Oses N.

    Friday: Mountain biking.
    Sunday: A Fondo (not “Gran”, just 60 kilometers).

  26. Laurens

    130km touring, second ride of the season.

  27. Scott Steele

    Plan is to perform my running FTP using Stryd followed by a 2 hour ride today (indoors, as we just got more snow overnight). Tomorrow includes a 90 min long run followed by a long group ride outside!

  28. Tomas

    Lithuania +2 and raining :) Perfect time for fatbike out :) So Sunday is 3 hours out on this beauty.

  29. Roman

    This weekend is the last weekend cross-country skiing is possible. So cycling starts on monday…

  30. Sam

    Planning on doing a little brick bike and run today followed by getting out in the sunshine and going for a long ride tomorrow on the cross bike!

  31. Nagaraj

    I am moving to Hong Kong on Saturday and look to ride the short but steep hills of HK island peak.

  32. Cindy mason

    No riding this weekend. Long run of 18 miles instead.

  33. Jeremiah Jackson

    I’m pretty far north for living in a state named South Dakota, but is forecasted to be in the 60s and I should get in 70-100 miles over the weekend! Great for March.

  34. Jens

    Going to do a headwind ride to Tirns (Frlesland, the Netherlands) and then a nice ride back home with tailwind!

  35. Bagoly Levente

    Ive cut my hand badly yesterday so ive ditched my bikepolo plans for the weekend. this morning i went to the hospital for revision of the cut and just as i came out a friend valled me out for a pedalling. its 15 grades with blueskies and sunshine so ive accepted it and went for a 70km ride halfhandedly on my fixed gear city rambler. worth it! :D

  36. Corey

    Going for a 40 mile group ride Saturday and then a 20mile ride with a 10k brick run on Sunday.

  37. MattB

    Arrived back home from a week skiing in Austria, or at least some of a week, the rest being spent curled in a foetal ball as my traitorous guts tried to strangle me from the inside for three days of spasmodic colic, followed by two of constipation pain brought on by treating the colic. Screw you, guts!

    No riding this weekend, as it’s time to get back in the groove of marathon training after that little interlude…

  38. JD

    Ridge Road and Indian Hill

  39. Javier

    2×10 subthreshold on sunday , and ride as you feel for saturday!

  40. Chris Portman

    Zwift because it’s cold outside!

  41. Jeff

    2 Hour Ride today then run, 1:30 Hour Ride tomorrow. Need a new power meter for my new bike bad!

  42. Khairul

    Saturday solo climb.
    Sunday group ride. Attack, Attack and more Attack!

  43. Jim Ford

    Going for my first ride in a long time. Working up the nerve to get back in to triathlon. A power meter would be a nice boost in the right direction!

  44. Adisorn

    Plan to race mini marathon instead.

  45. Kevin

    On the trainer today… no ride tomorrow, 5K swim session planned.

  46. Josh Caruso

    Week 4 in my Syracuse 70.3 training has me on an interval run today and a nice 1:20 Zwift session on Sunday! With some Lego Batman kiddo time planned in there too! All about balance ?

  47. Greg Steel

    Just finished a three hour Z2 ride (first half century this year) followed by 30min run off the bike. 90min run tomorrow.

  48. Neil

    Final preparation for the Absa Cape Epic. 2 big days then the taper starts.

  49. Kyle Johnson

    4 hours xc mountain bike training + 2 hours of slopestyle + 3 hours more of each on sunday

  50. André Navjord

    Pusting on the trainer another month in the north of norway.

  51. Prateek Thakur

    I did 46 kms on a flat track few hours ago. It had a few surges in the middle. Did it at an avg pace of 31 kmph. Might go for a 100 km ride tomorrow.

  52. Benny

    Spring x-c skiing in Davos / Klosters …

  53. johannes

    Zwifting in the cellar. It’s still snowy outside

  54. Jorre

    Saturday some hill repeats and sunday a group ride or indoor trainer if it rains.

  55. Talat Al Al Shaban

    Did not cycle this weekend, I’ve been on call since Thursday, and still another 12 more hours to go. But here in the Middle East, the week starts on Sunday, so I’m working tomorrow too.

  56. Greg Scott

    Discovering some hills in the Sierra foothills in CA!

  57. johan

    No cycling this WE but swimming & trail running

  58. Neil Bregman

    Trainer road 8 minute ftp

  59. Tim Smith

    Going to Ride some trails and logging roads on my Mountain Bike Tomorrow

  60. Otto Paaso

    It’s cold and wet here in Finland and my CX is still in the making (waiting for some parts to arrive) so I am going to hop on my tribike which has been firmly mounted on a tacx trainer for a couple of months now. Or I would if the flu would just let me go. This is not going well.. Well, atleast the bike and swim hours are going up slightly now that plantar fasciitis stopped my runs. :D

  61. Cody R

    Zwift intervals on Saturday. Zwift endurance ride on Sunday.

  62. David Angel

    Rode 2:30 min on the Kicker and BKool App, tomorrow I’ll be going out for a 4:00 ride with some friends. Getting ready for some gran fondo events this year.

  63. Carsten

    For me it’s a cross-training weekend: painting the last parts of our new apartment. Good endurance training. ;)

  64. Reinhard

    Run: Hill sprints; Bike: Trainer.

  65. Trond Pedersen

    No biking this weekend, bust carbo-loading in Tenerife

  66. Peter Gibson

    On the trainer today and up the mountains to snowshoe on Sunday.

  67. Steve Roelle

    Trainer Road this weekend. Mary Austin on SAT. and Whiteside -1 on SUN.

  68. Group ride today, then maybe another tomorrow.

  69. Koen

    No cycling for me this weekend since it is still a bit chilly/rainy in the Netherlands. Also with an upcoming half-marathon ahead I’m spending most of my time on running. Tomorrow I wil be doing a 16KM long run

  70. Steve

    Watching Sons of Anarchy while grinding away on the trainer!

  71. Andrej Jacko

    After having short swimming workout this morning, I have just started my cycling season. It was really hard – strong wind, weak legs. Easy – 34K for 1:30 – rather slowly. Hope, it is gonna be better. Otherwise – the weather was fantastic, 18C and sunny. Tomorrow is for running and swimming.

  72. Michael Watry

    Ride with my BikeMS team today, alley cat ride with “Fixie Dave”, Jimmy, and John from Scotland tomorrow

  73. Matt Page

    Zwift Volcanooooooo!

  74. Stephen Murpbhy

    80Km race in the pissing rain and howling wind this morning in Kildare (Ireland) maybe a slightly more gentle coffee ride tomorrow (in the pissing rain and howling wind)

  75. Paul Harker

    I will be riding up the side of a Volcano.

  76. Kevin LaCour

    Too cold to ride outside (28F)… took in a spin class at my gym. Looking forward to warmer weather and road miles.

  77. serguei

    just 1 hour easy ride. I’m in the marathon training now. Real cycling workouts start in a couple of weeks

  78. Claus

    This weekend (Sunday) I will have the first ride on my summer-racing-bike this year, assuming the spring in Denmark continues

  79. Antti Kurtelius

    Easy fatbiking tomorrow, a few hours of joy on hard packed snowy trails.

  80. Noam Ben-Ami

    I rode the dead sea Gran fondo in the Israeli desert. Even got a chance to speak to the one and only Jens Voigt!

  81. Florian Hauer

    No riding for me, but a 23 mile run in preparation for the Boston Marathon

  82. Tomas

    Short trip near town.

  83. Brian Harshman

    Recovery ride on Zwift!

  84. Raf Claessens

    Friday 120k at Wahoo Kickr
    Saturday 80k at Wahoo Kickr
    Sunday 160k outdoors. Love to ride outside!!!

  85. Ben Sufferfest Keenan

    Wattbike Friday
    Rest Saturday
    60-70 mile ride to watch a local road race on Sunday. Oh straight after an hour swim set….

  86. Tom

    Zwift’ed inside in the warmth yesterday, running in the cold tomorrow.

  87. Brian Ballard

    Pick me, pick me!!!

    Planning to hit up the mountain bike on Sunday for some sweet solitude in the woods for a few hours!

  88. Donell Thompson

    Full weekend of gymnastics practice and competition for the kids. Will likely put in some twilight time on the trainer.

  89. Jerc

    It is cold and it is raining. No cycling this weekend, unfortunately.

  90. Jeremy

    Rainy weekend so on the Kickr with TrainerRoad for me!

  91. Francis Yates

    Durban (South Africa) Ultra triathlon (70.3 distance) on Sunday 5th march as training for Ironman South Africa on 2nd April

  92. -17 oC outside, I’ll pedal inside for an hour with Zwift!

  93. Paul Holmgren

    Finishing week 1 on my current training program “sustained power build” phu….

  94. John

    Easy bike on Saturday with the family.

  95. Jun

    Zwift Volcano

  96. Pierre

    A couple of TR sessions.

  97. Jody Clark

    First race of season Sunday!

  98. Gurinder Singh sahi

    Interestingly i got my bicycle tire fixed yesterday after three months, washed thoroughly,indexed the gears today and rode 5.6 kms to the gym,first day at gym.recorded the ride on garmin fenix3 hr and tomorrow have a plan with my friend to go on a long ride to dam site at hills ???

  99. Casey

    I will be riding the trainer to check out the new Zwift volcano route!

  100. Rick

    Nine Hammers on Saturday and It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the time on Sunday