March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Tamara Zavarise

    Probably won’t get on the bike this weekend, the weather forecast is snow. I cannot wait for spring to get here… or at least above icy temperatures and no snow.

  2. Alan Sickler

    My wife and two friends are doing a 40ish mile road bike ride on Sunday morning here in Savannah, GA. The weather will be great (60ish Fahrenheit) and they just laid down some. Ew stretches of pavement :)

  3. Dennis Louwe

    Training sunday for the Amstel Gold Race 16-4-2017. ?

  4. Randy Miller

    Test ride of a new aero helmet and disc cover for Ironman 70.3 Oceanside in a couple weeks. Yeah I know, probably a little late for gear adjustments, but the wife finally gave in.

  5. Kenneth Solberg

    Taking it easy with recovery spins, getting ready for the annual cycling trip to Spain with the lads!

  6. Don Mansius

    Too damn cold and windy where I am. Off for a swim. If I get on a bike, it will be the fatty.

  7. Ken

    Run Saturday after work, indoor bike outdoor run Sunday.

  8. Morgan B

    90km Nordic ski race on sunday, so next time on the bike will be a recoveryride later in the week:-)

  9. Jason Whitley

    I have to work. Booooo

  10. Jason Onks

    Had to travel this weekend for a family event so I will be dreaming of warmer weather and my bike.

  11. Zlatko Vlasic

    Saturday: 100km on bike
    Sunday: 20km on foot :)

  12. Matthew Lutton

    Local spin. Remodeling bathroom so too busy for a long ride

  13. Andy Kerr

    Saturday-chain gang with local Tri club.
    Sunday-social ride with local road club.
    Best of both worlds, get to cycle with buddies and new friends twice on the w/e

  14. Troy Hutchinson

    Tempo intervals on the trainer.

  15. Wilfred spruijt

    Have been riding with my club today, need more practise, because all my attacks were countered with ease, still work in progress

  16. Eric Gross

    Skipped my long ride this morning because I was up all night throwing up :(

  17. Jord G Beaulieu

    It’s minus 20 here for the first w-e of March. Either a zwift race or a fat bike ride with a racing mindset. Just the normal prep for July blues.

  18. Razvan C.

    Sunday I will ride my MTB for about 2-3 hours in the hilly forests near my hometown :)

  19. Sam

    Coffee ride with the club Saturday morning, and a ride with the family Monday (on account of it being a public / bank holiday)

  20. Gabriel Lavery Lepage

    Zwift training sessions

  21. brian bratney

    Planning to ride to my closest trail and hopefully do a loop or two on Saturday. if its too muddy I’ll resort to some dirt roads. Maybe a road bike ride on Sunday

  22. Sylwester Ziewiec

    Saturday short spin and Sunday I’ll try 100km…btw I really NEED power meter so badly aaaassa :)

  23. Scott

    I put in 12.5 mi trail running this morning (including a couple falls), so tomorrow on Sunday I’ll hopefully be in good enough shape for a recovery run in the morning and a family bike ride later in the afternoon.

  24. Joshua Chrosniak

    While sailing on a Merchant Marine vessel for months at a time, I plan on using the only bike we’ve at hand… the old recumbent one… to put in some miles. Hopefully I’ll be able to gauge my power *hint hint* once home again.

  25. Steve Hall

    Didn’t quite plan in this way but, started my ride, got about 3 miles in, had a part on my mudguard snap, detour to cycle shop, quick repair, back out on the road again, sun comes out. Great end to a dodgy start!

  26. Chris S

    Cold weather means back on the MTB. See you in second spring road bike.

  27. Herki

    Planning year first ride. Perfect beginning :)

  28. Saulius S

    Family ride in town, Spin indoors on saturday, Longride outdoors on sunday.

  29. Ben

    I’ll be doing my last ride for a while. I’ve got a 3 hour tempo ride on my trainer that I’m using as a cross-training session before starting Navy Dive School on Monday morning for the next 6 months. A power meter would go a long way into helping me get back into racing shape when I can get back on my bike.

  30. Dave M

    I’ll be doing some longer set spot work on the trainer. Boooooo!, but it’s time to get race ready.

  31. I’m unpacking my TT bike. My Felt B14 has been in a box since our move to the USA. So time to unbox and get it ready for riding :)

  32. Can’t train as I’ve torn my calf so I’m catching up on studying and supporting my partner when she does a 20 mile running race tomorrow and also walking our dogs. Only used power in a wattbike and can’t afford for my race bike. Good luck all

  33. Cameron Seamons

    Wish I could be out there cycling right now, still in rehab from a lower back injury, but counting down every minute until I can be cleared to ride again (hopefully in time to do an Olympic distance tri this summer)

  34. Jwell

    With lots of rain forecasted for the weekend I will be staying in doors on the trainer.

  35. Laying low this weekend due to back injury but will be spending some time cleaning my rig.

  36. Lorenzo

    Raining watt

  37. Alex

    Possibly a zwift race on sunday if the weather is nasty. Roller skiing a few hours today.

  38. CarlosS

    Doing 45km of Ironman Frankfurt on a Bkool Trainer. Tomorrow doing the Floirda 70,3 to start tuning in for my race.

  39. Philipp

    just a ride on zwift

  40. Lasse sørensen

    A Nice batch of Hill repeats om the mountainbike.

  41. John Branum

    Doing some indoor workouts and probably a mountain bike ride with the girl.

  42. Szabolcs Szilagyi

    2 hours on the Wattbike on Sunday. Picking up new bike at the end of the month.

  43. Matt Collins

    This weekend I am cycling for 1.5 hours at steady endurance effort followed by a 45 minute endurance run.

  44. Well since it is winter in western Canada, I’m stuck riding inside on the trainer. Intervals here I come!!!

  45. Eli W Allen

    Too cold today, maybe 40 miles tomorrow

  46. Leor Penn

    25 degrees Celsius.. gorgeous day.. quality time with the family..

  47. Jonathan Jarrett

    It’s too cold here. Trainer session for me.

  48. Marco Loyson

    Already did 75km on Friday, hopefully some endurance training on Sunday for this years Maratona dles Dolomites :)

  49. 2h turbo on Saturday – zwift hopefully will see new volcano circuit:) then 2h outside ride on Sunday in our lovely Irish weather!

  50. Edward Parker

    Cycling on my wahoo trainer Indoor training for 90mins, on both days this weekend

  51. Jeffrey Cave

    Sunday plan. Grab the neighbor, Ride to the Pentagon, into D.C. then Georgetown, stop for coffee and beignets and roll home.
    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  52. Aurimas

    MTB ride without any plan. Just for fun

  53. Joshua Leak

    Cycling to a XC running race

  54. Kyle Klinger

    Rainy weekend – 5hrs on the trainer watching WTS races

  55. Larry Mullinnix

    Just a short 60 min spin on a trainer to loosen my legs up from my marathon.

  56. Oebele

    Today did interval training with Cycle group ; Tomorrow hopefully recovery ride and monday spinning class :-)

  57. Brant

    I’m really hoping it’s nice enough tomorrow to pull the girls in the Burley.

  58. Steffan Hansen

    Did 90 minutes on the trainer. Still cold outside in northern Germany.

  59. Germán Merino

    Thanks for the giveaway, the plan is 80k in sunday following the route tomthe cost, safe riding to everyone

  60. Cathy

    My triathlon club has a long bike ride today (Saturday) and we’ll be riding lots and lots of hills.
    My favorite bike ride is highway 1 in my area where we ride along the Pacific Ocean. So beautiful!

  61. yu

    round the island during the weekend .

  62. Rob Hulloo

    Hej there,
    well plans are as follows:
    Recovery / nice weather ride with my beautiful wife (our first ride together this year) done and dusted
    link to
    Our wedding anniversary. Maybe some short hard threshold efforts if there will be some time for it. if not than rest day / celebration day :D For sure I need to do some bicycle maintenance of the commuter and clean the roadies.
    Evening non-cycling activity gonna be a nice dinner at our local Indian vegetarian restaurant.

    Have a nice weekend! :)

  63. Tomas

    No weekend ride for me, need to get better at swimming so it will be only endless laps for me!

  64. Marc Meijer

    Planned the season-opening ride with the club, instead of that i’m in bed with the flu.

  65. Racing in a triathlon in Stanford followed by a nice recovery ride in the Santa Monica mountains to my favorite cafe!

  66. Craig

    2hr easy spin today, 1hr 2/1 intervals with 5mi run off the bike tomorrow.

  67. Todd Fujimoto

    Gonna try to get in an hour or two on Zwift before meeting my parents for brunch.

  68. Thomas

    2 hours on the trainer!

  69. Michael Nielsen

    Skiing today and Xterra duathlon tomorrow – hoping to hit the road soon ?

  70. Simon

    Easy start on Friday with a 1.5h mountainbike ride, today nothing because I am working on my new home and tomorrow will be the same day as today.

  71. Shelagh coutts

    Long fat bike rides on both Saturday and Sunday. How long depends on how much new snow.

  72. Joe

    None. Recovery week so got all my riding in during the work week.

  73. Scott Simon

    The East coast is frozen. I’ll be riding the indoor trainer and watching reruns of The West Wing on Netflix.

  74. Brian Miller

    I am riding demo bikes today at my local trail, then racing a XC race tomorrow morning.

  75. Greg Reasoner

    Gravel riding.

  76. RPCV Rai

    60 miles along the CA-1

  77. Guillermo

    I’ll probably hit the trainer for couple of easy rides. Gotta 5k/10k double to do in Sunday.


  78. Peter Andersson

    In Sweden it’s +2 degrees and raining! So it is indoor cycling on the stationary bike today. 10min, 15min and 20min at 95% of FTP

  79. Nikolay Tonev

    I did already 25 km ride today. I plan another easy one tomorrow for slow start of the season :).

  80. Anthony O Toole

    Duathlin this morning rest day tomorrow #busted

  81. Rory

    Plan is for 100km with about 1500m climbing. Training for 200km ride in June with near 3000m climbs. Getting there??

  82. George Gustard

    Trying to regain fitness after illness, even a steady 30miles has felt like hard work.

  83. Dana

    Joining a friend to help her get in her 80 mile training ride for IMTX race in April.

  84. Josh Mattix

    This weekend it’s trainer time. The working set will be Fast Cadence intervals. It’s time to get those callouses back!


  85. Solomon

    Heading out to start training my cycling team right now. Huntsman Hometown Heroes!

  86. Brian Lasiter

    Short easy recovery ride Sunday after running Way Too Cool 50k Saturday.

  87. Douglas Young

    Planning on doing some Zwift workouts this weekend as the weather is awful here in the UK.

  88. Philip

    Walk around New Orleans, listen to music, eat too much, sleep too little.

  89. Jim Haskett

    Plan on riding with a small group of friends about 45 miles through some rolling hills with a couple climbs locally.

  90. Erik

    Just recovering from a full week of winter bike commuting..

  91. Kyle Shaw

    No cycling this weekend! I’ve been skiing at Taos ski valley in New Mexico all weekend. Can I count this as high altitude training since I’m from Florida??

  92. Jason Kummer

    Off Weekend, partying in Arizona watching Spring Training.

  93. Mikkel

    trainerroad and a tacx trainer for some exciting base training.

  94. Bruno Sá de Moraes

    Endurance rides along the Olympic route.

  95. Chris

    Killing some of my Hulu backlog on the trainer because it’s frigid outside.

  96. Kelly Mollet

    Hoping trail conditions are good enough to get out or it’s back to stationary bike for me

  97. John Crowe

    Go for a nice ride around the Swan River here in Perth, WA

  98. Cam Fuller

    I’ll be doing roughly 1 hour on trainer today and hoping to get in 2-3 ON Sunday!

  99. Ryan

    Trainerroad session on Saturday then a rest on Sunday, hopefully!

  100. Michelle W.

    Road biking Sat & Sunday. Preparing for weeklong ride in July.