March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Carl Franqueza

    I’m riding a fat bike at Kingdom Trails

  2. Daniel logue

    3 HR Z2 ride with openers. 70 mile road race tomorrow. Thanks for all the great content Ray. Keep it coming!

  3. Tim

    Zwift TT race and the a training ride

  4. Scott

    I’m psyching myself and resting today to do an FTP test tomorrow. Want to see if my first block of TR had a noticeable effect.

  5. Bill

    2 rounds of golf in the sun.. Cleaned the bike

  6. Will S

    I plan to do some paintballing this weekend with my oldest son. Tomorrow I’m hoping to hit the dirt and get 10 miles in around the lakes. The weather is too nice to stay cooped up inside.

  7. Charles Dueitt

    Headed out in 20 minutes to do a metric century with a friend to test out his new tri bike.

  8. Mark Jackson

    Friday was intervals on the @TacxFlux, Saturday a 2 Hour Tootle testing some New Solestar Insoles & Sunday is the 80 Mile Mad March Hare Sportive with friends in Aid of SUDEP an Epilepsy Charity here in the UK, followed by a Celebration Bacon Roll & a Beer to re-charge… EPIC!!!

  9. Edson Costa

    Today, Strade Bianche, tomorrow, Paris-Nice… on my sofa, cause i’m injured! I’m hangover…

  10. Sean S

    90 minutes of Zwifting

  11. William Haig

    Nordic ski junior nationals! To cold to bike

  12. Tolga

    Saturday: 90k low cadence, fasted, Z2 ride.
    Sunday: 30 min reverse brick easy spin on trainer

  13. Michalis

    No plans for today (family time only) but tomorrow hope to do a 60k ride!

  14. Martin Karr

    Getting kitted up now to head for 3 hours or so if road riding through the rolling hills and then hitting the trails tomorrow for 3 hours or so of some sweet mountain biking.

  15. Ivan

    I’ll be resting the weekend. A Hard train watts on monday!

  16. Mike Cousins

    Only a one hour trainer ride because I have to get out on snow free trails in New England for a long run!

  17. Brian Lube

    I’m likely to spend some time training with the Sufferlandrian National Team. The commute to Sufferlandria is a little painful, but the results are often worth it.

  18. Mehmet

    I will Google out for a short Mountain Bike Ride today and tomorrow I will meet some friends and spenden a couple of houres on the Roadmap.

  19. Well I have my kids for the weekend so riding is limited to the trainer after they go to bed as long as I am not to tired. Having to train for races is hard with kids…

  20. Karl Watanabe

    I’m going to just ride around town for up to 3 hours. If it rains, I’m back on the trainer.

  21. Peter

    The plan is to ride the mountain bike for a few hours on Sunday…

  22. Niklas Forsgren

    Just home from a 135km groupride with the local club. Cx with studs although roads were almost dry. Temp just a few degrees above 0 Celsius.

  23. Kelly Goldfinch

    Probably Zwift and try the new Volcano Climb.

  24. Eric Seger

    This weekend is the kick off to a week off the bike… I am on my way to the beaches of Cancun to relax and unwind before racing season kicks into full gear.. that’s the plan and I am sticking to it

  25. Steve Ingwersen

    90 minutes on the trainer. Rebuilding endurance and strength as I work through HBP and renal issues that have sidelined me!

  26. Jeffrey

    Busy schedule this weekend, but I will be riding…The only bad thing is that its to work and back!

  27. John

    Traveling this weekend so no ride plans. Boo

  28. Clemo

    Week 2 of a ten week training plan meant a 2.5 hr endurance ride mainly in HR zone 3 today followed by two hours on the trainer tomorrow. Will be ready and all over the Lincoln GP sportive and the cobbled climb of Michealgate in the middle of a May. If only there was a way to work on power over HR. Oh Wait! A Stages power meter would sort that little problem out. Pleeeeeeaaaaasssse.

  29. Mark Goddard

    Focusing on running this weekend due to an upcoming race, but got in a good ride this week.

  30. Xavier Poirier-Moisan

    Out of town for some trekking this weekend. But I’ll make sure to come back early on Sunday do to a zwift race!

  31. Tatnai Burnett

    Snowboard our local mini hill with my daughter, and put in an hour on Zwift.

  32. Ellen Tighe

    About 40 miles planned in Marin County this morning, and hoping to avoid the rain.

  33. David H

    Going on my first long ride this year! Injury has prevented doing anything prior

  34. Isidro Garcia

    Plan on going to the Toronto bike Show and then on some inside training (way too cold to be out this weekend).

  35. Jorge Rodriguez

    Some climb training

  36. mik

    No riding this weekend, sick as a dog on the sat, hopefully well enough to go help out local mtb race sunday, grrr

  37. Kevin Perry

    Century ride for me this weekend

  38. Derek smith

    Wrapped up 30 miles on Zwift at midnight last night. Running a 10k today, and then probably drinking some bourbon tonight?

  39. Ed Francoeur

    60 mile cold weather ride planned for tomorrow morning.

  40. Ha Young Park

    4x10min Intervals on a turbo trainer
    then off to 4-hr endurance ride on road(high 10C forecast)

  41. Eddie

    Tomorrow is the start of the clubride season.

  42. Shane Harrison

    100km of gravel grinding and day 4 of hunter’s challenge on zwift!!

  43. Todd

    In Scottsdale, AZ this week for spring training. Put on 250 miles through the desert and foothills. Had a great week.

  44. Lionel

    Fitness this WE too bad weather…

  45. Daniel

    Trying to get in my first century of the year

  46. Nathan Budd

    First time out on the road since the newborn arrived. Got some Zwift miles in, but it’s not the same.

  47. Jeff Ryder

    Hitting the mountain bike trails…We need power too!

  48. Richard Sudworth

    I’ve already done my weekend’s cycling – some nice local hills. Unfortunately my training plan said I was meant to keep it nice and easy. Logged twice the training stress I was meant to! I need that power meter to help me stay in the right zone ?

  49. Håkan

    Two 90 minutes workouts planned for this weekend.

  50. Hugo

    slowly getting back after 10 weeks of recovery. 90 minutes of zwift time for me today

  51. Stefan

    All out ;)

  52. Ryan Trucke

    Ill be driving from wyoming to tucson for 5 days of cycling.

  53. KP

    Trainer is my best friend

  54. Jeremy Palmer

    Deft at 5 a.m. Each day as I’ll be working twenty four out of the forty eight hours this weekend.

  55. Alex Wigton

    Got to spend two hours on a trainer watching Sesame Street with my daughter to learn a few letters of the day! Knowing my power would help! Tomorrow is a 30 minute ride with a 10 mile run.

  56. William mcanirlin

    It is a high of 10 today, so riding zwift

  57. Vincent

    20×20 test in Sunday

  58. Klaas

    Leger test and 1.5 hours of tacx enjoyment!

  59. Cristian Tudorache

    Hopefully 100km tomorrow

  60. Jamie

    I’ve got my bike on the back of my car right now! I’ve got a wind ensemble rehearsal this morning, then I’m going to go ride the roads near the rehearsal location for 3 hours before I pack up and go teach welding this evening. Busy busy!

  61. Gary Dennis

    1.5 hour indoor trainer sessions (-20 windchills here) Sat and Sun with intervals on Sunday for trashed legs on Monday at work.

  62. Victor

    I’m sick this weekend so it’s bed rest and chicken soup for me.

  63. Umberto

    I had a little hike this morning and I’m still planning where to go cycling tomorrow. Weather’s getting better, that’s promising :-)

  64. Niels Grote Beverborg

    I did a swim of 3000m whereafter we did a club training of 65km on the local roads.

  65. Randius

    Planning at least 1.5 hour of zwifting tomorrow

  66. Tony quinlan

    Chilled ready for a training spike :-)

  67. James Reed

    Plan on a 2 hour trainer Ride tomorrow. We’ll see if I actually get my pain cave set up to do it.

  68. Simo Tammela

    Wow, what a giveaway. I was just looking that Stages is one of the few supported in Polar devices I have.

    20 cm of new snow this week and national skiing holiday just going on so no cycling. Just a week ago 86 km of XC skiing in 6 hours and then sick, so still bit in recovering phase.

    Ironman distance triathlon coming in August… Power meter would help a lot in training and in the event also ;-)

  69. Michael Gagliano

    Unfortunately winter has returned in the mid Atlantic so I’ll be on Zwift and Trainerroad…

  70. Marjolein Kooij

    I am going to do a 2h ride tomorrow. Hopefully it will be dry..

  71. Andy

    With the nice Arizona weather, I plan on getting in some easy riding this weekend around Tempe.

  72. Steve P

    Saturday morning nordic skiing followed up by Computrainer session (RIP Racermate but I still love the product). 3 hour endurance ride on Sunday with The Church of the Big Ring

  73. Jonathan Williams

    Indoor spin classes Saturday & Sunday and a 40 mile ride on Sunday in 60 degree weather!

  74. Ed P

    14 mi hilly TT, quick and effective

  75. Vitor Rosa

    I want it! As for riding plans this weekend, only a short spin today with my son (he will have his first event of the road racing season). Keep up the good work :)

  76. Tyler

    Planning to hit up West Virginia – Biking up crooked run, and Judge Rye for sure with a few other hills. Almost the same route as the Rapha Prestige.

  77. Johan Granfors

    Full indoor session with Tacx video Ronde van vlaanderen, last taper before the real race

  78. Pawel

    As cycling is banned due to injury ,from the cycling plans I was left only watching Strade Bianche :-)

  79. Doug Richards

    Just got a Kickr based on your reviews. Yes I know there are some newer ones on the market now, but there is something to be said for a proven platform. A big upgrade from my old non-smart trainer.
    I did 1:45 yesterday and 3:15 today. Zwift is just too fun.

  80. Raimo Ruokonen

    I had a 102 km cyclocross trip today with studded tyres. -7,5 C in the morning. Tomorrow probably a shorter trip because the forecasts says there will be -13 C in the morning.

  81. Julia Ambrose

    No cycling for 2 more weeks from surgery so it’s a long walk with my red heeler today.

  82. Emilio P

    I just did Angliru 1280 m mountain ride that I love to make it mountains at weekends :)

  83. Kate Powers

    going to do one of the GCN workouts on zwift

  84. Michael

    Barely moving today in prep for 100km ride around Essex tomorrow, and to recovery from playing at being young and hip in Shoreditch last night after work!

  85. Ed Chun

    An hour and half spin session on the trainer Sunday as it’s forecasted to rain after coming back from vacation in sunny Arizona

  86. Niels

    Last days of the recoveryweek. Short 90 minute MTB ride. So I’ll be ready for the next training period. Racing season is coming!

  87. Johnny mannion

    Zwift today to go quicker than yesterday.
    Drop off kids to try and squeeze in 60/70 km hilly spin.
    Not easy getting training in but where there’s a will, there’s a way.

  88. Migo

    100km or more ride on Sunday

  89. Mikko Kallio

    Mountain biking tomorrow

  90. Jason Ryther

    I’m joining some of my triathlon club mates for a Sufferfest ride Sunday morning.

  91. Tim churchill

    Sunday I’ll be out for my usual LBS shop ride. Assuming it doesn’t rain

  92. Andy Pole

    First duathlon of the year tomorrow

  93. Vincent

    Saturday a 2h ride outside in the sun and Sunday a 2.5h ride indoor in front of the TV.

  94. Charlie

    Off for a run on Saturdays then hoping my 1st outside ride of the year on Sunday, up some big Welsh hills

  95. Lynne R

    Too cold to ride today

  96. Roger

    Zwift every day for at least 1 hr each day.

  97. Louise Kennedy


  98. Jason

    Hm no cycling this weekend. I did do some overdue maintainance this weekend. now its ready to roll again

  99. DC

    I’ve settled into road ride Saturdays, mountain bike Sunday, with a run or two in there somewhere, and maybe a spin on Zwift.

  100. Trent Miller

    This week ends with a low volume weekend since next week is my last high volume week before I do the Tour de Cure, Lake Nona (Century charity event for diabetes). So, I did 1.5h today on the trainer and will to the same tomorrow.