March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. James White

    Hopefully get over my man flu and get some Zwifting in

  2. Ruud

    140km in rain tomorrow. Great thing to look forward to!

  3. Kevin Lachapelle

    Im working the Toronto bike show all weekend. sunday night I plan to drive 6 hours to get home, kiss the gf and zwift away…

    I guess i will have to make due for a couple day off. Its going to be painfull

    I really need a power meter. Thanks DCR

  4. Female training camp
    Saturday: run technique, bike 80km swim 1hr
    Sunday: bike 50km with 1000m of climbing, trail run, swim technique and relax.
    Have a good weekend.

  5. Matt

    Zwift, zwift, and more zwift.

  6. Anders Ljunggren

    Suffered a VO2max session on the trainer today.
    Gonna zwift a long endurance session tomorrow while watching vasaloppet, xc ski marathon, on the tv.

  7. Dave

    Riding to a cross country running race 50 miles away, weather dependent

  8. Austin Reed

    Hiked the South Kaibab trail at the Grand Canyon to the Colorado River and back in under 6 hours. Spent the remaining hours of the road trip trying to convince the little lady of why I need a power meter! (A free one would solve all issues)Until then, flying home from Vegas late tonight and then riding “Angels” on Sunday from the sufferfest app on my Keiser M3i (The Keiser is the reason I can’t have a power meter) ya win some ya lose some!! – Austin

  9. Jay

    More snow this week, so another Zwift ride on the trainer today and a run tomorrow.

  10. Yasmin Wadhai

    My cycling plan for this weekend is taking part in the ITU maxi distance triathlon in Abu Dhabi – cycling part is only 76kms but extremely technical with more than 40 full you turns and 64 sharp turns in total!!!! Crazy course but surely going to be fun!!

  11. Phil

    I plan on doing a couple of longer road rides out near the Konza Prairie in KS.

  12. Sigurd

    Too much snow here, so just a whole lotta cross country skiing!

  13. No cycling this Weekend. Have to learn biochemistry for the next test at University. 19 degrees Celsius would be optimal for a ride but I have not enough time :-(

  14. Shara Arnofsky

    I am driving from NYC to Philly with my bike to go for a ride with a guy I “met” online. This will be our first date!

  15. Darrin de Groot

    Home trainer in the garage for me this weekend… Wet and windy outside!

  16. Julie

    It’s negative 15 with windchill today. Coldest day of winter, and its march. Indoor ride… again.

  17. Andrew Butler

    Cold, under 32F, and windy but sunny day in the northeast today. 2hr trainer ride today with my wife followed by a nice walk on the nearby trail with the dogs. Tomorrow supposed to be a little warmer and not windy so should be my first day outside for the season. Planning on going with my father who is going to be riding his new BMC Road Machine for the first time.

  18. Cristina

    Run today and ski touring tomorrow, since there’s still some decent close to town

  19. Paul

    Race time! Half marathon tomorrow, so the bike won’t be getting a run out.

  20. Stefanie

    Picking up the P2 from its spring cleaning at the shop and then heading out for a few hours if it’s not too cold … otherwise I’ll be spending quality time on the CompuTrainer. :-)

  21. Carlos Heil

    Two and a half hours Zwifting on a trainer.

  22. Beth

    Since it’s 7 below zero here today, it’s a long trainer ride for me! :)

  23. Sean Ebner

    I will be working this weekend so no riding.

  24. Hugo Huzen

    Tomorrow a 70km trainingride on the MTB. 5 weeks tot go for the first race of the season :)

  25. Dan Z

    Breckenridge skiing Saturday morning followed by a Fat bike ride late afternoon. Then pull the road bike off the Computrainer for a real outside ride on Sunday.

  26. Daniel

    I will actually be touring Boston by bike on Sunday! No cycling activities scheduled for Saturday in NY unfortunately.

  27. Travis

    Jump something!

  28. Lindsay mccrae

    2hrs on the turbo today due to the horizontal rain outside. Nicer day tomorrow for a wee 70-80 mile endurance spin outside..

  29. Curt

    I’m running a half marathon instead of riding this weekend. (I’d rather be on the bike.)

  30. Mick Hellenberg

    Just came back from my first ride on my new bike! Unfortunately no powermeter. But I am training for the marmotte challenge coming august. I could really use a powermeter for better analysis of my training

  31. Eric Mason

    Saturday – 5am wake up to ride 1.5 hrs before work
    Sunday – 5am wake up to ride 2 hrs before daughter gets up, followed up by a nice daddy-daughter day :)

  32. Dag Aalvik

    Friday was easy 2 hours on the trainer, Saturday is P-race day and sunday is easy cross country skiing time her in Oslo, Norway.

  33. Linda Dixon

    30-40 asphalt today – out into the wind and back with the wind. Tomorrow I hope will be gravel. If not, I’m doing another 30-40 on some scenic county roads.

  34. John Rangel

    Trainer ride on Saturday. Long run on the dreadmill Sunday.

  35. Tetsuji Tsuneda

    Went to cycle mode in Osaka on Saturday and going to watch the sccoer game my kid will play tomorrow.

  36. Daniel Hocking

    A couple hours of spinning on the trainer to start getting back in shape.

  37. RW

    Trainer (HIT brick with 15-20 min run) on Sat, trainer aero & sprint workouts for hour Sunday

  38. T

    Heading out for 3.5 hours in sunny Tucson

  39. Roger

    Riding on the trainer while looking at Paris-Nice on TV and the snowy weather outside.

  40. Lex

    Just had a training week in girona of almost 500km (and some running and swimming), so no cycling this weekend

  41. Craig Manning

    Plans this weekend are a lot of indoor cycling with TrainerRoad…winter weather is back to the Reno area. Buckhorn +2 today and Warren tomorrow!

  42. Diane Silva

    Today will be an easy cycle of 2 hours because tomorrow I will have a great beach run of 3 hours.

  43. Tim Hughes

    Rest day Saturday in Newport, Shropshire after moving house on friday. Formentor lighthouse, Majorca tomorrow afternoon and ‘The big daddy’ through the Taramunta mountains on Monday – if Carlsberg did full on weekends…….

  44. Brendan M

    A trainer session after hitting up the spring bike show in Toronto

  45. Jorn

    Today saturday: finished a 60 min indoor FTP test together with friends from my local triathlon club
    Tomorrow sunday: The plan was 2.5 hrs ride outside on the winterbike, but with 4 degrees and rain on the forecast I might join an organized group ride on Zwift – thinking 1-2 hrs tempo ride.

  46. Alfredo ORTIZ

    53 miles of hill trainning in sunny Puerto Rico.

  47. Jeff

    Z2 sat and Mathes +2 Sunday

  48. Dennis Steffensen

    3.5 hours easy saturday and a short spin sunday?

  49. Alex

    Plan for tomorrow: MTB shift, 45km 1200m around Garda lake?…if weather permit…

  50. Ryan

    Short ride on Saturday to shake out cobwebs and then St. Pat’s 10K around the monuments in DC.

  51. David

    Looks like it’s the trainer inside….suffering for another 8 weeks inside until the snow and ice leave the roadway.

  52. Dave Mack

    Two hours of trainer road pain, recover watching Strava Bianche, turbo again tomorrow….

  53. Zach

    A little spin in the rain on Sunday.

  54. Tommi Willberg

    No cycling. Rest.

  55. Shawn mercer

    Just got home from vacation and it’s a wind chill of below 0° all weekend. My only plan is to keep the legs spinning so will likely do 2-3 hours of endurance with some tempo efforts on zwift.

  56. Marko

    Just finished low cadence drills, tomorrow 3h enduro :)

  57. Anish

    Planning to hit some local trails.

  58. Brian Hanft

    Sufferfest on the trainer because Iowa winter weather sucks…

  59. Garrett Turbett

    My son was born five days ago, but I still got a pass to get out for a 60km ride on Saturday. Tomorrow I reckon I’ll sneak in a session on the turbo, then get back to being in nappies up to my elbows!

  60. It’s time to start prepping my bike (My BFF) for the start of my 70.3 training. This weekend I’ll getting a tune up and getting trainer tire for My BFF.

  61. J

    Easy ride on saturday and one even easier on sunday ;-)

  62. Steve Zyduck

    Hitting the hills of Watopia.

  63. Sif

    Home trainner!

  64. Marcin

    50k south from Warsaw to Gassy

  65. JR

    Trainerroad, just trainerroad.

  66. Morgan holst

    4hours spinning on sunday the “vasaloppsspinning” in sweden

  67. Jason

    Too cold to ride outside — trainer it is!

  68. Andrew

    Tacocat spelled backwards is tacocat

  69. Adrian Burroughs

    More and more training.
    Hill repeats & cadence pyramid workouts.
    Super fun stuff. ?

  70. Thomas dejager

    Cycling plans have been changed thanks to the gift of a very uncomfortable stomach flu

  71. Mike Brown

    It’s looking like a trainer weekend due to weather. Freezing rain due here… time to queue up some tdf video from last year!

  72. Dane

    It is 39 degrees Celsius both Saturday and Sunday here in sunny Perth, Australia. I will be investing in an industrial fan and pounding the slopes of Watopia on Zwift. If only I had something to accurately measure my power output??

  73. Ralf

    I did a 1h swim followed by a Training Session on the Turbo Trainer 1h20 in the morning. Will run in the afternoon and tomorrow 2h bike and a short run to conclude the weekend.

  74. Chris S

    I did the red route at Sherwood pines this morning with a mate & had a very wet but fun ride.

  75. Bill Brickey

    The cycling plans for this weekend is not really cycling but making more cycling possible. It’s trailwork time!!
    Our team has been adding and improving mtb trails at our local park.

  76. Lars


  77. Chris H

    Awesome contest!

    Plan on finishing my recovery week with two 90 minute aerobic rides.

    Thanks for running the contest Ray :)

  78. Ted

    It’s winter. I’m going running in the woods. :)

  79. Chad Stephenson

    I’ll be riding around sunny Cape Town, South Africa, in preparation for next weekends Cape Argus Cycle Tour Race, the biggest timed one day race in the world.

    Riding around the peninsula of Cape Town is beautifully scenic, and has some brilliant leg burning hills!

    Quite a big moment for me. 20 kg down on where I was a year ago. It’s a little easier going up hills nowadays! Love cycling more and more everyday, I’m obsessed!

  80. William

    Hills, hills and more hills in prep for the Epic in 2 weeks!

  81. James Windley

    Will zwift and maybe also do a short ride in the snow.

  82. Francois

    I had to forego my morning ride as I needed to look after the kids (3 and 1)… But I’ll still be able to get in a good 90 minutes on TrainerRoad tomorrow! ???

  83. Casey Gourley

    Long ride later today, then trainer ride on zwift tomorrow evening!

  84. Jake Saunders

    7mi indoor TT today and a 3 hour indoor trainer ride tomorrow!!

  85. Alex

    Going to knock out 40 on gravel and try out my new helmet.

  86. Travis Thiex

    Just an hour on the trainer, still pretty cold outside.

  87. Raynor

    As the season peaks up, I’ll be doing a Round Island ride around Singapore to train towards my race.
    As of today, simple brick session of bike/run. Simply enjoyable! Looking forward to hearing good news DCR!

  88. Wendy

    This weekend will be biking on the trainer indoors with a view of the rain.

  89. Nemo

    Going to knock out some jet lag with a hilly ride on Sunday

  90. Anders

    I might take the bike for shopping groceries, but my training for the weekend will consist of a long run and some core work outs.

  91. A short ride into the peak district

  92. Jimmy

    Just some interval training on Saturday and a bit of endurance training on Sunday . About 6 hours in total.

  93. Stuart Schwark

    90 minutes on the Kurt Kinetic doing 18′ Z4 sessions (2′ recovery) followed by Z3 time, then a quick transition to a 30 minute run at moderate pace…..

  94. Dan Wilson

    90′ TriDot Over and Unders training ride and 20′ brick run..

  95. jamie

    Sunday slow recovery ride for me! Going solo and just admire the scenery along the way.

  96. Woody

    Out with the kids on bikes Saturday, then a bit of Zwift training session for me. Sunday looks to be a rainy ride with a mate around the local villages.

  97. Sonia Tonnemaker

    I have a 2.5 hour trainer ride early this morning with a 1 hour brick run after.

  98. Finally back on the bike after the flu…
    New served fork and shock, perfect winter weather, hard trails with just a thin powder of snow on.

    Just love this sport.

  99. Michael

    3 hour trainer ride. Got to line up a movie or two…

  100. Anthony Carswell

    Going to LBS to look for some new riding gear. Too cold today here in Indianapolis, IN.