March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. David Bruce

    6 mile fartlek today, LSD group run Sunday. Snowed last night, arg!

  2. Eddie Cheung

    Just a brief recovery ride, for the marathon I participated the day before.

  3. Jimmy S

    No outdoor riding this weekend, just some time on the Wahoo.

  4. Kris

    Hoping to get some gravel miles in for the upcoming Almanzo. Otherwise it will just be some trainer miles.

  5. Steve Simonsen

    90 minutes of over/unders on th Kickr.

  6. Jeffrey Watts

    It’s really cold here on the east coast of the US so I’m probably gonna zwift today and tomorrow

  7. Vil

    I have 2 hour Computrainer ride planned for Sunday.

  8. Paul

    i will be mountain biking on Sunday.

  9. Todd

    After spending the past 4 months on the trainer with Trainer Road, I will get first ride outside by doing 100 miles around Utah Lake. It’ll be awesome!

  10. Scott Noren

    I am supposed to be performing a 1 hour interval set today and an endurance ride tomorrow. However, I have caught a cold from my kids, and will most likely go easy boh days!

  11. Kathy Alvarez

    ZiaVelo Hillsboro Trifecta!!!!!!

  12. Pedro Almeida

    Cycling plans for the weekend: buy a bike!

  13. Dora Chan

    Trainer road for an hour I guess

  14. Jacek

    Finally nice weather outside. I take off my bike from trainer and go for some real ride!

  15. David Dushkin

    Just an easy shake out trainer ride

  16. Kyle

    Saturday will be an hour long Zwift session and Sunday will be 30-40 miles outside as it should be in the 60’s.

  17. Andrey Nakov

    About 100 km around Varna

  18. Dirk Joachimsen

    Just some zwift sessions

  19. Alex Greenaway

    Off out for 100km ride Sunday morning. Kids at grandparents for the night. Freedom!

  20. Stanley

    Due to a foot injury I can’t run or wear cycling shoes, so here I am, riding the trainer wearing my running shoes.

    3,5hr trainer ride today and tomorrow a 1,5hr swim followed by a 1,5hr trainer ride.

  21. Josh perko

    Ditching the trainer and hitting the road.

  22. Barbara harris

    Saturday recovery ride an my timetrial bike Sunday road bike on the trainer. Full time trial training starts on Tuesday

  23. Rachel K

    Fun two hour hilly bicycle ride with friends.

  24. Getting ready to go ride with The Guys In Green, then a tasty IPA!
    Tomorrow, I’ll pull the 29er off the hook and head to the hills for some solitude! … then a tasty IPA!

  25. Megan White

    Trainer road for 90 minutes!

  26. Roy S

    My cycling plans for this weekend are actually running.

  27. Jason

    Just going for a long slow ride. Prepping for a four day bike packing trip.

  28. David

    A sunday ride in the countryside with my girlfriend… I hope the weather will last!

  29. Robert Warden

    No cycling plans…. Chattanooga Marathon on Sunday, though.

  30. Torben

    Just some L2 Base Miles. Riding in the sunshine -:)

  31. Jamie Young

    Looking forward to some Zwift Workouts this weekend.

  32. Mark schumann

    It’s still cold and snowy in Wisconsin so I have 3 hours on the trainer tomorrow while catching up on Netflix

  33. Brett Cole

    riding to they gym for crossfit open!

  34. Ian Cassidy

    MTB spin Saturday, long road spin on Sunday !

  35. Rudy Lee

    Raining this wkend so on zwift for 75km SST training and prob another set on Sunday night

  36. Dmitry

    Based in cold and snowy Moscow i still can not ride the bike on the road but since it is already spring I will take out to the air my trainer and spent few hours outside the house.

  37. Amy

    No cycling this weekend – a 5K run Sunday.

  38. Bret deardorff

    Some trainer time for me this weekend.

  39. tom massak

    all the way up and all the way down!!!

  40. Dieter Morgenroth

    This weekend still on my tacx neo. But hopefully soon outside again.

  41. Alex Spratt

    Started with a track sprint session, a squat workout in the gym and tomorrow will be a cheeky 3 hour ride

  42. Tara Postnikoff

    Hitting the bike show in Toronto to look for new wheels!

  43. Darren bell

    No cycling just work all weekend 2 x 12 hr shifts repairing faulty trains en route to get people where they want to go on time ( or nearly on time)!

  44. Emily Qualich

    Family time today. Tomorrow plan on 40+ miles outside. As long as there is no snow. Otherwise in the basement I go.

  45. Simon

    As I’m a triathlete my cycling plans are an easy spin after a half marathon in the rain.

  46. Paul Trinks

    Busy weekend with the wife and kids. High chance of Zwift in the evenings.

  47. Stuart Gardner

    Saturday I have work so no riding but Sunday I’m off to Lago Vista TX to do La Primavera road race!

  48. Garrett Work

    Real estate agent here.. no cycling this weekend, I’ll be running my dog this morning to keep the family (and dog) sane, followed by open houses the rest of the weekend. I ride during the week when there is less traffic!

  49. Tongs

    No cycle this week end.. too much rain in La Rochelle but I could cycle yesterday on Ile de Ré..

  50. Nick

    Get in a nice long ride on the trainer

  51. Matt Dion

    Zwift followed by more Zwift, split up with some swimming and sleep… dreaming of better weather.

  52. Ian Burk

    Mountain biking on the Malvern hill Can’t wait

  53. Chris A

    Building up my CX bike ready for September. It’s in desperate need of a power meter!

  54. Jan Schütt

    Friday i gave it a short spin of 33km with 700m of altitude. Today no cycling because I have to work but tomorrow, caused to the bad weather i´m going to a spinning class.

  55. Andreas Mouskos

    3:15 hours on Saturday decreasing cadence and 2 hours recovery on Sunday

  56. Andy belanger

    2 hours on the bike trainer and then a 45 min run. Lots of beer to recover!

  57. Jan Martijn Metselaar

    Recovering from a week of skiing, possibly some mountainbiking on Sunday if time permits.

  58. Nicklas Holm

    A long slow ride on Sunday up along the Hudson to get started after last weekend’s Half Ironman!

  59. Andy

    I cycled 100km today and I’m going to do another shorter ride tommorow

  60. Alex

    FTP test

  61. It’s going to be a bit bloody cold here this weekend, so I’ll be Zwifiting, just my Cervélo, my Kickr and me…

  62. David doyon

    zwift both days, Mormont ride when kids are asleep

  63. Camilo

    I will go out for a recovery ride this weekend after cycling for hours yesterday on my day off.

  64. Rena

    Im dealing with unbearable heartbreak right now. I’m so thankful to have found cycling because during times like these, my bike is the way I travel through the storm. Today I’m racing a TT in Beaumont, and tomorrow if the weather holds, I’ll be back on my MTB for the first time in a year with my lovely race teammates!! lots of smiles ahead this weekend!!

  65. Simon White

    Well, recovery from surgery allowing a nice gentle sportive. Carrying spare dressings and an optimistic attitude.

  66. Jens Samuelsson

    Due to a sore throat I’m just cleaning my bike dreaming about updates for the coming year – the year I will possibly beat my really annoying brother!! ?

  67. Vincenzo Iaciofano

    Dc I am going to be on the trainer this weekend. Rain forecast and getting ready for next week to leave for mallorca so bike check over and packing this weekend.
    How about you?

  68. Alexis

    -20c indoor zwift and fatbike tomorrow

  69. Chris Hern

    Wet and rainy here so will bw a 50 mile bkool ride for me today.

  70. Herc W

    I’ll ride Zwift Watopia mountain coz I just had surgery on my foot.

  71. Carlos

    Friday night: 1hr swim team time trial.
    Saturday: 60′ fartlek run followed by easy 2,500m swim.
    Sunday: 3x (24km bike as [8k IM pace, 8k IM70.3 pace, 8k Olympic distance pace] followed by negative splits 5k run)

  72. Leslie Baker

    Squeezing in an hour on the trainer in to a long work weekend while dreaming of warmer weather!

  73. Heberto Rios

    No cycling this weekend, it is raining, but I will clean the bike on Sunday and have it ready for all 10 rides for next week!

  74. Benjamin Bureau

    I’m from Montreal and right now, it’s -17 degrees outside. So I’ll zwift this morning and tomorrow maybe do a ride of FatBike in the woods

  75. Jim

    Best friend in town. Riding in Little Rock with some ? heads.

  76. Ben

    Riding the trainer :/

  77. John N.

    Below freezing this weekend so I’m doing Zwift

  78. Carla

    It’s a walking weekend. Maybe cycling next month.

  79. Nathan Olson

    Rest Saturday, long endurance ride Sunday, maybe outside if the temp gets above 45 degrees.

  80. Clark Mitchell

    Many hours running in the snow!

  81. Kristian Tønnesen

    Got a small knee injury last week :( So it will only be 1½Hour on the Bkool this weekend…

  82. Jason

    I plan on a nice 40 mile ride on a good pace and then a short 5 mile ride with my daughter in the tag along!

  83. Jacek Thomann

    Trainer and FTP Test

  84. Mike

    Since it’s 29 degrees out, I’ll be riding indoors this weekend. Since the wife and kid are out of town, I’ll be carbo loading with extra beer this weekend.

  85. Danny Noel

    It’s -17 C here so it will be Zwift all weekend!

  86. Unfortunately no (outdoor) riding this weekend, rather I’ll be pushing my daughter in her Thule Chariot CX1 to my LBS to pick up the bike attachment so I can stall hauling her around via bicycle. I’m scheduled for 21km run in preparation for the Blue Nose Marathon, then tack on a 60 minute recovery ride on Zwift. Spring is in the air!

    – Jeff (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)

  87. Semih

    Start from scratch after more tha a year of hiatus.

  88. Jeremy wintermute

    Biking in the Camp Kinser Road Race in Okinawa, Japan.

  89. Adam Mullins

    Plans are to get out for a ride with my riding buddy and take advantage of some unusually warm weather.

  90. Reed

    Hopefully a few short sessions on a trainer, I’m rehabbing a total knee replacement and hoping to use that power meter a lot this summer.

  91. Still in Montreal, Qc… freezing cold so I’ll hit the trainer on Saturday and on Sunday a pool session. Can’t wait to be in Florida next week

  92. Denislav Petkov

    I will be climbing Montebello Rd in Cupertino, CA this weekend.

  93. Jeff Boyer

    3 hour endurance ride to compliment marathon training.

  94. Antoine Jothy

    I wish the snow would melt so I could go for a ride this weekend. :(

  95. Brad

    I will be riding Saturday and Sunday morning.

  96. Michel Bourgeau

    No cycling plans for the weekend -20 degrees and snow :( I will, however, catch up on my DC Rainmaker reading.

  97. Aksiniya Petkova

    I will be climbing Montebello Rd in Cupertino, CA this weekend with my husband.

  98. AJ Jessee

    Riding in the park with my GF today and 2.5 hrs of SS training tomorrow by myself through the countryside or up a mountain on zwift, depending on the weather.

  99. Jamie Given

    Sun is back here in Finland but still cold, 2 hours Saturday and hoping for 2 – 3 hours on Sunday. LIT endurance training.

  100. Melissa

    It’s long ride on the Kckr for me. Snowing on Cincy.