March Power Meter Giveaway Time!


It’s March already.  Which means that for many in the Northern Hemisphere you’re likely starting to increase the mileage and times of your workouts in preparation for the spring and summer ahead.  As such, there’s likely no better time to up your training game with some new gadgets.  Thus, I’m here to give you the power.  Or rather, my partner in giveaway crime Clever Training is.  I’m just like the guy calling you to tell you that you won the sweepstakes.

In any case….

As of a few weeks ago, Clever Training now stocks Stages power meters.  So they’ll be giving the winner a free Stages power meter of their choice.  As for the crank flavor: Carbon, aluminum, cookie-dough..whatever floats your boat…it’s yours.  Hell – I’ll even say that you can pick up the entire crankset if you want.  Hopefully, the CT folks won’t mind, because I’m writing this late and had a few too many glasses of wine to bother calling them.  You can thank me later…or now.

How to enter:

Simply leave a short description of your cycling plans for the weekend (or, if you enter in on Monday, what you cycled over the weekend).

Note that if you partied in a hot-tub at a ski resort instead of cycling this weekend, that’s fully acceptable.  I’m 100% on your side. Obviously though, simply detail that activity instead as your response.

Good luck!

The giveaway entry period will run through Monday, March 6th, 2017 until 11:59PM US Eastern Time.  Winner will be selected randomly.  One entry per person.  The selected product/products will then be ordered immediately and shipped immediately, assuming they’re in stock.


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  1. Cristiano Goncalves

    Time to ride in Austin, TX

  2. Wouter vd Brink

    100k endurance ride on Sunday.

  3. Tom

    A big epic lap around Mt. Rigi here in central Switzerland. The weather looks perfect!

  4. Kristof

    First official team ride of the year this weekend. Hope the weather will play along…

  5. Bart

    Well, I wish I had a bike here in Poland where I just moved to. The weekend plans are to get a run in and work on my MA submission. Thanks as always!

  6. Matt

    Too cold to go outside this weekend. Riding my Hammer trainer that I bought from Clever Training. Stages power meter would be awesome.

  7. Zeljko P.

    Gonna do about 2 hrs of Zwift. Boring..i know…

  8. Patrick Marble

    This looks awesome.

  9. Rich

    4 hour climbing ride followed by a 1 hour run. Build phase for st croix 70.3

  10. Shelly

    Below freezing and high winds = miles on the trainer!

  11. Pete R.

    With temps near 60 on Sunday, I’ll be outside on the road bike for the first time in months. Goodbye trainer (for now).

  12. LaurynasR

    Saturday was 3rd ride this year, was hard with big group, avg 32 km/h. For 120km. Sunday easy coffee ride for 2h

  13. Greg Saunders

    I’ll be Zwifting this weekend

  14. Crockett Bohannon

    Trainer for me. Just picked up the new wahoo kickr. 2 hours today and an hour tomorrow. Who needs the outside?

  15. Dave mainstone

    100k on zwift and 20 miles of running

  16. Shane

    It’s my 30th birthday long weekend! My wife has planned many activities including allowing me to train for a 145km hills ride/race in Perth WA. Fun activities and long weekend riding doesn’t get much better than that!

  17. Gerrit

    Just did a short recovery training on the indoor training with virtual power… how nice would it be to use real power!

  18. Jesus cabrera

    Slush w weekend hiking with my dog!

  19. Lynn

    Doing a 40K Time-Trial race this weekend. Better way to get FTP score than suffering on the trainer!

  20. Venson

    Riding around on zwift

  21. Herbert

    Hopefully I’ll manage a Zwift ride.

  22. Lee Sutton

    Trying out the new Sufferfest workout The Shovel then off to Cambridge for a half marathon, first event of the year!!

  23. James Mowbray

    No ride this weekend. Recoverying from The Ice Ultra!

  24. Louis-Pierre Gaudreau

    A big brick session on sunday. Stages power meter woulb be the best upgrade to my training hardware..

  25. Tim H

    A simple spin on the bike as I am just getting back into things.

  26. Kennet

    Winter MTB with Ice Spiker Pro tires

  27. Nicholas Russon

    I will be sitting on the trainer as its too effing coldto ride outside in eastern Canada this weekend.

  28. Meint

    After joining my daughter at rescue swimming i’ve done a few rounds on the volcano flat in Zwift on Friday Evening. Saturday afternoon a short WBR race on Zwift and Sunday morning a local club ride on the MTB.

    Thanks for the good work!

  29. Joe

    Hoping to get on the turbo to try out the sufferfest app for the first time. Will probably have to sack that off for settling our new baby though!

  30. Ingo Mclean

    Will get my last two ride on Zwift before knee (meniscus) surgery on Tuesday

  31. Trond Cato Olufsen

    Ended the friday ride after 40 km due to a broken shifter. Finnished a 75 min pool session saturday, and intend to do a 15 km run on sunday.

  32. Nigel bowley

    I’ve been out for a 2.5 hour ride today and watching the classics on tv. Tomorrow will be a recovery ride

  33. Robert Maar

    Hours of trainerroad

  34. Anton

    Test-riding a TT bike from LBS. Who knows, might be mine soon :)

  35. Matt Mallet

    Indoor/outdoor brick- 3hr TrainerRoad ride on my kickr then outdoor 20 min run outside

  36. Gordon

    Just a short 30 mile ride to start spring off

  37. Neil Donovan

    Tour of southern Sjælland (Denmark)

  38. Miguel Desentis

    125km from Mexico City to Tequesquitengo, Morelos.

  39. Manuel

    My cycling plans are to take my bike to get cleaned and serviced all ready for a new season here in Manitoba!

  40. John Dickerson

    It’s the Turbo Trainer + Zwift for me this weekend. As soon as my daughter goes down for her afternoon nap I’ll be heading into the pain cave.

  41. Sandeep Krishna

    Long easy 2hr ride to resume some cycling after a bit of a break.

  42. Just finished my 4,6km swim and now i´m enjoying the warmest day in 2017 so far with a nice 70km bike-ride, followed by a fast 8km run.
    Sunday will be pain-day. A Bricksession with 15min intervalls on the indoor-trainer and 2km-running in between the intervals. A powermeter would be the perfect addition to my training and bring some reliable numbers for the next hard sessions.

    Keep up the good work.

  43. Curt

    Kinetic trainer fun!

  44. David Bolger

    1 hour spin Z 1 , 20 min T run off the bike and Sunday 3/4 hours spin z1/2.

  45. Danko

    Hopefully I’ll manage a ride to the local mountain on Sunday.

  46. Brad stalter

    I’m doing a little cross training on the ice as a referee for 3 games this weekend.

  47. James

    Headed to Solvang California for a week training camp with The Cycling House :-)
    link to

  48. Wyatt

    A long slog on the trainer with TrainerRoad.

  49. Michael Hebert

    I’m riding my Sufferlandrian Knighthood in support of Team RWB

  50. Lisa Lupien

    Indoors on the trainer this weekend

  51. Jim O'Donovan

    Just happy to get out on the bike what with injury!

  52. This would be awesome to have….

  53. During weekend i need to recover a roof cover in mine barn aka “pain cave”

  54. Walter

    Putting in some base mileage on Watopia island.

  55. Michael

    Recovery week so hour and a half commute on Monday

  56. Mihalko

    Reconstructing bathroom and dreaming about bike as there is wonderfully weather

  57. Wouter Van Genechten

    Saturday I won’t be riding since I have my first crossduathlon of the year on sunday! So sunday i’ll test my legs on the mountainbike!

  58. Kevin Howard

    Riding on Zwift, watching Strade Bianchi and drinking beer…..maybe all at the same time!!!

  59. David G

    Trying to kick the flu, maybe a swim with the kids, and then hoping…hoping for some time on the trainer…my legs need miles!!

  60. ke s

    going for Powerman Asia – 60km

  61. Steve

    Almost tempted by the real world but the thought of washing my bike due to all the rain has got me heading to virtual volcano on Zwift!

  62. Dan

    Zwifting while my newborn twins sleep and my 3yr old goes swimming with grandma!

  63. Steven Diependaele

    After a crash on the cobbledtones of the, in Belgium legendary, Paddestraat I am forced to stay on the turbotrainer this weekend. Grtz steven

  64. Steve

    I plan on one short ride, but focus on short bursts of speed. And one longer ride with the focus of cadence.

  65. Raymond Fong

    Will be going for a long run of 28km tomorrow!! Wish me luck to finish in one piece.

  66. Artem

    Tomorrow small MTB race in snow. The first race of the season :)

  67. IzzyODT

    Just back :-) After long winter first climb on a hill near my house – 5-6% avg. grade for about 15 km

    Sunny but a little winndy

  68. Ed foster

    Suffering with sufferfest.

  69. Mark Elsom

    The traditional Sunday morning spin to a coffee shop with the lads from the local club!

  70. Ross

    TrainerRoad session with the baby monitor for company- no interruptions thankfully!

  71. Pierre-Andre

    It’s minus 24F here in Québec so I’m planning on doing some bike on my Stac Zero trainer!

  72. Éric Bronsard

    Zwifting this WE it’s still very cold, this morning -28 with the wind factor ?

  73. Andreas

    No cycling this weekend. Hitting a local spa with The Girl instead.

  74. Mats Olsberg

    The weekend started with a hit workout. Tomorrow there will be some mountain biking

  75. João Pedro Pattussi Bertinatti

    If it stop to rain, today I plan doing 3 sets of 13 minutes at 102% ftp, and tomorrow 120km endurance ride :)
    If it does not stop to rain today, I’m gonna do tomorrow endurance ride with the 3 sets of 13′ of 102% ftp :)

  76. Samuel Villeneuve

    One hour on the trainer dreaming about spring!

  77. Patrick Leegte

    Taking the brother in law out for a run on saturday. Time he gets his lazy ass off the couch. When there is time Sunday, will do a small ride before going to a soccer game with my oldest

  78. Mikael Schrage

    Trainer saturday and mountainbike sunday

  79. Jérôme

    LSD training with the rain !

  80. Caroline

    I am currently on a medical humanitarian trip overseas and so am unable to ride for at least two weeks. This is my break from winter training.

  81. Tom

    Sunny + Lake + Bike = Funny Ride

  82. Jeff Spencer

    Temps are in the 20’s so far biking the trails this weekend

  83. Jeremy

    2 hours on the trainer since it’s 20 with a wind advisory outside.

  84. Mike Allan

    It’s a cold, wet and miserable day here in Scotland. This is my second year after returning to cycling and one of my goals turning 50 is to become a decent cyclist. I’m training by heart rate and feel but power seems to be the way to go. Shortly I’m saddling up and going to knock out two hours in Midlothian, all part of getting ready to complete my first 100 this summer.

  85. Alfredo

    Actually both, cycling first then heading to spa!

  86. Richard Gate

    On Saturday I’m building a second CX bike so I will be able to swap bikes in next seasons racing. Power profiles are NUTS in CX!
    Sunday will be a century ride building endurance for the TOUR Transalp this July.

  87. Janne Kostiainen

    Snow’s falling here in Espoo,Finland so it’s indoor training with TACX fortius. Maybe some Mallorca RLV this time!

  88. Andreja ODT

    Taking daughters for a flat 18 k ride to grand mom and back, while my man was suffering on a home hill

  89. Daniel K

    Trainerroading in the garage, watching xc ski WC in Lahtis and the Vasaloppet!

  90. Casper van Wijck

    Planned 2,5 hours endurance with a local race after. But stayed at home with fever.

  91. Alexander Diaz

    Ride a 100miler with buddies!

  92. Luca Massetti

    Well, tomorrow I will ride a Gran Fondo, 126km 2000mt d+! Need to get back to my 50/34 crankset!!!!

  93. Brent Lowen

    Trainer miles since the roads here in Alaska are covered with ice and snow, zwift has been a god send!!!

  94. alexey

    just a trainer ride

  95. Two rides on my KICKR16. Preparing for Spain end March:)

  96. S Alderton

    Cycling over to Ledbury with the Wheelers; so splasing about in the puddles and the pouring rain.

  97. Andre Gabrielse

    115km done this morning and beer for recovery. Tomorrow it’s an indoor session

  98. Saturday: structured training indoor because of the bad weather… and as prep for the upcoming season. Sunday: Maybe a short hard round on my cyclocross.

  99. Adelle

    Too cold to get outside today planning a 3 hour trainer ride on Zwift

  100. Jan Paananen

    As I hit my last week of chemotherapy I only plan to do a short recovery ride this week to get me some fresh air.
    So to celebrate my beating of the c word what would be better than a power meter so I could measure my recovery from sick to fit.